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We theoretically investigate light trapping with disordered 1D photonic structures in thin‐film crystalline silicon solar cells. The disorder is modelled in a finite‐size supercell, which allows the use of rigorous coupled‐wave analysis to calculate the optical properties of the devices and the short‐circuit current density Jsc. The role of the Fourier transform of the photonic pattern in the light trapping is investigated, and the optimal correlation between size and position disorder is found. This result is used to optimize the disorder in a more effective way, using a single parameter. We find that a Gaussian disorder always enhances the device performance with respect to the best ordered configuration. To properly quantify this improvement, we calculate the Lambertian limit to the absorption enhancement for 1D photonic structures in crystalline silicon, following the previous work for the 2D case [M.A. Green, Progr. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2002; 10 (4), pp. 235–241]. We find that disorder optimization can give a relevant contribution to approach this limit. Finally, we propose an optimal disordered 2D configuration and estimate the maximum short‐circuit current that can be achieved, potentially leading to efficiencies that are comparable with the values of other thin‐film solar cell technologies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Up to now solar cells fabricated on tricrystalline Czochralski‐grown silicon (tri‐Si) have shown relatively low short‐circuit current densities of about 31–33 mA/cm2 because the three {110}‐oriented grains cannot effectively be textured by commonly used anisotropic etching solutions. In this work, we have optimised a novel chemical texturing step for tri‐Si and integrated it successfully into our solar cell process. Metal/insulator/semiconductor‐contacted phosphorus‐diffused n+p junction silicon solar cells with a silicon‐dioxide‐passivated rear surface and evaporated aluminium contacts were manufactured, featuring a spatially uniform surface texture over all three grains on both cell sides. Despite the simple processing sequence and cell structure, an independently confirmed record efficiency of 17.6% has been achieved. This excellent efficiency is mainly due to an increased short‐circuit current density of 37 mA/cm2 obtained by substantially reduced reflection and enhanced light trapping. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation of the nanoparticle‐enhanced light trapping in thin‐film silicon solar cells is reported. The nanoparticles are fabricated by annealing a thin Ag film on the cell surface. An optimisation roadmap for the plasmon‐enhanced light‐trapping scheme for self‐assembled Ag metal nanoparticles is presented, including a comparison of rear‐located and front‐located nanoparticles, an optimisation of the precursor Ag film thickness, an investigation on different conditions of the nanoparticle dielectric environment and a combination of nanoparticles with other supplementary back‐surface reflectors. Significant photocurrent enhancements have been achieved because of high scattering and coupling efficiency of the Ag nanoparticles into the silicon device. For the optimum light‐trapping scheme, a short‐circuit current enhancement of 27% due to Ag nanoparticles is achieved, increasing to 44% for a “nanoparticle/magnesium fluoride/diffuse paint” back‐surface reflector structure. This is 6% higher compared with our previously reported plasmonic short‐circuit current enhancement of 38%. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a heterojunction (HJ) solar cell on n‐type epitaxially grown kerfless crystalline‐silicon with an in‐house‐measured conversion efficiency of 23%. The total cell area is 243.4 cm2. The cell has a short‐circuit current density of 39.6 mA cm−2, an open‐circuit voltage of 725 mV, and a fill factor of 0.799. The effect of stacking faults (SFs) is examined by current density (J) mapping measurements as well as by spectral response mapping. The J mapping images show that the localized lower J regions of the HJ solar cells are associated with recombination sites originating from SFs, independent of whether SFs are formed on the emitter or absorber side. The solar cell results and our analysis suggest that epitaxially grown wafers based on kerfless technology could be an alternative for low‐cost industrial production of Si HJ solar cells. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of grating couplers on the optical properties of silicon thin‐film solar cells was studied by a comparison of experimental results with numerical simulations. The thin‐film solar cells studied are based on microcrystalline silicon (μc‐Si:H) absorber layers of thickness in the micrometer range. To investigate the light propagation in these cells, especially in the red wavelength region, three‐dimensional power loss profiles are simulated. The influence of different grating parametres—such as period size, groove height, and shape of the grating—was studied to gain more insight into the light propagation within thin‐film silicon solar cells and to determine an optimized light trapping scheme. The effect of the TCO front and TCO back side layer thickness was investigated. The calculated quantum efficiencies and short‐circuit current densities are in good agreement with the experimental data. The simulations predict further optimization criteria. