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A numerical study was carried out of heat transfer under a pulsating turbulent slot impinging jet. The jet velocity was varied in an intermittent (on–off) fashion. The effects of the time-mean jet Reynolds number, temperature difference between the jet flow and the impinging surface, nozzle-to-target distance as well as the frequency on heat and mass transfer were examined. The numerical results indicate significant heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent pulsation of the jet flow over a wide range of conditions for both cooling and heating cases. Simulations of the flow and temperature fields show that the instantaneous heat transfer rate on the target surface is highly dependent on the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer development with time.  相似文献   

We present numerical computations of flow and heat transfer in multiple jets impinging normally on a flat heated surface, obtained with a new second-moment turbulence closure combined with an elliptic blending model of non-viscous wall blocking effect. This model provides the mean velocity and turbulent stress fields in very good agreement with PIV measurements. The exploration of several simpler closures for the passive thermal field, conducted in parallel, confirmed that the major prerequisite for the accurate prediction of the temperature field and heat transfer is to compute accurately the velocity and stress fields. If this is achieved, the conventional anisotropic eddy-diffusivity model can suffice even in complex flows. We demonstrate this in multiple-impinging jets where such a model combination provided the distribution of Nusselt number over the solid plate in good agreement with experiments. Extension of the elliptic blending concept to full second-moment treatment of the heat flux and its truncation to a quasi-linear algebraic model is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Present study provides a theoretical investigation of the entropy generation analysis due to flow and heat transfer in nanofluids. For this purpose, the most common alumina–water nanofluids are considered as the model fluid. Since entropy is sensitive to diameter, three different diameters of tube in their different regimes have been taken. Those are microchannel (0.1 mm), minichannel (1 mm) and conventional channel (10 mm). To consider the effect of conductivity and viscosity, two different models have been used to represent theoretical and experimental values. It has been found that the reduced equation with the help of order of magnitude analysis predicts microchannel and conventional channel entropy generation behaviour of nanofluids very well. The alumina–water with high viscosity nanofluids are better coolant for use in minichannels and conventional channels with laminar flow and microchannels and minichannel with turbulent flow. It is not advisable to use alumina–water nanofluids with high viscosity in microchannels with laminar flow or minichannels and conventional channels with turbulent flow. Also there is need to develop low viscosity alumina–water nanofluids for use in microchannel with laminar flow. It is observed that at lower tube diameter, flow friction irreversibility is more significant and at higher tube diameter thermal irreversibility is more. Finally, for both laminar and turbulent flow, there is an optimum diameter at which the entropy generation rate is the minimum for a given nanofluid.  相似文献   

Flow and heat transfer characteristics of swirling impinging jet (SIJ) were studied experimentally at constant nozzle-to-plate distance of L = 4D. The swirling jet is generated by inserting twisted tapes within a pipe nozzle. Effects of swirl on the impinged surface are investigated at twist ratios (y/W) of ∞ (straight tape), 3.64, 2.27, 1.82, and 1.52. The flow patterns of the free swirling jet and the swirling impinging jet were visualized by mixing dye with the jet flow. Distributions of temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient on the impinged surface were measured with thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) sheet and image processing technique. Additionally, an oil film technique was performed as a complementary technique for flow visualization on the impinged surface. The experimental results reveal that there appear to be two peaks of heat transfer in the jet impingement region. The heat transfer enhancements in jet impingement region can be achieved at a low twist ratio of 3.64 which corresponds to the swirl number of 0.4.  相似文献   

