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单志龙  韦岗 《通信学报》2004,25(2):26-32
提出了一种新的位置管理算法——计时双位置算法,从理论上导出了TTLA算法的总代价函数,给出了传统IS-41和双位置算法(TLA)的统~数学框架。通过性能分析可知,TTLA算法能根据用户的呼叫移动比,在IS-41和TLA两者之间进行选择,综合性能好,且在某些情况下,性能要超过另两种算法。  相似文献   

In this letter, we propose a fractional movement-based location update scheme for personal communication service networks. Similar to the well-known fractional guard channel scheme for channel assignments, in our proposed scheme, the movement threshold is a real number with a fraction instead of an integer. We prove analytically that there is a unique optimal fractional movement threshold that minimizes the total cost of location updates and paging per call arrival.  相似文献   

Saleh  Ahmed I.  Ali-Eldin  Amr  Mohamed  Amr A. 《Wireless Networks》2017,23(6):1967-1992
Wireless Networks - Due to the current popularity of wireless communication, personal communication service networks have attracted a lot of attention. As mobile terminals (MTs) in such networks...  相似文献   

For a IPCS network to effectively deliver services to its mobile users, it must have an efficient way to keep track of the mobile users. The location management fulfills this task through location registration and paging. To reduce the signaling traffic, many schemes such as a local anchor (LA) scheme, per-user caching scheme and pointer forwarding scheme have been proposed in the past. In this paper, we present a new location management scheme which intends to mitigate the signaling traffic as well as reduce the tracking delay in the PCS systems. In this strategy, we choose a set of visitor location registers (VLRs) traversed by users as the mobility agents (MA), which form another level of management in order to make some registration signaling traffic localized. The idea is as follows: instead of always updating to the home location register (HLR), which would become the bottleneck otherwise, many location updates are carried out in the mobility agents. Thus, the two-level pointer forwarding scheme is designed to reduce the signaling traffic: pointers can be set up between VLRs as the traditional pointer forwarding scheme and can also be set up between MAs. The numerical results show that this strategy can significantly reduce the network signaling traffic for users with low CMR without increasing much of the call setup delay.  相似文献   

In personal communication services (PCS), the complete location information and subscribers' profiles are kept in a database called the home location register (HLR). Another database, the visitor location register (VLR), is used to store partial location information. When a mobile user is called, the system queries the HLR to determine the location of the called party. Distributed databases have been introduced to improve the efficiency of querying the HLR. This paper presents an alternative means of constructing a distributed database. The proposed database design employs fixed pointers to link distributed data. Each database contains a portion of the system's information as well as several pointers. The pointers identify the location of real data, enabling the system to obtain the required information efficiently. The database of the proposed design is markedly smaller than the fully distributed databases since each database of the proposed design stores only partial information. Subscriber information is stored only in one database, thus allowing a single database, rather than multiple databases, to be updated. The single update presented herein notably reduces the signal traffic load. If the caller is in the registration area of some HLR, which holds the called party's information, the response time is significantly decreased since the transactions are served only by the local database. This phenomenon is referred to as the calling locality. The proposed method effectively shares the database and the network loading that originates from several databases' tracking mobile users in a PCS system. According to the results presented, this method is highly effective for systems with a heavy load and high calling locality. The single update feature of the proposed design reduces the traffic in the signaling link and the processing load of a database. However, the proposed method includes no fault tolerance and therein differs from the fully distributed design  相似文献   

Sami Tabbane 《电信纪事》2001,56(3-4):175-183
Future mobile cellular networks will include complex algorithms and procedures that make them able to react optimally to the fluctuating conditions (propagation, traffic, services, ...). Among these mechanisms, location management is an important one as it deals with an essential function of the mobile cellular networks: locate each subscriber to provide him/her with the subscribed services. In this paper, we present the location management methods that are currently implemented in cellular networks and the adaptive methods that have been proposed for future mobile cellular networks. These methods are evaluated for different scenarios and their performance are compared by means of simulations.  相似文献   

