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The ATM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2) has been standardized by the ITU‐T for the support of low data rate and delay‐sensitive applications, such as voice, over ATM networks. One of the main characteristics of the AAL2 standard is the support for multiplexing information at the expense of introducing a new frame structure inside the payload of the ATM cells. The AAL2 standard introduces a mechanism for the delineation of the AAL2 packets and it has been found that the delineation mechanism reduces the performance of AAL2 in the presence of channels with high bit error rates. In this paper, a novel delineation mechanism is proposed for AAL2 to be used over highly error‐prone channels, such as wireless links. The proposed mechanism improves the performance (i.e. reduces packet loss) of the AAL2 standard in the presence of bit errors and in some cases reduces the overhead required for the delineation of the AAL2 packets. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Traffic management for TCP/IP over satellite ATM networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several Ka-band satellite systems have been proposed that will use ATM technology to seamlessly transport Internet traffic. The ATM UBR, GFR, and ABR service categories have been designed for data. However, several studies have reported poor TCP performance over satellite ATM networks. We describe techniques to improve TCP performance over satellite ATM networks. We first discuss the various design options available for TCP end systems, IP-ATM edge devices, as well as ATM switches for long-latency connections. We discuss buffer management policies, guaranteed rate services, and the virtual source/virtual destination option in ATM. We present a comparison of ATM service categories for TCP transport over satellite links. The main goal of this article is to discuss design and performance issues for the transport of TCP over UBR, GFR, and ABR services for satellite ATM networks  相似文献   

This paper gives a detailed evaluation of different ATM adaptation layers in terms of overhead, functionality, efficiency, and performance, and introduces a new adaptation layer that overcomes the shortcomings of existing layers. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 本文讨论将传统的TCP拥塞控制机制和CIPOA用于采用ER(FB)算法和EFCI(CCR)算法的ATM网络时可用比特率业务(ABR)和未确定比特率业务(UBR)的性能.仿真结果表明,无论在缓冲区的需求、带宽分配的公平性、吞吐量和链路利用率方面ABR业务的TCP性能均明显优于UBR业务.对于较简单的网络模型ER(FB)算法的TCP性能优于EFCI(CCR)算法,更优于传统的EFCI算法.  相似文献   

Moh  W. Melody  Mei  Hua 《Wireless Networks》2000,6(5):401-410
The major challenges of designing multicast traffic control protocols for a combined wired/wireless network are the varying transmission characteristics (bandwidth, error, and propagation delay) of the wireless and wired media, and the different, possibly conflicting frame rate requests from multiple sources. To address these issues, in this paper we design and evaluate new unicast and multicast guaranteed frame rate (GFR) schemes for supporting TCP/IP traffic over a combined wired/wireless ATM network. We first propose a new, flexible weighted buffer management, and a frame‐based virtual spacing (VS) mechanism implementing weighted fair queueing. The unicast GFR scheme is based on the integration of the new weighted buffer management, and either cell‐based or frame‐based VS. It is then extended to support multicast GFR flows. The multicast scheme presented in this paper is the first multicast GFR scheme appeared in the literature. These schemes are carefully evaluated over several network configuration, supporting heterogeneous TCP/IP traffic with various frame rates. Simulation results show that the new schemes guarantee the minimum rates requested, provide excellent fairness, and achieve reasonably high efficiency. The new schemes may be extended to provide differentiated service in both IP and mobile IP frame work. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A wireless ATM system consists of a core network infrastructure that provides mobility support to end terminals and a wireless access link. This article outlines two schemes for supporting mobility of IP terminals in this network. In the first scheme, location management and handoff support is integrated within the ATM signaling and control framework (“mobile ATM”), and mobility is transparently supported at the IP layer by mobile ATM underneath. In the second approach, the IP protocol stack is directly executed on ATM switches (without an intermediate ATM signaling stack) using an IP switching technique called IPSOFACTO (IP Switching Over Fast ATM Cell Transport), and terminal mobility is supported via mobile IP  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of link-layer error mitigation support in MIMO wireless linking systems, and compares connection approaches between SISO and MIMO at different BER operating points substantiated by analysis of captured channels. In particular, this paper concentrates on a packet-based TDD approach, with a link-layer error mitigation scheme based on selective-repeat ARQ of segmented IP packets. Analytical expressions are derived for transfer efficiency over such a system, and simulation results presented to verify performance in terms of application delay experienced by users under various error conditions. This is repeated for SISO and for three alternative MIMO connection arrangements. Result show the degree of improvement available through the incorporation of link-layer error mitigation based upon the selective repetition of erroneous sub-IP packets, and in particular that presenting decomposed MIMO bit-pipes exhibiting diverse error conditions to the link layer, may be advantageous.  相似文献   

