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Donato Trigiante 《Calcolo》1973,10(2):117-131
Sommario In questa nota descriviamo una classe di possibili generalizzazioni del metodo della secaute per la soluzione di equazioni e di sistemi di equazioni, cui, per ragioni che risulteranno evidenti nel paragrafo 1.1., abbiamo dato il nome di metodo dei momenti. Vienes discusso l'ordine di convergenza e presentati alcuni esempi. Nel paragrafo 1.3., limitaitamente al caso della secante, viene dato un nuovo criterio per la scelta del punto da scartare dopo ogni iterazione, il quale offre notevoli vantaggi.
In this paper we describe a class of possible generalization of the secant method for solving equations and systems of equations. To this class, for the reason illustrated in paragraph 1.1., we gave the name of the method of moments. The convergency order is discussed and some examples are introduced. In the paragraph 1.3., only for the sant case, a new criterion is given for the choice of the point to be discarded after every iterations. It offers some remarkable advantages.

M. R. Occorsio 《Calcolo》1967,4(4):625-631
An iterative method to solve systems of equations is given. The method may be either «total step” or «single step»; we have called it a «plurirelaxation» method because the iterative formulas have many parameters. Also a convergence criterion is given. In particular the case of linear systems has been considered. A numerical example is referred.  相似文献   

M. R. Occorsio 《Calcolo》1972,9(1-2):97-109
An iterative process to solve systems of equations is examined. This process generalizes the «plurirelaxation» method examined in a previous paper. Also a convergence criterium is given. Some particular cases are considered. The results of some calculations are reported.  相似文献   

M. Boari 《Calcolo》1969,6(2):249-260
Sommrio Vengono presentati due metodi di calcolo per la soluzione numerica di sistemi di equazioni differenziali lineari con condizioni al contorno. Tali metodi, adottando opportuni sviluppi in serie di potenze consentono la determinazione delle componenti incognite del vettore-C delle condizioni iniziali con una maggiore precisione, ed una notevole riduzione del tempo di calcolo rispetto al procedimento classico che fa uso di metodi di integrazione numerica passo-passo. Tali vantaggi vengono messi in evidenza in un esempio di calcolo in cui si confrontano i risultati ottenuti con i diversi metodi di soluzione.
Two numerical methods for the solution of a linear differential system with boundary conditions are presented. These methods, through suitable developments in power series, make it possible to determine the unknown components of the vector of the initial conditions with greater accuracy and considerable reduction in calculation time compared with the classical methods using step by step numerical integration. Such calculation techniques are, furthemore, particulary useful where an analysis is required of the behaviour of the solution where the coefficient matrix or the vector of forcing function are varied. These advantages are brought out in an example in which the results obtained by the various methods are compared.

M. R. Occorsio 《Calcolo》1976,13(3):275-288
Sommario Si studiano le condizioni di convergenza di procedimenti iterativi per la risoluzione di sistemi di equazioni lineari che hanno origine dalla discretizzazione di problemi al contorno per equazioni alle derivate parziali lineari di tipo ellittico.
In this paper there are examined some convergence criteria of iterative processes arising from the discretization of the boundary value problems for linear elliptic equations. A numerical example is also given.

U. Bozzo  A. R. Tiramani 《Calcolo》1972,9(1-2):139-142
Some reordering schemes are considered for the solution of large sparse sets of linear equations, leading to a considerable gain in c.p.u. time and memory requirement. From the obtained results the techniques ignoring the possible band structure of the matrix are proved to be the best.  相似文献   

A. M. Urbani 《Calcolo》1976,13(4):369-376
In this paper a procedure for the acceleration of the convergence is given. It allows the doubling of the order of the multistep methods for the numerical solution of the systems of ordinary differential equations: $$Y' = F(x,Y); Y_0 = Y(x_0 ) \begin{array}{*{20}c} x \\ {x_0 } \\ \end{array} \in [a,b]$$ whereY andF(x,Y) aret-vectors.  相似文献   

Riassunto Viene descritta una apparecchiatura che permette l'nso di una calcolatrice analogica normale per la risoluzione iterativa di sistemi a derivate parziali. Essa è costituita essenzialmente da una memoria di funzioni, del tipo a tamburo di condeusatori, e da un circuito di comando, che coordina l'operazione della memoria e del cirenito analogico iterativo.
The equipment here described has been developed to allow the use of a normal analog computer for the iterative solution of partial differential equations. It contains essentially a memory for several functions, of the capacitor drum type, and a control circuit, which coordinates the operation of the memory and of the iterative analog circuit.

S. Guerra 《Calcolo》1965,2(4):407-440
Simple formulae of the Runge-Kutta type and order greater than four are established for linear differential systems of the first order. They can also be used to solve numerically algebraic equations with real coefficients.   相似文献   

C. Mascagni  M. C. Riboli 《Calcolo》1971,8(4):377-388
The aim of this paper is an experimental evaluation and comparison among several iterative methods proposed for solution of operational equations of the formF(x)=0 in Banach spaces.  相似文献   

P. Bortot 《Calcolo》1967,4(1):41-65
In this paper we show a new nonlinear model to find the optimum in the allocation of a resource. The model is used to solve an investment problem requiring the choice among several finantial operations with nonlinear profits. The origin and the end of these finantial operations may variate between a fixed time interval. The described algorithm is obtained applying the Dynamic Programming method. The model can also be used to optimize activities different from the financial ones described upon.

Lavoro svolto nell'amdito bell'attività del Gruppo di Ricerca n. 38 (Ca' Foscari Venezia) del C.N.R. per l'anuo accademico 1965–66.  相似文献   

O. Cucconi 《Calcolo》1966,2(2):177-202
The statistical quality control for variables, during production, is done—as is known—by a sistematic selection of samples, drawn at regular time intervals from the production flow. To optimize the two parameters of the sampling plan, viz. sample size and time interval, is known a problem of marked interest both from the theoretical and the practical point of view. This paper deals with the research of optimum solutions in practical applications. In order to simplify calculations, necessary in the varions cases, the tables of the Appendice have been prepared: each table refers to a specific sample size (n=2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,16).  相似文献   

P. Brandi 《Calcolo》1986,23(1):45-66
This paper presents a new algorithm to determ an optimal strategy for sistems with linear constrains. Such method is proved to be computationally efficient and to have minimal storage requirements. Contrary to dynamic programming, the state variable does not have to be discretized. The convergence is monotonic and it is realized in no more than (N+1)-steps, where N is the stages number. An example is solved and the results are presented in [6].

Lavoro eseguito nell'ambito del GNAFA-CNR, con il contributo dell'IRPI-CNR di Perugia.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the numerical problems which arise when spatially sampled data on a spherical surface are to be displayed and rotated around an arbitrary axis. We describe also a set of programs which implement these algorithms.  相似文献   

C. Dagnino 《Calcolo》1973,9(4):279-292
This work faces the problem of the numerical treatment on digital computers of boundary value problems of the type: $$y'' = f(x,y); y(a) = A,y(b) = B$$ through the reduction into the equivalent integral equation: $$y(x) = \mathop \smallint \limits_a^b g_K (x,\xi )[K^2 y(\xi ) - f(\xi ,y(\xi ))]d\xi $$ whereg K (x,ξ) is the Green function associated to the differential operator \(\frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }} - K^2 \) . I have extended to this problem a discrete analogue of higher accuracy introduced in [1] with reference to a boundary value problem analised under a differential point of view: this extention costitutes the original part of the work. The above problem is analysed with reference to the discretization error and the convergence of the discrete analogue solution algorithm; the actnal numerical treatment of a few systems follows.  相似文献   

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