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The phase composition of crystalline mechanochemical synthesis products in the CaO–Sb 2O 3–Bi 2O 3 system was determined. Of the known phases in this system, only three could be prepared mechanochemically: Ca 2Sb 2O 5, CaSb 2O 4, and CaBiO 2.5 (fcc). A new metastable phase, "-Bi 2O 3, with an orthorhombic structure close to that of the high-temperature, fluorite phase -Bi 2O 3, was obtained by mechanical processing at 30°C. A number of new metastable fluorite solid solutions of binary and ternary oxides were obtained as single-phase powders by mechanochemical synthesis. The mechanochemical yield of primary crystalline products was shown to be several times higher than that of secondary products. A broad composition range was revealed in which perovskite and fluorite phases are in mechanochemical equilibrium. The composition dependence of the lattice parameter of the metastable fluorite phase Bi 2 – x
O 3 was found to be the opposite of the one predicted by Vegard's law. Metastable mixed oxides undergo phase transformations during heating (starting at 280°C in the case of the ternary perovskite phase). Bi 2 – x
O 3 – 0.5x
fluorite solid solutions experience a transformation at 400°C, accompanied by oxygen loss. During heating in air, Sb 2O 3-containing fluorite phases partially stabilize owing to oxidation but, nevertheless, undergo structural transformations above 480°C. The transformation of Sb 2 – x
O 3 – 0.5x
metastable fluorite solid solutions near 500°C in air is accompanied by the formation of needle-like Sb 2O 3 crystals. A mechanism is proposed for the extremely rapid growth of such crystals: extrusion of the Sb 2O 3 resulting from fluorite decomposition in agglomerates through triple junctions of aggregates and through cracks in the surface layer of agglomerates. 相似文献
The products of mechanochemical synthesis in the Pb–V–O system were characterized by x-ray diffraction and magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques. The mechanical processing was found to yield only new crystalline compounds, Pb 2.67V 1.33O 5.96and Pb 3.5V 4.5O 14.75. Structural analysis of these phases revealed a low atomic density, mixed-valent states of the constituent cations, the presence of three of four types of vanadium polyhedra, and splitting of crystallographic sites, in line with the views on the mechanisms of mechanochemical reactions developed in the model for the reaction zone. 相似文献
The mechanochemical reactions induced in 2CdO(HgO) + Sb 2O 5(Sb 2O 3) oxide mixtures by high-energy ball milling were studied by x-ray diffraction. New pyrochlore and fluorite phases were found to be formed at a high rate. Using thermal analysis, the temperature ranges of the structural and chemical transformations in the reaction products were determined and their compositions were refined. The synthesized materials are characterized by disordered structures, intermediate valence states, high vacancy concentrations, and deficit of the harder component, in line with the earlier proposed model for the reaction zone. The relatively high thermal stability of the metastable compounds suggests that mechanochemical ceramic processing can be used to fabricate unique ceramic materials and nanocomposites. 相似文献
Phase relations in the Na 2O–Al 2O 3–Nb 2O 5and CaO–Al 2O 3–Nb 2O 5systems were studied. The Na 2O system was found to contain neither ternary compounds nor niobate–aluminate solid solutions. In the CaO system, a ternary compound of composition 4CaO · Al 2O 3·Nb 2O 5was identified (cubic structure, a= 7.628 Å, Z= 2, meas= x= 4.43 g/cm 3). 相似文献
Inorganic Materials - The devitrification, “cold” crystallization, and glass transition temperatures and melting point of samples in the B2O3–CaO–Al2O3–PbO system have... 相似文献
Phase relations in the systems Al 2TiO 5–Fe 2O 3, Al 2TiO 5–Cr 2O 3, and Al 2O 3–TiO 2–Fe 2O 3 are investigated, and the composition ranges of pseudobrookite Al 2
– 2x
M 2x
TiO 5 (M = Fe, Cr) solid solutions are determined. 相似文献
Potassium tungstate antimonates were prepared by calcining K 2CO 3 + Sb 2O 3 + 2(1 – – )WO 3 mixtures in air. Data on the phase composition of the obtained materials were used to locate the pyrochlore phase region in the Sb 2O