A new location update strategy for personal communication services (PCS) networks and its implementation using a genetic algorithm are proposed. Most of the practical cellular mobile systems partition a geographical region into location areas (LAs) and users are made to update on entering a new LA. The main drawback of this scheme is that it does not consider the individual user mobility and call arrival patterns. Combining these factors with the LAbased approach, we propose an optimal update strategy which determines whether or not a user should update in each LA, and minimizes the average location management cost derived from a userspecific mobility model and call generation pattern. The location management cost optimization problem is also elegantly solved using a genetic algorithm. Detailed simulation experiments are conducted to capture the effects of mobility and callarrival patterns on the location update strategy. The conclusion from this work is that skipping location updates in certain LAs leads to the minimization of the overall location management cost for a user with a specific mobility pattern and even with moderately high call arrival rate.  相似文献   

Adaptive algorithms for reducing PCS network authentication traffic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two authentication schemes (ASs) have been proposed in the Electronic Industry Association/Telecommunications Industry Association's (EIA/TIA) Telecommunications Systems Bulletins (TSBs) 51 for incorporation in the cellular industry Interim Standard IS 41 Revision C. In the first scheme, which we refer to as the WS scheme, a unique secret key [also known as shared secret data (SSD)] is shared only between the authentication center (AC) and handset. In the second scheme, referred to as the S scheme, the SSD is also shared with the visited system. The performance of the two schemes can be compared by using the expected number of call originations/terminations between two consecutive registrations or call-to-mobility ratio (CMR). Based on the message flow (accesses to databases), it is apparent that the S scheme outperforms the WS schemes if the CMR ratio is large. The CMRs of users will likely span a wide range and, even for the same user, will perhaps vary from time to time. It is therefore desirable to switch between the ASs based on the users' CMR to reduce the signaling network traffic. We propose two adaptive algorithms to determine how and when to switch between the ASs for a given user. Our performance study indicates that as the CMR of a user changes, the adaptive algorithms automatically select the best AS in real time  相似文献   

Comparing the PCS location tracking strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cache scheme has been proposed to reduce the location tracking overhead of a personal communications services (PCS) network. In the previous papers, we studied the cache scheme under the assumptions that the home location register (HLR) access time is constant and the portable residence times have an exponential distribution. This paper compares the cache scheme with a basic scheme (such as IS-41). We generalize the previous models by considering the queueing effect of the HLR (i.e., we model the HLR by an M/G/1 queue) and by considering an arbitrary distribution for the portable residence times. Our study shows that the cache scheme is likely to outperform the basic scheme when (1) the net traffic to the HLR in the basic scheme saturates and the hit ratio in the cache scheme is larger than zero, (2) the portable mobility is low with respect to the call arrival rate, and (3) the variance of the HLR service time distribution is large (for a fixed mean service time). We also indicate an intuitive result that the cache hit ratio is high for a high call arrival rate and low portable mobility. For a fixed mean portable residence time, we show that a higher cache hit ratio is expected for a portable residence distribution with larger variance  相似文献   

This paper introduces a dynamic hierarchical database architecture for location management in personal communications service (PCS) networks. The proposed scheme allows the dynamic adjustments of user location information distribution based on the mobility and calling patterns of the mobile terminals (MTs). A unique distribution strategy is determined for each MT, and location pointers are set up at selected remote locations which indicate the current location of the MTs. This method effectively reduces the signaling and database access overhead for location registration and call delivery. Besides, the required processing is handled by a distributed network of directory registers and centralized coordination is not necessary. The functions of the other network elements, such as the home location register (HLR) and the visitor location registers (VLRs), remain primarily unchanged. This greatly facilitates the deployment of this scheme in current PCS networks  相似文献   

Dynamic mobile user location update for wireless PCS networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic architecture of a personal communication network consists of a wireline network and mobile terminals. Each mobile terminal communicates with the wireline network through a nearby base station. In order to route incoming calls to a destination mobile terminal, the network must keep track of the location of each mobile terminal from time to time. This is achieved bylocation update such that each mobile terminal reports its current location to the network at specific time points. When an incoming call arrives, the network will page the mobile terminal starting from the last updated location. A trade-off, therefore, exists between the frequency of location update and the number of locations paged in order to track down the mobile terminal. This paper introduces a location update policy which minimizes the cost of mobile terminal location tracking. A mobile terminal dynamically determines when to update after moving to a new cell based on its mobility pattern and the incoming call arrival probability. The performance of this scheme is close to that of the optimal policy reported earlier. However, the processing time requirement of this scheme is very low. The minimal computation required by this scheme enables its usage in mobile terminals which has limited energy supply and computational power.  相似文献   

