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Protease inhibitors are a new class of drugs which has demonstrated activity for the treatment of HIV infection. The function of the HIV protease is to split a polyprotein to create smaller proteins which will be incorporated in the structure of the virus. The eight cleavage sites of the polyprotein constitute a template for the synthesis of potential inhibitors. Today, only inhibitors of the Phe-Pro cleavage have shown an antiproteinase activity specific for HIV. Clinical trials in HIV infection with saquinavir, indinavir, and ritonavir have demonstrated a decrease in viral load measured by plasma HIV-RNA PCR and an increase in CD4 lymphocyte counts. The use of protease inhibitors leads to a more or less rapid selection of mutant resistant viruses. However, these new drugs, either used alone or in combination, constitute a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of HIV disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The efficacy and safety of levofloxacin and lomefloxacin in complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) were compared in a randomized, open-label, multicenter study. METHODS: Outpatients were randomized to receive levofloxacin (250 mg once daily) for 7 to 10 days or lomefloxacin (400 mg once daily) for 14 days. Three hundred thirty-six patients (171 with levofloxacin, 165 with lomefloxacin) were evaluable for microbiologic efficacy, and 461 patients (232 with levofloxacin, 229 with lomefloxacin) for safety. RESULTS: The overall microbiologic eradication rate of pathogens was 95.5% (168 of 176) for levofloxacin and 91.7% (154 of 168) for lomefloxacin. Eradication rates with respect to patients were 95.3% (163 of 171) and 92.1% (152 of 165) for levofloxacin and lomefloxacin, respectively. At the 5 to 9-day post-therapy visit, symptoms were completely resolved in 84.8% of levofloxacin-treated patients and were decreased in 8.2% (93.0% clinical success). Among the lomefloxacin-treated patients, complete resolution was seen in 82.4%, with decreased symptoms in 6.1% (88.5% clinical success). Drug-related adverse events (AEs) were reported by 10 (2.6%) and 18 (5.2%) levofloxacin- and lomefloxacin-treated patients, respectively. Compared with levofloxacin-treated patients, more lomefloxacin-treated patients experienced photosensitivity reactions (3 [1.3%] versus 0) and dizziness (2 [0.9%] versus 0). Nausea (3 [1.3%] versus 1 [0.4%]) was more frequent in the levofloxacin-treated group. Six patients in each treatment group had a gastrointestinal AE (1.7%); rash was reported more frequently with lomefloxacin (4 patients [0.4%]) than with levofloxacin (1 patient [0.4%]). Discontinuation because of AEs was observed in 8 (3.4%) levofloxacin- and 14 (6.1%) lomefloxacin-treated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Once-daily levofloxacin is as effective as and has a superior tolerability profile than lomefloxacin in the treatment of complicated UTIs.  相似文献   

An alternative approach to the development of clinically useful protease inhibitors was investigated. The approach utilized coordination chemistry of transition metal ions rather than substrate analogs to block active sites of these enzymes. In the case of serine proteases it was found that aqueous Ti(IV) is a potent inhibitor of the trypsin subclass, but not the chymotrypsin subclass. The direct binding of Ti(IV) to trypsin was made possible by the presence of a free carboxyl group at the bottom of the substrate binding pocket of the enzyme, and the five-coordinate geometry of TiO(SO4)(H2O). Although initial binding of Ti(IV) was reversible, it was followed in time by irreversible inhibition. Direct binding of octahedral or tetrahedral metal ion complexes was prevented by the inability of the enzyme active sites to promote formation of a five-coordinate transition state of the metal ion required for reaction. These studies demonstrate the ability of direct metal ion binding as a way to enhance blocking of enzyme active sites as compared with that of traditional organic inhibitors. Application of these findings was investigated by measuring the affect Ti(IV) had on growth of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Five-coordinate titanyl sulfate completely inhibited the growth of these organisms. This suggests that five-coordinate titanyl sulfate, which is easier and less expensive to manufacture than conventional antibiotics, may be useful in controlling endemic infections of E. coli and S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

