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Functional reorganization of the rat motor cortex following motor skill learning. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3321-3325, 1998. Adult rats were allocated to either a skilled or unskilled reaching condition (SRC and URC, respectively). SRC animals were trained for 10 days on a skilled reaching task while URC animals were trained on a simple bar pressing task. After training, microelectrode stimulation was used to derive high resolution maps of the forelimb and hindlimb representations within the motor cortex. In comparison with URC animals, SRC animals exhibited a significant increase in mean area of the wrist and digit representations but a decrease in elbow/shoulder representation within the caudal forelimb area. No between-group differences in areal representation were found in either the hindlimb or rostral forelimb areas. These results demonstrate that motor skill learning is associated with a reorganization of movement representations within the rodent motor cortex.  相似文献   

1. The laminar distribution of synaptic activity in the primary motor cortex, elicited by stimulation of intracortical, horizontal afferents, was studied in young (12-17 days old) and adult rats using the in vitro brain slice preparation. Connectivity patterns were deduced from current-source density (CSD) analyses of field potential depth profiles and were confirmed by anatomic data of retrograde cell labeling after focal injections of a fluorescent tracer. 2. According to the CSD distributions, horizontal axons in layer II/III provide strong monosynaptic input to dendrites of layer II and III pyramidal cells in a distant column, and weaker monosynaptic input to layer V and VI cells by synapsing on dendritic fields at the border of layer III and V and in deep layer V. When these pathways are activated, layer II/III cells may relay excitatory activity to upper and deep layer V, as well as to other cells in layer II/III of the same column. Axons arising from layer V provide monosynaptic input to pyramidal cells in all layers of neighboring columns, by synapsing in two dendritic fields: one in the superficial layers and the other in middle layer V. Activation of these pathways may generate a disynaptic intracolumnar input from layer II/III cells to middle layer V, as well as to other cells in layer II/III. Similar patterns of synaptic activity were elicited by stimulation from 0.45 to 2 mm distal to the recorded column. There were no apparent differences between young and adult rats in the connectivity patterns revealed by the CSD analyses. 3. Tracer injections in layer III resulted in retrograde labeling of cells in layers II/III and V, at distances > 2 mm from the injection site, whereas injections in layer V resulted in retrograde labeling of cells at long distances in layer V and to a lesser extent in layer II/III. These findings indicate that neurons in layer V project, via horizontal axon collaterals, for long distances within layers III and V, whereas the horizontal axon collaterals of layer III cells are restricted, for the most part, to the superficial layers. 4. Suppression of inhibitory activity by bath application of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) did not alter the pattern of the CSD distributions. All synaptic currents present in the control medium were enhanced by application of BMI, although the effect was more pronounced on the polysynaptic components.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

5-HT4 receptors are concentrated in areas of the brain which are rich in dopamine neuronal markers, which may suggest that they influence motor and reward processes. We tested this hypothesis by examining the effects of a 5-HT4 receptor antagonist, 8-amino-7-chloro-(N-butyl-4-piperidyl)methylbenzo-1,4-dioxan-5-car boxylate hydrochloride (SB-204070-A) on amphetamine- and nicotine-induced locomotor stimulation in intact rats. In rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesions of the ascending nigrostriatal dopaminergic projection, SB-204070-A was tested for its effects on amphetamine-induced rotation. SB-204070-A was also tested for its effects on rewarded behaviour maintained by intracranial self-stimulation. SB-204070-A did not alter behaviour under any of these conditions, suggesting a lack of involvement of the 5-HT4 receptor in motor and reward processes.  相似文献   

