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Bandwidth optimal all-reduce algorithms for clusters of workstations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider an efficient realization of the all-reduce operation with large data sizes in cluster environments, under the assumption that the reduce operator is associative and commutative. We derive a tight lower bound of the amount of data that must be communicated in order to complete this operation and propose a ring-based algorithm that only requires tree connectivity to achieve bandwidth optimality. Unlike the widely used butterfly-like all-reduce algorithm that incurs network contention in SMP/multi-core clusters, the proposed algorithm can achieve contention-free communication in almost all contemporary clusters, including SMP/multi-core clusters and Ethernet switched clusters with multiple switches. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than other algorithms on clusters with different nodal architectures and networking technologies when the data size is sufficiently large.  相似文献   

We present efficient algorithms for two all-to-all communication operations in message-passing systems: index (or all-to-all personalized communication) and concatenation (or all-to-all broadcast). We assume a model of a fully connected message-passing system, in which the performance of any point-to-point communication is independent of the sender-receiver pair. We also assume that each processor has k⩾1 ports, through which it can send and receive k messages in every communication round. The complexity measures we use are independent of the particular system topology and are based on the communication start-up time, and on the communication bandwidth  相似文献   

Cut-through switching promises low latency delivery and has been used in new generation switches, especially in high speed networks demanding low communication latency. The interconnection of cut-through switches provides an excellent network platform for high speed local area networks (LANs). For cost and performance reasons. Irregular topologies should be supported in such a switch-based network. Switched irregular networks are truly incrementally scalable and have potential to be reconfigured to adapt to the dynamics of network traffic conditions. Due to the arbitrary topologies of networks, it is critical to develop an efficient deadlock-free routing algorithm. A novel deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithm called adaptive-trail routing is proposed to allow irregular interconnection of cut-through switches. The adaptive routing algorithm is based on two unidirectional adaptive trails constructed from two opposite unidirectional Eulerian trails. Some heuristics are suggested in terms of the selection of Eulerian trails, the avoidance of long routing paths, and the degree of adaptivity. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed and two other routing algorithms under different topologies and traffic workloads  相似文献   

We develop a message scheduling scheme for efficiently realizing all-to-all personalized communication (AAPC) on Ethernet switched clusters with one or more switches. To avoid network contention and achieve high performance, the message scheduling scheme partitions AAPC into phases such that 1) there is no network contention within each phase and 2) the number of phases is minimum. Thus, realizing AAPC with the contention-free phases computed by the message scheduling algorithm can potentially achieve the minimum communication completion time. In practice, phased AAPC schemes must introduce synchronizations to separate messages in different phases. We investigate various synchronization mechanisms and various methods for incorporating synchronizations into the AAPC phases. Experimental results show that the message scheduling-based AAPC implementations with proper synchronization consistently achieve high performance on clusters with many different network topologies when the message size is large  相似文献   

By splitting a large broadcast message into segments and broadcasting the segments in a pipelined fashion, pipelined broadcast can achieve high performance in many systems. In this paper, we investigate techniques for efficient pipelined broadcast on clusters connected by multiple Ethernet switches. Specifically, we develop algorithms for computing various contention-free broadcast trees that are suitable for pipelined broadcast on Ethernet switched clusters, extend the parametrized LogP model for predicting appropriate segment sizes for pipelined broadcast, show that the segment sizes computed based on the model yield high performance, and evaluate various pipelined broadcast schemes through experimentation on Ethernet switched clusters with various topologies. The results demonstrate that our techniques are practical and efficient for contemporary fast Ethernet and Giga-bit Ethernet clusters.  相似文献   

All-to-all communication is one of the most dense collective communication patterns and occurs in many important applications in parallel and distributed computing. In this paper, we present a new all-to-all broadcast algorithm in multidimensional all-port mesh and torus networks. We propose a broadcast pattern which ensures a balanced traffic load in all dimensions in the network so that the all-to-all broadcast algorithm can achieve a very tight near-optimal transmission time. The algorithm also takes advantage of overlapping of message switching time and transmission time, and the total communication delay asymptotically matches the lower bound of all-to-all broadcast. Finally, the algorithm is conceptually simple and symmetrical for every message and every node so that it can be easily implemented in hardware and achieves the near-optimum in practice  相似文献   

