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I.TheNeedfortheDevelopmentofCleanCoalGenerationTechnologyinChinaChinaisrichincoalresources.CoalhaslongbeenthemajorresourceattheenerLryrconsumphonandproduchonstrUctUreinChina.Bythe7ear1994,coalaccountedfor74%ofthetotalproduchonofplenaryenergyresourcesinChina.Accordingtoeshmate,coalwillcontinuetobethemajorenergyresourceoftheenergyconsUmphoncomPOsihoninChinabytheyear2010.ForChina,coal-firedgenerahonwillconhnuetobetilemajormodeofgenerahonformanyyearstocome.AlargeproPOtuonofthecoalinChina…  相似文献   

TheconstructionanddevelopmentoftransmissionlinesinChinacanbedividedinto5stagesasfollows:constructionoflocaltransmissionlinesof35kVand110kVduringtheperiodof1949-1960;developmentoftransmissionlinesof220kVinthevariousprovincesduringtheperiodof1961-1970;alongwiththedevelopmentofthelarger-sizedhydropowerstationsinthehigherreachesoftheYellowhiver,long-distanceextra-highvoltagetransgressionlinesof330kVwereconstructedintheNorthwestChinain1971;Someinter-prolrinceextra--highvoltagePOwertransgressionn…  相似文献   

Overtherecentdecade,theautomationofcoal-firedpowerplanthasbeenrapidlydevelopedandtheDCSdistributedcontrolsystem)hasbeenextensivlyappliedinpowerplant.Theautomahonhasbecomeaveryimportantconshtituentforsafeandeconomicaloperationofthepowerplant.Owingtothefastdevelopmentofinformationtechnology,thedevelopmentofautomationinpowerplantwillevenbefasterinthecomingcentury.1.HistoricalReview1.1Inthe60-70's,thegeneratingunitsinChinaweremainlyof50-100Wsize.Duetopoorcontrollabilityofmainequipmentandauxilia…  相似文献   

SEC is not only one of the largest enterprise groups in China that engaged in designing and manufacturing of power generating equipment, but also is noted for designing and manufacturing power transmission and distribution equipment. Shanghai Power Transmission and Distribution Equipment Corporation is a subsidiary of SEC. It consists of key enterprises, including Shanghai Hua Tong Switchgear Works, Shanghai Relay Plant,Shanghai Instrument Transformer Works, Shang-  相似文献   

FuYuanchu 《电气》2005,16(2):27-29
The hydropower installed capacity in China exceeded 100GW by the end of 2004. With the development of hydropower construction cause, the contingents of eleetrical and mechanical installation also grew steadily.The installation and debugging techniques made great strides in aspects of different conventional hydrogenerator sets. reversible pumped-storage units and their rotor spiders, runners, bearings, penstocks as well as control equipment, such as computerized governors, intelligent monitoring devices. Major technical innovations were brought about in the electrical and mechanical installation. For an arduous task to construct hydropower projects of over 50 GW confronts hydropower installatinn enterprises at the beginning of 2 I st century, the installation technologies will certainly develop around the projects.  相似文献   

Since the founding of new China, especially sinceimplementing the reform and open policy, China'selectric power industry has witnessed rapid growth, withgigantic achievement of world interest gained. Electric powerinstalled generating capacity grew from 1850MW just afterliberation to l00 GW in 1987. At the end of 1999, the installedgenerating capacity had reached more than 290 GW,approaching 300 GW, increasing by 160 times, with an annualaverage growth of about 11%. In the meantime, yearly…  相似文献   

1. The Power Industry and Cogeneration in China 1.1 The Power Industry in China The power industry has developed rapidly in China in recent decades. In 1994, total electricity generation was 927.8 TWh and the total installed capacity was 199.80 GW. It is broken down as follows: hydropower 49.0 GW. 24.5 %; thermal power 148.73 GW, 74.4c/c: and nuclear power 2.1 GW, 0.7%.  相似文献   

With most primary energy resources far from load centers, the voltage level of power system in China has imperatively been upgraded to meet the demand of long-distance power transmission. The successful commissioning of the 750-kV HVAC line in Northwest Power Grid has opened an era of national grid development and brought about a series of technical problems to be faced. This report introduces briefly the current status and policies of UHV development in China.  相似文献   

In China there built a large scale of power line communication (Abbr. PLC) testing network. This paper presents the research and development on PLC technology in China and also the application and popularization of PLC in Chinese market. At the end, the next focal points of PLC technology research are deeply discussed.  相似文献   

China Southern Power Grid is a unique EHV AC/DC hybrid transmission network that operates in China. In its service area, the distribution of energy resources and the development of economy are extremely unbalanced, so long-distance and bulk power transmission are needed; besides, the geography and climate conditions are serious, rains, fogs, lightning and typhoon as well as high temperature are common all the year round. Facing these challenges, the power grid enhanced stability control, improved the equipment and strengthen the network structure. In the future, the power grid plans to optimize the disposition of power sources and build digitalized power system.  相似文献   

