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This paper explores the ‘place’ of Glenhourne farmhouse in the southwest of Western Australia as a construct of memory, myth and story. Framing this is a discussion of the role that memory and myth has in the anchorage of our present society and Glenhourne as a heritage place.  相似文献   

孔黎明  刘克成 《华中建筑》2012,(12):134-137
数字技术正广泛应用于遗产的阐释与展示,但是其产生的影响不应仅是工具层面的变革。虚拟环境中进行建筑遗产的体验,在软硬件技术支持的基础上,更需要以体验者为中心的场景组织和体验设计。该文介绍了虚拟遗产的概念,分析了当前虚拟建筑遗产环境中场所感缺失的现状。通过将场所理论引入建筑遗产阐释与展示研究中,探讨在虚拟环境中营造场所感的方法和策略,用以创建一个更加生动和有持续吸引力的虚拟建筑遗产环境,并且分析了在虚拟建筑遗产创建和展示过程中如何体现建筑遗产的真实性。  相似文献   

The three most widely read figures in the establishment of historical landscape studies, people from very different backgrounds and of different temperaments, independently developed intense dislikes of modern industrial society and its manifestations in the landscape. These dislikes concerned the transformation, rooted in industrialization, of the relationship between humans and their environment. The nature of these attitudes towards the modern is explored, and it is suggested that the carefully cultivated awarenesses of the long, intimate and intricate relationship between communities and their landscapes must have intensified the distaste and despair experienced by our subjects as technology and industry combined to destroy settings which were the products of centuries or millennia of evolution.  相似文献   

从场所理论的角度研究了峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源再利用的问题。从遗产地场所特征入手,考查和挖掘了景区的生态环境和人文历史传说。在充分尊重遗产地保护原则的基础上,提出了恢复文化原生环境以及为其注入新的文化活力的场所建构方法。通过人们对景区场所精神的感知与认同,进一步对景区场所精神的营造进行了阐释,论述了如何运用地形、地貌以及光、水、石等场地特征突现遗产地的人文精神。从而为峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源的再利用提供了有效的解决方法。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):95-112
In response to the structural changes of recent decades, many European cities and towns have invested in production, consumption and transportation infrastructures, marketing and branding measures, and urban design schemes, in order to manage and stimulate urban regeneration. This paper contributes to a discussion of urban planning and design in the context of structural change, emphasizing the consequences that such change has had for urban heritage and the sense of place. The paper addresses two cases from Swedish infrastructure planning practice to construct a conceptual framework for the discussion and analysis of contemporary theory and practice in urban planning and design. Throughout this paper, we argue that the urban landscape should not be seen as solely resulting from deliberate planning and design measures. Rather, understanding the regeneration of that landscape requires a deeper consideration of decisions related to infrastructure planning, as well as emergent processes of economic, social and spatial processes of structural change. We put forward the term Emergent Urbanism to describe this expanded understanding.  相似文献   

该文从心理学和现象学方面来探讨建筑如何才能获得地域性,并且发现记忆对于建筑产生场所精神具有非常重要的意义。通过结合建筑知觉体验的五个方面来分析建筑因素对于记忆的再现和记忆场重构的关联,以记忆场重枸的角度来探讨地域性建筑设计的可能性。  相似文献   

陆哲明  武祥永  沈存  赵鸣 《风景园林》2023,30(5):117-123
【目的】以漏泽园为代表的传统乡村公墓,较少受到文化景观学者的关注,在日益重视文化景观遗产的当下,亟须对漏泽园的景观特征进行研究,弥补其在乡村文化景观遗产视角下的研究不足,并为进一步的遗产保护提供基础信息。【方法】采用文献研究法,并结合考古出土发现对漏泽园的文化景观遗产特征进行研究。【结果】研究发现,漏泽园的文化景观遗产特征表现为选址上邻近佛寺,以不毛之地作为场地,面积规模相对较小,墓穴布局齐整但形制简易,内部常有奠庐并具有完善的排水系统,周边以栅栏墙、边界树以及一角的石质园碑标明边界。【结论】北宋时,在传统土葬文化和佛教悲田文化的双重影响下,漏泽园通过置办土地、收瘗逝者,开始成为乡村地区一处与周边自然景观迥异的纪念性文化景观场所。研究厘清了中国已运用近千年的漏泽园传统公墓基本文化景观遗产特征,并为其保护及传承提供了理论基础。  相似文献   


Scholars studying sense of place have introduced several separate yet related terms which are often used interchangeably including phrases like place attachment, place meaning, place identity, and place dependence. Given the lack of a coherent understanding for sense of place in the literature, it is challenging to study and operationalize the concept in a consistent way. In this study, we use publication data and citation data to clarify how sense of place has been defined and applied. Our findings show that sense of place has evolved over time, although it is in the last decade that scholarship has grown considerably. We also find that the dimensions used to define and measure the concept have changed with time and discipline. These results imply that scholars need to study sense of place in careful consideration of the dimensions that they want to investigate and the disciplinary context each study is embedded in.  相似文献   

从世界遗产到国家遗产、地方遗产体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
曹丽娟 《城市规划》2004,28(8):65-68
指出目前我国遗产保护中的问题主要在于忽视国家遗产、各级地方遗产的保护,在各级遗产管理上亦存在诸多问题,因此有必要将各类自然和文化遗产统一纳入由五个层级组成的遗产体系框架内,以此促进对遗产的系统性保护。  相似文献   

