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The "Fab immunogene" is a novel gene transfer vehicle in which the Fab fragment of anti-human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor antibody B4G7 is conjugated with poly-L-lysine to form an affinity complex with DNA. It was developed to target delivery of therapeutic genes into EGF receptor-hyperproducing tumor cells. Various characteristic features of the immunogene have been documented (Chen et al., 1998). Here we add further evidence to prove that in vitro transfer of beta-galactosidase/Fab immunogene is exclusively to EGF receptor-positive cells and that the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK)/Fab immunogene induces substantial suicide effects on A431 tumor cells when treated together with ganciclovir. The in vivo specificity of the immunogene transfer was examined using A431 tumor-bearing nude mice. When these nude mice were injected intraperitoneally with the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT)/Fab immunogene, CAT DNA was detected in the tumors as well as in liver and kidney but not brain, whereas CAT mRNA and enzyme activity were detected only in the tumors. Local and intraperitoneal injection of the TK/Fab immunogene and subsequent administration of ganciclovir effectively suppressed the growth of A431 tumors transplanted on the backs of nude mice. These observations suggest a possible application of the Fab immunogene system in cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham-operated at 3 months of age and maintained untreated for 1 year after surgery. Baseline control and OVX rats were killed at the beginning of treatment when the rats were 15 months of age and 1 year postovariectomy. The remaining rats were treated with hPTH 1-34 (80 micrograms/kg BW, 5 days/week) or vehicle for 10 weeks. Quantitative bone histomorphometry was performed on undecalcified longitudinal sections of the proximal femur from each rat. Baseline OVX rats exhibited cancellous and cortical osteopenia at the femoral neck as their mean cancellous bone volume and cortical width were significantly decreased compared to the means for baseline control rats. In addition, baseline OVX rats had increased osteoblast and osteoclast surfaces and a greater cancellous bone formation rate than baseline control rats. OVX rats remained osteopenic with no further bone loss from the femoral neck after 10 weeks of vehicle treatment. In contrast, cancellous bone volume and cortical width in OVX rats treated with PTH were increased to the level of vehicle-treated control rats. The hormone restored lost bone in the femoral neck of OVX rats by markedly stimulating both cancellous and cortical bone formation. These histomorphometric findings in concert with recent biomechanical studies of bone strength indicate that the femoral neck of aged OVX rats is a promising sample site for studies of the prevention and treatment of bone loss induced by estrogen depletion.  相似文献   

This study examined the expression of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR 2) splice variants, IIIb and IIIc, in normal and malignant human oral keratinocytes and in normal oral fibroblasts by RT-PCR using both exon-specific primers and primers common to both FGFR 2 isoforms. Fibroblasts expressed exclusively FGFR 2/IIIc whilst the normal and malignant keratinocytes co-expressed FGFR 2/IIIb and FGFR 2/IIIc. Well-differentiated keratinocytes expressed proportionally more FGFR 2/IIIb than IIIc whereas the poorly-differentiated cells expressed more FGFR 2/IIIc than IIIb. The normal and malignant keratinocytes, but not fibroblasts, expressed an additional amplification product, which consisted of both IIIb and IIIc of FGFR 2 joined by an extra base pair and with the intronic sequence removed. The results indicate that the expression of FGFR 2 isoforms reflects the degree of cellular differentiation in normal and malignant human oral keratinocytes and that receptor complexes of FGFR 2/IIIb and IIIc may regulate ligand-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is an operationally specific antigen in malignant gliomas; it is overexpressed in > 60% of these tumors, whereas its expression is very low in normal brain. This study aimed to evaluate whether an adequate amount of an anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody (MAb) could reach a tumor after a single intravenous administration. METHODS: This study was open, nonrandomized, and uncontrolled. Single doses (20, 40, 100, 200, or 400 mg) of the murine MAb EMD55900 (MAb 425) were administered intravenously before surgery to 30 