Improving TCP performance over wireless networks at the link layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the transport unaware link improvement protocol (TULIP), which dramatically improves the performance of TCP over lossy wireless links, without competing with or modifying the transport- or network-layer protocols. TULIP is tailored for the half-duplex radio links available with today's commercial radios and provides a MAC acceleration feature applicable to collision-avoidance MAC protocols (e.g., IEEE 802.11) to improve throughput. TULIP's timers rely on a maximum propagation delay over the link, rather than performing a round-trip time estimate of the channel delay. The protocol does not require a base station and keeps no TCP state. TULIP is exceptionally robust when bit error rates are high; it maintains high goodput, i.e., only those packets which are in fact dropped on the wireless link are retransmitted and then only when necessary. The performance of TULIP is compared against the performance of the Snoop protocol (a TCP-aware approach) and TCP without link-level retransmission support. The results of simulation experiments using the actual code of the Snoop protocol show that TULIP achieves higher throughput, lower packet delay, and smaller delay variance. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Improving TCP performance over wireless networks at the link layer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present the transport unaware link improvement protocol (TULIP), which dramatically improves the performance of TCP over lossy wireless links, without competing with or modifying the transport- or network-layer protocols. TULIP is tailored for the half-duplex radio links available with today's commercial radios and provides a MAC acceleration feature applicable to collision-avoidance MAC protocols (e.g., IEEE 802.11) to improve throughput. TULIP's timers rely on a maximum propagation delay over the link, rather than performing a round-trip time estimate of the channel delay. The protocol does not require a base station and keeps no TCP state. TULIP is exceptionally robust when bit error rates are high; it maintains high goodput, i.e., only those packets which are in fact dropped on the wireless link are retransmitted and then only when necessary. The performance of TULIP is compared against the performance of the Snoop protocol (a TCP-aware approach) and TCP without link-level retransmission support. The results of simulation experiments using the actual code of the Snoop protocol show that TULIP achieves higher throughput, lower packet delay, and smaller delay variance. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Internet protocol (IP) multicast model involves a combination of intrasubnet and intersubnet multicast mechanisms. Technologies supporting a given subnet are expected to have native mechanisms for supporting intrasubnet forwarding of packets sent to multicast destinations. Multicast routers attach to subnets and provide intersubnet forwarding of multicast packets, using interdomain multicast routing protocols developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Unfortunately, ATM networks based on UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1 signaling service do not provide the native multicast support expected by IP. This has led the IETF to develop the “MARS model”-a fairly complex mechanism for emulating intrasubnet multicast support required when running IPs over ATMs. This paper takes a high level look at the IP multicast service, examines the limitations of the ATM point-to-multipoint virtual channel service, and describes the major architectural points of the MARS model  相似文献   

