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The present paper is a humble attempt to develop a fuzzy function approximator which can completely self-generate its fuzzy rule base and input-output membership functions from an input-output data set. The fuzzy system can be further adapted to modify its rule base and output membership functions to provide satisfactory performance. This proposed scheme, called generalised influential rule search scheme, has been successfully implemented to develop pure fuzzy function approximators as well as fuzzy logic controllers. The satisfactory performance of the proposed scheme is amply demonstrated by implementing it to develop different major components in a process control loop. The versatility of the algorithm is further proved by implementing it for a benchmark nonlinear function approximation problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents a global system for the fusion of images segmented by various methods and interpreted by a fuzzy classifier. A set of complementary segmentation operators is applied to the image. Each region of the segmented images is interpreted by the fuzzy classifier, through membership degrees to classes. The fuzzy classifier builds the classes automatically from examples, even in the case of complex data sets. Interpreted images are then merged by a fusion operator from the fuzzy set theory. Several fusion operators are compared. They trust more high membership degrees to classes, which are considered as reliability degrees. The fusion of the interpreted images improves the segmentation, and gives solutions to segmentation and interpretation evaluation.  相似文献   

The performance of a fuzzy k-NN rule depends on the number k and a fuzzy membership-array W[l,mR], where l and mR denote the number of classes and the number of elements in the reference set XR respectively. The proposed learning procedure consists in iterative finding such k and W which minimize the error rate estimate by the leaving ‘leaving one out‘ method.  相似文献   

This paper presents an improved version of the well-established k nearest neighbor (k-NN) and fuzzy NN (FNN), termed the multi-objective genetic-algorithm-modified FNN (MOGA-MFNN). The MFNN design problem is converted into a multi-modal objective maximization problem constrained by four objective functions. Thereafter, the associated parameter set of the MFNN and the feature attributes can be determined optimally and automatically via the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II. We introduce two new objective functions termed the Margin-I and Margin-II, which are used to improve the generalization capability of the MFNN for the unknown data, along with two existing performance functions: the geometric mean and the area under the receiver-operated characteristic curve for the training accuracy. Moreover, we proposed a novel data-dependent weight-assignment technique for local class membership functions of the MFNN. The technique enables the MFNN to determine its local neighbors adaptively through the MOGA algorithm. To expedite the classification, the MOGA-MFNN is implemented on a graphical processing unit (GPU), which significantly increases the computation speed. Furthermore, the local class-membership function of the MFNN can be computed in advance, rather than delaying it to the classification stage. This again can improve the classification speed. The MOGA-MFNN is evaluated on 20 datasets obtained from the repository of the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The experiments with rigorous statistical significance tests demonstrate that the proposed method performs competitively with the existing methods.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in the content-based information retrieval and machine learning techniques is to-build-the-so-called “semantic classifier” which is able to effectively and efficiently classify semantic concepts in a large database. This paper dealt with semantic image classification based on hierarchical Fuzzy Association Rules (FARs) mining in the image database. Intuitively, an association rule is a unique and significant combination of image features and a semantic concept, which determines the degree of correlation between features and concept. The main idea behind this approach is that any image visual concept has some associated features, so that, there are strong correlations between the concepts and their corresponding features. Regardless of the semantic gap, an image concept appears when the corresponding features emerge in an image and vice versa. Specially, this paper’s contribution was to propose a novel Fuzzy Association Rule for improving traditional association rules. Moreover, it was concerned with establishing a hierarchical fuzzy rule base in the training phase and setup corresponding fuzzy inference engine in order to classify images in the testing phase. The presented approach was independent from image segmentation and can be applied on multi-label images. Experimental results on a database of 6000 general-purpose images demonstrated the superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

崔建  李强  刘勇 《计算机应用》2011,31(5):1348-1350
为提高数据库分类系统的分类精度,提出一种新的分类方法。首先,利用模糊C-均值聚类算法对数据库中的连续属性进行离散化;然后,在此基础上提出一种改进的模糊关联算法挖掘分类关联规则;最后,通过计算规则和模式之间的兼容性指标来构造特征向量,构建支持向量机的分类器模型。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的分类识别能力和分类效率。  相似文献   