1:1 Scale Testing Tower for "Study of External Insulation Characteristics Test of 1:1 Scale Testing Tower for 1000 kV Double Circuit with Same Tower" Has Been Successfully Erected 1:1 scale testing tower for "study of external insulation characteristics test of 1:1 scale testing tower for 1000 kV double circuit with same tower"  相似文献   

(1) The revising of criteria of power system planning and operation are absolutely needed to adapt ever-changing conditions and to make the better coordination between security, quality and economy.(2) The main mission of the Ministry of Electric Power is to realize long distance and bulk power transmission from the west to the east and to solve the related technical, economic and organizational problems. To meet the mission, the Ministry of Electric-Power is preparing some planning and operating guides to promote regional interconnections and keeping stable and economic operation of interconnected systems.(?) There are many problems needed to be studied for the new market-oriented structure in power industry.  相似文献   

NothwestChinaRegioncomprisesfiveprocinces/autonomousregionsnamely:Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,NingxiaandXinjiang.InthisRegiontherearetwomainpowernetworks,theNorthwestChinaPowerNetworkandtheUrumqiGrid,andseveralseparatesmalllocalgridsincludingYulinGridinShaanxi,HaixiGridinQinghai,Ku'erle,Hami,YiliandKramayigridsinXinjiang.Asoftheendofl995,thetotalgeneratingcaPacityinthewholeRegionisl6,lo()MW,ofwhichhydropoweramountsto5,92oMW,thermalpoweramountstolO,l7oMW,whichaccountfor37%and63%respectiv…  相似文献   

l.Inthepastdecade,applicati0nsofdistributedcontrolsystems(DCS)inthef0ssilpowerplantsinChinahaveachievedtremendousdevelopment.Thismanifestsmainlyasf0ll0wst'Inthemiddleofl980s,DCSwas0nlyadoptedinunitsintroducedfr0mforeigncountries0rusedinafewofselectedlargescalefossilunitsonapil0tbasis.Inearlyl990s,DCSwaswidelyusedinlargescalefossilunits0f30OMWandover,andgradualIyusedinsomemediumandsmallscalefossiIunits.'Thep00rsituationthatDCShinderedtheunitsfromscheduledcommissioningandoperatinghasbeen…  相似文献   

The scale of 1000-kV AC transmission development, which relates to the strategy of the state's energy development, is mainly determined by the output scale of large pit-mouth power plants in northern China. The demonstration has shown the construction of large-sized pit-mouth power plants of aircooling type in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia for sending bulk power to Central and East China is economically rational and overall beneficial to environmental protection.  相似文献   

Today, high-voltage transmission systems in China are well developed and they have come up to the advanced world level in both management and technology. However, there still exists quite a wide gap in the management and technology of distri- bution syste…  相似文献   

Through almost 30 years effort on developing photovoltaic technics, China has possessed certain technical level and foundation. As of the end of 1994, many solar cell factories were built up such as in Kunming, Kaifeng, Ningbo. Shenzhen, Harbin etc. with a total production capability of 4500 kW per year, in which single-crystal silicon cells 3500 kW, non-crystal silicon  相似文献   

WiththemarketeconomybeingdevelopedinChina,thesystemreformofpowersectorisalsocarryingtoanewstage.Thetrendtowardsadiversityofenergytypesgivespeoplemoreopportunitiesandfreedomtochoosedifferentformsofenergyalternatives.Sincetherapiddevelopmentofpowergenerationcapacityinrecentyears,powermarketisprogressivelychangingfromseller'smarkettobuyer'smarket,andpowersupplywilldependondemand.Therefore,thestrategices,waysofthinkingandmethodsofpowerdevelopmentplanningmustconformtotherequirementsofnewsituation,t…  相似文献   

NorthwestChinahaswideprospectsfordevelopingelectricpowerindustryasithasabundantenergyresourcesincludingcoal,hydropower,petroleum,naturalgas,windpower,solarenergyetc.Undertheguidanceofthereformandopeningpolicyandwiththeseriesofmeasuresadoptedbythecentralgovernmenttospeedupre-sourcesdevelopmentandinfrastructureconstructioninthewesternregions,thepotentialswillbebroughttofullplayfortheeconomictake-offinthewesternregions.1.AbundantCoalResourcesAccordingtothedataofthecountry'scoalresourcesassessmen…  相似文献   

Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Congress of the CPC called in 1979 to redouble the GNP of China from 1980 to the year 2000, the electric power industry developed most rapidly, with installed generating capacity reached 100 GW in 1987, and 200 GW in 1995. The reform and opening  相似文献   

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