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We investigated olfactory identification in children and adults with Down's syndrome (DS) and idiopathic mental retardation (IMR) and in age-matched normal controls (NC). Identification was assessed with a four alternative-forced-choice task modified from the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (M-UPSIT) and a yes/no task yielding measures of discrimination and response bias for the same stimulus material. Control tactile identification tasks were also administered. Results were that odor identification performance on both tasks was specifically impaired in DS compared to IMR and NC. Accuracy of identification on the M-UPSIT correlated inversely with age in DS only. When uncertain, DS and IMR subjects guessed "yes" more often than "no" on the Yes/No task (liberal decision bias) and guessed the last response alternative on the M-UPSIT (recent position bias), whereas the normal subjects had neutral decision bias on the Yes/No task and matched the objective position presentation probabilities on the M-UPSIT. Decision bias correlated with accuracy of identification in both tasks for the DS subjects only.  相似文献   

Reviews challenges associated with behavioral training approaches for individuals with mental retardation and mental illness in the community. Family and non-family facilitated training are considered. Professional practice issues are reviewed, and justification for multifactor behavioral assessment is offered. Future research directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Children with mental retardation often seem incapable of self-initiated learning. A training experiment was designed to determine whether such children could spontaneously invent more efficient addition strategies for calculating simple sums; apply these strategies to larger, unpracticed combinations; and retain these strategies after 5 months. An experimental group and a control group were shown a basic concrete counting procedure. Over 6 months, the experimental group was given regular opportunities to practice computing sums. Many of them invented calculational short cuts. On immediate and delayed posttests, they used significantly more sophisticated strategies than did control participants. Results suggest that children with mental retardation can invent, transfer, and retain strategies for learning tasks.  相似文献   

Adjustment and competence of siblings who had a brother or sister with mental retardation were compared to those of control siblings who had brothers or sisters with no disabilities. Results indicated no overall differences for internalizing disorders, externalizing disorders, or for self-esteem and competence based on group membership, gender, or gender match. However, boys with a brother or sister with mental retardation had difficulty in school functioning. In addition, a greater number of girls with brothers and sisters with mental retardation expressed their distress through internalization.  相似文献   

Influences on parent perceptions regarding the practice of integrating students with significant cognitive disabilities into general education classrooms were examined. Findings confirmed that perceptions were significantly influenced by characteristics of the parent and the child as well as by factors associated with the child's placement history. Further, factors influencing these perceptions differed according to varying dimensions of inclusion being considered. We argue that the efficacy of any specific type of educational model cannot be determined without a consideration of the complex dynamics involved in the interplay between individual child characteristics, parent and family values, and the perceived role of the school.  相似文献   

Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia (BPNH) is a recently recognized malformation of neuronal migration, and perhaps proliferation, in which nodular masses of gray matter line the walls of the lateral ventricles. Most affected individuals have epilepsy and normal intelligence with no other congenital anomalies. A striking skew of the sex ratio has been observed because 31 of 38 probands have been female, and one gene associated with BPNH was recently mapped to chromosome Xq28. We report three unrelated boys with a new multiple congenital anomaly-mental retardation syndrome that consists of BPNH, cerebellar hypoplasia, severe mental retardation, epilepsy, and syndactyly. Variable abnormalities included focal or regional cortical dysplasia, cataracts, and hypospadius. We hypothesize that this syndrome involves the same Xq28 locus as isolated BPNH, and we review the expanding number of syndromes associated with BPNH.  相似文献   

A total of 583 children and adolescents with mental retardation were rated on a new psychometric instrument designed to screen for dual diagnosis (psychopathology in individuals with mental retardation). Two psychiatrists and 2 clinical psychologists judged the items to have face validity as expressions of psychopathology in children and adolescents with mental retardation. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .91 for the total score and varied between .57 and .86 for 10 psychometric scales. Children and adolescents who had a dual diagnosis obtained total scores approximately 1 standard deviation higher than those who did not have a dual diagnosis. Each of 4 diagnostic groupings had test profiles in accordance with expectation. The results suggest that the instrument is particularly well suited for use in screening and for help in the analysis of the relationships between certain behavior problems and psychopathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There are two forms of mental handicap associated with fragile sites on the end of the long arm of the X chromosome. The well known common disorder Fragile X syndrome is associated with FRAXA and a rare non-specific form of mental handicap is associated with FRAXE. The cytogenetics of these fragile sites is considered. For Fragile X syndrome details are given of the molecular genetics, inheritance patterns, genetic counselling, methods for diagnosis of index cases, carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis. Series of prenatal diagnoses are briefly reviewed and technical and biological problems associated with this procedure are considered. Prenatal diagnosis of Fragile X syndrome using molecular genetic techniques is now a well established procedure, with the only significant problem being the inability to accurately predict phenotype in female fetuses with full mutations. Few prenatal diagnoses of Fragile XE non-specific mental retardation have been recorded. In principle the technical aspects of such a prenatal diagnosis should be little different from those for Fragile X syndrome. Incomplete knowledge of the phenotypic effect of the full mutation in males and females would make phenotypic prediction for any fetus shown to have such a mutation very difficult. At this stage all that could be determined with precision is that the mutation was present or absent in the fetus. Possible consequences of this are discussed.  相似文献   