We examine the performance of a fuzzy genetics-based machine learning method for multidimensional pattern classification problems with continuous attributes. In our method, each fuzzy if-then rule is handled as an individual, and a fitness value is assigned to each rule. Thus, our method can be viewed as a classifier system. In this paper, we first describe fuzzy if-then rules and fuzzy reasoning for pattern classification problems. Then we explain a genetics-based machine learning method that automatically generates fuzzy if-then rules for pattern classification problems from numerical data. Because our method uses linguistic values with fixed membership functions as antecedent fuzzy sets, a linguistic interpretation of each fuzzy if-then rule is easily obtained. The fixed membership functions also lead to a simple implementation of our method as a computer program. The simplicity of implementation and the linguistic interpretation of the generated fuzzy if-then rules are the main characteristic features of our method. The performance of our method is evaluated by computer simulations on some well-known test problems. While our method involves no tuning mechanism of membership functions, it works very well in comparison with other classification methods such as nonfuzzy machine learning techniques and neural networks.  相似文献   

为提高语义图像分类器性能,提出一种基于公理化模糊集的语义图像层次关联规则分类器。首先,为提高算法精度,在对图像数据集进行特征提取基础上,采用公理化理论(AFS)构建图像集模糊概念的AFS属性表达,提高图像集属性辨识度;其次,为提高算法计算效率,考虑采用层次结构关联规则,构建语义图像分类器,利用概念之间的本体信息,提高并行分类能力;最后,通过对算法参数及横向对比实验,显示所提算法具有较高的计算精度和计算效率。  相似文献   

The first published result in fuzzy rule interpolation was the α-cut based fuzzy rule interpolation, termed as KH fuzzy rule interpolation, originally devoted for complexity reduction. A modified version of the KH approach has been presented by Yam et al. (1999), which eliminates the subnormality problem while at the same time intending to maintain the advantageous computational properties of the original method. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the new method, which includes detailed comparison with the original KH fuzzy rule interpolation method concerning the explicit functions of the methods, preservation of piecewise linearity, and stability. The fuzziness of the conclusion with respect to the fuzziness of the observation is also investigated in comparison with several interpolation techniques. All these comparisons shows that the new method preserves the advantageous properties of the KH method and alleviates its most significant disadvantage, the problem of subnormality  相似文献   

DNA microarray technology, a high throughput technology evaluates the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously under different experimental conditions. Analysis of the gene expression data reveals that not all but few important genes are responsible for the diseases. However, the DNA microarray data set usually contain multiple missing value and therefore, selection of important genes using the incomplete data set may be erroneous, resulting misclassification in disease prediction. In the paper we propose an integrated framework, which first imputes the missing value and then in order to achieve maximum accuracy in classifying the patients a classifier has been designed to select the genes using the complete microarray data set.Here functionally similar genes are employed to estimate the missing value unlike the existing gene expression value based distance similarity measure. However, the functionally similar genes may differ in their protein production capacity and so the degree of similarity between the genes varies from gene to gene. The problem has been dealt by proposing a novel method to impute the missing value using the concept of fuzzy similarity. After imputing the missing value, the continuous gene expression matrix is discretized using fuzzy sets to distinguish the activation levels of different genes. The proposed fuzzy importance factor (FIf) of each gene represents its activation level or protein production capacity both in the disease and normal class. The importance of each gene is evaluated while optimizing the number of rules in the fuzzy classifier depending on the FIf. The methodology we propose has been demonstrated using nine different cancer data sets and compared with the state of the art methods. Analysis of experimental results reveals that the proposed framework able to classify the diseased and normal patients with improved accuracy.  相似文献   

