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美国在近代一百多年的经济发展中,得益于本国和世界充足、廉价的能源供应。直到1973年发生石油危机之前,美国一直处于“能源天堂”之中,从未被能源短缺困扰过。1850年美国能源消费折合标准煤仅为1.07亿吨,1900年为4.36亿,1950年为15.97亿吨,1975年为32.27亿吨。1850年到1950年一百年间,美国能源消费增长了14倍,平均每年增加2.7%。 相似文献
<正> 能源结构包括:一次能源结构、发电能源结构和发电能源占一次能源消费的比重。 1.一次能源结构一般分为一次能源生产结构和一次能源消费结构。一次能源的生产结构是由本国的资源条件决定的,一次能源的消费结构除由本国资源条件决定之外,还可以通过能源国际贸易来弥补。但是,我国是发展中国家,不可能大量进口石油和天然气来改善能源消费结构,能源供应立足于国内。因此,要改变一次能源消费结构,必须下决心改善一次能源生产结构。建国40多年来,我国在改善能源结构上作了许多努力,在开发煤炭的同时,注意加快石油、天然气和水电的开发,使煤炭比重有所下降,石油等优质能源比承上升。们到目前为止,煤炭在中国一次能源总消费量中仍占75%左右,是世界上少数几个能源以煤为 相似文献
<正>Energy Daily,2014-10-24Wood Mackenzie的研究认为,美国正在走向能源独立,因为它生产的油气比它消耗的要多。部分原因是由于与页岩行业有关的水力压裂、水平井钻井和其他钻井技术的应用。Wood Mackenzie发现从2007年开始,美国石油和天然气产量增长了42%。更高的产量和较低的需求,意味着满足其发展经济的能源需求对国外资源的依赖较小。Wood Mackenzie的高级分析师James Brick 2014年10月23日在声明中说,一个国家可以通过两种途径实现能源独立,即生产更多的能源或减少能源消费量,而美国既增加了 相似文献
The security of energy supply to the EU is examined in the context of two storylines. Markets and Institutions exemplifies an economically and politically integrated, multilateral world with effective institutions and markets. Regions and Empires involves a world broken up in rival political and economic blocks, competing for resources and markets via political, economic and military power. It is shown that these storylines have a significant impact on the development of the energy market, on the way in which energy supply may be secured and on the effect and applicability of the several types of instruments available. The current EU is geared towards enlargement and a deepening of economic integration, based on the tenets of the post-1945 multilateral world system. The present world tends towards Regions and Empires and suggests that the EU may have to reorient its energy security policy. Energy policy must become an integral part of EU external trade and foreign relations and security policy. The EU should develop its own strategy, actively investing in dialogues with producer countries in the Persian Gulf and Africa and with Russia. Sustainable prosperity and governance in these regions will support EU energy security. 相似文献
天然气输送管道的节能降耗 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
郭揆常 《能源技术(上海)》2001,22(6):241-242,248
天然气的管道输送已成为天然气工业的一个重要组成部分。大型输气管道的能耗直接影响着输气成本的高低。在天然气输送管道迅速发展的今天,对管道实行优化运行,减少管道阻力损失,减小天然气损耗等措施对降低输气能耗,提高输气效率都是行之有效的。 相似文献
There will be a vigorous U.S. Photovoltaic (PV) program in 2000, despite the current turmoil and debate over the size and legitimate role of nearly every aspect of the Federal government. There are two fundamental reasons why there will still be an active Federal role in PV development in the 21st century. First, as the program and technology have progressed, the environmental and job creation potential of the PV industry are increasingly recognized as important to the nation's future. Second, Federal investment in research and development is necessary to counteract the private sector's tendency to under-invest in research and development.What will change is the emphasis and role of the Federal PV program, because the PV industry is changing. The U.S. government is no longer the principal customer of the PV industry, and research and development is more of an equal partnership between government and industry compared to 1974, when the terrestrial PV research program began. Today, industry revenues and markets are continuing to grow, while Federal R&D investments will remain relatively stable or contract between then and now. From 1994 to 1995 PV sales increased over 21 percent, from 70 MW to 84 MW, and are expected to continue along this trend. In contrast, from FY95 to FY96, the U.S. PV research budget dropped by roughly 31%. In spite of changes in the relative size of government and industry resources, the PV Program's strategic focus on technology validation, market conditioning, and joint ventures will continue into the year 2000 and beyond, but the relative share of resources and leadership in key areas will continue to shift toward industry. 相似文献
The Caribbean region is endowed with renewable energy resources which remain largely untapped. With an average insolation of 15-20 MJ m−2 day−1, investment in some renewable energy technologies is feasible. The major problem confronting the region is lack of financial resources. Petroleum imports continue to dominate the energy scenario except for Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. However, increased awareness of sustainable development issues throughout the region is a major factor in support of renewable energy implementation and is a driving force for energy policy decision-making. With the necessary joint-venture partnerships and government fiscal incentives, photovoltaic technologies, wind energy and solar energy industries are poised to expand thus reducing the dependency on fossil fuel imports while preserving the environment. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2020,45(7):3899-3904
