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等离子体法制备超微材料是比较理想的方法之一,采用等离子体法制备类金刚石膜,近年来有了很大的进展,通过比较可知;等离子体法可以在低温下进行化学合成反应,实现了低温化学气相反应过程。 相似文献
金刚石厚膜的制备及应用研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
用电子增强热灯丝CVD(化学汽相沉积)方法制备出膜厚为0.1-2mm的金刚石厚膜,研究了金刚石厚膜的耐磨性和热导特性,用它制作了金刚石膜焊接刀具和半导体激光器用金刚石膜热沉。 相似文献
硅薄膜在太阳电池中有非常重要的应用,薄膜的晶化对硅薄膜的性质和太阳电池效率都有很大影响,研究薄膜晶化理论具有重要意义。选择刻蚀模型认为H原子会轰击薄膜生长表面,打断吸附较弱的化学键,促使形成强的Si-Si键,使薄膜发生晶化。通过Monte Carlo法对具体的生长晶化过程进行了模拟计算,发现薄膜晶相的转变发生在生长温度350K(77℃)以上,并且在低温(T<550K)下,晶化的过程主要发生在氢稀释度90%以上。结果与实验数据在高氢稀释下基本吻合,低氢稀释下有偏差。认为低氢稀释下晶化反应所需中间产物产量少,模型中未被考虑的其他基团影响了它们的相对数量,造成模拟结果的偏差。模型对硅薄膜晶化过程的理论解释有一定的合理性。 相似文献
采用线性离子束沉积技术于AZ80镁合金微弧氧化(MAO)陶瓷层表面沉积不同厚度的类金刚石碳(DLC)膜,形成DLC/MAO复合膜层.对比研究4种膜基系统的表面结构特征、力学性能以及摩擦学性能差异.结果表明:随DLC膜厚度增加,复合膜层表面微孔数量减少,孔径减小,但凹凸不平趋势增加,且DLC膜表面颗粒特征更加明显,表现为DLC-80min/MAO/AZ80膜基系统具有最小的表面粗糙度,最大的硬度H、弹性模量E及H/E值;不同厚度DLC/MAO/AZ80膜基系统平均摩擦因数较MAO/AZ80显著降低;DLC膜厚度增加导致3种复合膜基系统的表面微观结构改变,使得摩擦因数与磨痕形貌存在差异;各膜基系统 相似文献
高频无线通讯系统的迅速发展推动了对高频声表面波 (SAW)器件需求的不断增大。金刚石具有最高的声速和许多优于其他材料的特性 ,因此金刚石声表面波器件受到了越来越多的关注。本文介绍了金刚石声表面波器件的构成、制备方法 ,讨论了金刚石声表面波器件近年来国际上的研究进展 ,包括理论研究与实验进展的概况 ,并讨论了金刚石声表面波器件的未来发展趋势 相似文献
弄清化学气相沉积金刚石膜的机理对优化工艺参数具有指导意义。在前期工作中,作者辨析了氢原子、甲基和乙炔在金刚石膜沉积中的作用。本文建立了两个微观指标,即甲基浓度和氢原子与乙炔浓度的比值,分别对应生长金刚石和刻蚀非金刚石碳。通过对G-H和G-H-O反应气氛的模拟,讨论了这两个指标与灯丝温度、气源组成和气压的关系,并构建了含氧气氛生长金刚石的G-H-O三元相图。对热丝法沉积金刚石膜的工艺参数的优化选择进行了机理分析与预测。为工业化生产金刚石膜提供了参考。 相似文献
利用自行研制的石英钟罩式微波等离子体化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜装置,研究了硅基片的不同预处理方式对沉积结果的影响。通过扫描电子显微镜形貌观察和喇曼谱分析表明,基片预处理能提高形核密度;用于预处理的金刚石研磨膏的粒度不同,影响金刚石薄膜沉积时的形核密度、晶形和薄膜的质量;表面划痕对沉积金刚石薄膜的影响具有双重性。 相似文献
用直流电孤等离子体喷射法进行了多次沉积,在硅衬底上制备了金刚石厚膜,并用扫描电镜对这种厚膜的截面结构和表面状态进行分析,发现截面有明显的层状结构,在原来晶面上进行二次沉积是一个重新的成核过程。并对多次沉积过程中金刚石晶粒的生长特性进行了描述。 相似文献
Diamond-like carbon films were deposited by planar DC magnetron sputtering with cesium vapor. The electrical properties of the plasma were investigated by the I-V measurement of the discharge. The increase in the plasma density and the generation of the negative carbon ions were observed from the I-V curves and deposition rate with different substrate biases. The deposited DLC films were examined by Raman spectroscopy and plasmon energy loss analysis in order to assess their structures. The DLC film obtained with Cs vapor contained a higher sp3 fraction than that without Cs vapor. This result implied that the negative carbon ions produced by Cs vapor participated in the deposition through the subplantation process. From experimental results, it is expected that Cs vapor addition to conventional magnetron sputtering system makes possible the deposition of higher quality DLC as well as large area deposition. 相似文献
研究了金刚石膜内晶粒尺寸和取向程度对金刚石膜热导率的影响。通过对衬底表面进行不同研磨时间的处理和适当的工艺条件,采用灯丝热解化学气相沉积(HFCVD)的方法在单晶硅衬底上形成了具有不同晶粒尺寸和不同程度(100)晶面取向的金刚石膜,并研究了其热导率。结果表明,由大晶粒和较高程度(100)晶面取向的晶粒构成的金刚石膜具有热导率特性。 相似文献
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were deposited utilizing plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) with four precursor gases such as methane, ethylene, acetylene and benzene in gas phase. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra showed that dangling-bond sites (DBSs) observed in all films were characterized by an isotropic broad single line. The DLC film with unsaturated precursor gases had the higher film growth rate and the higher DBS accumulative rate. Although the DBS in DLC films were quite stable at room temperature under anaerobic conditions, the DBS decayed rapidly to level off toward a limiting value when exposed to air. The stability and reactivity of the DBS in DLC film were assumed to depend on chemical structure of organic gas used as precursor. The detailed-ESR study on DBS of the DLC films could be one of the powerful tools for diagnosing the micro-structural properties and the quality of films. 相似文献