In this study, we are concerned with face recognition using fuzzy fisherface approach and its fuzzy set based augmentation. The well-known fisherface method is relatively insensitive to substantial variations in light direction, face pose, and facial expression. This is accomplished by using both principal component analysis and Fisher's linear discriminant analysis. What makes most of the methods of face recognition (including the fisherface approach) similar is an assumption about the same level of typicality (relevance) of each face to the corresponding class (category). We propose to incorporate a gradual level of assignment to class being regarded as a membership grade with anticipation that such discrimination helps improve classification results. More specifically, when operating on feature vectors resulting from the PCA transformation we complete a Fuzzy K-nearest neighbor class assignment that produces the corresponding degrees of class membership. The comprehensive experiments completed on ORL, Yale, and CNU (Chungbuk National University) face databases show improved classification rates and reduced sensitivity to variations between face images caused by changes in illumination and viewing directions. The performance is compared vis-à-vis other commonly used methods, such as eigenface and fisherface.  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition letters》1999,20(11-13):1431-1438
In this paper we present a fuzzy system based hyperspectral classifier for automatic target identification. The system is based on partitioning the spectral band space into clusters using a modified fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm. Classification of each pixel is then carried out by calculating its fuzzy membership in each cluster. The results showed that the fuzzy hyperspectral classifier is successful in target identification using materials spectrum. Also it provides a fuzzy identification value that can be used later on in the decision-making stage of automatic target recognition (ATR) systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of the work described in this paper is to provide an intelligent intrusion detection system (IIDS) that uses two of the most popular data mining tasks, namely classification and association rules mining together for predicting different behaviors in networked computers. To achieve this, we propose a method based on iterative rule learning using a fuzzy rule-based genetic classifier. Our approach is mainly composed of two phases. First, a large number of candidate rules are generated for each class using fuzzy association rules mining, and they are pre-screened using two rule evaluation criteria in order to reduce the fuzzy rule search space. Candidate rules obtained after pre-screening are used in genetic fuzzy classifier to generate rules for the classes specified in IIDS: namely Normal, PRB-probe, DOS-denial of service, U2R-user to root and R2L-remote to local. During the next stage, boosting genetic algorithm is employed for each class to find its fuzzy rules required to classify data each time a fuzzy rule is extracted and included in the system. Boosting mechanism evaluates the weight of each data item to help the rule extraction mechanism focus more on data having relatively more weight, i.e., uncovered less by the rules extracted until the current iteration. Each extracted fuzzy rule is assigned a weight. Weighted fuzzy rules in each class are aggregated to find the vote of each class label for each data item.  相似文献   

Rule learning based approach to fault detection and diagnosis is becoming very popular, mainly due to their high accuracy when compared to older statistical methods. Fault detection and diagnosis of various mechanical components of centrifugal pump is essential to increase the productivity and reduce the breakdowns. This paper presents the use of rough sets to generate the rules from statistical features extracted from vibration signals under good and faulty conditions of a centrifugal pump. A fuzzy inference system (FIS) is built using rough set rules and tested using test data. The effect of different types of membership functions on the FIS performance is also presented. Finally, the performance of this classifier is compared to that of a fuzzy-antminer classifier and to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based classifiers.  相似文献   

At the present time a large number of AI methods have been developed in the field of pattern classification. In this paper, we will compare the performance of a well-known algorithm in machine learning (C4.5) with a recently proposed algorithm in the fuzzy set community (NEFCLASS). We will compare the algorithms both on the accuracy attained and on the size of the induced rule base. Additionally, we will investigate how the selected algorithms perform after they have been pre-processed by discretization and feature selection.  相似文献   

 This paper presents a novel hybrid of the two complimentary technologies of soft computing viz. neural networks and fuzzy logic to design a fuzzy rule based pattern classifier for problems with higher dimensional feature spaces. The neural network component of the hybrid, which acts as a pre-processor, is designed to take care of the all-important issue of feature selection. To circumvent the disadvantages of the popular back propagation algorithm to train the neural network, a meta-heuristic viz. threshold accepting (TA) has been used instead. Then, a fuzzy rule based classifier takes over the classification task with a reduced feature set. A combinatorial optimisation problem is formulated to minimise the number of rules in the classifier while guaranteeing high classification power. A modified threshold accepting algorithm proposed elsewhere by the authors (Ravi V, Zimmermann H.-J. (2000) Eur J Oper Res 123: 16–28) has been employed to solve this optimization problem. The proposed methodology has been demonstrated for (1) the wine classification problem having 13 features and (2) the Wisconsin breast cancer determination problem having 9 features. On the basis of these examples the results seem to be very interesting, as there is no reduction in the classification power in either of the problems, despite the fact that some of the original features have been completely eliminated from the study. On the contrary, the chosen features in both the problems yielded 100% classification power in some cases.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new nonlinear classifier based on a generalized Choquet integral with signed fuzzy measures to enhance the classification accuracy and power by capturing all possible interactions among two or more attributes. This generalized approach was developed to address unsolved Choquet-integral classification issues such as allowing for flexible location of projection lines in n-dimensional space, automatic search for the least misclassification rate based on Choquet distance, and penalty on misclassified points. A special genetic algorithm is designed to implement this classification optimization with fast convergence. Both the numerical experiment and empirical case studies show that this generalized approach improves and extends the functionality of this Choquet nonlinear classification in more real-world multi-class multi-dimensional situations.  相似文献   

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