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为研究短纤维纱条中纤维的排列状态与纱条截面纤维根数分布不匀的关系,采用几何概率方法建立了等分区间内纤维左头端数分布与纱条截面纤维根数的期望之间的数学模型,并定义了表征纱条中纤维排列状态的参数。运用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了纱条截面根数不匀随排列参数变化的关系曲线。结果表明:短纤维纱条截面纤维根数的CV值与纱条中短纤维排列参数呈负线性关系,与纤维长度分布和模拟区间大小的划分无关;且当排列参数接近1时,即纤维左头端数在所划分区间中为固定值时,纱条截面纤维根数不匀最低,而当排列参数趋向于0时,即纤维左头端数在所划分区间中呈泊松分布时则不匀最大。  相似文献   

纱条中纤维的分布对其不匀率影响与检验方法棉纱的重量不匀率是衡量其质量优劣的重要指标之一。棉纱条中纤维的组成结构,如纤维平均长度,长短纤维比例,以及排列状态等都对纱条不匀率有影响。所以,可以经过其抽样检验法,了解、掌握纱条中纤维的分布情况。并进一步分析...  相似文献   

腈纶长丝束多区拉断法直接制条工艺要保证出条重量、收缩率及条干达到膨体纱的成纱要求,工艺配置复杂,受下列因素的影响:纤维的断裂伸长率、加热板温度、热牵伸倍数、存放时间、各区牵伸搭配等。根据以上各因素的不同的变化规律,相应调整制条工艺。  相似文献   

研究以0.88dtex细特腈纶丝束为主要原料在Seydel-679型拉断机上生产细特腈纶正规条,并与3.33 dtex腈纶收缩条混纺,开发生产仿羊绒腈纶条.结果表明,生产仿羊绒腈纶纤维条的适宜工艺为:拉断工序拉伸倍数6.05~6.27,再割区隔距比常规工艺大5mm,卷曲箱压力略大,汽蒸压力为0.15~0.3 MPa;针梳工序正规条与收缩条配比为52:48,降低针板号数,退卷曲区牵伸倍数1.15~1.3,梳箱喂入区牵伸倍数0.98,主牵伸倍数6~8,前罗拉隔距45mm.  相似文献   

为探索生条中短纤维含量对纱线指标的影响,更好地通过短纤维含量指标对纱线指标进行预测,通过在不同锡林刺辊速度条件下对棉纤维进行梳理,并采用相同的后序工艺进行纺纱,将生产的生条取样,借助USTERAFIS 测试仪检测纤维的长度分布,分别统计出10、12、14 和16 mm 以下4 种短纤维的含量,同时借助条干、毛羽和强力测试仪分别检测各种实验条件下生产纱线的条干、强力和毛羽等指标,最后使用SPSS 统计软件计算出4 种短纤维含量指标与成纱各指标之间的相关系数。结果表明:当梳理工艺变化时,生条中短纤维含量指标与条干部分指标有较高的正相关性,与成纱强力指标不存在显著的相关性,与毛羽指标甚至是负相关。  相似文献   

徐岳定 《毛纺科技》1995,(5):62-63,8
与传统的计算方法不同,本文用六方密堆积结构导出了毛纱截面内的纤维根数及其可纺支数之间的计算公式。  相似文献   

牵伸时纤维运动引起其排列变化是影响牵伸后纱条条干不匀的关键.为探究纤维变速点分布对牵伸后纱条条干不匀的影响,通过计算机模拟了实际纱条中的纤维排列(实际纱条),分别对理想纱条和实际纱条牵伸过程中的纤维运动进行了模拟,计算了在不同变速点分布下牵伸后纱条的条干不匀,并进行实验验证.结果表明:与理想纱条相比,实际纱条的条干不匀...  相似文献   

潘劲 《纺织学报》1994,15(3):21-23
本文研究了在电容式条干均匀度仪上把现在反映内不匀的变异系数,改用反映内外不匀的总变民系数来表征纱条均匀度,用上述方式计算总变异,大大提高了测量精度。  相似文献   

