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Interactions between the dephosphorylated regulatory light chains (RLCs) of smooth muscle myosin are involved in maintaining the enzymatically "off" state. Expressed chimeric smooth muscle heavy meromyosins containing skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (HC) sequences were used to assess the relative importance of the light chain-binding domain (or "neck") to regulation. Surprisingly, regulation remained intact with a skeletal RLC-binding site. A chimera with the entire alpha-helical neck composed of skeletal HC sequence showed 2-fold regulation of motility and nearly 5-fold regulation of actin-activated ATPase activity. Complete activation of the dephosphorylated state (i.e. complete loss of regulation) occurred when skeletal HC sequence extended from the head/rod junction to the SH1-SH2 helix. Smooth muscle-specific sequences near the motor domain may therefore position the regulatory domain in a way that optimizes RLC-rod-head interactions, thus enabling a completely off state when the RLC is dephosphorylated. Conversely, a chimera that joins the motor domain from unconventional myosin V to the smooth muscle myosin neck and rod showed only 2-fold regulation. The presence of the smooth muscle light chain-binding region and rod is therefore not sufficient to confer complete phosphorylation-dependent regulation upon all motor domains of the myosin family.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin II contains two 17-kDa essential light chain isoforms (LC17gi and LC17nm) of which the relative contents differ among myosins. To understand the roles of LC17 isoforms in the functions of myosin, we performed an immunofluorescence microscopic examination of their localization in primary cultured cells isolated from rat aortic smooth muscle. To identify the isoforms, rabbit polyclonal antibodies were prepared against C-terminal nonapeptides corresponding to either LC17gi or LC17nm from porcine aortic smooth muscle myosin. These isoforms differ in only 5 amino acid residues within the C-terminal 9 residues. These antibodies specifically recognize each LC17 isoform on urea-PAGE of total rat aortic cell lysates. Immediately after plating, the smooth muscle cells stained heterogeneously with each antibody, indicating differing contents of LC17 isoforms among cells. On double staining 1-2 d cultures with both antibodies, LC17nm was detected diffusely throughout the cytoplasm, whereas LC17gi was concentrated in specific regions such as the cell periphery and the base of cytoplasmic processes. These results support the suggestion that myosin containing LC17gi is essential for force-generation by aortic smooth muscle and that myosin containing LC17nm may play an important role in maintaining smooth muscle tension.  相似文献   

The effect of environmental temperatures on immune competence was investigated in carp which were subjected to changes in water temperature. The activity of non-specific cytotoxic cells (NCC) against P815 target cells, and the anti-DNP antibody response were evaluated until day 56 after transfer. Low environmental temperature (12 +/- 0.5 degrees C) enhanced NCC activity and decreased antibody production. In contrast a high environmental temperature (28 +/- 0.5 degrees C) was without effect on these parameters when compared to the standard temperature (20 +/- 0.5 degrees C). The results showed a maximum effect of low environmental temperature on day 28 and an adaptation in these immune responses 56 days following transfer. Collectively, the results indicated that non-specific immunity tends to offset specific immune suppression at low environmental temperatures. To determine the mechanism(s) by which environmental temperature affects cellular immune function, membrane fluidity measurements and sialic acid titration, as well as stress assessment by plasma cortisol measurement, were determined on day 28. Taken together, the results revealed a direct effect of temperature on cellular immune function which is modulated by membrane fluidity and sugar concentration and not by stress induction.  相似文献   

The renal lymphatic system plays an important role in removing excess fluid from the kidneys. Unfortunately, the factors influencing lymphatic flow are difficult to measure. We used a simple model to represent renal lymphatics as a single pressure source (PL) pushing lymph through a single resistance (RL). In anesthetized dogs, we cannulated renal lymphatics and measured lymph flow rate (QL) as we varied pressure (PO) at the outflow end of the lymphatics. There was no significant change in QL as we increased PO from -5 to 0 cm H2O. In other words, there was a plateau in the QL vs. PO relationship. At higher PO's, QL decreased linearly with increases in PO. From this linear relationship, we calculated RL as -delta PO/ delta QL and we took PL as the PO at which QL = 0 microliter/min. At baseline, RL = 0.34 +/- 0.14 (SD) cm H2O.min/microliter and PL = 8.2 +/- 4.4 cm H2O. When we increased renal venous pressure (PV) from baseline (3.5 +/- 3.0 cm H2O), the plateau in the QL vs. PO relationship extended to higher PO's, RL decreased, and PL increased. Renal interstitial fluid volume and interstitial pressure increased following elevation of PV. The extension of the QL vs. PO plateau with increasing PV suggests that renal interstitial pressure may partially collapse intrarenal collecting lymphatics which may compromise lymph flow.  相似文献   