全交换在并行计算领域中有着大量而重要的应用,例如FFT和矩阵运算等.本文在由以太网交换机分层级联而成的机群系统上,提出了高性能的全交换算法DCE和算法MCCE.这两个算法充分利用了网络中瓶颈链路的带宽,达到了通信量的理论下限,并且运用多种策略来避免通信过程中的网络冲突,从而提高了机群的通信性能.实验结果表明,本文所述的算法在消息长度较长时,明显优于MPICH和LAM/MPI中实现的MPI-Alltoall算法.最后,该算法简单规范,易于实现.  相似文献   

As the size of High Performance Computing clusters grows, so does the probability of interconnect hot spots that degrade the latency and effective bandwidth the network provides. This paper presents a solution to this scalability problem for real life constant bisectional-bandwidth fat-tree topologies. It is shown that maximal bandwidth and cut-through latency can be achieved for MPI global collective traffic. To form such a congestion-free configuration, MPI programs should utilize collective communication, MPI-node-order should be topology aware, and the packet routing should match the MPI communication patterns. First, we show that MPI collectives can be classified into unidirectional and bidirectional shifts. Using this property, we propose a scheme for congestion-free routing of the global collectives in fully and partially populated fat trees running a single job. The no-contention result is then obtained for multiple jobs running on the same fat-tree by applying some job size and placement restrictions. Simulation results of the proposed routing, MPI-node-order and communication patterns show no contention which provides a 40% throughput improvement over previously published results for all-to-all collectives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop algorithms in order of efficiency for all-to-all broadcast problem in an N=2n-node n-dimensional faulty SIMD hypercube, Qn, with up to n-1 node faults. The algorithms use a property of a certain ordering of dimensions. Our analysis includes startup time (α) and transfer time (β). We have established the lower bound for such an algorithm to be nα+(2N-3)Lβ in a faulty hypercube with at most n-1 faults (each node has a value of L bytes). Our best algorithm requires 2nα+2NLβ and is near-optimal. We develop an optimal algorithm for matrix multiplication in a faulty hypercube using all-to-all broadcast and compare the efficiency of all-to-all broadcast approach with broadcast approach and global sum approach for matrix multiplication. The algorithms are congestion-free and applicable in the context of available hypercube machines  相似文献   

Efficient interprocessor communication is crucial to increasing the performance of parallel computers. In this paper, a special framework is developed on thegeneralized hypercube, a network that is currently receiving considerable attention. Using this framework as the basic tool, a number of spanning subgraphs with special properties to fit various communication needs are constructed on the network. The importance of these spanning subgraphs is demonstrated with the development of optimal algorithms for four fundamental communication problems, namely, theone-to-allandall-to-all broadcastingand theone-to-allandall-to-all scattering. Broadcastingis the distribution of the same group of messages from a source processor to all other processors, andscatteringis the distribution of distinct groups of messages from a source processor to each other processor. We consider broadcasting and scattering from a single processor of the network (one-to-all broadcasting and scattering) and simultaneously from all processors of the network (all-to-all broadcasting and scattering). For the all-to-all broadcasting and scattering algorithms, a special technique is developed on the generalized hypercube so that messages originating at individual nodes are interleaved in such a manner that no two messages contend for the same edge at any given time. The communication problems are studied under thestore-and-forward, all-portcommunication model. Lower bounds are derived for the above problems under the stated assumptions, in terms of time and number of message transmissions, and optimal algorithms are designed.  相似文献   

