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In this study, plain, silica fume and fly ash cement concrete specimens prepared with varying water to cementitious materials ratio and cementitious materials content were tested for compressive strength, water permeability, chloride permeability, and coefficient of chloride diffusion after 28 days of water curing. The data so developed were statistically analyzed to develop correlations between the compressive strength and the selected durability indices of concrete. Very good correlations were noted between the compressive strength and the selected durability indices, particularly chloride permeability and coefficient of chloride diffusion, irrespective of the mix design parameters. However, these correlations were observed to be dependent on the type of cement.  相似文献   

Experimental data are presented to illustrate the effects of cement type and curing upon the depth of carbonation and reinforcement corrosion in cover concrete after exposure for 18 months at 20°C and 60% relative humidity. Three curing periods (1, 3 and 28-days) and 17 cements, with various proportions of granulated blastfurnace slag or limestone, were used to make concretes, at 0.59 water/cement ratio, with 28 day strengths in the range 26 to 46 MPa. The depth of carbonation after 18 months was 64% greater than after 6 months and was affected more by cement type than by curing. The depth of carbonation increased when Portland cement clinker was replaced by 19% or more of limestone or granulated blastfurnace slag. The depth of carbonation after 18 months correlated better with the air permeability of cover concrete, initial weight loss (an indicator of moisture diffusion rate in cover concrete) or the cube strength 8 days after the end of curing than it did with 28-day cube strength. The rate of reinforcement corrosion increased steeply when the carbonation front approached the reinforcing steel, and it was still increasing after the carbonation front had completely passed the reinforcement. For a given unneutralised remainder (i.e. cover depth minus the depth of carbonation), curing had little effect upon the rate of corrosion but higher rates were observed when the cement contained granulated blastfurnace slag. The results were broadly consistent with a simple engineering strategy in which the rate of carbonation was related to the air permeability of cover concrete, and the rate of any subsequent reinforcement corrosion was largely dependent upon moisture conditions, without any obvious influence of the cover depth or the permeability of the cover concrete. The results also suggested that estimation of the rate of reinforcement corrosion could be improved by taking account of the cement type and treating the unneutralised remainder as a variable.  相似文献   

This paper presents a laboratory study on the sulfate resistance of blended cement combination of reference Portland cement with high volume ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and natural pozzolan (NP). The exposure solutions were tap water containing 5% magnesium sulfate solution and 5% sodium sulfate solution. Two types of grinding method (separately grinding and intergrinding, two finenesses (250 m2/kg and 500 m2/kg) and three different proportions (10%, 20%, and 30% by weight of mixture)) of each of two different additives (GGBS and NP) in equal amounts were employed. In addition to these blends, plain Portland cements without additives were prepared as references specimens. Standard Rilem sample size (40 mm × 40 mm × 160 mm) was used for the experimental study.It was observed that the sulfate resistances of blended cements were significantly higher both against sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate attacks than references cement. Final strength reductions for finer mixes attacked by magnesium sulfate were marginally lower than those attacked by sodium sulfate. On the other hand, no particular relation was found between the sulfate resistance of the mortars and the grinding methods.  相似文献   

The market share of different types of blended cements is increasing year by year. Generally, blended cements are ground to higher fineness and exhibit a slower development of mechanical properties compared to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), which might affect the concrete performance in terms of shrinkage cracking at early ages.In this paper, the performance of concretes made with different cement types is compared according to the ASTM C1579-13 standard for plastic shrinkage cracking. The cracking behavior was further correlated to the deformations of both unrestrained and restrained specimens measured by a 3D image correlation system. The main factors influencing the cracking behavior were discussed based on poromechanics. It is concluded that the bulk modulus evolution has a dominant effect on controlling the plastic shrinkage cracking. Concretes made of more reactive cements, in particular with higher clinker content, are less susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracking. For cements with the same clinker content, increasing the cement fineness reduces the risk of plastic shrinkage cracking.  相似文献   