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) combined with a conducting polymer are studied to constitute a hybrid organic/inorganic solar cell. This type of cell shows a particularly high interfacial area between SiNWs and the polymer so that interfacial control and interface optimization are required. For that purpose, we terminated the SiNW surfaces with well selected functional groups (molecules) such as native oxide (hereinafter SiO2‐SiNW), hydrogen (hereinafter H‐SiNW) and methyl (hereinafter CH3‐SiNW). A radial hetero‐junction solar cell is formed, and the cell parameters with and without interface control by functionalization with molecules are compared. Electronically, the three surfaces were close to flat‐band conditions. The CH3‐SiNW, H‐SiNW and SiO2‐SiNW produced a surface dipole of −0.12, +0.07 and 0.2 eV and band bending of 50, 100 and 170 meV, respectively. The surface properties of functionalized SiNWs are investigated by photoelectron yield (PY) and photoemission spectroscopy. PY studies on functionalized SiNWs are presented for the first time, and our results show that this type of measurement is an excellent option to carry out interface optimization of NWs for envisaged nano‐electronic and photonic applications. The solar cell efficiency is increased dramatically after terminating the surface with CH3 molecules due to the decrease of the defect emission. The differently functionalized SiNW surfaces showed identical absorbance, reflectance and transmission so that a change in PY can be attributed to the Si–C bonds at the surface. This finding permits the design of new solar cell concepts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four different categories of rough reflecting substrates as well as a single periodic grating are incorporated and tested within n‐i‐p type amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) solar cells. Each category is characterised by its own texture shape; dimensions were varied within the categories. Compared to flat reflecting substrates, gains in short‐circuit current density (Jsc) up to 20% have been obtained on rough reflecting plastic substrates. As long as (1) the characteristic dimensions of the textures are lower than the involved light wavelengths, (2) the textures do not present any defects i.e. as long as they do not have large craters or bumps spread over the surface, the root mean square roughness (δRMS) as well as the ratio of average feature height to average period can be used to evaluate the gain in Jsc; if each category of randomly textured substrates is considered separately, the haze factor can be used to estimate δRMS and thereby the gains in Jsc. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coaxial gallium arsenide single‐nanowire solar cells with multiple electrically and optically functional nanoshells are presented in this paper. Both optical absorption and light‐conversion characteristics are extensively examined by performing a comprehensive device‐oriented simulation. It is found that a window layer with a large semiconductor bandgap is necessary for the nanowire gallium arsenide solar cells, which allow internal quantum efficiency ~100% in ~75% of the absorption band of gallium arsenide. Results also reveal the role of nanofocusing effect in enhancing the performance of nanowire devices that show both absorption and external quantum efficiencies over 100% under resonances. A dielectric cladding shell is introduced and optimized, which enhances the nanofocusing effect and leads to extraordinary enhancement of both absorption and light‐conversion capabilities in a very broad band. This design contributes a short‐circuit current density increased by 2.4 times and an open‐circuit voltage over 1.1 V. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Si thin‐film solar cells are suitable to the sunbelt region due to a low temperature coefficient and to building integrated photovoltaics owing to flexible size, easily controllable transmittance, and an aesthetic design. Nevertheless, the application is limited until now due to their low conversion efficiency. We have developed a triple junction cell (a‐Si:H/a‐SiGe:H/µc‐Si:H) providing efficient light utilization. For the high efficiency, we have focused on the smoothing of high haze TCO, a low absorption window layer, a low refractive index interlayer, uniformity control of the thickness and crystalline volume fraction in the microcrystalline silicon layer, and a low absorption back reflector. Through these activities, we have achieved a world record of 13.4% stabilized efficiency in the small size cell (1 cm2) and 10.5% stabilized efficiency in the large area module (1.1 × 1.3 m2), certificated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, respectively. This result was presented in solar cell efficiency tables (Version 41). At this moment, we have increased a stabilized efficiency of 11.2% (Output power 160 W) in the large area module. We will report on the advanced materials in detail for high efficiency. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To further increase the efficiency of multijunction thin‐film silicon (TF‐Si) solar cells, it is crucial for the front electrode to have a good transparency and conduction, to provide efficient light trapping for each subcell, and to ensure a suitable morphology for the growth of high‐quality silicon layers. Here, we present the implementation of highly transparent modulated surface textured (MST) front electrodes as light‐trapping structures in multijunction TF‐Si solar cells. The MST substrates comprise a micro‐textured glass, a thin layer of hydrogenated indium oxide (IOH), and a sub‐micron nano‐textured ZnO layer grown by low‐pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD ZnO). The bilayer IOH/LPCVD ZnO stack guarantees efficient light in‐coupling and light trapping for the top amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) solar cell while minimizing the parasitic absorption losses. The crater‐shaped micro‐textured glass provides both efficient light trapping in the red and infrared wavelength range and a suitable morphology for the growth of high‐quality nanocrystalline silicon (nc‐Si:H) layers. Thanks to the efficient light trapping for the individual subcells and suitable morphology