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云存储技术是解决大容量数据存储、交互、管理的有效途径,加密存储是保护远程服务器中用户数据隐私安全的重要手段,而可搜索加密技术能在保证用户数据安全前提下提高系统可用性。对称可搜索加密以其高效的搜索效率得到人们的广泛关注。总体而言,相关研究可归纳为系统模型、效率与安全、功能性3个层次。该文首先介绍了对称可搜索加密(SSE)系统典型模型,然后深入分析了搜索效率优化、安全性分析的常用手段和方法,最后从场景适应能力、语句表达能力、查询结果优化3个方面对方案功能性研究进行了梳理,重点对当前研究的热点和难点进行了总结。在此基础上,进一步分析了未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

基于云计算的移动学习是在传统移动学习的基础上,利用云平台实现资源检索功能的一种学习方式。为了保证数据的安全性,资源发布者将学习资源以密文形式上传至云服务器。但云服务器无法对加密资源进行有效管理,使得密文搜索结果不能到达预期水平。针对以上问题,文章在云计算的移动学习模型基础上,利用可搜索加密的方法,建立可搜索加密的移动学习模型,从而确保学习资源的隐私性。  相似文献   

云平台以其强大的数据存储及分析检索能力被广泛应用于大数据智能系统,随着物联网的发展,云计算也被应用于智能家居系统。相较于传统智能家居系统,智能家居云的出现可容纳更多的数据,允许更多的智能子系统加入进来,在节约成本的同时也为数据存储及检索提供了方便。由于云平台未能对信息进行有效的加密保护及高效管理,使得上传至云平台的数据极易泄露。系统在云计算智慧家居模型的基础上,利用可搜索加密的方法,建立了可搜索加密的智慧家居模型,研究结果表明,该方法确保了数据信息的隐私性。  相似文献   

本文针对当前云计算环境中存在的某些问题,提出了数据存储及数据传输、接收的相关方法。通过相关的方法,可以有效的提高云环境中的某些数据存储安全问题。  相似文献   

云计算在提供方便易用与低成本特性的同时也带来了新的挑战,安全问题首当其冲。文章针对云计算环境下租户的隐私保护和平台的安全要求提出一种面向租户的云平台跨节点的高效数据安全与隐私保护机制,保证租户数据在访问和处理过程中的安全性,保障租户隐私安全可控。  相似文献   

针对云计算环境中数字内容安全和用户隐私保护的需求,提出了一种云计算环境中支持隐私保护的数字版权保护方案。设计了云计算环境中数字内容版权全生命周期保护和用户隐私保护的框架,包括系统初始化、内容加密、许可授权和内容解密4个主要协议;采用基于属性基加密和加法同态加密算法的内容加密密钥保护和分发机制,保证内容加密密钥的安全性;允许用户匿名向云服务提供商订购内容和申请授权,保护用户的隐私,并且防止云服务提供商、授权服务器和密钥服务器等收集用户使用习惯等敏感信息。与现有的云计算环境中数字版权保护方案相比,该方案在保护内容安全和用户隐私的同时,支持灵活的访问控制,并且支持在线和超级分发应用模式,在云计算环境中具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

随着云计算技术的发展,数据隐私保护问题已成为阻碍云计算应用推广的主要原因。文章从数据生命周期的角度分析了生命周期中的各个阶段所面对的数据隐私风险问题,并详细阐述了相应的数据隐私保护策略,对云计算的应用推广具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对云计算环境下的安全性和隐私性问题,在CP-ABE的基础上提出MAH-ABE(Multiple and Hierarchical Attribute Based Encryption)访问控制模型,划分了公共领域和私人领域,私人领域采用CP,ABE密文访问控制,公共领域采用等级多信任机构来管理属性和密钥,减少了管理复杂度.同时,该模型引入失效时间属性来执行属性更新操作.最后给出模型的安全性证明和仿真,表明该模型是高效灵活,细粒度并且安全的.  相似文献   