In order to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission, and increase production, cement manufacturers are blending or inter-grinding mineral additives such as slag, natural pozzolana, and limestone. This paper reports on the results of an experimental study on the production of self-compacting concrete (SCC) produced with portland cement (PC), portland pozzolana (PPC) and portland limestone (PLC) blended cements. Moreover, the effect of different replacement levels (0–45%) of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) with the PPC, PLC, and PC cements on fresh properties (such as slump flow diameter, T 500 slump flow time, V-funnel flow time, L-box height ratio, setting time, and viscosity) and hardened properties (such as compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity) of self-compacting concretes are investigated. From the test results, it was found that it was possible to manufacture self-compacting concretes with PPC or PLC cements with comparable or superior performance to that of PC cement. Furthermore, the use of GGBFS in plain and especially blended cement self-compacting concrete production considerably enhanced the fresh characteristics of SCCs.  相似文献   

The investigation performed was aimed at showing the influence of high temperatures on the mechanical properties and properties that affect the measurement by non-destructive methods (rebound hammer and pulse velocity) of concrete containing various levels (10% and 30%) of pozzolanic materials. Three types of Pozzolans, one natural pozzolan and two lignite fly ashes (one of low and the other of high lime content) were used for cement replacement. Two series of mixtures were prepared using limestone and siliceous aggregates. The W/b and the cementitius material content were maintained constant for all the mixtures. Concrete specimens were tested at 100, 300, 600 and 750 °C for 2 h without any imposed load, and under the same heating regime. At the age of 3 years, tests of compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, rebound hummer and pulse velocity were come out. Results indicate that the residual properties of concrete strongly depend on the aggregates' and the binder type. Relationships between strength of concrete as well as rebound and pulse velocity versus heating temperatures are established. The above results are evaluated to establish a direct relationship between non-destructive measurements and compressive strength of concrete exposed to fire.  相似文献   

The use of waste materials and by products from different industries for building construction has been gaining increased attention due to the rapid depletion of natural resources. It has been found that oil palm shell (OPS), which is a waste from the agricultural sector, can be used as coarse aggregate for the manufacture of structural lightweight concrete. However, for OPS concrete to be used in practical applications, its durability needs to be investigated. Therefore, this paper presents the durability performance of OPS concrete under four curing regimes. The durability properties investigated include the volume of permeable voids (VPVs), sorptivity, water permeability, chloride diffusion coefficient and time to corrosion initiation from the 90-day salt ponding test, and Rapid Chloride Penetrability Test (RCPT). Results showed that the durability properties of OPS concrete were comparable to that of other conventional lightweight concretes and proper curing is essential for OPS concrete to achieve better durability especially at the later ages.  相似文献   

Curing plays an essential role in the modern concrete technology, since it has a crucial effect on the development of concrete properties. High-performance cementitious systems are especially sensitive to the applied curing methods because of self-desiccation and high sensitivity to early-age cracking. Thus, it is of particular interest to compare the efficiency of internal curing and traditional curing techniques such as sealing and water ponding. In this study, the efficiency of different types of curing was estimated by means of isothermal calorimetry. Four different water to cement (w/c) ratios in the range of 0.21–0.45 and four types of curing were studied, including sealing, water ponding with different amount of water, internal curing by saturated lightweight aggregate and super-absorbent polymer. The hydration degree was determined using heat of hydration data. Compressive strength of the tested specimens was measured and analyzed. The results indicate that efficiency of different types of curing strongly depends on w/c ratio.  相似文献   

The effect of the composition of high strength concretes with low water to binder ratio and silica fume on the development of splitting tensile strength was studied. A statistical approach was employed to develop formulation which could adequately describe the relations between splitting tensile strength and the concrete composition, when cured in two different regimes: water curing at 20°C and sealed curing at 30°C. Autogenous shrinkage was induced in the second type of curing but was largely eliminated in the first one. The relations were presented as nomograms which could be used as a basis for mix design. The correlation between tensile splitting strength and compressive strength could not be described in terms of a simple linear relation with a characteristic constant. For the range of variables studied, the ratio between tensile and compressive strength varied over a large range of 0.08 to 0.12. As a result, the relations developed here for tensile strength are quite different in nature than those for compressive strength in a previous study. Analysis of the data suggest that tensile strength is sensitive to effects which induce autogenous shrinkage to a much greater extent than compressive strength. It is proposed that this may be the main reason for the different trends observed for the relations between the composition of the low water/binder ratio concretes and their compressive and tensile strength.  相似文献   

