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The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) has initiated an Intelligent Data Management (IDM) research effort which has as one of its components, the development of an Intelligent User Interface (IUI). The intent of the IUI effort is to develop a friendly and intelligent user interface service that is based on expert systems and natural language processing technologies. This paper presents the design concepts, development approach and evaluation of performance of a prototype Intelligent User Interface Subsystem (IUIS) supporting an operational database.  相似文献   

用户兴趣度的计算是个性化服务的核心,而用户浏览网页时的行为能反映用户的兴趣。文中着重分析保存页面、收藏页面以及网页浏览速度这三种网页浏览行为,且在此基础上结合用户兴趣衰减因子,提出一种新的基于网页浏览行为的用户兴趣的计算方法,并利用K-means算法将浏览的网页内容聚类成不同主题,最后基于这三种网页浏览行为和用户兴趣衰减因子计算用户主题兴趣度。实验结果表明,提出的用户兴趣度计算方法是有效的。  相似文献   

With the advent of the open systems interconnection philosophy, interworking between satellite and ground-based data networks is rapidly becoming important. X.25 LAPB/HDLC is an important standard in this field. It defines a connection between two data switching nodes. This paper examines how a low capacity (~kb/s) anti-jam (A/J) satellite circuit may carry a X.25 LAPB/HDLC data link. It has been shown that use of an unmodified A/J modem employing convolutional coding gives a particularly poor performance in the presence of jamming. A study of the properties which govern the performance of a packet link has led to some recommendations for a special ‘packet mode’ for anti-jam modems and to some suggested extensions to the data link protocol. These recommendations have been implemented in a simulator and this has revealed a performance far superior to an unmodified system. The recommendations are being implemented in a trials system, developed at the University of Aberdeen, for RSRE Defford.  相似文献   

The application of an object-oriented approach to modeling the application and presentation layer of the human-machine interfaces in a telecommunications management network architecture is described. It is argued that a significant simplification in information interchange between human and machine occurs when the machine has a model of the user to which it can conform. Several aspects of user modeling are discussed. The development and implementation of new input devices are also discussed  相似文献   

有许多方法从一个计算机平台输入或输出信息。在大多数情况下是由应用来决定什么是最适合的用户接口方式。选择的范围可以是标准键盘或小型键盘、光笔、触摸屏,甚至是语音输入。还包括和机器集成在一起的点击式输入设备,如触摸垫(touch pad)、小型鼠标、点击棒(pointing stick)等。将来,也许会有其他更有趣的设备。决定选择这些方法的主要因素是成本和接口的方式。如果成本不是一个主要考虑的因素,那么,几乎所有的接口方式都可以被选用。语音识别应该是最难实现的一种输入方式,但如果不考虑成本,则可以极大地提高处理器的处理能…  相似文献   

针对力学实验或生产加工的实际功能需求,以高性能单片机STC12C5410AD为核心设计开发了一套用于多个电子引伸计数据采集的电路系统。系统硬件电路以24位高精度A/D转换芯片AD7714为模数转换器件,并且运用其放大模块进行信号的放大处理;下位单片机程序采用Keil C51进行编写,系统上位机软件应用VB进行设计和开发。全套系统造价低、体积小、便携性好,能同时检测和显示1~3路形变信号,测试实验表明该系统检测精度高、实时性好,能满足力学性能实验和生产加工现场的实际功能需求,具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

周林 《电讯技术》2019,59(10):1140-1144
通过中继卫星系统中码分多址(Code Division Multiple Access,CDMA)/ 时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access,TDMA)能力、实现复杂度、容量等方面的分析,结合中继卫星系统传输数据在固定站点接入的特点,设想了一种前向采用同步CDMA、返向采用TDMA的混合多址应用方式。该方式充分利用了CDMA和TDMA方式的优点,巧妙地利用前向通道实现了TDMA的时隙同步,解决了CDMA方式下存在的多址干扰、远近效应、用户数扩展受限以及TDMA方式下的复杂时隙同步等问题,且应用灵活,实现简单,多用户数扩展性好,在工程应用上具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

刘田  谢岸宏  李刚磊  张毅  袁田 《电讯技术》2021,61(6):697-702
卫星互联网发展已经逐渐被纳入到第六代移动通信技术(6G)概念方案中,基于透明转发可降低系统建设成本,同时系统容量不受星上处理能力限制.但透明转发模式的低轨(Low Earth Or-bit,LEO)卫星系统会出现卫星馈电链路切换情况下用户发生大规模群切换的问题,影响局部地理区域用户通信体验.将透明转发系统低轨卫星跨信关...  相似文献   

