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The hemispherical cavity-backed slot antenna is studied theoretically and experimentally. The exact magnetic field Green's function of the cavity is derived rigorously and expressed in a form convenient for numerical computation. The moment method is used to find the equivalent magnetic current in the slot and, hence, the input impedance of the antenna configuration. The effects of the cavity size, of the slot length, and of the slot offset on the input impedance are studied and very good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained. The variation of the magnetic current around the slot and cavity resonances are discussed. Comparisons between the rigorous solution and the single-mode theory are given and the limitation of the single-mode theory is discussed  相似文献   

Antar  Y.M.M. Fan  Z. 《Electronics letters》1995,31(15):1209-1210
Theoretical analysis of an aperture-coupled rectangular dielectric resonator antenna is presented. A model based on the modal expansion method and the spectral domain approach is developed. Numerical results for return losses and radiation patterns of the TE111y mode are compared with experimental data available in the literature and reasonable agreement between theory and experiment is obtained. This model is flexible as it enables studies to be made of the effects of parameters such as slot dimensions, slot displacement and stub length on input impedances  相似文献   

First-order diffraction coefficients for a slot-excited conical antenna are calculated, beginning with integral expressions for the radiation field. Simple formulas based on these coefficients are presented for the radiation patterns that correctly reproduce the interference structure as well as predict the magnitude of the field down to quite low frequencies. Plots of the diffraction coefficients are given for both symmetric and asymmetric excitation of a circumferential slot. Radiation fields are compared with those obtained by summing the exact normal mode series.  相似文献   

Leung  K.W. Chow  K.Y. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(16):1430-1431
The input impedance of the hemispherical cavity-backed slot antenna is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The mode-matching method and moment method are used to find the Green's function of the cavity and the equivalent magnetic current of the slot, respectively. The effects of slot length and cavity radius on the input impedance are studied  相似文献   

An empirical formula for resonant frequency of a circular cavity-enclosed circular-patch antenna is tested with measured results. The patch miniaturization in the presence of the cavity is proved. Different design curves in terms of resonant frequencies and bandwidth are derived to facilitate antenna design without a priori knowledge of complex numerical techniques. A simple gain formula for a circular-patch antenna is derived and tested against the measured gain data. The results agree very well. The beamwidth, axial ratio, and mutual coupling in the presence of the cavity are investigated.  相似文献   

K. F. Lee  J. S. Dahele 《电信纪事》1985,40(9-10):508-515
This paper presents a critical and comprehensive account of the theory of the annular-ring microstrip antenna based on the cavity model and compares the theoretical results with measurements. It is found that in the theory, the physical radii must be modified to account for the fringing fields along the edges of the ring. The modifications are necessary not only for improving accuracy but also for the correct identification of the modes. Detailed theoretical and experimental results are given on resonant frequencies, radiation patterns and input impedances. Our results also confirm the various features of the tm 11 and tm 12 modes predicted previously by the vector Hankel transform analysis.  相似文献   

A previous derivation of the transition field on the surface of a slot-excited conical antenna is corrected, and the new result as well as the tip-diffraction coefficient are checked by a calculation involving only the exact normal-mode series.  相似文献   

The input admittance of the rectangular cavity-backed slot antenna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The input admittance of the rectangular cavity-backed slot antenna is investigated. The slot is assumed narrow so that the voltage distribution in its aperture is sinusoidal. Equations which represent the input admittance of this slot, backed by a rectangular cavity in which a single propagating wave is assumed to exist, are given. Calculations based on these representations are compared to available measured data. As the depth of the cavity increased the resonant frequency decreased and the bandwidth became narrower. Input admittance curves as a function of electrical slot length are also presented for several size cavities.  相似文献   

This communication describes a cavity-backed dipole antenna that has a broad-band VSWR response, unidirectional radiation patterns, and almost constant gain (10.5 pm 1dB) over an operating bandwidth of 1.8: 1. Measured pertinent electrical characteristics are presented.  相似文献   

The input impedance and the equatorial radiation patterns of a VHF cavity-backed cylindrical gap antenna are derived and compared with experiments. The experiments generally support the computations, provided that the gap dimension is neither larger than about 1/100 of a wavelength, nor so thin that mechanical tolerances in the feed design become important. The results show that the tuning, impedance bandwidth, and the radiation patterns of this antenna can be controlled very accurately by adjusting the internal radius and height of the cavity. Salient points of this antenna are its wide-band characteristics (10-percent bandwidth), its pattern circularity, and particularly the fact that it can be made an integral part of a space vehicle.  相似文献   

提出了一种采用基片集成同轴线(SICL)馈电的双馈点圆极化微带贴片天线。具体通过多馈点法实现圆极化,并通过背腔加载提高增益,增加带宽,减小后瓣,降低互耦,提高天线性能。经过仿真验证,该天线能够在42.42~56.69 GHz之间实现S11<-10 dB(相对带宽为28.8%@51 GHz),在45.26~48.08 GHz之间实现轴比小于3 dB,最大增益8.9 dBi。  相似文献   

