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Interactions between dopamine and glutamate play prominent roles in memory, addiction, and schizophrenia. Several lines of evidence have suggested that the ventral midbrain dopamine neurons that give rise to the major CNS dopaminergic projections may also be glutamatergic. To examine this possibility, we double immunostained ventral midbrain sections from rat and monkey for the dopamine-synthetic enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase and for glutamate; we found that most dopamine neurons immunostained for glutamate, both in rat and monkey. We then used postnatal cell culture to examine individual dopamine neurons. Again, most dopamine neurons immunostained for glutamate; they were also immunoreactive for phosphate-activated glutaminase, the major source of neurotransmitter glutamate. Inhibition of glutaminase reduced glutamate staining. In single-cell microculture, dopamine neurons gave rise to varicosities immunoreactive for both tyrosine hydroxylase and glutamate and others immunoreactive mainly for glutamate, which were found near the cell body. At the ultrastructural level, dopamine neurons formed occasional dopaminergic varicosities with symmetric synaptic specializations, but they more commonly formed nondopaminergic varicosities with asymmetric synaptic specializations. Stimulation of individual dopamine neurons evoked a fast glutamatergic autaptic EPSC that showed presynaptic inhibition caused by concomitant dopamine release. Thus, dopamine neurons may exert rapid synaptic actions via their glutamatergic synapses and slower modulatory actions via their dopaminergic synapses. Together with evidence for glutamate cotransmission in serotonergic raphe neurons and noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons, the present results suggest that glutamatergic cotransmission may be the rule for central monoaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

In previous work, we showed a robust gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic) synaptic input onto embryonic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neurons maintained in olfactory explants. In this study, we identify GABAergic neurons in olfactory pit (OP) of embryonic mice in vivo and study, using patch-pipet whole-cell current and voltage clamp techniques, synaptic interactions of these neurons in explant cultures. In vivo, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD, the enzyme which synthesizes GABA) mRNA was first detected in nasal regions on Embryonic Day (E) 11.5. From E12.5 to E13.5, robust GAD expression was localized to cells primarily in the ventral aspect of the OP. GAD mRNA was not detected over dorsally located cells in olfactory sensory or respiratory epithelium. In addition, GAD mRNA was not observed in cells along olfactory axons. GAD mRNA was dramatically reduced in the OP/vomeronasal organ by E16.5. Using antibodies against both GABA and GAD, immunopositive axonal-like tracts were detected in the nasal septum on E12.5. GABAergic staining decreased by E13.5. To examine synaptic interactions of these GABAergic cells, embryonic olfactory explants were generated and maintained in serum-free media. As explants spread, neuron-like cells migrated into the periphery, sometimes forming ganglion-like clusters. Cells were recorded, marked intracellularly with Lucifer Yellow and post-fixation, immunocytochemically examined. Forty-six cells, typically multipolar, were GABAergic, had resting potentials around -50 mV, and exhibited spontaneous action potentials which were generated by spontaneous depolarizing GABAergic (GABAA) synaptic activity. OP neurons depolarized in response to GABA by increasing Cl- conductance. The biophysical properties of OP-derived GABAergic neurons were distinct from those reported for olfactory receptor neurons but similar to embryonic LHRH neurons. However, unlike LHRH neurons, GABAergic neurons did not migrate large distances in olfactory explants or appear to leave the olfactory pit in vivo.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the present study was to determine whether synapses formed by dorsal root afferents that regenerate into intraspinal transplants of fetal spinal cord are functional. Severed L4 or L5 dorsal root stumps were placed at the bottom of dorsal quadrant cavities made in the lumbar spinal cords of adult rats and juxtaposed to embryonic day 14 spinal cord transplants. 2. In animals examined 5-10 weeks later, we recorded extracellularly in transplants from 43 units that fired in response to electrical stimulation of the implanted dorsal root. Latency fluctuations of extracellular firing that increase with stimulus and failure to follow high-frequency and posttetanic potentiation of extracellular firing stimulation suggest that synapses with conventional properties are formed between regenerating afferents and transplant neurons. Limited intracellular recordings confirmed the existence of excitatory postsynaptic potentials in transplant neurons after dorsal root stimulation. 3. In 16 units, extracellular firing occurred in response to single shock stimulation. The remainder of the units required two or more dorsal root shocks to evoke firing; some of these connections also may be monosynaptic. 4. Under the assumption that single shock firing was most likely the result of monosynaptic connections between transplant neurons and regenerated dorsal root fibers, we estimated the conduction velocities of regenerated fibers. These estimates suggest that fibers with conduction velocities in the C, A delta, and A alpha/beta ranges regenerate into transplants of embryonic spinal cord. 5. The results demonstrate that regenerated dorsal root axons establish functional synaptic connections with transplant neurons. The implications for using fetal transplants to help rebuild spinal reflex circuits after spinal cord injury are considered.  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between neurite outgrowth and the onset of synaptic activity in the central neuropil of the leech embryo in vivo. To follow changes in early morphology and the onset of synaptic activity in the same identified neuron, we obtained whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and fluorescent dye fills from dorsal pressure-sensitive (P) cells, the first neurons that could be reliably identified in the early embryo. We followed the development of the P cell from the first extension of neurites to the elaboration of an adult-like arbor. After the growth of primary neurites, we observed a profuse outgrowth of transient neurites within the neuropil. Retraction of the transient neurites left the primary branches studded with spurs. After a dormant period, stable secondary branches grew apparently from the spurs and became tipped with terminals. At this time, neurites of the Retzius (R) cell, a known presynaptic partner in the adult, were observed to apparently contact the terminals. Although voltage-dependent currents were seen in the P cell at the earliest stage, spontaneous synaptic activity was only observed when terminals had formed. Spontaneous release was observed before evoked release could be detected from the R cell. Our results suggest that transient neurites are formed during an exploratory phase of development, whereas the more precisely timed outgrowth of stable neurites from the spurs signals functional differentiation during synaptogenesis. Because spurs have also been observed in neurons of the mammalian brain, they may constitute a primordial synaptic organizer.  相似文献   