不同紫外光固化涂料的涂膜性能研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
通过不同齐聚物、单体稀释剂、引发剂、促进剂的组合得到不同的紫外光(UV)固化涂料,研究了UV涂料的附着性、光泽、柔韧性、耐溶剂性,以及在不同材质表面的涂膜性能。通过实验可以看出:环氧丙烯酸酯齐聚物具有良好的附着力、颜料润湿性、高光泽、高硬度与优异的耐溶解性;聚氨酯丙烯酸酯齐聚物具有反应活性高、固化速度快、优异的耐黄变性能、优异的附着力、柔韧性、抗化学品性和耐磨性;聚酯丙烯酸酯齐聚物具有良好的光泽、耐候性能、固化性能和保光性能较好。将以上三者按不同比例搭配使用,配合相应的组成成分,可灵活地设计出具有实用价值的紫外光固化涂料产品。  相似文献   

In this paper, influence of steam curing on the compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, water sorptivity, chloride ion permeability, and electrical resistivity of metakaolin and silica fume blended concretes were investigated. A total of seven mixtures containing various combinations of Portland cement (PC), silica fume (SF), and metakaolin (MK) were produced with 400 kg/m3 of total cementitious materials content and with a constant water/binder ratio of 0.44. For each mixture, concrete samples were either standard-cured in water at 23°C or steam-cured at 70°C maximum temperature over 17 h curing period. Test results revealed that steam curing enhanced the 1-day compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity while leading to reduced long term strength in line with earlier findings. At the end of the water sorptivity, chloride ion permeability, and electrical resistivity tests, it was found that the steam-cured concretes had higher water sorptivity and chloride ion permeability, and lower electrical resistivity values compared to the standard cured specimens. Use of SF and MK as cementitious materials remarkably decreased the water sorptivity and chloride ion permeability of concretes, irrespective of the curing condition.  相似文献   

Two types of nano-TiO2 particles were blended into cement pastes and mortars. Their effects on the hydration and properties of the hydrated cement pastes were investigated. The addition of nano-TiO2 powders significantly accelerated the hydration rate and promoted the hydration degree of the cementitious materials at early ages. It was demonstrated that TiO2 was inert and stable during the cement hydration process. The total porosity of the cement pastes decreased and the pore size distribution were also altered. The acceleration of hydration rate and the change of microstructure also affected the physical and mechanical properties of the cement-based materials. The initial and final setting time was shortened and more water was required to maintain a standard consistence due to the addition of the nano-TiO2. The compressive strength of the mortar was enhanced, practically at early ages. It is concluded that the nano-TiO2 acted as a catalyst in the cement hydration reactions.  相似文献   

Expansive additives are widely used to compensate the drying shrinkage of cement-based materials to avoid cracking. However, the expansion of conventional ettringite-bearing expansive additive depends strongly on wet curing and is mainly generated at early age, and hence it may not work well in concretes without sufficient water supply or exhibit long-term shrinkage. MgO-based expansive additive, for which less water is needed for the formation of Mg(OH)2 in comparison to ettringite, was prepared and its compensating effect on the autogenous shrinkage and late age thermal shrinkage of Portland and fly ash cement pastes at low water-to-cement ratio was investigated. The tests were conducted under sealed condition, so that the moisture exchange with the environment was prevented. Results show that, even under the non-wet curing condition, the shrinkages of cement pastes can be compensated effectively. Microstructure analysis by scanning electron microscope indicates that the macro-expansion of cement pastes is probably caused by the locally restrained expansion of MEA due to the hydration of MgO.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of experiments evaluating the corrosion resistance of plain, volcanic ash (VA) and volcanic pumice powder (VPP) concrete mixes. Variables were VA and VPP additions of 0–20% as cement replacement and cement contents. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, electrochemical and electromechanical measurements and physical tests were used to monitor the corrosive behaviour of embedded steel bars in concretes. Results showed that additions of VA and VPP are effective in inhibiting corrosion of reinforcing bars. The superior performance in inhibiting corrosion in reinforcing steel is attributable to the densification of the cement-paste matrix due to pozzolanic action in the VA and VPP concrete mixes.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the mechanical properties and microstructure of high calcium fly ash geopolymer containing ordinary Portland cement (OPC) as additive with different curing conditions. Fly ash (FA) was replaced with OPC at dosages of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% by weight of binders. Setting time and microstructure of geopolymer pastes, and flow, compressive strength, porosity and water absorption of geopolymer mortars were studied. Three curing methods viz., vapour-proof membrane curing, wet curing and temperature curing were used. The results showed that the use of OPC as additive improved the properties of high calcium fly ash geopolymer. The strength increased due to the formation of additional C–S–H and C–A–S–H gel. Curing methods also significantly affected the properties of geopolymers with OPC. Vapour-proof membrane curing and water curing resulted in additional OPC hydration and led to higher compressive strength. The temperature curing resulted in a high early compressive strength development.  相似文献   