近年来,随着云计算技术的发展,越来越多的企业和个人用户开始使用云计算。但是随着云计算中企业和用户的信息增多,人们开始担心他们的数据在云计算环境中是否安全。为了提升云计算环境中数据的安全性,保护用户的隐私,本文从云计算环境中的数据创建、存储、使用、共享、归档、销毁六个阶段生命周期的角度探讨了云计算环境中数据面临的安全威胁,并给出了提升数据安全的几点建议。  相似文献   

属性加密是在云环境下实现细粒度访问控制的有效工具,但同类方案并未较好地解决数据所有者的隐私保护和解密权限临时授权问题。文章将属性代理重加密技术与Nishide等的属性加密方案相结合,提出同时支持访问策略隐藏和解密权限临时授权的密文策略属性加密方案。此外,文章利用新方案解决了医疗云环境下属性访问控制系统的构造问题。安全性分析表明,新的属性加密方案并未破坏底层方案的安全性,而且不会向代理服务器泄露数据所有者的解密私钥。  相似文献   

Cloud computing (CC) is the universal area in which the data owners will contract out their pertinent data to the untrusted public cloud that permits the data users to retrieve the data with complete integrity. To give data privacy along with integrity, majority of the research works were concentrated on single data owner for secure searching of encrypted data via the cloud. Also, searchable encryption supports data user to retrieve the particular encrypted document from encrypted cloud data via keyword search (KS). However, these researches are not efficient for keyword search retrieval. To trounce such drawbacks, this paper proposes efficient secure and privacy‐preserving keyword search retrieval (SPKSR) system, in which the user retrieves the hashed encrypted documents over hashed encrypted cloud data. The proposed system includes three entities explicitly, (a) data owner (DO), (b) cloud server (CS), and (c) data users (DU). The owner outsources hashed encrypted documents set, along with generated searchable index tree to the CS. The CS hoards the hashed encrypted document collection and index tree structure. DU performs the “search” over the hashed encrypted data. Experimental results of the proposed system are analyzed and contrasted with the other existent system to show the dominance of the proposed system.  相似文献   

A sharing multi-owner setting where data was owned by a fixed number of data owners,the existing searchable encryption schemes could not support ciphertext retrieval and fine-grained access control at the same time.For this end,an efficient cryptographic primitive called as multi-owner accredited keyword search over encrypted data scheme was designed,through combining linear secret-sharing technique with searchable encryption schemes,only the data users authorized bymulti-owner by could decrypt the returned results.The formal security analysis shows that the scheme can protect security and privacy under the bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption.As a further contribution,an empirical study over real-world dataset was conelucted to show the effectiveness and practicability of the scheme.  相似文献   

云存储环境下的密文安全共享机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the convenient of storing and sharing data in cloud storage environment,the concerns about data security arised as well.To achieve data security on untrusted servers,user usually stored the encrypted data on the cloud storage environment.How to build a cipertext-based access control scheme became a pot issue.For the access control problems of ciphertext in cloud storage environment,a CP-ABE based data sharing scheme was proposed.Novel key generation and distribution strategies were proposed to reduce the reliance on a trusted third party.Personal information was added in decryption key to resistant conclusion attacks at the same time.Moreover,key revocation scheme was proposed to provide the data backward secrecy.The security and implement analysis proves that proposed scheme is suit for the real application environment.  相似文献   

A mu1ti-keyword search over encrypted data was proposec1 with fi1e-1eve1 access authorization and data user revocation scheme through emp1oying ciphertext-po1icy attribute-based encryption(CP-ABE).The scheme supports fi1e-1eve1 access authorization in the mu1ti-owner mu1ti-user settings,which means that data users cou1d on1y gain the authorized fi1es encrypted by different data owners with different keys.Moreover,the scheme cou1d achieve data user revocation.Forma1 security ana1ysis shows that the proposed scheme cou1d resist the chosen keyword attack in random orac1e.Moreover,the experimenta1 study over rea1-wor1d dataset demonstrates its efficiency and feasibi1ity in practice.  相似文献   