Mobile computers, such as cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs), have dramatically increased in sophistication. At the same time, the desire of consumers for portability limits batters size. As a result, many researchers have targeted hardware and software energy optimization. However, most of these techniques focus on compute-intensive applications rather than interactive applications, which are dominant in mobile computers. These systems frequently use graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to handle human-computer interaction. This paper is the first to explore how GUIs can be designed to improve system energy efficiency. We investigate how GUI design approaches should be changed to improve system. Energy efficiency and provide specific suggestions to mobile computer designers to enable them to develop more energy-efficient systems. We demonstrate that energy-efficient GUI (E/sup 2/GUI) design techniques can improve the average system energy of three benchmarks (text-viewer, personnel viewer, and calculator) by 26.9, 45.2, and 16.4 percent, respectively. Average performance is simultaneously improved by 23.7, 34.6, and 19.3 percent, respectively.  相似文献   

In this contribution, we present a framework for an intelligent natural language interface (NLI) that suits the need of embedded platform, using agent-based approach. The proposed framework is motivated by an ongoing speech technology research project aimed at developing a generic synthesizer for information disseminating systems in local languages. The architecture is based on various forms of action representations with a sequence of transformations that converts users’ input (text or speech) into a suitable set of agent actions that produce response to the input. This approach incrementally minimizes the complexity and ambiguity of the natural language input by using predefined sets of interim actions at different levels, hence, increasing the robustness and reliability of the NLI.  相似文献   

卫星通信设备的射频部件工作在微波频段,当该部件出现故障时需要具有微波专业的维修人员和专业的维修仪表。如何能快速实现对该部件的智能检测,达到快速定位故障部位,实现快速维修是传统维修方式一直的目标。给出了一种基于LabVIEW软件实现的卫星射频部件智能检测系统,通过将射频部件的指标和实际测量值进行比较,用户只需要连接设备就可以实现对该部件的智能检测,不需要专业人员就可以给出一个专业测试报告,从而大大提高了维修的准确度。  相似文献   

在多地面站-多卫星的遥感数据接收条件下,通过定义卫星数据接收的任务集合将任务分配表达为任务集合和地面站集合之间的最优分配,并在构造代价函数的基础上实现最优分配算法在遥感数据接收任务管理中的应用。  相似文献   

Drop testing is one common method for systematically determining the reliability of portable electronic products under actual usage conditions. The process of drop testing, interpreting results, and implementing design improvements is knowledge-intensive and time-consuming, and requires a great many decisions and judgments on the part of the human designer. To decrease design cycles and, thereby, the time to market for new products, it is important to have a method for quickly and efficiently analyzing drop test results, predicting the effects of design changes, and determining the best design parameters. Recent advances in data mining have provided techniques for automatically discovering underlying knowledge from large amounts of experimental data. In this paper, an intelligent data mining system named decision tree expert (DTE) is presented and applied to drop testing analysis. The rule induction method in DTE is based on the C4.5 algorithm. In our preliminary experiments, concise and accurate conceptual design rules were successfully generated from drop test data after incorporation of domain knowledge from human experts. The data mining approach is a flexible one that can be applied to a number of complex design and manufacturing processes to reduce costs and improve productivity  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate several multiuser detection (MUD) architectures for the reception of asynchronous beacon signals in the ARGOS satellite system. The case of synchronous signals is studied first. Though impractical, this case provides useful guidance on the second part of the study, that is, the design of MUD receivers for asynchronous users. This paper focuses more particularly on successive interference cancellation (SIC) receivers because they have been shown to achieve a good performance complexity trade‐off. Several EbN0 degradation curves are obtained as a function of channel parameters. With these curves, a performance analysis is presented in order to determine in which conditions it is possible to successfully decode none, one, or more beacon signals. We show that SIC receivers can improve the percentage of served beacons from 50% to more than 67% for a population of 37,600 beacons. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wohl  A.D. 《Spectrum, IEEE》2005,42(11):32-37
This paper discusses the advent of new types of user interfaces that are designed not just for office workers but for a wide variety of users with special needs. While the interface for documents, folders and menus that is familiar to computer users today was a huge breakthrough compared with the command-driven interface that preceded it, it is by no means the most efficient way of handling information. Three interface categories are emerging. First is the browser interface, perhaps not the most efficient tool for a particular task, but with it users can move easily from one computer to another. Second is the special purpose interface for navigating large collections of information such as the Web. And finally, there are a variety of interfaces that computer users are beginning to acquire from both established and new companies for managing their own collections of information.  相似文献   