Hydrogen production for export to Japan and Korea is increasingly popular in Australia. The theoretically possible paths include the use of the excess wind and solar energy supply to the grid to produce hydrogen from natural gas or coal. As a contribution to this debate, here I discuss the present contribution of wind and solar to the electricity grid, how this contribution might be expanded to make a grid wind and solar only, what is the energy storage needed to permit this supply, and what is the ratio of domestic total primary energy supply to electricity use. These factors are required to determine the likeliness of producing hydrogen for export. The wind and solar energy capacity, presently at 6.7 and 11.4 GW, have to increase almost 8 times up to values of 53 and 90 GW respectively to support a wind and solar energy only electricity grid for the southeast states only. Additionally, it is necessary to build-up energy storage of actual power >50 GW and stored energy >3000 GW h to stabilize the grid. If the other states and territories are considered, and also the total primary energy supply (TPES) rather than just electricity, the wind and solar capacity must be increased of a further 6–8 times. It is concluded that it is extremely unlikely that hydrogen for export could be produced from the splitting of the water molecule by using excess wind and solar energy, and it is very unlikely that wind and solar may fully cover the local TPES needs. The most likely scenario is production hydrogen via syngas from either natural gas or coal. Production from natural gas and coal needs further development of techniques, to include CO2 capture, a way to reuse or store CO2, and finally, the better energy efficiency of the conversion processes. There are several challenges for using natural gas or coal to produce hydrogen with near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies that ensure no CO2 is released in the production process, and new technologies to separate the oxygen from the air, and in case of natural gas, the water, and the CO2 from the combustion products, are urgently needed to make sense of the fossil fuel hydrogen production. There is no benefit from producing hydrogen from fossil fuels without addressing the CO2 issue, as well as the fuel energy penalty issue during conversion, that is simply translating in a net loss of fuel energy with the same CO2 emission. 相似文献
《Energy Policy》2016
As states consider revising or developing renewable portfolio standards (RPS), they are evaluating policy costs, benefits, and other impacts. We present the first U. S. national-level assessment of state RPS program benefits and impacts, focusing on new renewable electricity resources used to meet RPS compliance obligations in 2013. In our central-case scenario, reductions in life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from displaced fossil fuel-generated electricity resulted in $2.2 billion of global benefits. Health and environmental benefits from reductions in criteria air pollutants (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter 2.5) were even greater, estimated at $5.2 billion in the central case. Further benefits accrued in the form of reductions in water withdrawals and consumption for power generation. Finally, although best considered resource transfers rather than net societal benefits, new renewable electricity generation used for RPS compliance in 2013 also supported nearly 200,000 U. S.-based gross jobs and reduced wholesale electricity prices and natural gas prices, saving consumers a combined $1.3–$4.9 billion. In total, the estimated benefits and impacts well-exceed previous estimates of RPS compliance costs. 相似文献
Lignocellulosic ethanol is a low carbon fuel source with the potential to assist in climate change mitigation. However, as a new technology in the process of moving toward commercial development, it is important to understand obstacles to its development. We focused on the role that policy may be playing in fostering or impeding its development in the U.S. One of the major ways of understanding technological development is the theory of the diffusion of innovation. This theory identifies factors that can impede and facilitate this diffusion. We assessed the degree to which three of the main U.S. federal energy policies aim at addressing three key aspects of innovation diffusion: time; risk; and communication. We determine that these policies focus more on the producer stage of the lignocellulosic ethanol lifecycle than the landowner or consumer stages. In addition, they contain many provisions aimed at overcoming risk- and communication-related impediments to adoption, but fewer aimed at speeding up the process. Finally, they contain at least one provision likely to be a serious impediment to adoption. 相似文献