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The paper presents results concerning the synthesis and characterisation of some unsymmetrical diesters of adipic acid with a mixed, complex structure in order to produce synthetic ester oils with specific tribological properties. These complex diesters have been synthesised by taking into account medium and superior aliphatic alcohols, such as n‐butanol, n‐hexanol, 2‐ethyl‐hexanol, isodecanol and isotridecanol along with special alcohols of a complex alkyl–aryl nature, namely 2‐phenoxy‐ethanol, 2‐([o‐sec butyl] phenoxy) ethanol and 2‐([p‐nonyl] phenoxy) ethanol, respectively. By varying the length of the aliphatic alcohols and also by modifying the length and position of the alkyl pendant group on the aromatic ring of the complex alkyl–aryl alcohols, three series of products have been realised. On the basis of this programme, it has been possible to obtain fluid products that show valuable tribological features with adequate and versatile characteristics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is an increasing move towards the use of environmentally safe lubricants. However, the development of a common biodegradable base stock that could replace conventional ones is a big challenge. Synthetic lubricants, whether synthetic hydrocarbons, organic esters, or others, all have problems associated with their use. However, in general terms synthetic lubricants protect better, last longer, and outperform their conventional mineral‐based counterparts in certain applications. Future lubricant specifications in view of the demand for improved performance to meet stringent environmental regulations are the main drivers for new technological developments. As part of a study to produce polyol ester lubricant base stocks from C5 polyols and C6‐C14 carboxylic acids in the presence of eco‐friendly catalysts, a series of products has been synthesised. A biodegradable lubricant formulation for automotive transmission fluids has been developed based on a synthesised product as a base fluid. This paper reports on the physico‐chemical characteristics and performance evaluation results of this formulation, which is a promising base stock for automotive transmission fluids.  相似文献   

Polyglycols are used in a wide range of applications, including lubrication. Many advantageous properties can be obtained for lubricant applications by manipulating the four variables in polyglycol preparation: the initiator, the alkylene oxides, the molecular build‐up, and the mole weight. However, it has long been believed that it would not be possible to combine these properties with a good environmental profile of high biodegradability and low aqueous toxicity. Development work at the authors' laboratory has resulted in polyglycol‐chemistry‐based products that fulfil the application requirements and are also environmentally friendly. Assessment by the Umwelt Bundes Amt has led to a statement of suitability for Blue Angel formulations for two water‐soluble polyglycol grades (ISO 22 and IS0 46). Environmentally‐friendly watersoluble polyglycol base stocks currently includes the range ISO 10 to ISO 100. The development of environmentally friendly water‐insoluble and oil‐soluble polyglycols is under way.  相似文献   

The paper presents results concerning synthesis and characterisation as lubricant fluids of some esters of different monocarboxylic acids with variable chain length, along with aliphatic‐aromatic complex alcohols and/or with superior alcohols (exclusive of aliphatic). The monocarboxylic acids taken into account were n‐butyric, n‐octanoic and oleic, respectively, while the alcohols considered were isodecyl and isotridecyl as purely aliphatic, and 2‐phenoxy‐ethanol, 2‐[(o‐sec‐butyl)phenoxy]ethanol and 2‐[(p‐nonyl)phenoxy]ethanol, as part of the complex aliphatic‐aromatic alcohols group. Under these circumstances, it became possible to study the influence of the structure on the main physico‐chemical properties of these synthetic oils as well as on their tribological representative features. The results recorded certified the validity of the proposed research programme. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of reserch carried out to produce synthetic ester oils with adequate tribological properties, which could also act as antiwear additives. By varying the molar relationship between aliphatic alcohols of variable chain length and a special alcohol with complex alkyl‐aryl structure, namely 2‐[(o‐sec‐butyl)phenoxy]ethanol, two series of new phosphate esters have been synthesised. The influence of the aryl content and the effect of the length of the aliphatic chain on the characteristics of these esters as base oils, and on their qualities as antiwear additives, have been investigated.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of work carried out to produce phosphate esters of the alkyl‐aryl type. Three new triesters of mixed structure have been synthesised using a special alcohol with an aryl content, e.g., 2‐phenoxy ethanol, and a very long branched alcohol, e.g., isotridecanol. The influence of the aryl content and the effect of the long aliphatic chain on the main tribological properties have been investigated.  相似文献   

Viscosity‐pressure‐temperature relations for paraffinic mineral base oils at pressures up to 0.7 GPa and temperatures between 30 and 90°C were determined using a falling‐ball‐type viscometer. The oils used were solvent refined oils, hydrocracked oils, and an oil produced by a wax isomerisation process. The viscosity at pressures higher than those possible with the viscometer was then derived by applying a simplified solution to the traction curves determined using an elastohydrodynamic disc‐on‐ball tester. When the measured viscosity and the calculated viscosity were plotted against pressure, for the oils with a viscosity index higher than 120 the viscosity derived from traction measurements followed the curve extrapolated to the high‐pressure region using either the Yasutomi or Roelands equations (the parameters for which were obtained using the viscometer). However, the calculated viscosity for the lower‐viscosity‐index oils deviated upwards from the extrapolated curve.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research carried out to produce synthetic ester oils with a mixed structure, based on citric acid, with beneficial tribological properties and potential biodegradability. Two series of unsymmetrical triesters have been synthesised by varying the molar relationship between aliphatic alcohols from C1, to C13 along with an alcohol of a complex alkyl‐aryl structure, namely 2‐[(p‐nonyl)phenoxy]ethanol. The variation of the principal properties as a function of the length of the aliphatic chain introduced by the aliphatic alcohol and the aromatic content introduced by the alkyl‐aryl alcohol has been assessed. The wide range of viscosities of these triesters demonstrates their versatility, and the natural citric acid origin holds potential for their having good ecological characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper reviews various synthetic protocols for poly‐α‐olefin (PAO) synthetic lubricant base stocks that have evolved over the years. Apart from conventional Lewis acid catalysts known for the synthesis of poly‐α‐olefins, such as aluminium trichloride and boron trifluoride, several new catalysts such as metallocenes and ionic liquids have been reported by various researchers. With increasing options of catalytic processes available, it is now possible to produce tailor made PAOs and thus control the properties of the end products, such as viscosity and the viscosity index. Although 1‐decene is the most widely used monomer for PAO application, researchers have used a wide range of monomers from 1‐hexene to 1‐tetradecene and internal olefins in some cases. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to produce inexpensive synthetic lubricants, compatible with R‐134a, using waste carboxylic acids as the starting point. After initial synthesisation of some candidate materials, the suitability of the synthesised products was first evaluated by their chemical and physical properties including thermostability. Two ester bases were selected for further testing — a pentaerythritol esterified with monocarboxylic acids, and a polyalkyleneglycol similarly esterified with monocarboxylic acids C4—C6. The oil bases selected were tested for their corrosion effect on metals. The pentaerythritol ester offered the most advantageous properties in these tests. The results of the laboratory tests have been corroborated by trials conducted on real refrigerating compressor systems. In addition, the synthesis of base oils by methyl ester transesterification in the presence of basic catalysts has been examined.  相似文献   

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