All-to-all personalized exchange is one of the most dense collective communication patterns and occurs in many important applications in parallel computing. Previous all-to-all personalized exchange algorithms were mainly developed for hypercube and mesh/torus networks. Although the algorithms for a hypercube may achieve optimal time complexity, the network suffers from unbounded node degrees and thus has poor scalability in terms of I/O port limitation in a processor. On the other hand, a mesh/torus has a constant node degree and better scalability in this aspect, but the all-to-all personalized exchange algorithms have higher time complexity. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to efficient all-to-all personalized exchange by considering another important type of networks, multistage networks, for parallel computing systems. We present a new all-to-all personalized exchange algorithm for a class of unique-path, self-routable multistage networks. We first develop a generic method for decomposing all-to-all personalized exchange patterns into some permutations which are realizable in these networks, and then present a new all-to-all personalized exchange algorithm based on this method. The newly proposed algorithm has O(n) time complexity for an n×n network, which is optimal for all-to-all personalized exchange. By taking advantage of fast switch setting of self-routable switches and the property of a single input/output port per processor in a multistage network, we believe that a multistage network could be a better choice for implementing all-to-all personalized exchange due to its shorter communication latency and better scalability  相似文献   

We consider multi-hop communication in optical networks with time-division multiplexing. By using time-division multiplexing, multiple communication channels are supported on each link. As a result, more sophisticated logical topologies can be realized on top of a simpler physical network to improve the communication performance. These logical topologies reduce the number of intermediate hops that a packet travels at the cost of a larger multiplexing degree. On the one hand, the large multiplexing degree increases the packet communication time between hops. On the other hand, reducing the number of intermediate hops reduces the time spent at intermediate nodes. We study the trade-off between the multiplexing degree and the number of intermediate hops needed to realize the logical topologies on top of physical torus networks. Specifically, we examine four logical topologies ranging from the most complex logical all-to-all connections to the simplest logical torus topology. We develop an analytical model that models the maximum throughput and the average packet delay, verify the analytical model through simulations, and study the performance and the impact of system parameters on the performance for these logical topologies.  相似文献   

All-to-all (ATA) reliable broadcast is the problem of reliably distributing information from every node to every other node in point-to-point interconnection networks. A good solution to this problem is essential for clock synchronization, distributed agreement, etc. We propose a novel solution in which the reliable broadcasts from individual nodes are interleaved in such a manner that no two packets contend for the same link at any given time-this type of method is particularly suited for systems which use virtual cut-through or wormhole routing for fast communication between nodes. Our solution, called the IHC Algorithm, can be used on a large class of regular interconnection networks including regular meshes and hypercubes. By adjusting a parameter η referred to as the interleaving distance, we can flexibly decrease the link utilization of the IHC algorithm (for normal traffic) at the expense of an increase in the time required for ATA reliable broadcast. We compare the IHC algorithm to several other possible virtual cut-through solutions and a store-and-forward solution. The IHC algorithm with the minimum value of η is shown to be optimal in minimizing the execution time of ATA reliable broadcast when used in a dedicated mode (with no other network traffic)  相似文献   

Collective communication operations are widely used in MPI applications and play an important role in their performance. However, the network heterogeneity inherent to grid environments represent a great challenge to develop efficient high performance computing applications. In this work we propose a generic framework based on communication models and adaptive techniques for dealing with collective communication patterns on grid platforms. Toward this goal, we address the hierarchical organization of the grid, selecting the most efficient communication algorithms at each network level. Our framework is also adaptive to grid load dynamics since it considers transient network characteristics for dividing the nodes into clusters. Our experiments with the broadcast operation on a real-grid setup indicate that an adaptive framework allows significant performance improvements on MPI collective communications.  相似文献   

We address the problem of broadcasting on two-dimensional mesh architectures with an arbitrary (non-power-of-two) number of nodes in each dimension. It is assumed that such mesh architectures employ cut-through or wormhole routing. The primary focus is on avoiding network conflicts in the various proposed algorithms. We give algorithms for performing a conflict-free minimum-spanning tree broadcast, a pipelined algorithm that is similar to Ho and Johnsson's EDST algorithm for hypercubes, and a novelscatter–collectapproach that is a natural choice for communication libraries due to its simplicity. Results obtained on the Intel Paragon system are included.  相似文献   

All-to-all broadcast is a communication pattern in which every node initiates a broadcast. In this paper, we investigate the problem of building a unique cast tree of minimum total energy, which we call Minimum Unique Cast (MUC) tree, to be used for all-to-all broadcast. The MUC tree is unoriented and unrooted. We study three known heuristics for the minimum-energy broadcast problem: the Broadcast Incremental Power (BIP) algorithm, the Wireless Multicast Advantage-conforming Minimum Spanning Tree (WMA-conforming MST) algorithm, and the Iterative Maximum-Branch Minimization (IMBM) algorithm. Experimental results conducted on various types of networks are reported. We show that neither of these methods is best overall for building all-to-all broadcast trees.  相似文献   