The porosity and pore size distributions are pore structure parameters which have a direct effect on the permeability of cement paste as well as its durability. This paper is based on laboratory programs comparing the porosity, pore size distributions and water absorption with varying ageing processes of three commercial polymer-modified mortars (SBR, PAE and VAE) as well as unmodified conventional mortar mixes exposed to different curing conditions. It was found that an increase in polymer loading has resulted in a significant reduce in porosity and water absorption in polymer-modified mortars. Furthermore, the SBR3 mix exhibited the most superior properties of the study in all conditions at different ages of curing.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the utilization of a silica waste from a geothermal power generation plant as partial replacement of portland cement. To evaluate the reactivity of the silica waste, the effect of the curing temperature was analyzed by means of the estimation of nonevaporable water (NEW) and calcium hydroxide (CH) contents. Pastes of portland cement substituted with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% of geothermal silica waste (GSW) and water/solid ratio of 0.50 were cured at 10, 20, 40 and 60 °C for up to 540 days. The pastes were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis. According with the CH estimations, the geothermal silica showed a strong pozzolanic behavior. Nevertheless, the NEW contents were lower compared to those of neat cement, in agreement with other reports. The results of NEW contents of neat and blended cements were processed to obtain a modified NEW (mNEW) that excluded the water corresponding to the CH. The mNEW data indicated that the blended cements reached higher contents of nonevaporable water.  相似文献   

Dredging of docks and waterways generates a large and continuous supply of sediments currently destined for disposal. Transforming this currently wasted materials into new resources still requires meeting technical challenges. One of the options is to process the sediments into a supplementary cementitious material by flash-calcination. This paper describes the effect of cement replacement by flash-calcined dredged sediments on cement hydration and key properties. The hydration kinetics, products and microstructure are studied to explain changes in cement properties such as compressive strength development and workability. The flash-calcined dredging sediments show clear pozzolanic activity which surpasses that of typical coal combustion siliceous fly ash (V, EN 197-1). This is manifested in (1) the rate of compressive strength development, (2) reduced portlandite and (3) increased ettringite and bound water contents. The results show that calcination can transform wasted dredging sediments into a new supplementary cementitious resource for producing large volumes of low-CO2 blended cements.  相似文献   

The large volumes of coal waste generated world-wide in mining operations are mostly deposited in refuse dumps, to the severe detriment of the surrounding groundwater and soil. After calcination under controlled conditions, this waste has been shown to exhibit high pozzolanicity, making it apt for use as an addition in the manufacture of blended cements.The present paper describes the first detailed study designed to evaluate the behavior of coal tailings from different sources. After activation at 650 °C for 2 h, this waste was used to manufacture blended cements containing 10 and 20 wt.% of the addition. Inclusion of this pozzolan did not affect the initial setting time, although the compressive strength of the blended mortars declined, by 4.7–8.3% in the 10% and by 9.76–14.9% in the 20% material. Nonetheless, the activated carbon waste (ACW) blends complied with all the requirements for Type II/A cement in the existing European legislation.  相似文献   

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