patients with malignant brain tumors. Serum samples were taken at defined time intervals during infusion, to determine EMD55900 concentrations, and 10, 21, and/or 42 days after infusion, to evaluate the development of human anti-mouse antibodies. Tumor samples were investigated for EGFR and EMD55900 contents. RESULTS: Tolerance to EMD55900 was good. Increased liver transaminase levels were noted for three patients with Grade 1 toxicity. Twenty patients developed significant human anti-mouse antibody titers, without correlation with the administered dose. The median half-life of EMD55900 in serum ranged from 6 hours for 20 mg to 24 hours for 400 mg. In the membrane fractions of the tumors, EGFR saturation by EMD55900 varied with the injected dose of MAb. No binding was detected after a 20-mg dose. After doses of 40, 100, 200, and 400 mg, the mean saturation levels were 33, 73, 89, and 71%, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that a single intravenous administration of EMD55900 is well tolerated and produces substantial in vivo tumor binding with doses > 100 mg.  相似文献   

The crystal structure is reported of a complex between the dodecanucleotide sequence d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2and an analogue of the DNA binding drug Hoechst 33258, in which the piperazine ring has been replaced by an amidinium group and the phenol ring by a phenylamidinium group. The structure has been refined to an R factor of 19.5% at 2.2 A resolution. The drug is held in the minor groove by five strong hydrogen bonds, together with bridging water molecules at both ends. There are few other contacts with the floor of the groove, indicating a lack of isohelicity with the groove and suggesting (i) that the observed high DNA affinity of this drug is primarily due to the array of hydrogen bonds and (ii) that these more than compensate for its poor isohelicity.  相似文献   

To evaluate the biological significance of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma that is associated with contiguous intraepithelial carcinoma, we analyzed 95 patients with operated esophageal carcinoma. Of these 95 patients, eight had in situ carcinoma. Among 87 cases in which the tumo had invaded more deeply than the lamina propria, there were 42 cases (48.3%) of contiguous intraepithelial carcinoma associated with the main tumor. The biological characteristics (proliferative activity of cells, as revealed by immunostaining with the Ki-67 monoclonal antibody) of 45 tumors without contiguous intraepithelial carcinoma (group A) were compared with those of 42 tumors with contiguous intraepithelial carcinoma (group B). The more advanced was the main lesion, the lower was the incidence of contiguous intraepithelial carcinoma. The mean Ki-67 score of the main tumors in group A was 51.6% and that of the main tumors in group B was 45.9%. The mean Ki-67 score of the main tumors in group B was very similar to that of the contiguous intraepithelial carcinomas that were associated with the main tumors (44.4%, P = 0.682). Furthermore, the mean Ki-67 score of contiguous intraepithelial carcinomas associated with main tumors was very similar to that of carcinomas in situ (41.2%, P = 0.529). From our results, it is suggested that tumors with high proliferative activity may be assumed to grow rapidly and, as a result, the region of intraepithelial carcinoma may develop into an invasive tumor. By contrast, tumors with low proliferative activity may grow slowly and, in such cases, the carcinoma may remain in the epithelium around the invasive tumor.  相似文献   

We have previously described anti-epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) which can block binding of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and EGF to receptors and inhibit activation of receptor tyrosine kinase. Studies with these MAbs involving cell cultures and nude mouse xenografts demonstrated their capacity to inhibit the growth of a variety of tumor cell lines, which express EGF receptors and TGF-alpha and appear to depend upon receptor activation for cell proliferation. To explore the mechanism(s) by which anti-EGF receptor 225 MAb inhibits cell proliferation, we have compared the activity of native 225 MAb with the response to bivalent 225 F(ab')2 and monovalent 225 Fab' fragments. Both native 225 MAb and its fragments could inhibit the binding of 125I-EGF to EGF receptors. Scatchard analysis revealed that the Kd of 225 F(ab')2 is comparable to that of 225 MAb (1 nM), whereas the Kd of 225 Fab' is 5 nM. Both bivalent 225 MAb and 225 F(ab')2 and monovalent 225 Fab' were able to completely