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The present paper is primarily a study of the ordering characteristics within the CuPt system, near the CuPt composition, using X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy (in conjunction with polarized light), high-voltage electron microscopy and dilatometry.In platinum-rich off-stoichiometric alloys, a wide two-phase region consisting of ordered + disordered platelets was established and the phase boundaries were accurately located. For isothermally ordered stoichiometric alloys, in general two categories of diffraction sequences were observed, depending on the annealing temperature. For anneals in the range 620°C<T<815°C (=Tc), a series of broad, asymmetric X-ray line profiles were obtained during the early part of the ordering cycle: this represents a continuous reaction. However, when samples were annealed a temperatures lower than 620°C, there was unmistakable micrographic evidence of the coexistence of both the ordered and disordered phases: this represents a discontinuous reaction. After making allowances for a number of side-effects which had broadened X-ray reflections at high temperatures, a nucleation-and-growth model is proposed for CuPt at all ordering temperatures.The parallel microscopic studies also exhibited quite contrasting morphologies above and below 620°C: a lamellar structure is the product at high temperatures, whereas a grain-boundary reaction, generating very coarse domains, is observed at lower temperatures. A modified microstructure was observed for samples annealed at T<475°C, when ordered spherulites were seen to grow within the grains. Samples cooled slowly through T c order by a diffusion-controlled shear process.  相似文献   

In this paper, a particular class of nano-diamond films deposited by energetic species is described. Deposition is carried out using the direct-current glow-discharge (DC GD) deposition technique from a methane/hydrogen mixture. In this method, film growth occurs from energetic species being accelerated and incorporated into the film surface. The growth of the nano-diamond film occurs on top of a preferentially oriented graphitic precursor with its basal planes perpendicular to the substrate surface. The nano-diamond films consist of an agglomerate of diamond particles with particle sizes in the 3-5 nm range with amorphous grain boundaries. The hydrogen concentration in the graphitic precursor is only a few percent; however, it increases to ∼15-20 at.% in the nano-diamond film.From a microscopic perspective nano-diamond film and growth from energetic species is explained as a sub-surface process in terms of a four-step cyclic process. The DC GD-deposited nano-diamond films were comprehensively explored by a number of complementary techniques. The hydrogen content and its role in nano-diamond film formation were assessed. The experimental methods used in our studies comprise near-edge X-ray adsorption fine structure (NEXAFS) to prove the short-range coordination of the carbon films and indirectly their phase composition. The surface and grain boundary phase composition were investigated by a combination of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) measured as a function of incident electron energy and hydrogen etching experiments. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the micro-structural evolution and their visualization were achieved. The density evolution of the films was determined by X-ray reflectivity (XRR). The hydrogen content and its distribution in the films were studied by secondary ion microscopy spectroscopy (SIMS) and elastic recoil detection (ERD). The hydrogen bonding was investigated by high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS).Most likely, hydrogen is bonded within the amorphous grain boundaries and saturates the nano-diamond particles. The surface of the films is amorphous in nature.  相似文献   

Protein folding has been a major area of research for many years. Nonetheless, the mechanisms leading to the formation of an active biological fold are still not fully apprehended. The huge amount of available sequence and structural information provides hints to identify the putative fold for a given sequence. Indeed, protein structures prefer a limited number of local backbone conformations, some being characterized by preferences for certain amino acids. These preferences largely depend on the local structural environment. The prediction of local backbone conformations has become an important factor to correctly identifying the global protein fold. Here, we review the developments in the field of local structure prediction and especially their implication in protein fold recognition.  相似文献   

Synthesis and growth of multiwall boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) under the B and ZrO2 seed system in the milling–annealing process were investigated. BNNTs were synthesized by annealing a mechanically activated boron powder under nitrogen environment. We explored the aspects of the mechanical activation energy transferred to milled crystalline boron powder producing structural disorder and borothermal reaction of the ZrO2 seed particles on the synthesis of BNNTs during annealing. Under these circumstances, the chemical reaction of amorphous boron coated on the seed nanoparticles with nitrogen synthesizing amorphous BN could be enhanced. It was found that amorphous BN was crystallized to the layer structure and then grown to multiwall BNNTs during annealing. Especially, bamboo-type multiwall BNNTs were mostly produced and grown to the tail-side of the nanotube not to the round head-side. Open gaps with ∼0.3 nm of the bamboo side walls of BNNTs were also observed. Based on these understandings, it might be possible to produce bamboo-type multiwall BNNTs by optimization of the structure and shape of boron coat on the seed nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Cu-based chemical vapor deposition method can produce large-area graphene films, usually polycrystalline films with grain boundaries as the main defects. One way to reduce grain boundaries is to grow oriented graphene domains (OGDs), which can ultimately perfectly integrate. In contrast to previously reported methods of limiting OGD growth on Cu (1 1 1), we find that OGDs can grow on Cu substrates with a large surface crystallographic structure tolerance. Density functional theory calculations show that this is due to the single lowest energy state of graphene nucleation. The growth temperature is crucial. It must be high enough (1045 °C) to suppress mis-OGD nucleation, but not too high (1055 °C) to deteriorate OGD growth. Mis-OGD nucleation can also be caused by C impurity in Cu grains, which can be depleted by thermal pretreatment of the substrate in an oxidizing atmosphere. On the other hand, OGD growth is not sensitive to the atmosphere at growth stage within the range that we have tested.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the formation of the microstructure in polymer-modified cementitious materials. Cement hydration and polymer film formation were studied, with specific emphasis on the synergetic effect between cement particles and polymer particles. Alterations at the microstructure level result in macroscopic changes in the properties of the modified material. In this paper, the influence of the polymer addition on the appearance of the cement hydrates and the presence of the polymer film through the cement hydrates are presented in relation to the minimum film forming temperature. Owing to the presence of the cement particles and to cement hydration, film formation can take place at lower temperatures, so that a polymer dispersion with a slightly higher MFT (minimum film forming temperature) can be used. This is important for the physical and mechanical properties of the polymer-modified materials. The findings have been included in an integrated model based on the three-step model of Ohama, in which the polymer film formation and the cement hydration processes are integrated in relation to each other. A time-dependent evaluation of both processes was incorporated. The research presented in this paper was part of a PhD research at the Civil Engineering Department, University of Leuven, Belgium [1].  相似文献   