Classic and high speed particle image velocimetry and infrared thermography are used to investigate the behavior of a round jet impinging on a flat plate for a Reynolds number 28,000, for orifice-to-plate distances of 3 or 5 nozzle diameters and for two different nozzles, a contraction and a long tube. The contraction nozzle reveals a different heat transfer distribution on the impinging plate compared to the long tube case. The jet can be excited by a loudspeaker at Strouhal numbers 0.26, 0.51 and 0.79. This acoustic forcing changes the jet structure, modifying annular vortex rings in the shear layer of the jet and increasing the turbulent values. The heat transfer is therefore modified, resulting in an increase of the Nusselt number near the jet axis and an alleviation or a shift of the secondary peak.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(14-15):2600-2608
The nonlinear flow and heat transfer characteristics for a slot-jet impinging on slightly-curved surfaces are experimentally studied here. The effects of curved surface geometry and jet Reynolds number on the jet velocity distribution and circumferential Nusselt numbers are examined. Two different slightly-curved surface geometries of convex and concave are used as target surfaces. The nozzle geometry is a rectangular slot, and the dimensionless nozzle-to-surface distance equals to L1 = 8. The constant heat fluxes are accordingly applied to the surfaces to obtain an impingement cooling by the air jet at ambient temperature. The measurements are made for the jet Reynolds numbers of Re = 8617, Re = 13 350 and Re = 15 415 for both curved surfaces. The velocity distributions of issuing jet from the nozzle exit to the target surface are obtained by a highly sensitive hot-wire anemometer. The T-type thermocouples are used to measure local temperatures of both the air jet and the plates. Two-dimensional velocity measurements show that the surfaces are remained out of the potential core region for all Re tested here. New correlations for local, stagnation point, and average Nusselt numbers as a function of jet Reynolds number and dimensionless circumferential distance are reported. The correlations reveal that the impinging cooling rate is higher with the concave surface and increase with increasing Re.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation on pulsating impinging jets has been performed. The effect of the pulsation on the flow structure and heat transfer have been investigated. Frequency and amplitude were varied separately and the effect of each parameter was examined for different Reynolds numbers and nozzle-to-plate distances.The jet was found to become broader and the core jet length smaller with the pulsation. The reason for this behavior is that pulsation enhanced entrainment of air into the jet, which results in a change of mean velocity of the jet. Nevertheless, the behavior at lower frequencies (up to 140 Hz) is still quasisteady. This means that the amplitude of the pulsation behaves similar to the mean velocity of the jet, that the shapes of the velocity profiles are comparable to steady jets and that the jet behavior is independent of frequency.At moderate frequencies heat transfer is only affected by the pulsation when nozzle-to-plate distance and amplitude are large enough. At small nozzle-to-plate distances enhanced entrainment has no influence and no difference between steady and pulsating jets can be recognized. At large nozzle-to-plate distances entrainment increases and jet velocity reduces. This yields a reduction of heat transfer in the stagnation point of up to 50%.But besides of this effect of enhanced entrainment a theoretical limit could be determined, above which the jet is not anymore quasisteady. Above Sr = 0.2 heat transfer is affected by the pulsation also at small nozzle-to-plate distances. At this frequency boundary layer is also affected by the pulsation. This yields increased heat transfer coefficients at the stagnation point. For larger nozzle-to-plate spacings this effect is superposed by the reduction of heat transfer due to increased entrainment, resulting in a strong decrease of heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation on flow structure and heat transfer from a single round jet impinging perpendicularly on a flat plate has been performed. Heat transfer has been studied by means of thermography. The influence of nozzle-to-plate distance and Reynolds number on local heat transfer coefficient has been investigated. Based on the experimental results of this investigation as well as on experimental data from the literature, correlations for heat transfer coefficients have been developed. Similar correlations are presented for heat transfer between a two-dimensional impinging jet and a flat plate, based on literature data. Flow structure in a free jet has also been examined.  相似文献   

The unsteady MHD flow of an incompressible viscous electrically conducting fluid above an infinite rotating disk is studied with heat transfer. The effect of an external uniform magnetic field on the velocity and temperature distributions as well as the heat transfer is considered. Numerical solutions of the nonlinear equations which govern the magnetohydrodynamics and energy transfer are obtained.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments have lead to significant increase in the generated heat by electronic and optical components. The removal of high heat fluxes can be successfully treated by several methods, e.g. impinging jets. Further improvement is offered by incorporating arrays of jets or causing jets to pulsate. The research reported herein introduces a new method which is based on actuation of a slab against a two dimensional steady, impinging, laminar, liquid micro-jet. This leads to enhanced heat transfer in the wall region of the jet. An experimental setup which included a piezoelectric (PZT) actuator, a dedicated silicon chip and a steady, slot, impinging jet, was assembled. Using a high speed infrared (IR) radiometer, the cooling process of the chip was recorded and the heat transfer enhancement values were determined for normalized actuation amplitudes, Reynolds and Strouhal numbers in the ranges of 0.45 < δ < 0.75, 756 < Re < 1260 and 0 < St < 0.052, respectively. It was experimentally found that heat transfer coefficients were enhanced by up to 34%.  相似文献   