通过硅烷、乙烯和氮气的混合气体在620下采用常压化学气相沉积(APCVD)法沉积了非晶硅薄膜,讨论了乙烯/硅烷的体积比(R=VC2H4/VsiH4)对薄膜的光学性质的影响.用Raman光谱、红外光谱和紫外-可见光光谱仪对薄膜进行表征.结果表明通过乙烯掺杂制备的薄膜样品中存在着Si-C键,在R值变化的开始阶段薄膜的光学带隙随着R值增大而增大,在R=0.1时达到最大值,然后随着R值的增大而减小. 相似文献
类金刚石薄膜光学特性的椭偏法研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文采用脉冲电弧离子镀的方法,在p型硅上沉积类金刚石薄膜,用椭偏法测试薄膜的光学常数.根据沉积方法的特点,建立一个四层结构的膜系,并由每一层的吸收情况合理选择色散关系;结合透过率的测试结果,利用光度法给测出薄膜折射率和厚度的估计值,作为椭偏法拟合的初值,拟合效果良好,得到薄膜的折射率、消光系数和几何厚度. 相似文献
本文将讨论一种新型的微波等离子体CVD设备———线形微波等离子体CVD设备和其在金刚石薄膜制备技术中的应用。利用Langmuir探针方法对线形微波等离子体CVD设备产生的H2等离子体进行的等离子体参数测量表明,在工频半波激励的条件下,H2等离子体的电子温度和等离子体密度分别约为6 eV和1×1010/cm3。尝试利用线形微波等离子体CVD设备,在直径为0.5 mm的小尺寸硬质合金微型钻头上进行了金刚石涂层的沉积,获得了质量良好的金刚石涂层。由于线形微波等离子体CVD设备产生的等离子体面积具有容易扩大的优点,因而在需要使用较大面积等离子体的场合,它将有着很好的应用前景。 相似文献
非平衡磁控溅射类金刚石薄膜的特性 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
非平衡磁控溅射(UBMS)结合了普通磁控溅射(MS)和离子束辅助沉积的优势,易于实现离子镀,近年来得到了广泛的应用.采用该技术制备的类金刚石薄膜(DLC)具有许多独特的性质.本文研究了非平衡磁控溅射技术制备DLC薄膜的光学、机械,电学和化学性能.研究表明,非平衡磁控溅射制备的DLC膜具有较宽的光谱透明区,且表面光滑、摩擦系数小、耐磨损、抗化学腐蚀,同时具有较高的电阻率和良好的稳定性. 相似文献
R. Paul S. Hussain S. Majumder S. Varma A.K. Pal 《Materials Science and Engineering: B》2009,164(3):156-164
Composite films containing gold nanoparticles embedded in diamond-like carbon (Au–DLC) matrix were deposited on glass and Si (1 0 0) substrates by using capacitatively coupled plasma (CCP) chemical vapour deposition technique (CVD). Particle size and metal volume fraction varied between 2.7–3.5 nm and 0.04–0.7, respectively with the amount of argon in the methane + argon gas mixture in the plasma. Bonding environment in these films were obtained from XPS, Raman and FTIR studies. Microstructural studies were carried out by SEM, XRD and TEM studies. Blue-shift of the surface plasmon resonance peak (located 540–561 nm) in the optical absorbance spectra of the films could be associated with the reduction of the particle size while red shift was associated with the increase in volume fraction of metal particles. The experimental results have been discussed in light of the core–shell model. 相似文献
Deposition of Ti/C nano-composite DLC films by magnetron DC sputtering was examined using dual targets of titanium and carbon, in order to in order to investigate the effects of Ti/C nano-composite structure on its mechanical properties such as hardness or physical properties such as electrical resistivity. The deposition of DLC films or Ti/C nano-composite DLC films was respectively carried out in the atmosphere of argon at the pressure of 0.4 Pa by sputtering of only the carbon target or by co-sputtering of both the carbon one and the titanium one. The DLC film obtained in this study looked semitransparent and dark brown, while the Ti/C nano-composite DLC one looked metallic and light gray. According to Raman spectroscopy, a typical spectrum for DLC was detected for the metal-like titanium containing composite DLC films even though it's intensity was rather small. And it was found that the G band slightly shifted to higher wave numbers and the shoulder D band was enhanced, compared to the spectrum for the DLC films. Furthermore, based on both the indentation hardness and the electrical resistivity of the obtained films, it was assumed that the miniaturization of titanium phase might bring the increase in hardness. 相似文献