inhibit TGF-alpha-induced EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activation, as assayed by autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues of EGF receptors on MCF10A nonmalignant human mammary cells, MDA468 human breast adenocarcinoma cells, and A431 human vulvar squamous carcinoma cells. The bivalent forms of MAb could inhibit proliferation stimulated by endogenous (autocrine) TGF-alpha in cultures of these three cell lines. They also blocked growth stimulation by added exogenous TGF-alpha in cultures of MCF10A cells and the growth-inhibitory effect of exogenous TGF-alpha upon MDA468 and A431 cell cultures. Monovalent 225 Fab' had weaker inhibitory effects upon the proliferation of these cell lines. To determine whether the in vivo antiproliferative activity of anti-EGF receptor MAb can occur without the participation of the Fc portion of MAb, the capacities of 225 F(ab')2 and native 225 MAb to inhibit growth of s.c. A431 cell xenografts were compared. Equimolar amounts of either 225 MAb or 225 F(ab')2 were administered at intervals equivalent to the half-lives of the molecules, to attempt to maintain comparable plasma levels. Both 225 MAb and 225 F(ab')2 inhibited A431 cell xenograft growth in a dose-dependent manner, with a more sustained response in the case of the intact antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Choroid plexus carcinoma was diagnosed in a 10-year-old maltese dog with chief complaint of progressive ataxia and head tilt. No abnormalities was observed on hemogram, radiographs of the skull, and electroencepharograph (EEG). Neurological examination suggested central vestibular lesions. On the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination, images after contrast enhancement with Gadolinium DTPA-dimeglumine showed a rough circular lesion with an increased signal intensity in caudal fossa. This lesion was histopathologically confirmed to be choroid plexus carcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Angiogenesis is an essential process required for growth and metastasis in cancer. In breast, gastric, and prostate cancer, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in angiogenesis; however, little is known about VEGF in HNSCC. In this study, we hypothesize that VEGF is present in elevated levels in HNSCC and may therefore play a role in promoting angiogenesis. METHODS: We obtained tumor tissue from 63 HNSCC patients undergoing primary resection. All tissue samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques for the presence and localization of VEGF; however, only 36 had sufficient amounts of tissue for quantitative analysis of VEGF by ELISA. Nine control specimens taken from patients undergoing uvulopalatopharyngoplasty were also analyzed. RESULTS: In all 63 of our patient samples we found VEGF to be present and localized to the cancer cells and endothelial cells. The poorly differentiated cancer cells stained more intensely in comparison with the well-differentiated ones. There was a 20-fold increase in the patient levels when compared with controls levels (P > or =0.05). Analysis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed elevated mean levels of VEGF (241 +/- 326 pg/mg total protein [TP]) with a range of 2 to 1484 pg/mg TP. The control specimens had mean levels of 13 +/- 11 pg/mg TP and a range of 1 to 78 pg/mg TP. Patients who exhibited higher levels of VEGF tended to have a higher rate of disease recurrence (P < or =0.048) and shorter disease-free interval (P < or =0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The expression of VEGF in elevated levels in the HNSCC tumor microenvironment appears to be associated with more aggressive disease. Based on our results, VEGF may be an important angiogenic factor associated with cancer cells and endothelial cells in HNSCC. Further studies are needed to better define the role of VEGF in HNSCC and its role as a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The relation between the concentration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and the effects of EGF on cell proliferation were studied using 16 newly established human esophageal cancer cell lines. According to 125I-EGF binding assay, the amount of EGF receptor was found to vary from 6 x 10(4) to 1.2 x 10(7) (sites/cell). Changes in EGF-stimulated tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity almost paralleled changes in the number of EGF receptors per cell. Amplification of EGF receptor gene was detected in only one cell line. Under monolayer culture conditions, we found three types of growth responses of esophageal cell lines to EGF; growth in 5 cell lines was inhibited and that in 4 cell lines was stimulated while that in the other 7 cell lines remained unaffected. Relation was observed between the number of EGF receptors per cell and the growth response to EGF. On the other hand, cell lines whose growth was inhibited by EGF in monolayer culture were stimulated by EGF in soft agar culture, though the opposite was not necessarily true.