The coexpression of sulphonylurea binding sites and ATP-sensitive K+(KATP) channels was examined in the rat motor cortex, an area of the CNS exhibiting a high density of sulphonylurea binding. These channels were not detected on neuronal cell bodies, but sulphonylurea-sensitive KATP channels and charybdotoxin-sensitive, large-conductance calcium-activated K+ BKCa channels were detected by patch clamping of fused nerve terminals from the motor cortex. Subcellular fractionation revealed that high-affinity sulphonylurea binding sites were enriched in the nerve terminal fraction, whereas glibenclamide increased calcium-independent glutamate efflux from isolated nerve terminals. It is concluded that neuronal sulphonylurea receptors and KATP channels are functionally linked in the motor cortex and that they are both selectively expressed in nerve terminals, where the KATP channel may serve to limit glutamate release under conditions of metabolic stress.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the mutational spectra produced during in vitro DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase alpha-primase and DNA polymerase beta. The polymerase mutation frequency as measured in the in vitro herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) forward assay was increased when reactions utilized single-stranded DNA templates randomly modified by 20 mM N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), relative to solvent-treated templates. A 20- to 50-fold increase in the frequency of G-->A transition mutations was observed for both polymerases, as expected due to mispairing by O6-ethylguanine lesions. Strikingly, ENU treatment of the template also resulted in a five- to 12-fold increased frequency of frameshift errors at heteropolymeric (non-repetitive) template sequences produced by polymerase beta and polymerase alpha-primase, respectively. The increased proportion of frameshift mutations at heteropolymeric sequences relative to homopolymeric (repetitive) sequences produced by each polymerase in response to ENU damage was statistically significant. For polymerase alpha-primase, one-base deletion errors at template guanine residues was the second most frequent mutational event, observed at a frequency only four-fold lower than the G-->A transition frequency. In the polymerase beta reactions, the frequency of insertion errors at homopolymeric (repetitive) sequences was increased six-fold using alkylated templates, relative to solvent controls. The frequency of such insertion errors was only three-fold lower than the frequency of G-->A transition errors by polymerase beta. Although ENU is generally regarded as a potent base substitution mutagen, these data show that monofunctional alkylating agents are capable of inducing frameshift mutations in vitro. Alkylation-induced frameshift mutations occur in both repetitive and non-repetitive DNA sequences; however, the mutational specificity is dependent upon the DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Eight rats with removal of the motor cortex in adulthood were compared behaviorally and neuroanatomically with 10 rats with similar removals at 4 days of age. Results suggest that neonatal ablation of the motor cortex of rats is more debilitating behaviorally than similar injury in adulthood and produces abnormal morphogenesis of the posterior neocortex. Neonatal lesions of the motor cortex produced more chronic abnormalities in movements of the distal effectors that accompany adult lesions (tongue, snout, and digit use) and, in addition, produced abnormalities in limb placement on a narrow beam and a significant impairment in spatial learning, neither of which is associated with adult lesions. When the brains of neonatally operated Ss were compared with those of 10 controls or 5 Ss operated on in adulthood, there were striking differences. Although the area of cavity appeared smaller in the neonatal operates, their brains weighed less, the neocortex was thinner, and the cross-sectional area of the remaining cortex was reduced, when compared with those of the adult-operated group. It is suggested that studies of the acquisition of various neuropsychological learning tasks may have greatly overestimated the degree of sparing following anterior neocortical lesions in rats. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neuronal responses to visual stimuli that are correlated on a millisecond time scale are well documented in several areas of the mammalian visual cortex. This coherent activity often takes the form of synchronous rhythmic discharges ranging in frequency from 20 to 70 Hz. We performed experiments to determine the incidence and properties of this rhythmic activity in the striate cortex of alert cats and to compare this activity to similar data collected in the striate cortex of anesthetized cats. The results demonstrate that optimal visual stimuli evoke robust, locally synchronous, 20-70 Hz oscillatory responses in the striate cortex of cats that are fully alert and performing a visual fixation task. The oscillatory activity is stimulus dependent, largely absent during periods of spontaneous activity, and shows a systematic increase in frequency with increasing stimulus velocity. Thus, the synchronous oscillatory activity observed in this and earlier studies cannot be explained as an artifact of anesthesia nor as a phenomenon that occurs independent of visual stimulation. Rather, it is a robust process that is present in the alert state and is dependent on the presence and specific properties of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

The activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), 5'-nucleotidase (NT) and adenylate cyclase (AC) were studied in sensomotor cortex and neostriatum (NS) from right and left hemispheres of control and experimental rats, trained to perform food reaching with pushing on operant by preferable forepaw. The levels of summarized bilateral activity of NT as well as of AC were found to be similar in both studied structures of control rats, while the activity of AChE was higher in NS than in cortex. In trained rats the activity of AC was decreased both in cortex and NS, the activity of NT was decreased in cortex and increased in NS, AChE being not changed when compared with control. The bilateral values of enzyme activities in well and badly learning rats were significantly different. Meanwhile, when the dominant and subdominant hemispheres were compared these values were found to be similar. In general, the results obtained could be evaluated as specific features of conditioned unilateral manipulatory reactions, characteristic for cortex and NS of brain hemispheres.  相似文献   

1. The present studies investigated conditions for the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the local horizontal pathways of layers II/III in the primary motor cortex (MI) of the adult rat. Field potential and intracellular recordings demonstrated synaptic interactions across the superficial layers within MI that could be enhanced transiently by focal application of the gamma-aminobuturic acid-A receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (Bic) at the recording site. 2. Field potentials evoked in the superficial MI horizontal pathways increased in amplitude after tetanizing, theta burst stimulation (TBS), but only when Bic was applied transiently at the recording site immediately before TBS. In the absence of Bic, TBS failed to produce long-lasting increases in horizontally evoked field responses. By contrast, TBS delivery during focal Bic application increased field potential amplitudes by 25-35% when measured 25-30 min after stimulation. The amount of potentiation was greater when two converging horizontal inputs were stimulated together but was not increased with higher intensity stimulation. Persistent effects of Bic application alone were evident. However, these effects were small unless Bic application continued until evoked field potential amplitude increase exceeded 200% of baseline. 3. The synaptic nature of field potential increases were confirmed using intracellular recordings of layer II/III neurons located near field potential electrodes. 4. LTP also could be induced without Bic application by cotetanization of vertical pathways simultaneously with horizontal activation. Vertical conditioning alone at 2 Hz, which affects inhibitory efficacy, was shown to transiently relieve depression of successive responses that ordinarily occurs during a burst of three horizontal stimuli. These results suggest that LTP of horizontal pathways may be regulated by spatiotemporal interactions between horizontal and vertical pathways. 5. Horizontal LTP was blocked reversibly by bath application of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, thereby implicating NMDA-receptor activation in LTP induction for these pathways. 6. The results confirm and extend our previous finding that the potential for activity-dependent modification of synaptic connections exists within the intrinsic horizontal connections of the superficial cortical layers. Synaptic modification across horizontally connected neurons appears to be regulated both by the arrangement of intrinsic circuitry and by the availability of mechanisms for modification at individual synapses. The properties of horizontal connections indicate that they form a spatial substrate and provide an activity-dependent mechanism for plasticity of adult cortical representations.  相似文献   

The influence of photic interference is manifested in animals (in cats) with an intact callosal body mainly in EP depression. The extent of EP depression depends directly on the strength of the interference and is inversely related to that of the determined stimulus. In some cases yet another effect, facilitation of EP may be manifested during the action of a weak interference. These facts are considered to result from postrevely. Section of the callosal body is followed by a weakening of the depressing influence of photic interference on EPs elicited by a certain stimulus, as well as by an enhancement of the facilitating influence on EPs of weak photic interferences. A stronger influence of a binocular photic interference, as compared with a monocular one, has been established in intact and callosotomized animals. A conclusion has been drawn that the interference resistance of a split brain is stronger than that of an intact one. A comparison of the interference resistance in the primary and secondary cortical visual projection zones has shown that after callosotomy interference resistance in the striate cortex increases to a greater extent than in the parastriate area.  相似文献   

The focus of the presentation will review the distribution of nitric oxide (NO)-producing sites in the digestive system in mammals and nonmammalian vertebrates and will center on the roles that NO plays in modulating physiological and pathophysiological functions in digestive system.  相似文献   