The validity of the 600-yard walk/run, the 20-m shuttle run, and a modified 16-m shuttle run was determined to measure aerobic capacity (VO2peak) in children with mild and moderate mental retardation. Practice sessions for all tests were conducted. All field tests were very reliable, and VO2peak was significantly related to them all. A stepwise multiple regression showed that field test performance, body mass index (BMI), and gender, but not age, were also significant predictors of VO2peak. All field tests were valid and reliable indicators of aerobic capacity, suggesting that these tests can be used to predict VO2max in children with mild and moderate mental retardation.  相似文献   

Male infertility is a well recognised problem following spinal cord injury. The techniques of vibration induced ejaculation and transrectal electroejaculation have significantly increased the likelihood of sperm retrieval in spinal cord injured males; however, the reproductive capacity remains markedly reduced due to poor semen quality. The Spinal Injuries Unit at Royal North Shore Hospital has developed a programme to achieve seminal emission and enhance fertility. This study analysed the results of the first sample obtained at stimulation in 70 spinal cord injured males with respect to procedure performed, neurological level, completeness of lesion, bladder management, infection, age and duration since injury. Our study demonstrated that bladder management and neurological level were significant factors affecting the presence of motile sperm. Individuals managing their neuropathic bladder by catheter (intermittent self-catheterisation, indwelling urethral or suprapubic catheter) had significantly enhanced semen quality compared to those voiding by reflex or straining. Differences were also noted within the catheter group itself with intermittent self-catheterisation achieving a higher percentage of motile sperm present.  相似文献   

The articulation of children with Down's syndrome (trisomie 21, T21) in comparison to a group of age-matched normal probands was investigated in a clinical study, using digital sonagraphics (recording of frequency, amplitude and time of the speech signal), with peripheral factors taken into consideration. The T21-Group (n = 10) revealed a higher variability as well as a longer articulation of the test word "Tasse" than the Control Group (n = 10). There was no clear-cut dependence of speed and quality of articulation on all of the peripheral factors evaluated (Angle Class, overbite, oral motor ability, hearing disorder, logopedics, Castillo-Morales stimulating plate treatment). The results of our investigation show differing patterns of articulation in T21 children compared with normal probands, using a reproducible method. A clear-cut influence of various influencing peripheral factors as reported in the literature could not be found for the T21-Group. Thus, central factors seem to have a great impact on articulation in T21 patients.  相似文献   

Evidence for picture superiority in verbal learning following moderate to severe closed head injury (CHI) was found in a study involving 31 participants with CHI and 31 noninjured participants. A multitrial free-recall paradigm was implemented incorporating three modalities: Auditory, visual, and simultaneous auditory plus visual. Participants with moderate to severe CHI learned fewer words and at a slower rate than the noninjured participants. The visual presentation of objects (with or without the simultaneous auditory presentation of names) resulted in better learning than the auditory presentation alone.  相似文献   

The Americans with Disabilities Act bars discrimination in public accommodations, housing, employment and health care for people with disabilities. Efforts to "mainstream" (in housing and education) many of the individuals with mental retardation have altered the setting for dental services and place demands for services by dental practitioners in the community. These developments should be considered within the jurisdiction of this new legislation. Demographic characteristics and dental needs of children with mental retardation are reviewed to provide a background for this discussion.  相似文献   

The statement made on behalf of the American Psychological Association is in support of Senate Bills 755 and 756 developed by Congress in response to President Kennedy's message on mental illness and mental retardation. "The psychologist is vitually concerned with the problems of mental disorders and of mental retardation. He is especially interested in research, and in the provision of services to people through the organized agencies of society, such as the public schools, community mental health centers, hospitals, institutions for the retarded, and rehabilitation agencies of many kinds." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Thirty Chinese mothers of adult children with moderate to severe mental retardation were interviewed to explore the source and nature of their stress and social support. Results revealed child-related and parent-related stress specific to these mothers. The most common stressors were future planning and behavioral problems of the target offspring. Mothers received tangible, emotional, and informational support mainly from family members and training center staff. Some evidence was also found for the optimal-matching model of stress appraisal and social support. Regardless of the duration of stress, all forms of support were perceived as equally useful for uncontrollable stress, whereas tangible support was regarded as more useful than informational support for controllable stress.  相似文献   

Attributional beliefs of African American 11- and 17-year-old students with mental retardation were assessed with an open-ended interview and the Students' Perception of Control Questionnaire. Results from the questionnaire indicated that strategy ratings were intercorrelated as were capacity ratings. Yet, the constructs of strategy and capacity were differentiated by both age groups. Beliefs in the importance of internal strategies were positively related to recall and strategy use, and beliefs in the importance of external strategies were negatively related to memory strategy use and recall. Findings suggest that attributional beliefs vary among students with mental retardation and have the potential to either energize or inhibit achievement-related behavior.  相似文献   

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