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHN), unlike normal mucosal squamous epithelial cells, overexpress epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) messenger RNA and protein. EGFR protein is required to sustain the proliferation of SCCHN cells in vitro. To determine whether EGFR expression contributes to tumor growth, we investigated the effect of suppressing EGFR expression in tumor xenografts through in situ expression of antisense oligonucleotides. METHODS: Intratumoral cationic liposome-mediated gene transfer was used to deliver plasmids capable of expressing sense or antisense EGFR sequences into human head and neck tumors, which were grown as subcutaneous xenografts in nude mice. The oligonucleotides were expressed under the control of the U6 RNA promoter. RESULTS: Direct inoculation of the EGFR antisense (but not the corresponding sense) plasmid construct into established SCCHN xenografts resulted in inhibition of tumor growth, suppression of EGFR protein expression, and an increased rate of apoptosis (programmed cell death). Sustained antitumor effects were observed for up to 2 weeks after the treatments were discontinued. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that interference with EGFR expression, using an antisense-based gene therapy approach, may be an effective means of treating EGFR-overexpressing tumors, including SCCHN.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the factors controlling the maintenance or loss of T cell self tolerance we produced beef insulin (BI)-transgenic BALB/c mice. Transgenic mice express BI under control of the human insulin promoter and secrete physiological amounts of beef insulin. Although these mice are tolerant to BI, as evidenced by the lack of insulin-specific IgG antibody production following intraperitoneal immunization, tolerance is not complete. Footpad immunization results in a weak antigen-specific T cell proliferative response, indicating the presence of self-reactive BI-specific T cell in the periphery. These T cells are functional in vivo, providing support for IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b BI-specific antibody production, but require higher higher concentrations of antigen than nontransgenic T cells (both in vivo and following recall responses in vitro) to become activated. In vitro, BI-specific T cell proliferation in BI-transgenic mice can be largely restored by addition of interleukin-2, indicating that a significant component of T cell tolerance is mediated by anergy. To characterize the autoreactive T cells that become activated when tolerance is broken, BI-specific T cell hybridomas were generated from transgenic mice and compared to a panel of hybridomas previously derived from nontransgenic BALB/c mice. The majority of BI-transgenic hybridomas recognized the immunodominant A1-14 beef insulin peptide but with lower avidity than BALB/c hybridomas. Consistent with this, none of the dominant T cell receptor rearrangements found in the BALB/c BI-specific T cell receptor repertoire were found in the transgenic hybridomas. These results indicate that, despite evidence for clonal inactivation of many BI-specific T cells in BI-transgenic mice, loss of tolerance results from activation of low-affinity antigen-specific T cells that appear to have escaped this process.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-r) expression and tumor cell proliferation rate have been proposed as potential prognostic parameters in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). In this study, immunohistochemical stains using antibodies to EGF-r and the cell proliferation marker Ki-67 (MIB-1) were used to study the relationship between EGF-r expression, tumor cell proliferation, and prognosis in 50 non-papillary RCC extending beyond the renal capsule (pT3). A high Ki-67 labeling index (LI) was associated with poor patient prognosis (P < .05). Thirty-eight cases (76%) expressed strong cell membrane immunoreactivity for EGF-r. There was a tendency toward a shortened survival for EGF-r-positive tumors (P = .08). Tumor growth fraction (Ki-67 LI) was significantly higher in EGF-r-positive tumors than in EGF-r-negative tumors (P < .05), suggesting that rapid tumor proliferation might be responsible for the poor prognosis associated with EGF-r-positive RCC.  相似文献   