Providing highly flexible connectivity is a major architectural challenge for hardware implementation of reconfigurable neural networks. We perform an analytical evaluation and comparison of different configurable interconnect architectures (mesh NoC, tree, shared bus and point-to-point) emulating variants of two neural network topologies (having full and random configurable connectivity). We derive analytical expressions and asymptotic limits for performance (in terms of bandwidth) and cost (in terms of area and power) of the interconnect architectures considering three communication methods (unicast, multicast and broadcast). It is shown that multicast mesh NoC provides the highest performance/cost ratio and consequently it is the most suitable interconnect architecture for configurable neural network implementation. Routing table size requirements and their impact on scalability were analyzed. Modular hierarchical architecture based on multicast mesh NoC is proposed to allow large scale neural networks emulation. Simulation results successfully validate the analytical models and the asymptotic behavior of the network as a function of its size.  相似文献   

Shortcut Switching Strategy in Metro Ethernet networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a layer-2 protocol which provides a loop-free connectivity across various network nodes. STP does this task by reducing the topology of a switched network to a tree topology where redundant ports are blocked. Blocked ports are then kept in a standby mode of operation until a network failure occurs. In STP, there is not any traffic engineering mechanism for load balancing. This results in uneven load distribution and bottlenecks especially close to the Root. This protocol imposes a severe penalty on the performance and scalability of Metro Ethernet networks, since it makes inefficient use of links and switches. In this paper, we propose a novel switching strategy named Shortcut Switching Strategy (SSS) that uses blocked ports to forward frames in some special and restricted cases. It is an improved version of the standard STP and its main advantages are simplicity and backward-compatibility. Shortcut Switching Strategy decreases the average traffic volume on links and switches, improves load balancing on links and switches and reduces the Bandwidth Blocking Probability. We will demonstrate these improvements by using analytical and simulation methods for some well-known topologies. Simulation results show that using SSS can give about 25% reduction in average link loads, average switch loads and average number of hop counts compared to STP.  相似文献   

一类层次双环网络的构造及其路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高效互联网络的拓扑结构一直是人们关注的热点问题。提出了一类层次双环互联网络HDRN(k),给出了HDRN(k)网络的构造方法,研究了它的性质,并且通过与相关网络的比较,证实了HDRN(k)具有好的连接性、短的直径以及简单的拓扑结构,是一种实用的互联网络。另外,讨论了HDRN(k)网络的路由性质,设计了点点路由和Broadcast路由算法,证明了这两种路由算法的通信效率与层次环网络上对应算法的通信效率相比均有明显的提高。综上所述,HDRN(k)是一种具有良好拓扑性质的新型互联网络。  相似文献   

Broadcasting by flooding causes the broadcast storm problem in multi-hop wireless networks. This problem becomes more likely in a wireless mesh network (WMN) because WMNs can bridge wired LANs, increasing broadcast traffic and collision probability. Since the network control, routing, and topology maintenance of a WMN highly rely on layer-2 broadcasting, unreliable broadcast algorithms directly destabilize a WMN. Researchers have developed many algorithms for efficient and reliable broadcast in multi-hop wireless networks. However, real-world systems rarely verify or compare these approaches, especially in a WMN. This paper examines six representative broadcast algorithms: simple flooding, dynamic probabilistic, efficient counter-based broadcast, scalable broadcast, domain pruning, and connected-dominating-set based algorithms. This study addresses both common and algorithm-specific implementation in a real-world IEEE 802.11s WMN testbed. Experiments under various topologies and packet lengths reveal the reliability, forwarding ratio, and efficiency of these six algorithms. Quantitative survey results indicate that the scalable broadcast algorithm possesses the best reliability due to its lower collision probability. The domain-pruning algorithm is the most efficient algorithm when considering both reliability and the forwarding ratio.  相似文献   

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