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This paper describes the design of an original twin capacitive load that is able of tracing simultaneously the I–V characteristics of two photovoltaic modules. Besides, an example of the application of this dual system to the outdoor rating of photovoltaic modules is presented, whose results have shown a good degree of repeatability. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple method of obtaining single cell dark I–V curves in a photovoltaic module was developed. The method does not require disassembling the module and was verified experimentally. From the dark I–V curves, the cell characteristic parameters were obtained. By following the time evolution of the characteristic parameters it is possible to determine the main degradation mechanisms and predict the mean life time of the module before failure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An algorithm to calculate the current in the two‐diode equivalent circuit of a solar cell is described and characterized in detail. It enables fitting measured current–voltage characteristics with hundreds of voltage points and six fit parameters at practically instantaneous speeds and can handle thousands of voltage points within a few seconds, without simplifications of the two‐diode model. This performance enables routine two‐diode model parameter extraction at in‐line speeds, which may help to enhance cell characterization for module integration. The source code is publicly available. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a simple approach to deriving I–V curves of photovoltaic panels and small arrays for arbitrary environmental conditions on the basis of three points of a single operating curve data and short current temperature coefficient only. The proposed method does not employ fitting of any type and is solely based on a numerical solution of a system of transcendental equations. The equations are expressed in a dimensionless form, simplifying both the solution and photovoltaic panel parameters' representation. The solution is used to find the values of normalized equivalent circuit elements for the available data and then perform an appropriate adjustment to obtain the operating curves for arbitrary conditions. The proposed method was applied to monocrystalline and polycrystalline commercial solar panels and was compared with both manufacturer‐provided and experimentally measured operating curves to analyze the approach applicability and accuracy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current–voltage ( I–V ) characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems have always been a good indicator of the overall performance of a system. The aim of this paper is to give an overview and elucidate the use of the I–V characteristics of concentrator PV (CPV) modules and arrays as an important diagnostic tool to identify factors that lower a system's performance and the types of mismatch that exist between series‐connected single‐junction cells within a module. Possible causes for mismatch between cells include factors such as; misalignment of optical elements and cells, nonuniform cell material parameters, uneven cell illumination due to dew, dust or degradation of the secondary and main optical elements. The different types of mismatch typically found in CPV are categorized and their effects on the resultant module I–V curves are discussed and shown. The effect of bypass diodes on the module's I–V curves is also illustrated. This paper also reports on, and interprets I–V measurements that were recorded for a commercially available point‐focus concentrator module under various real outdoor conditions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种肖特基二极管的毫米波等效电路模型参数提取方法。该方法利用开路测试结构确定焊盘电容,并结合短路测试结构确定馈线电感;基于直流I-V特性曲线和小信号S参数分别提取了寄生电阻并进行了对比分析;给出了本征元件随偏置电压的变化曲线。在频率高达40 GHz的范围内,截止和导通状态下S参数的模拟与测试数据吻合良好,验证了提取方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This work describes a method developed for estimating the energy delivered by building integrated photovoltaics systems operating under non‐standard conditions of irradiance and temperature. The method is based on calculation of the maximum power (PGmax) supplied by the modules array as a function of irradiance and ambient temperature, achieved by simulating its I–V and P–V curves using an algorithm which needs only the performance parameters supplied by the manufacturers. The energy generated by the PV system is estimated from monthly average values of PGmax calculated for using monthly average values of ambient temperature and irradiance obtained from data measured during 2 years. The method is applied to crystalline Si modules and tested by comparing the simulated I–V and P–V curves with those obtained by outdoor measurements as well as for comparing the energy produced during the years 2009 and 2010 with a 3.6 kWp building integrated photovoltaics system installed at the Universidad Nacional located in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, at 4°35′ latitude and 2.580 m altitude. The contrast of the simulated I–V and P–V curves for two different types of commercial Si‐modules with those experimentally obtained under real conditions indicated that the simulation method is reliably. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The irradiance and spectral distribution cast on the cell by a concentrating photovoltaic system, typically made up of a primary Fresnel lens and a secondary stage optical element, is dependent on many factors, and these distributions in turn influence the electrical performance of the cell. In this paper, the effect of spatial and spectral non‐uniform irradiance distribution on multi‐junction solar cell performance was analyzed using an integrated approach. Irradiance and spectral distributions were obtained by means of ray‐tracing simulation and by direct imaging at a range of cell‐to‐lens distances. At the same positions, I–V curves were measured and compared in order to evaluate non‐uniformity effects on cell performance. The procedure was applied to three different optical systems comprised a Fresnel lens with a secondary optical element consisting of either a pyramid, a dome, or a bare cell. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comprehensive simulation model has been developed in this paper to simulate the overall energy performance of an amorphous silicon (a‐Si) based photovoltaic double‐skin facade (PV‐DSF). The methodology and the model simulation procedure are presented in detail. To simulate the overall energy performance, the airflow network model, daylighting model, and the Sandia Array Performance Model in the EnergyPlus software were adopted to simultaneously simulate the thermal, daylighting, and dynamic power output performances of the PV‐DSF. The interaction effects between thermal, daylighting, and the power output performances of the PV‐DSF were reasonably well modeled by coupling the energy generation, heat‐transfer, and optical models. Simulation results were compared with measured data from an outdoor test facility in Hong Kong in which the PV‐DSF performance was measured. The model validation work showed that most of the simulated results agreed very well with the measured data except for a modest overestimation of heat gains in the afternoons. In particular, the root‐mean‐square error between the simulated monthly AC energy output and the measured quantity was only 2.47%. The validation results indicate that the simulation model developed in this study can accurately simulate the overall energy performance of the semi‐transparent PV‐DSF. This model can, therefore, be an effective tool for carrying out optimum design and sensitivity analyses for PV‐DSFs in different climate zones. The methodology developed in this paper also provides a useful reference and starting point for the modeling of other kinds of semi‐transparent thin‐film PV windows or facades. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental system developed in the photovoltaic laboratory at the University of Málaga (Spain) to measure the current–voltage curve of photovoltaic modules under outdoor conditions. The measurement is performed in an automated way by employing commercial instruments controlled by a computer using the GPIB standard. Several modules, selected sequentially through a set of relays, are biased by a four‐quadrant power supply while a function generator synchronizes two multimeters in order to acquire voltage and current values. The measurement uncertainties were also estimated. The proposed method for synchronizing the voltage and current measurements ensures that these measurements are performed simultaneously; this means that the estimated uncertainty is lower than those obtained using other previously proposed methods. The main electrical parameters are estimated. A user‐friendly application allows the user to configure several parameters, such as bias rate, voltage, and current limits and the number of points of the curve. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the measurement of the I–V curve of a 500‐kW PV generator by means of an own‐made capacitive load. It is shown that I–V curve analysis can also be applied to big PV generators and that when measuring the operation conditions with reference modules and taking some precautions (especially regarding the operation cell temperature), it is still a useful tool for characterizing them and therefore can be incorporated into maintenance procedures. As far as we know, this is the largest I–V curve measured so far. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By means of bilinear interpolation and four reference current–voltage (IV) curves, an IV curve of a photovoltaic (PV) module is translated to desired conditions of irradiance and PV module temperature. The four reference IV curves are measured at two irradiance and two PV module temperature levels and contain all the essential PV module characteristic information for performing the bilinear interpolation. The interpolation is performed first with respect to open‐circuit voltage to account for PV module temperature, and second with respect to short‐circuit current to account for irradiance. The translation results over a wide range of irradiances and PV module temperatures agree closely with measured values for a group of PV modules representing seven different technologies. Root‐mean‐square errors were 1·5% or less for the IV curve parameters of maximum power, voltage at maximum power, current at maximum power, short‐circuit current, and open‐circuit voltage. The translation is applicable for determining the performance of a PV module for a specified test condition, or for PV system performance modeling. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The measurement of the dark I–V curve is one of the most straightforward methods for characterizing solar cells. Consequently, an accurate knowledge of its meaning is of high relevance for the comprehension and technological feedback of these devices. In this paper, an explanation of the dark I–V curve for concentrator III–V solar cells is presented using a 3D (three‐dimensional) model in order to provide a proper data fit that provides meaningful physical parameters that are also compatible and coherent with a data fit from illumination curves. The influence on the dark I–V curve of the most significant series resistance components of concentrator solar cells is also analysed concluding that only the vertical component as well as the front contact‐specific resistance can be assessable by means of this characterization method while both emitter and metal sheet resistances cannot be detected. For comparison purposes, the same experimental data have been fitted by means of a traditional two‐diode model showing that, although an accurate dark I–V curve fitting can be achieved, the extracted parameters are unable to reproduce illumination data since lumped models assume the same ohmic losses distribution for both dark and illumination conditions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performance of photovoltaic (PV) modules is generally rated under standard test conditions (STC). However, the performance of thin‐film photovoltaic modules is not unique even under STC, because of the “metastability”. The effects of the light soaking and thermal annealing shall be incorporated into an appropriate energy rating standard. In this study, the change in I–V characteristics of thin‐film PV modules caused by the metastability was examined by repeated indoor measurements in addition to round‐robin outdoor measurements. The investigated thin‐film modules were copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS), a‐Si : H, and a‐Si : H/µc‐Si : H (tandem) modules. The increase in the performance of the CIGS module between the initial and final indoor measurements was approximately 8%. Because of light‐induced degradation, the indoor performance of the a‐Si : H and a‐Si : H/µc‐Si : H modules decreased by approximately 35% and 20%, respectively. The performance was improved by about 4–6% under high temperature conditions after the initial degradation. The results suggest that the performance of thin‐film silicon modules can seasonally vary by approximately 4–6% only due to thermal annealing and light soaking effects. The effect of solar spectrum enhanced the outdoor performance of the a‐Si : H module by about 10% under low air mass conditions, although that of the a‐Si : H/µc‐Si : H modules showed a little increase. The currents of these a‐Si : H/µc‐Si : H modules may be limited by the bottom cells. Therefore, it is required to optimize the effect of solar spectrum in addition to the effects of light soaking and thermal annealing, in order to achieve the best performance for thin‐film silicon tandem modules. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How to evaluate the performance of satellite networks is a prerequisite to the construction of satellite networks, and is also one of challenges in the researches on satellite networks. In this paper, generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) models are presented to carry out the performance analysis of a double‐layered satellite network. Firstly, the GSPN model of a double‐layered satellite network is simplified by proper analysis. Then, two sets of experiments are conducted to analyse the performance of the satellite networks, and show that the double‐layered satellite network outperforms single‐layered ones on the heavy traffic load. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by simulation experiments. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Infrared lock‐in thermography allows to image shunts very sensitively in all kinds of solar cells and also to measure dark currents flowing in certain regions of the cell quantitatively. After a summary of the physical basis of lock‐in thermography and its practical realization, four types of quantitative measurements are described: local I–V characteristics measured thermally up to a constant factor (LIVT); the quantitative measurement of the current through a local shunt; the evaluation of the influence of shunts on the efficiency of a cell as a function of the illumination intensity; and the mapping of the ideality factor n and the saturation current density J0 over the whole cell. The investigation of a typical multicrystalline solar cell shows that the shunts are predominantly responsible for deterioration of the low‐light‐level performance of the cell, and that variations of the injection current density related to crystal defects are predominantly determined by variation of J0 rather than of n. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Determination of solar cell parameters by illuminated I–V measurement is a standard characterisation technique in the photovoltaic industry. These measurements are carried out under standard conditions (STC: 25 °C, 1000 W/m2 AM1.5G spectrum). It can be considered as the most crucial in‐line test for solar cells as it provides the industry with the conversion efficiency, and it is also a reliable quality control test. Reference cells are mainly used in testing equipment to set irradiance and working conditions in the tester/sorter, the rest of the cells being measured and classified by comparison with that reference. An accurate calibration of the irradiance at STC in cell testers and high precision in determining the main parameters of the I–V curve are required; a suitable design of the mechanical components and an adequate selection of different programme options should be made (distribution of the points measured, temperature correction or classification method). Here, we have studied the accuracy of an industrial solar simulator whose mechanical, electrical, electronic and software components were analysed with an individual solar device and a production sample. An uncertainty analysis was carried out in order to determine the power uncertainty and which components to improve in order to reduce it. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an accurate small-signal model for multi-gate GaAs pHEMTs in switching-mode.The extraction method for the proposed model is developed.A 2-gate switch structure is fabricated on a commercial 0.5μm AlGaAs/GaAs pHEMT technology to verify the proposed model.Excellent agreement has been obtained between the measured and simulated results over a wide frequency range.  相似文献   

付军 《半导体学报》2009,30(8):084005-7
High frequency intrinsic small-signal model parameter extraction for microwave SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors is studied, with a focus on the main feedback elements including the emitter series resistor, internal and external base-collector capacitors as well as the base series resistor, all of which are important in determining the behavior of the device equivalent circuit. In accordance with the respective features of definition of the Y- and Z-parameters, a novel combined use of them succeeds in reasonably simplifying the device equivalent circuit and thus decoupling the extraction of base-collector capacitances from other model parameters. As a result, a very simple direct extraction method is proposed. The proposed method is applied for determining the SiGe HBT small-signal model parameters by taking numerically simulated Y- and Z-parameters as nominal "measurement data" with the help of a Taurus-device simulator. The validity of the method is preliminarily confirmed by the observation of certain linear relations of device frequency behavior as predicted by the corresponding theoretical analysis. Furthermore, the extraction results can be used to reasonably account for the dependence of the extracted model parameters on device geometry and process parameters, reflecting the explicit physical meanings of parameters, and especially revealing the distributed nature of the base series resistor and its complex interactions with base-collector capacitors. Finally, the accuracy of our model parameter extraction method is further validated by comparing the modeled and simulated S-parameters as a function of frequency.  相似文献   

ter extraction method is further validated by comparing the modeled and simulated S-parameters as a function of frequency.  相似文献   

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