HYPOTHESIS: Scatter factor (SF) is a pleiotropic growth factor that recently has been shown to induce epithelial cell proliferation, random motility, and invasion via interaction with its receptor, a tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-met proto-oncogene. Studies involving a variety of solid tumors have suggested that overexpression of the SF/c-met ligand-receptor pair is associated with the acquisition of a malignant phenotype. We hypothesize that SF and c-met are overexpressed in epithelial malignancies of the head and neck including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity. STUDY DESIGN: Immunohistochemical staining of randomly selected normal, dysplastic, and malignant oral tissues. METHODS: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues were obtained from the Department of Oral Pathology at Shands Hospital (University of Florida), Gainesville, Florida. Examples of mild dysplasia, severe dysplasia, well-differentiated SCC, moderately differentiated SCC, and poorly differentiated SCC were randomly selected from the dictated reports of one of two staff oral pathologists. Histologically normal margins of each specimen served as normal controls. The tissues were immunohistochemically stained using commercially available antibodies against SF and c-met. Appropriate negative controls were run with each batch to ensure staining specificity. Evaluation of staining intensity was carried out using a computerized image analysis system. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with pairwise multiple-comparison procedures (Fisher method) was used to analyze the data. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences (P < .0001) in the intensity of staining were noted between the malignant and normal and the malignant and dysplastic tissues for both SF and c-met. No differences were appreciated when staining of normal and dysplastic sections of the SF-stained tissue were compared. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the SF/c-met ligand-receptor pair is overexpressed in SCC of the oral cavity.  相似文献   

The roles of endogenous serotonin (5-HT) and 5-HT receptor subtypes in regulation of acetylcholine (ACh) release in frontal cortex of conscious rats were examined using a microdialysis technique. Systemic administration (1 and 3 mg/kg, i.p.) of the 5-HT-releasing agent p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) elevated ACh output in a dose-dependent manner. Depletion of endogenous 5-HT by p-chlorophenylalanine significantly attenuated the facilitatory effect of PCA on ACh release. The PCA (3 mg/kg)-induced increase in ACh release was significantly inhibited by local application of the 5-HT4 receptor antagonists RS23597 (50 microM) and GR113803 (1 microM), while the 5-HT1A antagonist WAY-100135 (10 mg/kg, i.p.; 100 microM), 5-HT(1A/1B)/beta-adrenoceptor antagonists (-)-pindolol (8 mg/kg, i.p.) and (-)-propranolol (150 microM), 5-HT(2A/2C) antagonist ritanserin (1 mg/kg, i.p.; 10 microM) and 5-HT3 antagonist ondansetron (1 mg/kg, i.p.; 10 microM) failed to significantly modify the effect of PCA. These results suggest that PCA-induced enhancement of 5-HT transmission facilitates ACh release from rat frontal cortex at least in part through 5-HT4 receptors.  相似文献   

The expression of growth factors is considered as an important diagnostic and prognostic feature in tumor pathology. We investigated the value of the immunohistochemical EGF-receptor expression (EGF-R) in 30 squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix, treated by radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy according to the Wertheim-Meigs-Okabayashi technique. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed on 4 microm sections from paraffin-embedded tissue, using an indirect peroxidase method. The staining results were evaluated semiquantitatively as negative (n=9; 30%) or as slightly, moderately or severely positive (n=21; 70%). The EGF-R-negative tumors were found in less advanced tumor stages. None had invaded into the parametrium (100%), eight were staged as T1 (89%), seven as N0 (78%), and seven showed no evidence for lymphangiosis carcinomatosa (78%). The respective values for the EGF-R-positive tumors ranged from 52% to 67%. However, only the difference in parametral invasion (EGF-R-negative: 0%, EGF-R-positive: 38%) was statistically significant (p=0.0306), probably due to the small number of cases. The EGF-R-expression was not correlated to histomorphological tumor grading. The results of this study indicate an inverse correlation between EGF-R expression and tumor spread. Assuming that this trend could be confirmed by a larger group of patients, immunostaining for EGF-R in a tumor biopsy could be useful to adapt surgical strategies and adjuvant therapy in the individual patient. Moreover, the EGF-R is an interesting target for immunotherapeutic approaches in squamous cell cervical carcinoma.  相似文献   