基于普通计算的智能挖掘系统在对三层架构网络用户访问路长数据进行挖掘时,花费的时间过长。为解决上述问题,基于云计算设计一种新的三层架构网络用户访问路长数据智能挖掘系统。系统硬件结构主要分为上、中、下三层。最底层为云计算层,包括计算云、数据云和存储云;中间层为数据挖掘层,由工作流模块、数据加载模块、并行ETL模块、并行数据挖掘算法模块、并行结果显示模块五部分构成;最顶层为应用程序层,同时管理视图、内容提供器、资源管理器、通知管理器、活动管理器和算法库。软件流程主要分为确定挖掘目标、数据准备、数据挖掘、模式评估和结果显示五步。与基于普通计算的智能挖掘系统进行实验对比,结果表明给出的挖掘系统花费时间短。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种基于C4.5决策树算法用户行为分析的智能家居控制软件系统,该软件系统利用智能家居用户行为数据并分析,使家居系统能够根据用户行为习惯规律,安排合理的控制家居电器设备,通过web数据可视化使得用户清楚地掌握家中各种家电设备使用情况,为用户提供人性化和智能化的服务.测试结果表明:该软件系统能够帮助提高家居系统的人性化和智能化程度,数据可视化软件系统用户体验性好,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

利用模型驱动理论,建立了一个包括多个平台无关模型和平台相关模型的多设备用户界面模型。通过分析各模型间的转换规则,描述了界面的构成元素和交互关系,给出了面向不同设备的界面展示规则和界面布局树,实现了不同设备上的用户界面,使应用系统在不同设备上同用户交互成为可能。  相似文献   

Multiple-access capacity in mobile user satellite systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The channel capacity of a satellite direct sequence CDMA system is analyzed including the effects of faded user interference, overlapping antenna beams, imperfect equalization of the antenna pattern across an antenna cell, and diversity reception. Simplified models are used to describe the impact of these effects on the channel capacity of single and multiple cofrequency CDMA systems. In a comparison of the uplink and downlink paths, the uplink of the CDMA system is shown to limit the channel capacity because the downlink can utilize code-orthogonality and coherent demodulation. In a multiple system comparison between band-shared CDMA and band-segmented FDMA/TDMA technologies, FDMA/TDMA is shown to provide about the same capacity for uniformly distributed traffic conditions over many cells and dramatically better capacity when traffic is concentrated in one cell. Due to the peak nature of telephony, this result supports the use of band-segmented systems in mobile user satellite systems  相似文献   

A Land-Mobile Satellite System (LMSS) is a satellite-based communications network which provides voice and data communications to mobile users in a vast geographical area. By placing a "relay tower" at a height of 22300 mi, an LMSS can provide ubiquitous radio communication to vehicles roaming in remote or thinly populated area. LMSS is capable of supporting a variety of services, such as two-way alphanumeric service, paging service, full-duplex voice service, and half-duplex dispatch service. A Network Management Center (NMC) will handle the channel requests, channel assignments, and in general the network control functions. A pool of channels is managed at the NMC to be shared by all mobile users. An integrated demand-assigned multiple-access protocol has been developed for the experimental LMSS. The pool of channels is divided into reservation channels and information channels. The information channels can be assigned by the NMC to be either voice channels or data channels. Each mobile user must send a request through one of the reservation channels to the NMC via the ALOHA random-access scheme. Once the request is received and processed, the NMC will examine the current traffic condition and assign an information channel to the user. NMC will periodically update the partitions between the reservation channels, voice channels, and data channels to optimize system performance. Data channel requests are queued at the NMC while voice channel requests are blocked calls cleared. Various operational scenarios have been investigated. Tradeoffs between the data and voice users for a given delay requirement and a given voice call blocking probability have been studied. In addition, performance impacts of such technological advancements as satellite on-board switching and variable bandwidth assignment are discussed.  相似文献   

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