The role of the NH2-terminal domain of the 20,000-dalton light chain on the regulatory function of smooth muscle myosin was studied by exchanging it in myosin with various mutant forms. The 10 S to 6 S conformational transition as well as the thick filament formation were significantly influenced by the deletion or substitution of the amino acid residues at the NH2-terminal side of the phosphorylation site (Ser19). Whereas the deletion of Ser1-Thr10 did not significantly affect these functions, further deletion of Lys11-Arg16 completely abolished the formation of 10 S conformation and induced thick filament formation. Among the residues in this region, Arg13 and Arg16 were most important for these functions since substitution of these residues by Glu or Ala significantly altered these functions. Similar substitutions of Lys11 and Lys12 also stabilized the 6 S conformation and thick filament formation but less effectively. While the 6 S conformation was stabilized, the deletion of NH2-terminal residues did not activate the actin-activated ATPase activity. This suggests that stabilization of the 6 S conformation is not directly coupled with activation of actomyosin ATPase activity but rather a more defined conformational change around the phosphorylation site is necessary for activation. Such a change also influences the 6 S to 10 S conformation and, therefore, the filament formation. To support this notion, substitution of Lys11 and Lys12 by Glu-Glu inhibited the phosphorylation-induced activation of actomyosin ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the effects of altered thyroid state and denervation (Den) on skeletal myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression in the plantaris and soleus muscles. Rats were subjected to unilateral denervation (Den) and randomly assigned to one of three groups: (1) euthyroid; (2) hyperthyroid; (3) and hypothyroid. Denervation caused severe muscle atrophy and muscle-type specific MHC transformation. Denervation transformed the soleus to a faster muscle, and its effects required the presence of circulating thyroid hormone. In contrast, denervation transformed the plantaris to a slower muscle independently of thyroid state. Furthermore, thyroid hormone effects did not depend upon innervation status in the soleus, while they required the presence of the nerve in the plantaris. Collectively, these findings suggest that both thyroid hormone and intact nerve (a) differentially affect MHC transformations in fast and slow muscle; and (b) are important factors in regulating the optimal expression of both type I and IIB MHC genes. This research suggests that for patients with nerve damage and/or paralysis, both muscle mass and biochemical properties can also be affected by the thyroid state.  相似文献   

We examined the novel interaction of hyperthyroidism and hindlimb suspension on the pattern of myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression (mRNA and protein) in skeletal muscles. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to four groups: 1) normal control (Con); 2) thyroid hormone treated [150 micrograms 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3). kg-1. day-1] (T3); 3) hindlimb suspension (HS); or 4) T3-treated and HS (T3 + HS). Results show for the first time the novel observation that the combination T3 + HS induces a rapid and sustained, marked (80-90%) downregulation of type I MHC gene expression that is mirrored temporally by concomitant marked upregulation of type IIb MHC gene expression, as evidenced by the de novo synthesis of type IIb MHC protein in the soleus. The fast type IIx MHC isoform showed a differential response among the experimental groups, generally increasing with the separate and combined treatments in both the soleus and vastus intermedius muscles while decreasing in the plantaris muscles. The fast type IIa MHC was the least responsive to suspension of the MHCs and reflected its greatest responsiveness to T3 treatment while also undergoing differential adaptations in slow vs. fast muscle (increases vs. decreases, respectively). These results confirm previous findings that all four adult MHC genes are sensitive to T3 and suspension in a muscle-specific manner. In addition, we show that T3 + HS can interact synergistically to create novel adaptations in MHC expression that could not be observed when each factor was imposed separately.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a specific mitogen for vascular endothelial cells and enhances vascular permeability and edemagenesis. VEGF is also a major regulator of angiogenesis and may be a key target for inhibiting angiogenesis in angiogenesis-associated diseases. Among the extensively studied angiostatic compounds are several corticosteroids when used alone or in combination with heparin. In this study we present evidence for an additional mechanism of action of hydrocortisone, cortisone and dexamethasone in inhibiting edemagenesis or angiogenesis. In cultures of aortic human vascular smooth muscle cells these corticosteroids (1 x 10(-8) to 1 x 10(-12) M) abolished the platelet-derived growth factor-induced (PDGF) expression of the VEGF gene in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, two precursors of corticosteroids, desoxycorticosterone or pregnenolone, did not affect PDGF-induced VEGF expression. Our findings indicate that the capacity of corticosteroids to reduce edema or to prevent new blood vessel formation may be attributed, at least in part to the ability of these agents to abolish the expression of VEGF.  相似文献   