The invasive potential of eight established human tumour cell lines of different origin has been studied in the Matrigel assay. Between 25% and 70% of the cells migrated through the Matrigel layer within 24 h, indicating that invasiveness varies with the cell type. Semiquantitative measurements of the proteases MMP-2 and MMP-9, and cathepsins B and L were performed in these cell lines and the cell culture media. High invasive potential was found in those cell lines expressing high levels of cathepsins B and L or matrix metal proteases (MMP), either alone or in combination. Overexpression of one of these enzymes is enough to explain a high invasive potential of a cell line. Selective protease inhibitors at 10 nM concentration in the culture medium were used to inhibit the migration of tumour cells in the Matrigel assay. The MMP inhibitor Batimastat reduced the invasive potential of all cell lines studied independently of the MMP expression. The effect of cysteine protease inhibitors was strongly correlated with the protease profile of the tumour cell line. Our findings support the hypothesis of a very complex activation cascade of matrix-degrading proteolytic enzymes and they underline the need to analyse the protease profile of any tumour before beginning an antiproteolytic tumour treatment.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the inhibitory effects of thiazolidine derivatives on hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease and other human serine proteases. The inhibition efficacy was tested with a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay system using a NS3-NS4A fusion protein as the HCV protease and a synthetic peptide substrate that mimics the NS5A-5B junction. Nine thiazolidine derivatives showed more than 50% inhibition at 50 microg/ml. The most potent derivative was RD4-6250, with 50% inhibition at a concentration of 2.3 microg/ml; this concentration was lower than those of other protease inhibitors reported previously. The most selective derivative was RD4-6205, with 50% inhibition at a concentration of 6.4 microg/ml, a lower concentration than those on other serine proteases (chymotrypsin, trypsin, plasmin, and elastase). These results suggest that the RD4-6205 skeleton is an important structure for inhibitory activity on the HCV protease NS3-NS4A.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the literature on the possible association between osteoporosis and oral bone loss, with an emphasis on radiological studies. Such an association was first suggested in 1960. Subsequent histomorphometric and microradiographic studies showed that after the age of 50 there was a marked increase in the cortical porosity of the mandible, with this increase being greater in the alveolar bone than the mandibular body; and that with this increase in porosity, there was a concomitant decrease in bone mass, which appeared to be more pronounced in females than in males, with the loss in bone mineral content estimated to be 1.5% per year in females and 0.9% in males. These studies also demonstrated a considerable amount of variation in the amounts of cortical and trabecular bone within and among individuals. Subsequent clinical studies reported associations between the bone densities of jaws and (1) metacarpals, (2) forearm bones, (3) vertebrae and (4) femurs. These studies indicated that women had lower mandibular bone mineral content (BMC) than men and that age-related loss of bone was more pronounced in women after the age of 50 years than in men of the same age, as was the case for the rest of the body. It was suggested that systemic factors responsible for osteoporotic bone loss may combine with local factors (periodontal diseases) to increase rates of periodontal alveolar bone loss. Although not all studies found associations between osteoporosis and oral bone loss, the conclusion of this review is that such an association exists; yet additional longitudinal investigations are needed to confirm this, and before the implications of this association could be fully utilized in clinical dentistry, inexpensive methods must be developed for sensitive and specific measures of oral bone loss.  相似文献   

1. Studies on insect protein protease inhibitors are summarized. Biochemical, genetic and physiological investigations of the silkworm are performed. 2. In addition, the properties and characteristics of fungal protease inhibitors from the silkworm (Bombyx mori) are described and their importance as defensive functions is emphasized. 3. This review also concerns comparative and evolutionary studies of protease inhibitors from various sources. 4. The biological significance of inhibitors is discussed in view of the extensive experimental results.  相似文献   

Parental illness can have a profound impact on family relationships and children's behaviour. The amount and nature of communication between parents and children about the illness can play an important role, both positively and negatively, in mediating the outcomes. When children have a disability, families can be reluctant to communicate with them about family difficulties. They are often concerned about the impact that parental unavailability may have on their child's life. This paper reports on three families in which the mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and one child in the family had a disability. The extent and specific characteristics of their communication about the maternal illness with their children, behavioural changes in the children, explanations of communication strategies and attributions of behavioural changes are described. Family coping strategies are examined with reference to Lazarus's process model of stress and coping and the use of either problem-focused or emotion-focused strategies. Implications for possible clinical interventions are proposed. In particular it is suggested that families be offered consultation about: what children might understand; ways in which to communicate effectively; and strategies for coping with the long-term implications of serious parental illness.  相似文献   