杨晨  陈徵羽 《风景园林》2023,30(10):96-102
【目的】在《世界遗产公约》颁布51周年之际,识别世界遗产数字化保护的重点议题,梳理自然与文化遗产数字化保护的实践脉络,分析数字化保护的国际动向,解读数字化转型为世界遗产体系带来的变革性影响。【方法】对联合国教科文组织数字图书馆和世界遗产咨询机构数字档案等资源进行系统解析和知识图谱构建。【结果】识别了世界自然与文化遗产数字化保护的发展阶段和重点议题,归纳总结了以世界遗产记录与档案、监测与管理、阐释与展示、国际合作与能力建设等四大技术主题、12类技术方法和62个技术工具为核心的数字化保护技术体系。【结论】提出景观遗产数字技术集成与创新、遗产保护数据标准、数字行动规范、数字化可持续能力建设等未来发展的重点方向,为中国深入开展世界遗产数字化保护工作提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

美国遗产区域保护概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国遗产区域保护进行了概述,指出遗产区域是世界文化遗产保护的新兴领域,是美国用于保护大型文化景观所采取的一种区域化的遗产保护策略,该保护方法在国家与地方层面的推广与延伸,不断促进了美国遗产区域制度体系与管理实施的日益完善。  相似文献   

随着矿产资源的逐渐枯竭和产业不断升级转型,大量的工矿遗迹遭弃置,为了保护其中有价值的遗存,提出工矿遗产的概念。在对工矿遗产概念提出的现实背景和工业遗产、地质遗产、矿业遗迹等与工矿遗产相关概念进行分析的基础上,对工矿遗产进行定义并对工矿遗产分类体系进行初步的建构与代码编制,以此作为一个普遍接受的分类基础。  相似文献   

从1972年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》通过以来,在世界范围内具有突出普遍价值的众多不同类型的文化和自然遗产得到了全球的认同和重视。同时,国际上还有其他几种保护计划也非常重要。他们从不同的角度对遗产进行了全球性的保护。中国的保护地类型多样,管理复杂,也存在多种保护体系。遗产地和保护地存在着紧密的联系,对保护体系的全面审视有助于遗产的保护,同时也十分必要。本文对国际上和国内的各类保护体系进行全面的梳理,综合分析这些不同的文化和自然保护体系之间的相互关系,并讨论在我国现实情况下的保护体系的整合和优化,遗产概念的扩展,以及遗产的综合保护与利用。  相似文献   

该文对近十年来我国有关城市遗产保护中公众参与的研究进行了回顾。所分析的66篇文献分别从以下三个角度开展了研究:遗产保护原则和方法角度,城市遗产保护和再利用实践角度以及城市社会、管理学和经济学角度。这些研究和探索虽已取得了许多有价值的结论,但基于可持续角度的城市遗产保护的公众参与还未提及。因此在文章的最后,就未来的研究提出些许建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the potential usefulness as well as the limitations of the paradigm of Eigenlogik for heritage studies. The contention is that Eigenlogik, understood as a lasting operative praxis that is locally specific and unconsciously implicit in all actions, should also be traceable in those practices and processes of negotiation that select, fashion and interpret monuments. Indeed, the example of medieval monuments in German cities shows that different communities attribute very different kinds of meaning to their built heritage; these observations in turn suggest that long-term, locally specific processes of meaning attribution and negotiation are in operation. Furthermore, it is argued that built heritage functions as an amplifier of Eigenlogik in as much as the monument embodies a particular structural form of self-reference, a locally specific mode of the reproduction of meaning that remains consistent through all ‘makings’ of it.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problematic conditions of perception that invest our interpretations of the built environment and capacity to fully express the desires of those we design for. Particular to this is the manner by which we interpret and appropriate differentiated patterns of meaning from our readings of art, architecture and urban space, which represents the divergent range of social, cultural and institutional conditioning that informs the perceptions of each individual.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the problematic conditions of perception that invest our interpretations of the built environment and capacity to fully express the desires of those we design for. Particular to this is the manner by which we interpret and appropriate differentiated patterns of meaning from our readings of art, architecture and urban space, which represents the divergent range of social, cultural and institutional conditioning that informs the perceptions of each individual.  相似文献   

谈乡土建筑遗产的保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对国内乡土建筑日益破败的现状 ,分析了乡土建筑的深厚价值与鲜明特色 ,提出了几点保护乡土建筑遗产的措施和建议 ,指出乡土建筑遗产的保护工作必须引起全社会的共同关注。  相似文献   

从工业考古学角度出发,系统概述英国工业建筑遗产研究的发展历程、研究组织、工业建筑遗产调查记录与登录制度等,梳理归纳英国工业考古协会杂志《工业考古学评论》及罗尔特纪念讲座的重要研究者与研究成果,以此深入剖析英国工业考古学在工业建筑遗产研究中起到的作用,探讨其研究路径是否可为中国工业建筑遗产研究提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

周向频  李劭杰 《风景园林》2023,30(9):114-120
【目的】对历史公园遗产认知的不足往往导致其面临改造时得不到有效保护,因此有必要从认识论层面形成较为完善的历史公园遗产观。【方法】基于遗产保护理论,综合运用归纳、演绎、比较的方法,从文物古迹、建成遗产、活态遗产视角切入,对历史公园的遗产属性进行解析。【结果】文物古迹视角侧重将历史公园作为点状单体古迹进行共性认知;建成遗产视角侧重搭建历史公园与城市建成遗产的关联性认知;活态遗产视角侧重从文化活态和自然活态维度对其遗产属性进行个性认知。3种视角切入点不同,沿时间脉络有先后顺序,在概念范畴上亦存在继承和发展关系。【结论】上述多重视角认知有助于修正过去对历史公园的认知偏差,进一步明晰历史公园的遗产属性,凝聚利益相关者的共识,为保护利用工作顺利推进提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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