吴国威  樊宁  汪来富  王帅  沈军  金华敏 《电信科学》2019,35(11):101-107
云计算为租户提供存储、计算和网络服务,数据安全保护和租户间的数据共享与访问控制是其必不可少的能力。基于属性的加密体制是一种一对多的加密体制,可以根据用户属性实现细粒度访问控制,适用于云计算环境多租户数据共享。但现有的基于属性加密体制的算法效率较低,难以在实际环境中应用。分析了基于属性的加密体制的两种类型及其应用场景,提出一个基于属性加密体制算法的加速方案。通过实验表明,提出的方案可提高基于属性加密体制的密钥生成算法、加密算法和解密算法的效率。  相似文献   

To achieve the confidentiality and retrievability of outsourced data simultaneously, a dynamic multi-keyword fuzzy ranked search scheme(DMFRS) with leakage resilience over encrypted cloud data based on two-level index structure was proposed. The first level index adopts inverted index and orthogonal list, combined with 2-gram and location-sensitive Hashing(LSH) to realize a fuzzy match. The second level index achieves user search permission decision and search result ranking by combining coordin...  相似文献   

Searchable encryption (SE) is considered important as it provides both confidentiality and searchability for the data stored in semi-trusted environments such as cloud. However, it is rarely deployed because most SE schemes are not native to cloud services as they require database modifications. In this paper, we present an SE scheme called Frequency-Eliminated Trapdoor-Character Hopping (FETCH) that, based on novel common-conditioned-subsequence-preserving (CCSP) techniques, is able to work natively with off-the-shelf databases and supports wildcard-based pattern search on encrypted data thereof. In fact, with the CCSP techniques, we transform the problem of wildcard SE searching into a problem of subsequence searching, which is solved fast in most databases and thus fits well with cloud services in general. Although in our security analysis, CCSP removes the possibility of obtaining theoretical indistinguishability between indexed items, we show that FETCH does provide adequate confidentiality protection and fares much better than other existing wildcard SE schemes in terms of query performance, storage overhead, and deployment complexity. In particular, FETCH is able to efficiently handle data sets whose size is multiple orders of magnitude larger than those that existing schemes can comfortably support.  相似文献   

云环境下关键词搜索加密算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林鹏  江颉  陈铁明 《通信学报》2015,36(Z1):259-265
现有方案将关键词搜索加密和属性基加密相结合,解决了云环境下访问控制问题,但是未充分考虑信道安全以及关键词猜测攻击等安全问题。针对上述问题,提出了一种指派搜索服务器的关键词搜索属性加密方案,实现了关键词搜索访问权限控制,且检索不需要安全信道,可抵抗离线/在线关键词猜测攻击。实验结果表明,方案性能方面可取得较好结果,可应用于云环境。  相似文献   

何凯  黄传河  王小毛  王晶  史姣丽 《通信学报》2015,36(10):119-132
To solve the problem of data integrity in cloud storage,an aggregated privacy-preserving auditing scheme was proposed.To preserve data privacy against the auditor,data proof and tag proof were encrypted and combined by using the bilinearity property of the bilinear pairing on the cloud server.Furthermore,an efficient index mechanism was designed to support dynamic auditing,which could ensure that data update operations did not lead to high additional computation or communication cost.Meanwhile,an aggregation method for different proofs was designed to handle multiple auditing requests.Thus the proposed scheme could also support batch auditing for multiple owners and multiple clouds and multiple files.The communication cost of batch auditing was independent of the number of auditing requests.The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed scheme is provably secure.Compared with existing auditing scheme,the efficacy of the proposed individual auditing and batch auditing improves 21.5% and 31.8% respectively.  相似文献   

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