–W 2O 6 – K 2O composition triangle at 1170 K. The distributions of the constituent ions and lattice defects over the crystallographic positions of space group Fd3 m were inferred from structural and gravimetric data. The ac conductivity of the potassium tungstate antimonates was measured from 600 to 1000 K. The conductivity and its activation energy were shown to be correlated with the concentrations of cation (position 16 d) and anion (position 8 b) defects. The concentration and mobility of K + ions involved in charge transport were determined. 相似文献
Data are presented on the sequence of phase transformations leading to the formation of YBa 2Cu 3O 7 – textured ceramics and single crystals in the systems Y 2BaCuO 5–Ba 3Cu 5O 8 and Y 2BaCuO 5–BaCuO 2. During cooling in the Y 2BaCuO 5–BaCuO 2 system, YBa 2Cu 3O 7 – crystallization in the range 1260–1210 K occurs through the intermediate phase YBa 4Cu 3O 9 – , without an additional oxygen source. In the Y 2BaCuO 5–Ba 3Cu 5O 8 system between 1250 and 1210 K, YBa 2Cu 3O 7 – crystallization is accompanied by oxygen absorption. 相似文献
Multicomponent telluride-tungstate glasses containing Nd 3+ and Er 3+ ions were studied experimentally at 77 and 293 K using spectroscopic methods. The Judd–Ofelt intensity parameters were derived from the absorption spectra and used to calculate the radiative lifetimes and branching ratios. The quantum efficiency η = 0.95 of the 4F 3/2 level of Nd 3+ ion is higher than the typical value of other tellurite-based glasses. For low concentration of Er 3+ ions, the luminescence decay of the 4S 3/2 and 4I 11/2 levels is governed by radiative transitions and multiphonon relaxation involving the Te-O highest energy vibrations. 相似文献
The formation of lead tantalates in the PbO-rich region is studied using the powders prepared by the simultaneous hydrolysis of lead and tantalum alkoxides. Cubic 3PbO · 2Ta 2O 5 solid solutions crystallize at low temperatures from amorphous materials between 60 and 75 mol% PbO. The lattice parameter, a, increases linearly from 1.0545 to 1.0705 nm with increasing PbO. At higher temperatures the solid solutions above 66.67 mol% PbO are transformed into those of rhombohedral 2PbO · Ta 2O 5. Rhombohedral 5PbO · 2Ta 2O 5 is formed at 850 to 900 °C by transformation of 2PbO·Ta 2O 5 solid solution corresponding to 71.43 mol% PbO. The existence of previously reported 3PbO·Ta 2O 5 is not confirmed. 相似文献
Reactions in the CeCo 3–H 2and GdNi 3–H 2systems were studied at hydrogen pressures of up to 0.2 GPa. Using hydrogen absorption–desorption isotherms, the compositions of the high-pressure hydrides were determined to be CeCo 3H 6.8(–70°C) and GdNi 3H 5.1(–50°C). According to x-ray diffraction studies, high-pressure hydrogen absorption to above the stoichiometry CeCo 3H 4is accompanied by insignificant volume changes. In the GdNi 3–H 2system, the hydride phase amorphizes at high hydrogen contents. 相似文献
Materials Science - We study the regularities of changes in the microstructure, strength, electric conductivity, and micromechanism of fracture of 50% (ZrO2–8 mole% Y2O3–2 wt.% Al2O3) +... 相似文献
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - The techniques of melt-quenching have been used to generate 53B2O3—2NaF—27PbO – $$(20-x)$$... 相似文献
Ternary Sb2O3–B2O3–K2O glass system, with general composition of x Sb2O3–(70-x) B2O3–30 K2O (where x?=?0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) were prepared using melt-quenching technique. Structures of these glasses were investigated using XRD analysis and FT-IR spectroscopy. The optical properties were investigated using the UV–Vis NIR JASCO (Model V-670) Double Beam Spectrophotometer. Different physical parameters, such as density (ρ), molar volume (VM), oxygen molar volume (VO) and oxygen packing density values (OPD) have been estimated. Also, the Gamma radiation shielding ability have been characterized for the investigated glasses using Phy-X/PSD software in the photon energy range (0.015–15 MeV). XRD analysis confirm the amorphous nature of the prepared glasses. The optical energy gap of SBK glasses is decreasing from 4 to 2.63 eV with increasing Sb2O3 content while refractive index is increasing from 2.17 to 2.5 because of increasing the non-bridging oxygens (NBOs) in the glass matrix. The molar refractivity (Rm), molar polarizability (αm) and the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility values χ3 have been calculated, their values are found to increase with increasing Sb2O3 content. Glass density and molar volume values for the SBK glasses increase with increasing Sb2O3 content. Increasing the Sb2O3 concentration enhance the radiation shielding features of the prepared glasses against gamma rays and neutrons. Hence, the mass attenuation coefficient (MAC) increases from 8.6 to 35.4 cm2/gm while the half value layer (HVL) decreases from 0.036 to 0.0046 cm at 0.015 MeV as the Sb2O3 concentration increases from 0 to 50 mol%. The fast neutron cross section of the six investigated SBK glasses are (0.087, 0.092, 0.095, 0.091, 0.094 and 0.092 cm?1), respectively. 相似文献