J. P. Donoghue and S. P. Wise (1982) identified an area AGm in the rat that they take to be a nonprimary motor area. In the present experiments, therefore, this area was removed bilaterally in rats. The animals were poor at relearning a visual conditional motor task but were able to learn spatial delayed alternation as rapidly as unoperated animals. Thus removing this area in rats has a similar effect to removing premotor cortex in monkeys. It is argued that this dorsomedial shoulder area should not be regarded as part of prefrontal cortex in the rat. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Direct currents (DC) applied directly to central nervous system structures produce substantial and long-lasting effects in animal experiments. We tested the functional effects of very weak scalp DC (< 0.5 mA, 7 s) on the human motor cortex by assessing the changes in motor potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic brain stimulation. We performed four different experiments in 15 healthy volunteers. Our findings led to the conclusion that such weak (< 0.5 mA) anodal scalp DC, alternated with a cathodal DC, significantly depresses the excitability of the human motor cortex, providing evidence that a small electric field crosses the skull and influences the brain. A possible mechanism of action of scalp DC is the hyperpolarization of the superficial excitatory interneurones in the human motor cortex.  相似文献   

Arborization of single corticocortical (CC) axons projecting from the parietal cortex to the motor cortex (Mx) was analysed using an intraaxonal staining technique in the cat. Stem axons arising from cell bodies in area 5 ramified repeatedly into numerous terminal branches in the Mx, forming 2-6 patches (0.2-0.8 mm in diameter) separated by a terminal-free gap. Axon terminals were distributed mainly in layers II and III and sparsely in layers V, VI and I. This feature is quite similar to that of thalamocortical axons and other corticocortical fibres. Thus the patchy organization may be a basic input structure for afferents of the Mx and play a role in generation of adequate motor output patterns in the Mx.  相似文献   

Parts of the rat's neocortex were mapped for sites where electrical stimulation, square waves at 10/sec, will suppress a bar-press response for food. Effective sites were found in the frontal pole and over most of the frontal dorsolateral cortex. Within these regions the strongest inhibitory influences were at sites in the frontal pole and adjacent frontal cortex, and at sites along the midline. These data generally agree with results of previous cortical ablation studies, but they suggest that inhibitory processes are more widespread in the dorsolateral cortex than these studies indicated.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the influence of several nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on calcium efflux in isolated rat renal cortex mitochondria in order to assess their potential to disrupt cell calcium homeostasis, as well as aspects of the mechanisms associated with oxidation of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides (NAD(P)H) and with inhibition of the process by cyclosporin A (CsA). Calcium efflux was estimated with arsenazo III as an indicator and the redox state of NAD(P)H was monitored fluorimetrically at the 366/450 nm excitation/emission wavelength pair. Dipyrone, paracetamol and ibuprofen did not induce calcium efflux even at 1 mM, piroxicam and salicylate were poor inducers, while diclofenac sodium and mefenamic acid were potent inducers releasing calcium even at 20 microM and 10 microM, respectively. In the presence of 10 microM calcium, CsA had no appreciable effect while in the presence of 30 microM calcium it delayed calcium efflux. Oxidation of mitochondrial NAD(P)H, concomitant with calcium efflux and inhibited by CsA, was observed only in the presence of 30 microM calcium. The results suggest that diclofenac sodium and mefenamic acid induce calcium efflux in mitochondria through both a mechanism intrinsic to the mitochondrial membrane permeability transition and a mechanism including the electroneutral Ca2+/nH+ porter.  相似文献   