A model using an analytical/empirical approach has been developed to predict the rate of heat transfer in the stagnation region of a planar jet impinging on a horizontal flat surface. The model has been developed based on the hypothesis that bubble-induced mixing would result in enhanced or additional diffusivity. The additional diffusivity has been included in the diffusion term of the conservation equations. The value of the effective diffusivity has been correlated with jet parameters (velocity and temperature) and surface temperature using experimental data. The important aspects of the bubble dynamics (generation frequency and average bubble diameter) have been acquired using high-speed imaging and an intrusive optical probe. The applicability of the proposed model has been investigated under conditions of partial and fully-developed nucleate boiling. Experiments have been carried out using water at atmospheric pressure, mass flux in the range of 388–1649 kg/m2 s, degree of sub-cooling in the range of 10–28 °C, and surface temperature in the range of 75–120 °C. Results showed that the proposed model is able to predict the surface heat flux with reasonable accuracy (+30% and ?15%).  相似文献   

Analysis of the heat transfer of an impinging laminar flame jet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flame jet impingement is used in many industrial processes. In this paper an analytical expression is derived for the heat flux of a laminar flame impinging on a flat plate, where the flame jet is approximated by a hot inert jet with the position of the tip of the flame taken equal to the nozzle position. The heal flux in this expression is dependent on the nozzle-to-plate spacing, in contradiction to existing (semi-analytical) relations. The geometry is divided in a region far from the plate and a region dose to the plate. For both regions the velocity profiles are calculated using only the dominant terms of the balance equations. Subsequently these profiles are linked to each other at the boundary between the two zones. Implementing the resulting velocity profile for the complete geometry in the energy equation and integrating over the whole domain results in an expression for the heat flux from the flame to the plate at the hot spot. Numerical calculations show very good agreement with the results of the analytical derivation.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the changes in the flow characteristics of a round jet issuing from a straight tube inserted with longitudinal swirling strips and impinging on a constant-heat-flux flat surface undergoing forced vibrations in the vertical plane. Smoke flow visualization is used to investigate the nature of the complicated flow phenomena under the swirling-flow jet for this impingement cooling. Effects of flow Reynolds number (440  Re  27 000), the geometries of the nozzle (BR, LSS and CSS), jet-to-test plate placement (3  H/d  16), and surface vibration frequencies, f [0.3–10.19 Hz (the relative amplitude of the flat surface ranged from 0.5 to 8.1 mm)] are examined. In addition, correlations were developed to predict the Nusselt number for the vibration using the results of Wen and Jang [An impingement cooling on a flat surface by using circular jet with longitudinal swirling strips, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 4657–4667] for the no-vibration case of the present study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare thermal performances of two types of heat sinks commonly used in the electronic equipment industry: plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks. In particular, heat sinks subject to an impinging flow are considered. For comparison of the heat sinks, experimental investigations are performed for various flow rates and channel widths. From experimental data, we suggest a model based on the volume averaging approach for predicting the pressure drop and the thermal resistance. By using the model, thermal resistances of the optimized plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks are compared. Finally, a contour map, which depicts the ratio of the thermal resistances of the optimized plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks as a function of dimensionless pumping power and dimensionless length, is presented. The contour map indicates that optimized pin-fin heat sinks possess lower thermal resistances than optimized plate-fin heat sinks when dimensionless pumping power is small and the dimensionless length of heat sinks is large. On the contrary, the optimized plate-fin heat sinks have smaller thermal resistances when dimensionless pumping power is large and the dimensionless length of heat sinks is small.  相似文献   

Results of a computational study of periodic laminar flow and heat transfer in a lid-driven square cavity due to an oscillating thin fin are presented. The lid moves from left to right and a thin fin is positioned normal to the right stationary wall. The length of the fin varies sinusoidally with its mean length and amplitude equal to 10% and 5% of the side of the cavity, respectively. Two Reynolds numbers of 100 and 1000 for a Pr = 1 fluid were considered. For a given convection time scale (tconv), fin’s oscillation periods (τ) were selected in order to cover both slow (TR = τ/tconv > 1) and fast (τ/tconv < 1) oscillation regimes, covering a Strouhal number range of 0.005–0.5. The periodic flow field for the case with Re = 1000 and TR = 10 is distinguished by the creation, lateral motion and subsequent wall impingement of a CCW rotating vortex within the lower half of the cavity. Periodic flow and thermal fields of the other nine cases studied were not as varied. Phase diagrams of the stream function and temperature vs. fin’s length clearly exhibit the synchronous behavior of the system. Amplitude of fluctuations of the kinetic energy and temperature are very intense near the fin. As the fin oscillates slower, a greater portion of the cavity exhibits intense fluctuations. For slow to moderate oscillations, the maximum value of Kamp is observed to be greater for Re = 1000 in comparison to Re = 100. For fast oscillations, this behavior is reversed. The maximum values of the amplitude of fluctuations of temperature increase monotonically as the fin oscillates slower. The maximum values of θamp are greater for Re = 1000 compared to Re = 100. The amplitude of fluctuations of the mean Nusselt number on four walls increase as the fin oscillates slower.  相似文献   