The development of peptidomimetic inhibitors of the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) protease showing sub-micromolar potency in an enzymatic assay is described. Selective substitution of the amino acid residues of these inhibitors led to the identification of tripeptide inhibitors showing improvements in inhibitor potency of 27-fold relative to inhibitor 39 based upon the natural tetrapeptide sequence. Small side chains at P1 were well tolerated by this enzyme, a fact consistent with previous observations. The S2 binding pocket of HCMV protease was very permissive, tolerating lipophilic and basic residues. The substitutions tried at P3 indicated that a small increase in inhibitor potency could be realized by the substitution of a tert-leucine residue for valine. Substitutions of the N-terminal capping group did not significantly affect inhibitor potency. Pentafluoroethyl ketones, alpha,alpha-difluoro-beta-keto amides, phosphonates and alpha-keto amides were all effective substitutions for the activated carbonyl component and gave inhibitors which were selective for HCMV protease. A slight increase in potency was observed by lengthening the P1' residue of the alpha-keto amide series of inhibitors. This position also tolerated a variety of groups making this a potential site for future modifications which could modulate the physicochemical properties of these molecules.  相似文献   

Currently, there are a number of approved antiviral agents for use in the treatment of viral infections. However, many instances exist in which the use of a second antiviral agent would be beneficial because it would allow the option of either an alternative or a combination therapeutic approach. Accordingly, virus-encoded proteases have emerged as new targets for antiviral intervention. Molecular studies have indicated that viral proteases play a critical role in the life cycle of many viruses by effecting the cleavage of high-molecular-weight viral polyprotein precursors to yield functional products or by catalyzing the processing of the structural proteins necessary for assembly and morphogenesis of virus particles. This review summarizes some of the important general features of virus-encoded proteases and highlights new advances and/or specific challenges that are associated with the research and development of viral protease inhibitors. Specifically, the viral proteases encoded by the herpesvirus, retrovirus, hepatitis C virus, and human rhinovirus families are discussed.  相似文献   

A new class of tricyclic ureas containing a conformationally constrained proline was designed with the aid of molecular modeling. Efficient stereoselective intermolecular pinacol coupling represented the highlight of the synthesis. These rigid cyclic ureas are active towards HIV-1 protease, with 9 being the most potent compound (Ki = 9 nM) despite interacting with only three side chain binding pockets of HIV protease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The number of antidepressant drugs available in the market has grown rapidly in the last few years. The present paper underlines some of the pre-clinical and clinical problems that call close attention from the regulatory authorities when approving new drugs. METHODS: We present here a review of the literature. RESULTS: A wide heterogeneity in the action of the various antidepressants precludes any single theory about the pathogenesis and therapy of depression. Antidepressant activity, in fact, may be achieved by acting on a number of different monoaminergic mechanisms. The variety in the neurochemical effects of antidepressants is not reflected in clinical trials, which tend to stereotypy. In many cases clinical trials aim at demonstrating equivalence rather than differences in efficacy. Regulatory authorities should, therefore, pay attention in accepting the equivalence of effects of a new drug in relation to a reference one: most clinical trials of new antidepressant drugs do not have the power to detect clinically relevant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Unconventional new pre-clinical tests are needed to generate antidepressants with a different mechanism of action. Clinical studies are needed to promote objective comparative evaluation of the cost, benefits and toxic effects of new antidepressants.  相似文献   

We compared the fibrinolytic properties of recombinant staphylokinase (SAK), a fibrin-specific plasminogen activator, with those of streptokinase and tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) by means of the amidolytic method. We also investigated the involvement of alpha 2-macroglobulin, C1-inactivator and alpha 1-antitrypsin in SAK-induced fibrin-specific fibrinolysis. Both SAK and t-PA activated plasminogen efficiently in the presence of fibrin in human plasma. Although t-PA activated plasminogen dependently on fibrin in the reconstituted plasma system, SAK activated plasminogen independently of fibrin without alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-antiplasmin, alpha 2-PI). These findings suggest that fibrin and alpha 2-PI play important roles in plasminogen activation by SAK but not by t-PA. Furthermore, protease inhibitors such as alpha 2-PI, alpha 2-macroglobulin, C1-inactivator and alpha 1-antitrypsin inhibited plasminogen activation by SAK and the inhibitory actions of these protease inhibitors disappeared in the presence of fibrin. This shows that alpha 2-macroglobulin, C1-inactivator and alpha 1-antitrypsin, other than alpha 2-PI, contribute to the fibrin-specificity of SAK.  相似文献   

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