采用波导反射模型分析了背腔深度对缝隙天线辐射特性的影响, 通过仿真计算, 确定了当背腔深度等于四分之一波导波长时, 金属背腔会使缝隙天线的输入电阻加倍, 但对输入电抗产生影响较小, 根据以上仿真结果, 提出了一种有效的背腔式缝隙天线的输入阻抗电路模型, 分析了馈电位置和缝隙长度对天线谐振点的影响, 为缝隙天线的多频点设计提供了理论依据.结合仿真工具, 设计了两类工作于Wi-Fi频段的背腔式缝隙天线:第一类天线工作于室外2.4 GHz频段; 第二类天线可以同时工作于2.4 GHz和5.2 GHz频段.最后, 对天线的S11系数进行了实测, 实测与仿真结果基本一致.  相似文献   

An equivalent network for the strip-fed cavity-backed slot antenna is derived. The model is based on some physical insight into the problem. The various parameters of the network are derived from the experimental data on the input reflection parameter of the antenna. This model gives an insight into the strip-slot-cavity coupling and hence the working of the structure. It is also useful for predicting the performance of such practical antennas.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is derived that relates the impedance of a cavity-backed slot antenna to that of an identical slot which is free to radiate on both sides of a large ground plane. The model, which utilizes empirical constants from a previous experimental investigation, provides a continuously variable function of frequency and cavity depth for the impedance of a cavity-backed slot of fixed length and cavity cross section. This function is then compared with previously found experimental values and two theoretical solutions, one using a variational method and the other using the complex Poynting theorem.  相似文献   

This paper presents a design of a low-profile cavity-backed circular patch antenna for broadband applications. By using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based cavity and feeding mechanism, a planar cavity-backed patch antenna is realized. The proposed study demonstrates that a wide impedance bandwidth can be achieved by employing a rectangular SIW-based cavity underneath the conventional circular patch. Additionally, to generate circular polarization (CP), the patch has been reduced diagonally and shorted by a via-probe. Finally, a CP SIW-based antenna is designed and operating for a wide impedance bandwidth of 23.10% below −10 dB criteria, ranging from 9.09 GHz to 11.40 GHz and axial-ratio (AR) bandwidth of 270 MHz (10.30–10.57 GHz). The proposed design is fabricated by means of a printed circuit board (PCB) procedure. The simulated results are validated with the experimental one which agrees well with each other in the terms of S11, antenna gain, AR and radiation patterns. Moreover, the proposed design exhibits unidirectional radiation characteristics with the measured peak gain of 6.6 dBic while maintaining planar integration.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of a broadband (2-18 GHz) cavity-backed Archimedean spiral antenna. The simulation of the device is performed using the finite-volume time-domain method. The high geometrical flexibility of this method permits a detailed modeling of the antenna including the thin substrate, the feeding balun, and the cavity loaded with a honeycomb absorber. The simulated far-field radiation patterns and the return loss are compared to measurements, showing an excellent agreement over the whole frequency band. The radiation mechanism of the spiral is visualized by observing the current distribution on the spiral arms for both pulsed and harmonic excitation modes.  相似文献   

W波段(75~110 GHz)的电磁波大气吸收率低、波长短、可用频带宽,在雷达、通信等领域应用广泛.文章设计了一种W波段基片集成波导(substrate integrated waveguide,SIW)背腔缝隙天线,-10 dB的阻抗带宽达到28.6%(78.93~105.24 GHz),覆盖了W波段75%的频带范围.天线采用双层基片结构.上层为SIW谐振腔及四条辐射缝隙构成的谐振辐射单元,谐振腔内同时存在TM130与TM310混合模、TM320模以及TM330模三种高次模,和辐射缝隙一起形成多谐特性,实现带宽拓展;底层为通过耦合缝隙馈电的集成波导,易于扩展成平面网络,构建高增益背腔缝隙天线阵列.该天线频带宽、交叉极化低、剖面低、易于与平面微波电路集成、加工成本低,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

针对需要安装在金属平台上的天线应用,提出了一种具有定向辐射特性的新型多频段背腔式半模基片集成波导缝隙天线。利用半模基片集成波导谐振腔的多模式特性实现了该天线多频段工作,通过在谐振腔的金属顶面蚀刻弯折形状的缝隙实现对外辐射,并可以通过调整弯折缝隙尺寸参数来减小天线尺寸。仿真和测试结果表明,该天线能同时工作在5.7/10.7/11.9/12.5/13.1GHz,且在这5个频段的最低增益大于6.7 dBi。天线具有便于和平面电路集成、体积小、结构简单、成本低等优点,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

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