We have quantified activity-dependent uptake of the fluorescent dye FM1-43 in combination with immunocytochemistry for synaptic vesicle-associated proteins (SVPs) at individual synapses in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons. We show that expression of synaptic proteins is highly variable and that the levels of synaptophysin (p38), synapsin I and sv2, but not synapsin II, correlate with the extent of FM1-43 labelling at synapses. The data indicate that SVP levels affect the uptake of FM1-43 with different efficacy (p38 > synapsin I > sv2 or synapsin II). We also found that the relative levels of SVPs vary at individual boutons of single neurons grown in isolation, which indicates that differential regulation of specific SVPs may contribute to the selective modulation of activity at synapses of the same neuron.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that synaptic structure represents a plastic feature of the neuron, although the plastic nature of newly formed and existing adult synapses has not yet been fully characterized. Following ipsilateral entorhinal cortical lesions, the rat dentate gyrus offers an excellent model for studying synaptogenesis and plasticity in the adult central nervous system. Unilateral entorhinal lesions were performed in young adult male rats. Synaptic counts and structural features were quantified at 3, 6, 10, 15, and 30 days post-lesion. The lesions resulted in an 88% synaptic loss in the denervated dentate middle molecular layer, which was followed by a period of rapid synaptogenesis. Synaptic element size decreased during the period of maximal synaptogenesis, which was associated with a peak in the presence of non-vesicular and perforated synapses. Following this period, synapses showed a gradual increase in the size of their pre- and postsynaptic elements. These data support the suggestion that newly formed adult synapses have smaller synaptic components than existing adult synapses (resembling synapses seen during development), and increase in size over time with usage. The results are discussed in terms of synaptic structural development and plasticity in the adult central nervous system.  相似文献   

In response to a central nervous system trauma surviving neurons reorganize their connections and form new synapses that replace those lost by the lesion. A well established in vivo system for the analysis of this lesion-induced plasticity is the reorganization of the fascia dentata following unilateral entorhinal cortex lesions in rats. After general considerations of neuronal reorganization following a central nervous system trauma, this review focuses on the sprouting of single fibres in the rat hippocampus after entorhinal lesion and the molecular factors which may regulate this process. First, the connectivity of the fascia dentata in control animals is reviewed and previously unknown commissural fibers to the outer molecular layer and entorhinal fibres to the inner molecular layer are characterized. Second, sprouting of commissural and crossed entorhinal fibres after entorhinal cortex lesion is described. Single fibres sprout by forming additional collaterals, axonal extensions, boutons, and tangle-like axon formations. It is pointed out that the sprouting after entorhinal lesion mainly involves unlesioned fibre systems terminating within the layer of fibre degeneration and is therefore layer-specific. Third, molecular changes associated with axonal growth and synapse formation are considered. In this context, the role of adhesion molecules, glial cells, and neurotrophic factors for the sprouting process are discussed. Finally, an involvement of sprouting processes in the formation of neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease is reviewed and discussed with regard to the axonal tangle-like formations observed after entorhinal cortex lesion.  相似文献   