The 620-K section of the Ge–Sb–Te phase diagram was mapped out using x-ray diffraction, microstructural analysis, and microhardness measurements. The transport properties of the layered tetradymite-like compounds nGeTe · mSb 2Te 3( n, m= 1–4) were studied in wide temperature ranges (Hall effect and electrical resistivity, from 77 to 800 K, and thermoelectric power, from 90 to 450 K). The results show that the nGeTe · mSb 2Te 3compounds are degenerate p-type semiconductors with a fairly high hole concentration due to the high density of intrinsic point defects. The temperature dependences of the Hall coefficient and resistivity exhibit anomalies related to solid-state phase transitions. The room-temperature lattice thermal conductivity of nGeTe · mSb 2Te 3is fairly low, in the range 8–10 mW/(cm K). 相似文献
In this work we have studied the pore structure and electrical transport properties of superconducting YBa 2Cu 3O 7?y polycrystalline samples doped by the addition of different Sb 2O 3 concentrations, i.e. resulting in (YBa 2Cu 3O 7?y ) 1?x (Sb 2O 3) x . The samples were prepared through the solid-state reaction method. Rietveld analyses of X-ray diffraction data were used to investigate how the lattice parameters are modified by doping. Specific superficial area measurements identified the principal characteristics of the pore structure of the samples and how these properties change with doping. The superconducting properties were studied by using zero field cooling magnetization and transport critical current measurements. The critical temperature of the samples does not depend on the doping level, but their transport critical current density strongly decreases as the Sb 2O 3 concentration is increased. Our experimental results suggest that for the samples studied here there is not a direct correlation between the modification by doping of both, the pore structure and the transport critical current density. 相似文献
Heavy metal oxide B 2O 3–PbO–Bi 2O 3–GeO 2 transparent glass doped with Sm 3+ was synthesized and implanted with Au + using energy of 300 keV and fluence of 1 × 10 16 cm −2. The annealing of the implanted glass at moderate temperature below the glass transition temperature induced the nucleation of gold nanoparticles, confirmed by the characteristic absorption band in the visible range and by transmission electron microscopy. Using Miés and Doylés theories for the surface plasmon resonance, the average size of the gold nanoparticles was about 4.6 nm, similar to the values observed by transmission electron microscopy. It was also observed the crystallization of a thin layer of the glass at the implanted surface after annealing, detected by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. Visible and near-infrared emission of Sm 3+ was enhanced after annealing of the glass implanted with gold. Judd–Ofelt parameters and radiative parameters were calculated for the glass doped with Sm 3+ with and without gold nanoparticles. 相似文献
The effect of P 2O 5, B 2O 3 and PbO additives on the sintering and crystallization behaviour of .quartz solid solution and gahnite glass-ceramics were investigated. According to our results, only the addition of PbO to glasses produces sinterable glass-ceramics containing .quartz solid solution gahnite as the sole crystalline phases, respectively. The nucleation mechanism of the glasses were determined by the Ozawa equation and their activation energy for crystallization were determined by the modified form of the Kissinger, Matusita and Marotta equations. The results indicate that the better sinterability of the lead bearing .q. ss glass-ceramic than the lead free one could be explained by changes of bulk to surface nucleation and increase of its activation energy for crystallization. At the other hand, it could not be observed any differences between the nucleation mechanism and the activation energy for crystallization of the lead bearing and lead free gahnite glass-ceramics. Then the differences in sinterability of the two glass-ceramics could not be explained by comparison of theirs activation energy for crystallization. 相似文献