Numerical study of the effect of confinement on a flow structure and heat transfer in an impinging mist jets with low mass fraction of droplets (ML1 ? 1%) were presented. The turbulent mist jet is issued from a pipe and strikes into the center of the flat heated plate. Mathematical model is based on the steady-state RANS equations for the two-phase flow in Euler/Euler approach. Predictions were performed for the distances between the nozzle and the target plate x/(2R) = 0.5–10 and the initial droplets size (d1 = 5–100 μm) at the varied Reynolds number based on the nozzle diameter, Re = (1.3–8) × 104. Addition of droplets causes significant increase of heat transfer intensity in the vicinity of the jet stagnation point compared with the one-phase air impinging jet. The presence of the confinement upper surface decreases the wall friction and heat transfer rate, but the change of friction and heat transfer coefficients in the stagnation point is insignificant. The effect of confinement on the heat transfer is observed only in very small nozzle-to-plate distances (H/(2R) < 0.5) both in single-phase and mist impinging jets.  相似文献   

An analysis has been carried out to investigate the analytical solution to the flow and heat transfer characteristics of a viscous flow over a stretching sheet in the presence of second‐order slip in flow. The governing partial differential equations of flow and heat transfer are converted into non‐linear ordinary differential equations by using suitable similarity transformations. The exact solution of momentum equation is assumed in exponential form and analytical solutions of heat transfer for both PST and PHF cases are obtained by the power series method in terms of Kummer's hypergeometric function. The temperature profiles are drawn for different governing parameters. The numerical values of wall temperature gradient and wall temperature are compared with earlier numerical results which have a good agreement. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj). DOI 10.1002/htj.21044  相似文献   

A combined approach has been employed to characterize the flow field and local heat transfer in jet impingement configurations, featuring a mass transfer experiment and a digital visualization technique. A jet velocity range is spanned to ensure flow regime transition.The well-known heat/mass transfer analogy has been used to infer on the local heat exchange on a infinite plate. In this experiment, a naphthalene film is ablated from a disk, due to jet exposure. Automated contact measurements of the variation of film depth in the stagnation region and beyond have been performed. From the local naphthalene loss rate the local heat transfer is then inferred. Coherent structures are created both at the interface between free jet and quiescent medium and upon impingement at plate, and need to be visualized in the vicinity of stagnation. To this end a particle image velocimetry system is exploited to extract the two components velocity instantaneous information.Ablation measurements confirm the non-monotonic progress of local heat transfer for small nozzle-to-plate spacings. The visualizations evidence that local heat transfer is strongly influenced by impingement structures: the maximum heat transfer coefficient offset which can be detected is due, even for laminar or transitional jet, to large-scale toroidal vortices impacting on the plate.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation is carried out on the entrance region heat transfer in a parallel plate channel downstream of a jet array located in one of the plates. The jet impingement surface is kept isothermal while the opposing surface, containing the jet array, is adiabatic. The focus of the investigation is the systematic study of the effect of flow rate and array geometric parameters on local Nusselt numbers in the entrance region of the channel immediately downstream of the array. To place these results in context, Nusselt numbers opposite the array and in the fully developed region downstream of the channel entrance are also included. In the entrance region, the ratio of the local to fully developed Nusselt number is independent of the channel Reynolds number, and the effects of some jet array geometric parameters are significant. These effects become negligible within 10 hydraulic diameters from the channel entrance. The entrance length is about 21 hydraulic diameters. The fully developed Nusselt numbers agree well with previous measurements. Empirical correlations are developed to fit the observations.  相似文献   

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