Cell cultures were used to analyze the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in the development of synaptic transmission. Neurons obtained from embryonic day 18 (E18) rat hippocampus and cultured for 2 weeks exhibited extensive spontaneous synaptic activity. By comparison, neurons obtained from E16 hippocampus expressed very low levels of spontaneous or evoked synaptic activity. Neurotrophin treatment produced a sevenfold increase in the number of functional synaptic connections in the E16 cultures. BDNF induced formation of both excitatory and inhibitory synapses, whereas NT-3 induced formation of only excitatory synapses. These effects were independent of serum or the age of the glia bed used for the culture. They were not accompanied by significant changes in synaptic-vesicle-associated proteins or glutamate receptors. Treatment of the cultures with the neurotrophins for 3 d was sufficient to establish the maximal level of functional synapses. During this period, neurotrophins did not affect the viability or the morphology of the excitatory neurons, although they did produce an increase in the number and length of dendrites of the GABAergic neurons. Remarkably, only BDNF caused an increase in the number of axonal branches and in the total length of the axons of the GABAergic neurons. These results support a unique and differential role for neurotrophins in the formation of excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the developing hippocampus.  相似文献   

During a 3-year period, 258 infants and children underwent rectal biopsy to exclude Hirschsprung's disease (HD) and related disorders; 32 (12%) were found to have HD. Major morbidity occurred in 3 (2%) of 148 patients undergoing rectal suction biopsy (RSB) and 22 (13%) of 168 suction biopsies were inadequate for diagnosis. In 102 children over 6 months of age, Storz rectal cup biopsy forceps were used with no significant morbidity and adequate biopsies were obtained in 96% of cases. Open rectal biopsy was performed in 8 patients. The RSB tube is safe and reliable, but attention to technique is important. For children over 6 months of age undergoing rectal biopsy for HD, the Storz rectal cup biopsy forceps yields superior results.  相似文献   

The ability of adult rat retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons to reinnervate normal target regions was examined in vitro. In co-culture experiments, adult rat retinal explants were placed adjacent to fetal rat midbrain sections that contained the superior colliculus (SC) which is the main target for RGC axons. Adult rat RGCs regrew axons over more than 500 microns on a polylysine-laminin substrate to reach the co-cultured explants. By using neurofilament immunohistochemistry and the fluorescent dye DiI for anterograde and retrograde tracing, it was shown that (1) adult rat RGCs with a stereotyped morphology survived in explant cultures for more than 4 weeks in the presence of fetal midbrain explants, (2) regenerating RGC axons preferentially terminated within midbrain target regions, and (3) RGCs formed functional synapses. In addition, the maturation of the SC region in midbrain explants was examined histologically and ultrastructurally to demonstrate appropriate target development.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The genesis of new cells, including neurons, in the adult human brain has not yet been demonstrated. This study was undertaken to investigate whether neurogenesis occurs in the adult human brain, in regions previously identified as neurogenic in adult rodents and monkeys. Human brain tissue was obtained postmortem from patients who had been treated with the thymidine analog, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), that labels DNA during the S phase. Using immunofluorescent labeling for BrdU and for one of the neuronal markers, NeuN, calbindin or neuron specific enolase (NSE), we demonstrate that new neurons, as defined by these markers, are generated from dividing progenitor cells in the dentate gyrus of adult humans. Our results further indicate that the human hippocampus retains its ability to generate neurons throughout life.  相似文献   