The success of biomaterials for bone regeneration relies on many factors, among which osseointegration plays a key role. Biogran (BG) is a bioactive glass commonly employed as a bone graft in dental procedures. Despite its use in clinical practice, the capability of BG to promote osseointegration has never been resolved at the nanoscale. In this paper, we present the workflow for characterizing the interface between newly formed bone and BG in a preclinical rat model. Areas of bone–BG contact were first identified by backscattered electron imaging in a scanning electron microscope. A focused ion beam in situ lift-out protocol was employed to prepare ultrathin samples for transmission electron microscopy analysis. The bone–BG gradual interface, i.e. the biointerphase, was visualized at the nanoscale with unprecedented resolution thanks to scanning transmission electron microscopy. Finally, we present a method to view the bone–BG interface in three dimensions using electron tomography.  相似文献   

The development of high-performance and low-cost oxygen reduction and evolution catalysts that can be easily integrated into existing devices is crucial for the wide deployment of energy storage systems that utilize O2-H2O chemistries,such as regenerative fuel cells and metal-air batteries.Herein,we report an NH3-activated N-doped hierarchical carbon (NHC) catalyst synthesized via a scalable route,and demonstrate its device integration.The NHC catalyst exhibited good performance for both the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER),as demonstrated by means of electrochemical studies and evaluation when integrated into the oxygen electrode of a regenerative fuel cell.The activities observed for both the ORR and the OER were comparable to those achieved by state-of-the-art Pt and Ir catalysts in alkaline environments.We have further identified the critical role of carbon defects as active sites for electrochemical activity through density functional theory calculations and high-resolution TEM visualization.This work highlights the potential of NHC to replace commercial precious metals in regenerative fuel cells and possibly metal-air batteries for cost-effective storage of intermittent renewable energy.  相似文献   

Magnesium nickel hydride, Mg2NiH4, exists in two crystallographic modifications, the low temperature phase crystallizing in monoclinic structure and the high temperature phase having a cubic structure. The phase transition (∼510 K) was accompanied by a small composition change. The enthalpies and entropies of formation of these hydrides were calculated from the DTA data and compared with the values obtained by other methods.  相似文献   

High-alloyed stainless steel of 18-8 type and duralumin are not directly weldable due to significant differences in their properties. The results of structural investigations of the joints between the two materials, obtained by a previously developed method of electron beam welding with an Ag-2 wt% Mg alloy filler metal shim, are presented in this paper. The microstructure of the weld is diphasic, being composed of supersaturated Ag in Al solid solution and also an Ag2Al phase. At the base materials and weld boundaries interstitial layers are crystallized in the form of solid solutions while brittle intermetallic compounds do not appear. On the basis of presented results a mechanism for the joint formation is proposed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the crystallographic and electronic structure of γ-alumina surfaces obtained by thermal oxidation of Al foil. By combining X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and transmission electron diffraction investigations, we have shown that such γ-alumina surfaces are mainly (100), (1 0) and (112) oriented and are characterized by a specific electronic structure in the band gap. The appearance of defect levels decreases the gap from 8.7 eV to 2.5 eV at the surface. These features are correlated to the ionicity of the γ-alumina surface and could explain their chemical activity (i.e. acido-basic properties).  相似文献   

This paper reports on the characterization of the crystallization of Ge-Te and Ge-Sb-Te films by several methods. The electron beam-deposited films, usually amorphous, were crystallized by oven-heating, laser irradiation and electron bombardment. Information on the micro-morphology and structure was collected by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The element binding states in the films were analysed by their X-ray photoelectron spectra. A unique fcc metastable structure as the crystallization product for a range of compositions was indexed. Attention was paid to the various effects of the different annealing methods. The mechanisms of phase transformation involving photo-induced reactions and thermal effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Toward the objective of producing ion radical species from involatile and thermally labile samples, we have combined laser desorption of neutral molecules with electron impact ionization on a time-of-flight mass analyzer with a delayed draw-out pulse. The analytical capabilities of this method are tested in the analysis of isotope labels in the involatile product in a mechanistic study of both the chemical and the enzyme catalyzed reactions of cyclophosphamide with glutathione.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the effect of Fe film thickness on the growth, structure and electron emission characteristics of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and multilayer graphene deposited on Si substrate. It is observed that the number of graphitic shells in carbon nanostructures (CNs) varies with the thickness of the catalyst depending on the average size of nanoparticles. Further, the Fe nanoparticles do not catalyze beyond a particular size of nanoclusters leading to the formation of multilayer graphene structure, instead of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). It is observed that the crystallinity of CNs enhances upon increasing the catalyst thickness. Multilayer graphene structures show improved crystallinity in comparison to CNTs as graphitic to defect mode intensity ratio (ID/IG) decreases from 1.2 to 0.8. However, I2D/IG value for multilayer graphene is found to be 1.1 confirming the presence of at least 10 layers of graphene in these samples. CNTs with smaller diameter show better electron emission properties with enhancement factor (γC = 2.8 × 103) in comparison to multilayer graphene structure (γC = 1.5 × 103). The better emission characteristics in CNTs are explained due to combination of electrons from edges as well as centers in comparison to the multilayer graphene.  相似文献   

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