Wireless is becoming a popular way to connect mobile computers to the Internet and other networks. The bandwidth of wireless links will probably always be limited due to properties of the physical medium and regulatory limits on the use of frequencies for radio communication. Therefore, it is necessary for network protocols to utilize the available bandwidth efficiently. Headers of IP packets are growing and the bandwidth required for transmitting headers is increasing. With the coming of IPv6 the address size increases from 4 to 16 bytes and the basic IP header increases from 20 to 40 bytes. Moreover, most mobility schemes tunnel packets addressed to mobile hosts by adding an extra IP header or extra routing information, typically increasing the size of TCP/IPv4 headers to 60 bytes and TCP/IPv6 headers to 100 bytes. In this paper, we provide new header compression schemes for UDP/IP and TCP/IP protocols. We show how to reduce the size of UDP/IP headers by an order of magnitude, down to four to five bytes. Our method works over simplex links, lossy links, multi‐access links, and supports multicast communication. We also show how to generalize the most commonly used method for header compression for TCP/IPv4, developed by Jacobson, to IPv6 and multiple IP headers. The resulting scheme unfortunately reduces TCP throughput over lossy links due to unfavorable interaction with TCP's congestion control mechanisms. However, by adding two simple mechanisms the potential gain from header compression can be realized over lossy wireless networks as well as point‐to‐point modem links. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dynamics of TCP traffic over ATM networks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Investigates the performance of transport control protocol (TCP) connections over ATM networks without ATM-level congestion control and compares it to the performance of TCP over packet-based networks. For simulations of congested networks, the effective throughput of TCP over ATM can be quite low when cells are dropped at the congested ATM switch. The low throughput is due to wasted bandwidth as the congested link transmits cells from “corrupted” packets, i.e., packets in which at least one cell is dropped by the switch. The authors investigate two packet-discard strategies that alleviate the effects of fragmentation. Partial packet discard, in which remaining cells are discarded after one cell has been dropped from a packet, somewhat improves throughput. They introduce early packet discard, a strategy in which the switch drops whole packets prior to buffer overflow. This mechanism prevents fragmentation and restores throughput to maximal levels  相似文献   

Guaranteed frame rate, approved by the ATM Forum, is expected to become an important service category to efficiently support TCP/IP traffic in ATM networks. We first describe the GFR traffic contract in detail. We then present different types of switch implementations that have been proposed to support GFR. We analyze the performance of three of these switch implementations by simulations in two different network environments. These simulations show that the scheduler-based implementations provide a much better performance than the simple switch implementation. However, we also show that coupling an active packet discard mechanism to a scheduler-based switch implementation does not produce a performance gain when many TCP connections are multiplexed inside one ATM VC  相似文献   

Transmission control protocol (TCP) performance enhancement proxy (PEP) mechanisms have been proposed, and in some cases widely deployed, to improve TCP performance in all-Internet protocol (IP) wireless networks. However, this technique is conflicted with IP-security (IPsec)-a standard IP security protocol that will make inroad into wireless networks. This paper analyzes the fundamental problem behind this conflict and develops a solution called multilayer IP-security (ML-IPsec). The basic principle is to use a multilayer protection model and a fine grain access control to make IP security protocols compatible with TCP PEP. It allows wireless network operators or service providers to grant base stations or wireless routers limited and controllable access to the TCP headers for performance enhancement purposes. Through careful design, implementation, and evaluation, we show that we can easily add ML-IPsec to existing IPsec software and the overhead is low. We conclude that ML-IPsec can help wireless networks provide both security and performance.  相似文献   

The use of enhanced bandwidth estimation procedures within the congestion control scheme of TCP was proposed recently as a way of improving TCP performance over links affected by random loss. This paper first analyzes the problems faced by every bandwidth estimation algorithm implemented at the sender side of a TCP connection. Some proposed estimation algorithms are then reviewed, analyzing and comparing their estimation accuracy and performance. As existing algorithms are poor in bandwidth estimation, and in sharing network resources fairly, we propose TIBET (time intervals based bandwidth estimation technique). This is a new bandwidth estimation scheme that can be implemented within the TCP congestion control procedure, modifying only the sender-side of a connection. The use of TIBET enhances TCP source performance over wireless links. The performance of TIBET is analyzed and compared with other schemes. Moreover, by studying TCP behavior with an ideal bandwidth estimation, we provide an upper bound to the performance of all possible schemes based on different bandwidth estimates.  相似文献   