Among the molecular, cellular, and systemic events that have been proposed to modulate the function of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex (EC), one of the most frequently cited possibilities is the activation of the serotonergic system. Neurons in the hippocampus and in the EC receive a strong serotonergic projection from the raphe nuclei and express serotonin (5-HT) receptors at high density. Here we review the various effects of 5-HT on intrinsic and synaptic properties of neurons in the hippocampus and the EC. Although similar membrane-potential changes following 5-HT application have been reported for neurons of the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus, the effects of serotonin on synaptic transmission are contrary in both areas. Serotonin mainly depresses fast and slow inhibition of the principal output cells of the hippocampus, whereas it selectively suppresses the excitation in the entorhinal cortex. On the basis of these data, we discuss the possible role of serotonin under physiological and pathophysiological circumstances.  相似文献   

The perforant path, which consists of the projection from the layer II neurons of the entorhinal cortex to the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, is a critical circuit involved in learning and memory formation. Accordingly, disturbances in this circuit may contribute to age-related cognitive deficits. In a previous study, we demonstrated a decrease in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 immunofluorescence intensity in the outer molecular layer of aged macaque monkeys. In this study, we used the optical fractionator, a stereological method, to determine if a loss of layer II neurons occurred in the same animals in which the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 alteration was observed. Our results revealed no significant differences in the number of layer II neurons between juvenile, young adult, and aged macaque monkeys. These results suggest that the circuit-specific decrease in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 reported previously occurs in the absence of structural compromise of the perforant path, and thus may be linked to an age-related change in the physiological properties of this circuit.  相似文献   

Chronic changes in synaptic responses of entorhinal and hippocampal neurons after amino-oxyacetic acid (AOAA)-induced entorhinal neuron loss. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3031-3046, 1998. Synaptic responses of entorhinal cortical and hippocampal neurons were examined in vivo and in vitro, 1 mo to 1.5 yr after a unilateral entorhinal lesion caused by a focal injection of amino-oxyacetic acid (AOAA). It has been shown previously that injection of AOAA into the medial entorhinal cortex produces cell loss in layer III preferentially. Although behavioral seizures stopped approximately 2 h after AOAA treatment, abnormal evoked responses were recorded as long as 1.5 yr later in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. In the majority of slices from AOAA-treated rats, responses recorded in the superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex to white matter, presubiculum, or parasubiculum stimulation were abnormal. Extracellularly recorded responses to white matter stimulation were prolonged and repetitive in the superficial layers. Intracellular recordings showed that residual principal cells in superficial layers produced prolonged, repetitive excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and discharges in response to white matter stimulation compared with brief EPSPs and a single discharge in controls. Responses of deep layer neurons of AOAA-treated rats did not differ from controls in their initial synaptic response. However, in a some of these neurons, additional periods of excitatory activity occurred after a delay. Abnormal responses were recorded from slices ipsilateral as well as contralateral to the lesioned hemisphere. Recordings from the entorhinal cortex in vivo were abnormal also, as demonstrated by prolonged and repetitive responses to stimulation of the area CA1/subiculum border. Evoked responses of hippocampal neurons, recorded in vitro or in vivo, demonstrated abnormalities in selected pathways, such as responses of CA3 neurons to hilar stimulation in vitro. There was a deficit in the duration of potentiation of CA1 population spikes in response to repetitive CA3 stimulation in AOAA-treated rats. Theta activity was reduced in amplitude in area CA1 and the dentate gyrus of AOAA-treated rats, although evoked responses to angular bundle stimulation could not be distinguished from controls. The results demonstrate that a preferential lesion of layer III of the entorhinal cortex produces a long-lasting change in evoked and spontaneous activity in parts of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Given the similarity of the lesion produced by AOAA and entorhinal lesions in temporal lobe epileptics, these data support the hypothesis that preferential damage to the entorhinal cortex contributes to long-lasting changes in excitability, which could be relevant to the etiology of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Embryonic cerebellar, neocortical, and striatal tissues derived from NSE-LacZ transgenic mice were transplanted into the right cerebellar hemisphere of 8- to 10-day-old Lurcher or wild-type mice. Host mice survived for 30-90 days and the transplanted tissue was examined by light microscopy using Nissl staining, X-gal histochemistry, and immunohistochemistry for calcium binding protein and glutamic acid decarboxylase. Transplantation of cerebellar tissue, but not neocortical or striatal progenitors, resulted in robust infiltration of the lurcher mutant host cerebellar cortex by transgenic Purkinje neurons. Deep to the infiltrated molecular layer, the host granular layer was thicker and denser than the mutant granular layer, but transgenic cells did not contribute to the spared granular layer. The host inferior olivary complex consistently exhibited a noticeable bilateral asymmetry in Nissl-stained sections. A quantitative analysis of the olivary complex was performed in 10 90-day-old host mice. The results indicate that the left inferior olivary complex of 90-day-old host mice contained more neurons than the right inferior olive of the host mice and contained more neurons than was observed in 90-day-old Lurcher control mice. Analysis by olivary subdivision indicates that increased neuron numbers were present in all subdivisions of the host left inferior olive. These studies confirm the specific attractive effect of the mutant cerebellar cortex on transplanted Purkinje neuron progenitors and indicate that neural transplants may survive the neurodegenerative period to interact with developing host neural systems. The unilateral rescue of Lurcher inferior olivary neurons in cerebellar transplant hosts indicates that transplanted neurons may interact with diseased host neural circuits to reduce transneuronal degeneration in the course of a neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT) differs from idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) tachycardia with respect to mechanism and pharmacologic sensitivity. ILVT can be categorized into three subgroups. The most prevalent form, verapamil-sensitive intrafascicular tachycardia, originates in the region of left posterior fascicle of the left bundle. This tachycardia is adenosine insensitive, demonstrates entrainment, and is thought to be due to reentry. The tachycardia is most often ablated in the region of the posteroinferior interventricular septum. A second type of ILVT is a form analogous to adenosine-sensitive RVOT tachycardia. This tachycardia appears to originate from deep within the interventricular septum and exits from the left side of the septum. This form of VT also responds to verapamil and is thought to be due to cAMP-mediated triggered activity. A third form of ILVT is propranolol sensitive. It is neither or initiated or terminated by programmed stimulation, does not terminate with verapamil, and is transiently suppressed by adenosine, responses consistent with an automatic mechanism. Recognition of the heterogeneity of ILVT and its unique characteristics should facilitate appropriate diagnosis and therapy in this group of patients.  相似文献   