目的:探讨表皮生长因子受体单克隆抗体(C225)作为靶向治疗药物联合放射治疗对肺腺癌细胞系(SPC-A-1)的增敏作用,为临床综合治疗非小细胞肺癌提供理论依据.方法:SPC-A-1细胞体外传代培养6代以上,取对数生长期细胞进行实验.SPC-A-1细胞分为对照组(PBS)、照射组(4 Gy)、C225组(100 nmol·L-1)和照射+ C225组(4Gy+100 nmol·L-1),Hoechst 33258染色后采用荧光显微镜观察细胞凋亡情况.SPC-A-1细胞分别给予0、2、4和8 Gy 6-MV X射线照射后继续培养72 h,收集细胞,分为照射组和实验组(照射+C225组),用流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡率.SPC-A-1细胞分为对照组(PBS)、C225组(100 nmol·L-1)、照射组(8 Gy)和照射+ C225组(8 Gy+100 nmol·L-1),作用48 h后,采用流式细胞仪检测细胞周期.结果:Hoechst 33258染色后,照射+ C225组凋亡细胞数明显高于照射组和C225组;细胞凋亡实验,实验组细胞凋亡率明显高于相应剂量照射组(P<0.05).细胞周期检测,与对照组比较,C225组G0+G1期细胞增加(P<0.05),照射组G2+M期细胞增加(P<0.05),而照射+C225组G0+G1和G2+M期细胞均增加(P<0.05);与对照组比较,C225组、照射组及照射+C225组S期细胞均下降(P<0.05).结论:C225对SPC-A-1细胞系有放射增敏作用,其机制可能与诱导细胞凋亡和细胞周期G0+G1期阻滞有关.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that mouse transformed keratinocytes undergo an epithelial-fibroblastic conversion when cultured in the presence of TGF-beta1. This conversion is associated in vivo with a squamous-spindle carcinoma transition. We derived epithelioid (A6, FPA6) and spindle (B5) clonal cell variants from a squamous carcinoma cell line (PDV) after treatment with TGF-beta1. FPA6 cells were isolated from the ascites fluid of an A6-tumor-bearing mouse. FPA6 and A6 cell lines produced in nude mice mixed carcinomas with a squamous and poorly differentiated component. Both cell lines coexpressed keratins and vimentin and synthesized E-cadherin protein, although FPA6 cells cultured at early passages (FPA6-ep) had reduced levels of E-cadherin mRNA and increased synthesis of keratin K8, a marker of malignant progression. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that FPA6-ep cells exhibited a disorganized cytoskeleton with keratins forming focal juxtanuclear aggregates and loss of F-actin stress fibers and cortical bundles, and E-cadherin was localized in the cytoplasm out of cell-cell contact areas. Sporadic cells in A6 and PDV cultures also presented those anomalous keratin structures, suggesting that FPA6 cells originated from a subpopulation of A6 tumor cells that metastasized into the peritoneal cavity. The analysis of the spontaneous and experimental metastatic potentials of the cell lines showed that epithelioid and fibroblastic cell variants had acquired metastatic abilities compared to PDV which was nonmetastatic. The FPA6-ep cell line exhibited a highly aggressive behavior, killing the animals at about 17 days after intravenous injection of the cells into athymic mice. The phenotype of FPA6-ep cells was unstable and reverted at later passages in which the normal organization of keratin and F-actin in filaments and the localization of E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts were restored. This phenotypic reversion occurred concomitantly with a reduction of the experimental metastatic potential of FPA6 cells.  相似文献   

The authors compared the acceptance and efficacy of rectal and nasal administration of midazolam (MDZ) for premedication. Ninety-five ASA I and II paediatric patients (8 months to 12 years) scheduled for elective surgery were randomly allocated to two groups. Group R received 0.3 mg kg-1 of rectal midazolam (in 5 mL saline). Group N received 0.2 mg kg-1 of nasal midazolam (5 mg ml-1). Both groups were divided in two subgroups according to age (group RA (< or = 6 years, n = 33), group RB (> 6 years, n = 18), group NA (< or = 6 years, n = 28), group NB (> 6 years, n = 16)). At the time of premedication, tolerance to the administration was confirmed. Twenty min after rectal or 10 min after nasal administration the quality of sedation was recorded. The nasal midazolam, in commonly used dosages, induced a sedation similar to that following rectal administration with a shorter delay of onset. Nasal administration was more often painful than rectal administration. Swallowing (nasal midazolam) and concerns about modesty (rectal midazolam) were more frequent in older children. Because of its poor tolerance, nasal premedication should be reversed for cases where there is no alternative. Rectal premedication should be avoided in older children.  相似文献   

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