Wireless technologies provide mobile access and enable rapid andcost‐effective network deployment. But a wireless link is generally accompanied by high interference, transmission errors and a varying latency. The erratic packet losses usually lead to a curbing of the flow of segments on the TCP connection, and thus limit TCP performance. This paper presents a threshold control mechanism with cross‐layer response approach for improving TCP Vegas performance in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. By making slight modifications to the legacy IEEE 802.11 MAC and TCP, the numerical results reveal that the proposed scheme provides a significant improvement in TCP performance under IEEE 802.11 wireless environments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

TCP Veno: TCP enhancement for transmission over wireless access networks   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Wireless access networks in the form of wireless local area networks, home networks, and cellular networks are becoming an integral part of the Internet. Unlike wired networks, random packet loss due to bit errors is not negligible in wireless networks, and this causes significant performance degradation of transmission control protocol (TCP). We propose and study a novel end-to-end congestion control mechanism called TCP Veno that is simple and effective for dealing with random packet loss. A key ingredient of Veno is that it monitors the network congestion level and uses that information to decide whether packet losses are likely to be due to congestion or random bit errors. Specifically: (1) it refines the multiplicative decrease algorithm of TCP Reno-the most widely deployed TCP version in practice-by adjusting the slow-start threshold according to the perceived network congestion level rather than a fixed drop factor and (2) it refines the linear increase algorithm so that the connection can stay longer in an operating region in which the network bandwidth is fully utilized. Based on extensive network testbed experiments and live Internet measurements, we show that Veno can achieve significant throughput improvements without adversely affecting other concurrent TCP connections, including other concurrent Reno connections. In typical wireless access networks with 1% random packet loss rate, throughput improvement of up to 80% can be demonstrated. A salient feature of Veno is that it modifies only the sender-side protocol of Reno without changing the receiver-side protocol stack.  相似文献   

TCP/IP enhancements for satellite networks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
With the emerging market for high-mobility remote access broadband services, satellite networks are becoming increasingly popular. Although the ubiquitous TCP/IP protocol is widely used to provide reliable data delivery in terrestrial networks, it faces many challenges in satellite environments. These stem from the inherent features of satellite channels, such as large delays, increased error rates, and bandwidth asymmetry. To address these concerns, a variety of solutions have been proposed. These include direct TCP enhancements to better tune the TCP/IP stack and additional selective acknowledgment mechanisms. Other proposals use advanced interworking to reduce sensitivity to various channel features. Examples include multiple TCP sessions, link-layer interworking, and ACK control schemes. Improving onboard satellite features (buffer management, flow control) can also provide benefits for TCP/IP transport. The objective of this article is to present the various solutions and discuss their possible trade-offs. Overall, there exists a rich set of alternatives to meet the challenges in this important arena  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the development of an approximate Markov chain model and a detailed simulation model for the performance analysis of TCP connections supporting long file transfers within highspeed ATM networks. The Markov model construction is first illustrated, emphasizing the simplifying assumptions introduced to maintain an acceptable complexity in the performance study. Then the model validation is described, comparing the analytical results with those produced by a very detailed simulation setup in which the officially distributed BSD 4.3 TCPreno code was adapted to run on top of a software tool for the simulation of ATM networks. Numerical results indicate that the analytical model is able to capture the overall behavior of the system with respect to the performance measures we consider, with a cost which is orders of magnitude less than the one necessary to obtain reliable estimates from the detailed simulation model.  相似文献   

This article outlines some basic performance characteristics of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) over Frame Relay/Asynchronous Transfer Mode (FR/ATM) Service Interworking. The conclusions are based on empirical TCP/IP performance test results collected on a FR/ATM Service Interworking testbed, architected with commercially available IP, FR, and ATM equipment. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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