for the growth of high‐quality silicon layers, multijunction solar cells deposited on MST substrates have a higher efficiency than those on single‐textured state‐of‐the‐art LPCVD ZnO substrates. Efficiencies of 14.8% (initial) and 12.5% (stable) have been achieved for a‐Si:H/nc‐Si:H tandem solar cells with the MST front electrode, surpassing efficiencies obtained on state‐of‐the‐art LPCVD ZnO, thereby highlighting the high potential of MST front electrodes for high‐efficiency multijunction solar cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High and stable lifetimes recently reported for n‐type silicon materials are an important and promising prerequisite for innovative solar cells. To exploit the advantages of the excellent electrical properties of n‐type Si wafers for manufacturing simple and industrially feasible high‐efficiency solar cells, we focus on back junction n+np+ solar cells featuring an easy‐to‐fabricate full‐area screen‐printed aluminium‐alloyed rear p+ emitter. Independently confirmed record‐high efficiencies have been achieved on n‐type phosphorus‐doped Czochralski‐grown silicon material: 18·9% for laboratory‐type n+np+ solar cells (4 cm2) with shadow‐mask evaporated front contact grid and 17·0% for front and rear screen‐printed industrial‐type cells (100 cm2). The electrical cell parameters were found to be perfectly stable under illumination. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements of the dislocation density are compared with locally resolved measurements of carrier lifetime for p‐type multicrystalline silicon. A correlation between dislocation density and carrier recombination was found: high carrier lifetimes (>100 µs) were only measured in areas with low dislocation density (<105 cm−2), in areas of high dislocation density (>106 cm−2) relatively low lifetimes (<20 µs) were observed. In order to remove mobile impurities from the silicon, a phosphorus diffusion gettering process was applied. An increase of the carrier lifetime by about a factor of three was observed in lowly dislocated regions whereas in highly dislocated areas no gettering efficiency was observed. To test the effectiveness of the gettering in a solar cell manufacturing process, five different multicrystalline silicon materials from four manufacturers were phosphorus gettered. Base resistivity varied between 0·5 and 5 Ω cm for the boron‐ and gallium‐doped p‐type wafers which were used in this study. The high‐efficiency solar cell structure, which has led to the highest conversion efficiencies of multicrystalline silicon solar cells to date, was used to fabricate numerous solar cells with aperture areas of 1 and 4 cm2. Efficiencies in the 20% range were achieved for all materials with an average value of 18%. Best efficiencies for 1 cm2 (20·3%) and 4 cm2 (19·8%) cells were achieved on 0·6 and 1·5 Ω cm, respectively. This proves that multicrystalline silicon of very different material specification can yield very high efficiencies if an appropriate cell process is applied. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a rear side structure for crystalline silicon solar cells, which is processed at a maximum temperature of 220°C. Using two different material compositions for electrical and optical needs, the layer system has excellent passivation properties, enhances light trapping and allows for a good ohmic contact. With this structure we achieve an independently confirmed conversion efficiency η=20·5% on a 250 μm thick silicon solar cell. Due to the fact that the maximum process temperature is 220°C, this layer system enables new solar cell concepts. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thin‐film epitaxial silicon solar cells are an attractive future alternative for bulk silicon solar cells incorporating many of the process advantages of the latter, but on a potentially cheap substrate. Several challenges have to be tackled before this potential can be successfully exploited on a large scale. This paper describes the points of interest and how IMEC aims to solve them. It presents a new step forward towards our final objective: the development of an industrial cell process based on screen‐printing for > 15% efficient epitaxial silicon solar cells on a low‐cost substrate. Included in the discussion are the substrates onto which the epitaxial deposition is done and how work is progressing in several research institutes and universities on the topic of a high‐throughput epitaxial reactor. The industrial screen‐printing process sequence developed at IMEC for these epitaxial silicon solar cells is presented, with emphasis on plasma texturing and improvement of the quality of the epitaxial layer. Efficiencies between 12 and 13% are presented for large‐area (98 cm2) epitaxial layers on highly doped UMG‐Si, off‐spec and reclaim material. Finally, the need for an internal reflection scheme is explained. A realistically achievable internal reflection at the epi/substrate interface of 70% will result in a calculated increase of 3 mA/cm2 in short‐circuit current. An interfacial stack of porous silicon layers (Bragg reflectors) is chosen as a promising candidate and the challenges facing its incorporation between the epitaxial layer and the substrate are presented. Experimental work on this topic is reported and concentrates on the extraction of the internal reflection at the epi/substrate interface from reflectance measurements. Initial results show an internal reflectance between 30 and 60% with a four‐layer porous silicon stack. Resistance measurements for majority carrier flow through these porous silicon stacks are also included and show that no resistance increase is measurable for stacks up to four layers. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the first time, the sensitivity to impurities of the solar cell conversion efficiency is reported for a state‐of‐the‐art (i.e., 18%) and advanced device architecture (i.e., 23%). The data are based on the experimental results obtained in the CrystalClear project for the state‐of‐the‐art cell process and extrapolated to a device with excellent front and rear surface passivation. Both device structures are not assumed to work in low injection level as several studies assumed before, but real operating conditions are considered. This is a fundamental difference with the past and required for modeling future high efficiency devices. The impurity with highest impact is Ti, followed by Cu, Cr, Ni and Fe, which form together a group two order of magnitude less sensitive than the former. In high efficiency devices, a large reduction of the impurity impact is visible for impurities with large capture cross‐section ratio like Fe, which reduces its relative difference in comparison with, for example, Cr, which has a small capture cross‐section ratio. In general, advanced devices will be more sensitive to the impurity content than the state‐of‐the‐art cell design. This effect is partly compensated by a reduction of the substrate thickness. The impurity sensitivity as function of the substrate thickness is reported. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As an alternative to randomly textured transparent conductive oxides as front contact for thin‐film silicon solar cells the application of transparent grating couplers was studied. The grating couplers were prepared by sputtering of aluminium‐doped zinc oxide (ZnO) on glass substrate, a photolithography and a lift‐off process and were used as periodically textured substrates. The period size and groove depth of these transparent gratings were tuned independently from each other and varied between 1 and 4 μm and 100–600 nm. The optical properties of rectangular‐shaped gratings and the opto‐electronic behaviour of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon solar cells with integrated grating couplers as a function of the grating parameters (period size P and groove depth hg) are presented. The optical properties of the gratings are discussed with respect to randomly textured substrates and the achieved solar cell results are compared with the opto‐electronic properties of solar cells deposited on untextured (flat) and randomly textured substrates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Back‐side diffractive gratings enhance a solar cell's efficiency by trapping light inside the cell and increasing the probability of absorption. We introduce a three‐dimensional, polarization‐sensitive optical model combining ray tracing and rigorous coupled‐wave analysis to investigate silicon solar cells with pyramidal front‐side texturing and back‐side gratings. Parameter optimization is performed to increase the short‐circuit current density for a linear binary grating with grating period p and height h. For the investigated 180‐µm‐thick pyramidally textured silicon solar cells, the simulation yields a maximum enhancement of the short‐circuit current density by ΔJSC = 1.79 mA/cm2 corresponding to an absolute efficiency increase of Δη = 0.90%. Furthermore, we report on fabrication and reflectance measurements of solar cells with gratings and key challenges in achieving efficiency gains using back‐side diffractive gratings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dopant‐free, carrier‐selective contacts (CSCs) on high efficiency silicon solar cells combine ease of deposition with potential optical benefits. Electron‐selective titanium dioxide (TiO2) contacts, one of the most promising dopant‐free CSC technologies, have been successfully implemented into silicon solar cells with an efficiency over 21%. Here, we report further progress of TiO2 contacts for silicon solar cells and present an assessment of their industrial feasibility. With improved TiO2 contact quality and cell processing, a remarkable efficiency of 22.1% has been achieved using an n‐type silicon solar cell featuring a full‐area TiO2 contact. Next, we demonstrate the compatibility of TiO2 contacts with an industrial contact‐firing process, its low performance sensitivity to the wafer resistivity, its applicability to ultrathin substrates as well as its long‐term stability. Our findings underscore the great appeal of TiO2 contacts for industrial implementation with their combination of high efficiency with robust fabrication at low cost. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thin film hetero‐emitter solar cells with large‐grained poly‐silicon absorbers of around 10 µm thickness have been prepared on glass. The basis of the cell concept is electron‐beam‐crystallization of an amorphous or nanocrystalline silicon layer deposited onto a SiC:B layer. The SiC:B layer covers a commercially well available glass substrate, serving as diffusion barrier, contact layer and dopand source. For silicon absorber deposition a low pressure chemical vapour deposition was used. The successively applied e‐beam crystallization process creates poly‐silicon layers with grain sizes up to 1 × 10 mm2 with low defect densities. The high electronic quality of the absorber is reflected in open circuit voltages as high as 545 mV, which are realized making use of the well‐developed a‐Si:H hetero‐emitter technology. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This short communication highlights our latest results towards high‐efficiency microcrystalline silicon single‐junction solar cells. By combining adequate cell design with high‐quality material, a new world record efficiency was achieved for single‐junction microcrystalline silicon solar cell, with a conversion efficiency of 10.69%, independently confirmed at ISE CalLab PV Cells. Such significant conversion efficiency could be achieved with only 1.8 µm of Si. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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