本文结合我公司生产实际,并借鉴原料厂家生产经验,就腈纶膨体纱生产过程中的主要质量指标──收缩率的控制进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文提出了国内Tencel纤维条生产中常见的质量问题,并通过Tencel纤维条的生产实例,对加工过程中毛粒的形成及其改善措施进行了具体的分析,为国内Tencel纤维条的生产提供一份实际资料。  相似文献   

介绍了采用全套国产设备和采用德国特吕茨勒开清设备的两条化纤清梳流水线对生条棉结的影响。  相似文献   

为得到多组分纤维经过并条混合后在混纺纱条内的分布情况,以预测混合纱条的混合不匀率、条干不匀率等质量指标,通过并条混合制备混纺纱条,采用MatLab软件模拟多组分纤维在并条混合过程中的运动状态,并设计可视化操作平台构建并条混合仿真与控制系统。将系统仿真结果与实验结果进行对比。结果表明:随着并条混合工艺参数的变化,二者趋势具有很好的一致性,且模拟过程快速,直观可视。该系统可用于对混纺纱条形态和质量的预测与调控,为实际生产中的工艺参数优化提供参考。  相似文献   

用AFIS单纤维测试仪对不同的给棉板与刺辊隔距生产的生条质量情况做了检测,结果显示:(1)给棉板与刺辊隔距愈小,对纤维,尤其是长纤维损伤愈严重;(2)单纯以短绒率来表示纤维损伤可能是不全面的;(3)给棉板与刺辊隔距愈小,对棉结和杂质去除越为有利,但对带籽屑棉结去除以隔距较大时比较有利。  相似文献   

针对A186型梳棉机的特点,在原有纺纱工艺的基础上对各部位隔距、速度等采取了部分改进措施,生产实践表明,生条质量得到了显著提高。  相似文献   

Na Sun  Zhan Jiang 《纺织学会志》2018,109(11):1477-1481
The variation of fiber arrangement caused by fiber motion during roller drafting process contributes greatly to the sliver properties, especially to the irregularity. In this study, a model of roller drafting based on fiber arrangement in the sliver was developed to calculate sliver irregularity. This proposed new method was capable of tracing the motion of individual fibers during the whole drafting process from the first floating fiber accelerating being accelerated to the last floating fiber being accelerated. The additional irregularity caused by the characteristic of accelerating in different cross-section was also calculated and analyzed by this simulation. The obtained simulation results were highly in accordance with empirical conclusions by the displacement deviation theory. Besides, the output fiber arrangement could be recorded and saved in order to be further regarded as the input fiber arrangement of the next following drafting process. The simulation results of three drafting zone were highly corresponded to the previous experimental research. Therefore, the as-developed model was proved to be useful and accurate to explore roller drafting and predict sliver irregularity.  相似文献   

Stretch‐breaking is a recent new technology proposed for ramie fiber processing. By analyzing the fiber motion and its breaking point pattern in the stretch‐breaking zone, the distribution of the fiber breaking point was estimated, and the relationship between fiber length parameters, such as average length, length irregularity, and short fiber content, and stretch‐breaking settings was constructed quantitatively. Furthermore, the factors affecting fiber length changes are discussed. In addition, the distribution of the fiber breaking point in the fiber is experimentally determined. It can be concluded that the stretch‐breaking gauge presents high correlation with the length parameters of the treated fiber. These conclusions are profoundly instructive to the practice of the stretch‐breaking technique.  相似文献   

Simulation on fiber random arrangement in the yarn has been studied in our previous research, where only fiber length distribution was considered. In this study, fiber fineness distribution was also taken into account in order to study the joint effect of fiber length and fineness distribution on fiber arrangement in the yarn. Eight-millimeter term limit irregularity of simulated yarn can be re-expressed by calculating the irregularity of the total weight of fibers within each yarn subsection. It can be seen from the results that the calculated irregularities considering fiber fineness distribution are closer to tested values compared with those without considering fiber fineness distribution. Besides, when the variance of fiber fineness gets greater, the difference between the calculated values with and without considering fiber fineness distribution becomes more obvious. For fiber length, the effect of average fiber length on yarn limit irregularity is very little, while its distribution has no significant effect on yarn limit irregularity. The improved simulation on fiber random arrangement in the yarn is more reasonable and can be applied for the prediction of yarn qualities.  相似文献   

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