Calcium currents were studied in morphologically identified pyramidal and stellate neurons acutely isolated from layer II/III of rat entorhinal cortex, using the whole-cell patch-clamp configuration. The peak amplitude of high-voltage activated current (HVA) measured at +10 mV was not different in both neuron populations with 0.94+/-0.08 nA for pyramidal and 1.03+/-0.08 nA for stellate cells. Stellate neurons had a larger capacitance (14.4+/-1. 1 pF) than pyramidal neurons (9.6+/-0.8 pF), indicating a 50% larger cell surface. Most striking was the difference between the current density in stellate (79+/-8 pA/pF) versus pyramidal neurons (113+/-13 pA/pF). The potential of half maximal inactivation was not different: -37+/-2 mV (pyramidals) and -37+/-3 mV (stellates). Half of the cells contained a low-voltage activated calcium current (LVA) with a peak amplitude that was twice as large in stellate as in pyramidal neurons (0.21+/-0.04 nA resp. 0.11+/-0.03 nA; at -50 mV). In contrast to the HVA component, the current density of the LVA component was not different between cell types (13+/-3 pA/pF vs. 13+/-2 pA/pF). This implies that the relative abundance of LVA and HVA currents in stellate and pyramidal neurons is different which could result in different firing characteristics. The potential of half maximal LVA inactivation was -88+/-4 mV (pyramidals) and -85+/-3 mV (stellates). The slope of the voltage dependent steady state inactivation was steeper in stellate (7+/-1 mV) than in pyramidal cells (10+/-2 mV).  相似文献   

Oxidative stress induces apoptosis in embryonic cortical neurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glutamate-induced glutathione depletion in immature embryonic cortical neurons has been shown to lead to oxidative stress and cell death. We have used this in vitro model to investigate the mechanism(s) by which free radicals induce neuronal degeneration. We find that glutathione depletion leads to hyper-condensation and fragmentation of chromatin into spherical or irregular shapes, a morphologic signature of apoptosis. These morphologic changes are accompanied by laddering of DNA into multiple oligonucleosomal fragments and can be prevented by the antioxidants idebenone and butylated hydroxyanisole. Cell death induced by glutathione depletion can also be prevented by inhibitors of macromolecular synthesis. Taken together, these observations suggest that oxidative stress can induce apoptosis in neurons.  相似文献   

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