The cortical representation of five simple hand and finger movements in the human motor cortex was determined in left- and right-handed people with whole-head magnetoencephalography. Different movements were found to be represented by spatially segregated dipolar sources in primary motor cortex. The spatial arrangement of neuronal sources for digit and wrist movements was nonsomatotopic and varied greatly between subjects. As an estimator of hand area size in primary motor cortex, we determined the smallest cuboid volume enclosing the five dipole sources within the left and right hemisphere of each subject. Interhemispheric comparison revealed a significant increase of this volume in primary motor cortex opposite to the preferred hand. This asymmetry was due to a greater spatial segregation of neuronal dipole generators subserving different hand and finger actions in the dominant hemisphere. Mean Euclidean distances between dipole sources for different movements were 10.7 +/- 3.5 mm in the dominant and 9.4 +/- 3.5 mm in the nondominant hemisphere (mean +/- SD; P = 0. 01, two-tailed t-test). The expansion of hand representation in primary motor cortex could not simply be attributed to a greater number of pyramidal cells devoted to each particular movement as inferred from current source amplitudes. The degree of hemispheric asymmetry of hand area size in the primary motor cortex was correlated highly with the asymmetry of hand performance in a standardized handedness test (r = -0.76, P < 0.01). These results demonstrate for the first time a biological correlate of handedness in human motor cortex. The expansion of hand motor cortex in the dominant hemisphere may provide extra space for the cortical encoding of a greater motor skill repertoire of the preferred hand.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Many relaxation, meditation, and imagery techniques that implicitly or explicitly involve focused attention on the body, including qigong, massage, and noncontact therapeutic touch, purportedly employ energetic and physiological mechanisms. OBJECTIVE: To show that, from a perspective of dynamical energy systems, relaxed self-attention enhances connectivity between the brain and body. This enhanced connectivity may be achieved by at least 2 mechanisms: (1) physiological mechanisms employing peripheral negative feedback loops, and (2) bioelectromagnetic mechanisms involving direct energetic resonance between the peripheral organ and the brain. DESIGN: 19 channels of electroencephalogram, 1 electrocardiogram, and 2 channels of electro-oculogram were recorded from 22 subjects who focused their attention on their heartbeats or eye movements, with and without kinesthetic (touch) biofeedback to increase somatic awareness. RESULTS: Analyses of the electroencephalogram synchronized with the electrocardiogram revealed significant effects for heart-focused attention, primarily with touch biofeedback, following the contraction of the ventricles (possibly reflecting increased baroreceptor and somatosensory feedback); and significant effects for heart-focused attention, with and without touch biofeedback, preceding the contraction of the ventricles (possibly reflecting direct electromagnetic interactions between the heart and the brain). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that energetic and physiological mechanisms may be involved in techniques in which the goal is to promote mind-body integration and health.  相似文献   

Single neuronal activity was recorded from the supplementary motor area (SMA-proper and pre-SMA) and primary motor cortex (M1) in two Macaca fascicularis trained to perform a delayed conditional sequence of coordinated bimanual pull and grasp movements. The behavioural paradigm was designed to distinguish neuronal activity associated with bimanual coordination from that related to a comparable motor sequence but executed unimanually (left or right arm only). The bimanual and unimanual trials were instructed in a random order by a visual cue. Following the cue, there was a waiting period until presentation of a "go-signal", signalling the monkey to perform the instructed movement. A total of 143 task-related neurons were recorded from the SMA (SMA-proper, 62; pre-SMA, 81). Most SMA units (87%) were active in both unimanual contralateral and unimanual ipsilateral trials (bilateral neurons), whereas 9% of units were active only in unimanual contralateral trials and 3% were active only in unimanual ipsilateral trials. Forty-eight per cent of SMA task-related units were classified as bimanual, defined as neurons in which the activity observed in bimanual trials could not be predicted from that associated with unimanual trials when comparing the same events related to the same arm. For direct comparison, 527 neurons were recorded from M1 in the same monkeys performing the same tasks. The comparison showed that M1 contains significantly less bilateral neurons (75%) than the SMA, whereas the reverse was observed for contralateral neurons (22% in M1). The proportion of M1 bimanual cells (53%) was not statistically different from that observed in the SMA. The results suggest that both the SMA and M1 may contribute to the control of sequential bimanual coordinated movements. Interlimb coordination may then take place in a distributed network including at least the SMA and M1, but the contribution of other cortical and subcortical areas such as cingulate motor cortex and basal ganglia remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

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