The expression of the alpha-myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene is restricted primarily to cardiac myocytes. To date, several positive regulatory elements and their binding factors involved in alpha-MHC gene regulation have been identified; however, the mechanism restricting the expression of this gene to cardiac myocytes has yet to be elucidated. In this study, we have identified by using sequential deletion mutants of the rat cardiac alpha-MHC gene a 30-bp purine-rich negative regulatory (PNR) element located in the first intronic region that appeared to be essential for the tissue-specific expression of the alpha-MHC gene. Removal of this element alone elevated (20- to 30-fold) the expression of the alpha-MHC gene in cardiac myocyte cultures and in heart muscle directly injected with plasmid DNA. Surprisingly, this deletion also allowed a significant expression of the alpha-MHC gene in HeLa and other nonmuscle cells, where it is normally inactive. The PNR element required upstream sequences of the alpha-MHC gene for negative gene regulation. By DNase I footprint analysis of the PNR element, a palindrome of two high-affinity Ets-binding sites (CTTCCCTGGAAG) was identified. Furthermore, by analyses of site-specific base-pair mutation, mobility gel shift competition, and UV cross-linking, two different Ets-like proteins from cardiac and HeLa cell nuclear extracts were found to bind to the PNR motif. Moreover, the activity of the PNR-binding factor was found to be increased two- to threefold in adult rat hearts subjected to pressure overload hypertrophy, where the alpha-MHC gene is usually suppressed. These data demonstrate that the PNR element plays a dual role, both downregulating the expression of the alpha-MHC gene in cardiac myocytes and silencing the muscle gene activity in nonmuscle cells. Similar palindromic Ets-binding motifs are found conserved in the alpha-MHC genes from different species and in other cardiac myocyte-restricted genes. These results are the first to reveal a role of the Ets class of proteins in controlling the tissue-specific expression of a cardiac muscle gene.  相似文献   

The effects of 14 days of spaceflight (SF) or hindlimb suspension (HS) (Cosmos 2044) on myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content of the rat soleus muscle and single muscle fibers were determined. On the basis of electrophoretic analyses, there was a de novo synthesis of type IIx MHC but no change in either type I or IIa MHC isoform proportions after either SF or HS compared with controls. The percentage of fibers containing only type I MHC decreased by 26 and 23%, and the percentage of fibers with multiple MHCs increased from 6% in controls to 32% in HS and 34% in SF rats. Type IIx MHC was always found in combination with another MHC or combination of MHCs; i.e., no fibers contained type IIx MHC exclusively. These data suggest that the expression of the normal complement of MHC isoforms in the adult rat soleus muscle is dependent, in part, on normal weight bearing and that the absence of weight bearing induces a shift toward type IIx MHC protein expression in the preexisting type I and IIa fibers of the soleus.  相似文献   

Transient kinetic methods were used to study interactions between actin, MgADP, and smooth muscle (chicken gizzard) myosin subfragment 1 (smS1). The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of actin for smS1 was 3.5 nM, tighter than that of skeletal S1 (skS1). Actin binding to smS1 was weakened 5-fold by saturation with ADP compared to 30-60-fold for skS1. The Kd of ADP for smS1 was increased from 1.2 to 5 microM by actin, whereas for skS1 values increased from 2 to 100 microM. Thus, coupling between ADP and actin binding is weaker for smS1. Previous studies show that release of ADP from actin.smS1.ADP produces a tilt of the regulatory domain [Whittaker, M., Wilson-Kubalek, E. M., Smith, J. E., Faust, L., Milligan, R. A., and Sweeney, H. L. (1995) Nature 378, 748-751]. This result was confirmed by independent structural methods; tilting was absent for skS1, and the Kd for ADP was in agreement with the values measured here [Gollub, J., Cremo, C. R., and Cooke, R. (1996) Nat. Struct. Biol. 3, 796-802; Poole, K. I. V., Lorenz, M., Ellison, P., Evans, G., Rosenbaum, G., Boesecke, P., Holmes, K. C., and Cremo, C. R. (1997) J. Muscle Res. Cell Motility 18, 264]. We discuss tilting upon ADP release with respect to our measurements, previous measurements with skS1, and nucleotide concentrations in smooth muscle. We propose that these data suggest a strain-dependent ADP release mechanism that may be accentuated in smooth muscles.  相似文献   

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