Comparison of signaling loads for PCS systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a comparison of the control signaling load of two vastly different architectures for providing personal communication services (PCSs). One architecture is based on current cellular networks. The other architecture, called the wireless distributed call processing architecture (WDCPA), distributes processing from the mobile switching centers and cell sites and executes new procedures for tracking mobile users and locating mobile users to deliver calls. We determine the signaling load generated within each system to support mobility management and call control based on standard assumptions about the operating parameters of a cellular network. Our results show that, when compared to current cellular systems, for simple single-connection services, WDCPA has marginally reduced cross-network signaling loads. For multiconnection calls, WDCPA incurs 35% less total signaling load for mobility management, has reduced cross-network signaling load for mobility management by up to 65%, and depending on the user model (e.g., data or telecommunication), has reduced total cross-network signaling load, including procedures for call/connection and mobility management, by up to 55% when compared to current cellular systems, while more flexibly supporting services  相似文献   

Global wireless networks enable mobile users to communicate regardless of their locations. One of the most important issues is location management in a highly dynamic environment because mobile users may roam between different wireless systems, network operators, and geographical regions. A location-tracking mechanism is introduced that consists of intersystem location updates and intersystem paging. Intersystem update is implemented by using the concept of boundary location area, which is determined by a dynamic location update policy in which the velocity and the quality of service are taken into account on a per-user basis. Also, intersystem paging is based on the concept of a boundary location register, which is used to maintain the records of mobile users crossing the boundary of systems. This mechanism not only reduces location-tracking costs, but also significantly decreases call-loss rates and average-paging delays. The performance evaluation of the proposed schemes is provided to demonstrate their effectiveness in multitier personal communication systems  相似文献   

A new adaptive region-based image fusion approach is proposed. To implement image segmentation, the piecewise smooth Mumford-Shah segmentation algorithm is studied and a fast and simple method is proposed to solve the energy function. Two complementary functions u + and u of the algorithm, which are respectively looked as objects and background of the image, are extended into the whole image domain, and they are computed by linear or nonlinear diffusion. The key to the algorithm is to make optimal fusion decisions for every segmented region. For this purpose, an evaluation approach has to be given to measure the performances of the available fusion rules. Therefore an energy-based evaluation model, derived from the Total Variation principle, is proposed. By numerical experiment it has been demonstrated that despite an increase in complexity, the new approach has shown a number of advantages over previous ones, for example the ability to preserve all relevant information and remove some of side effects such as reducing contrast and sensitive to error of registration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an extension to the personal communication services (PCS) location management protocol which uses dynamically overlapped registration areas. The scheme is based on monitoring the aggregate mobility and call pattern of the users during each reconfiguration period and adapting to the mobility and call patterns by either expanding or shrinking registration areas at the end of each reconfiguration period. We analytically characterize the trade-off resulting from the inclusion or exclusion of a cell in a registration area in terms of expected change in aggregate database access cost and signaling overhead. This characterization is used to guide the registration area adaption in a manner in which the signaling and database access load on any given location register (LR) does not exceed a specified limit. Our simulation results show that it is useful to dynamically adapt the registration areas to the aggregate mobility and call patterns of the mobile units when the mobility pattern exhibits locality. For such mobility and call patterns, the proposed scheme can greatly reduce the average signaling and database access load on LRs. Further, the cost of adapting the registration areas is shown to be low in terms of memory and communication requirements.  相似文献   

Zheng  J. Regentova  E. 《Electronics letters》2004,40(15):946-947
An enhanced direction-based location update scheme (EDBLU) is presented. Unlike the direction-based location update (DBLU) scheme, in EDBLU the location update depends on both the moving direction and the moving distance. The performance of EDBLU is analysed based on the discrete-time 2D Markov walk model. The results confirm that the EDBLU scheme reduces the signalling cost significantly for different mobility patterns.  相似文献   

Optimal dynamic mobility management for PCS networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study a dynamic mobility management scheme: the movement-based location update scheme. An analytical model is applied to formulate the costs of location update and paging in the movement-based location update scheme. The problem of minimizing the total cost is formulated as an optimization problem that finds the optimal threshold in the movement-based location update scheme. We prove that the total cost function is a convex function of the threshold. Based on the structure of the optimal solution, an efficient algorithm is proposed to find the optimal threshold directly. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is applied to study the effects of changing important parameters of mobility and calling patterns numerically  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive location management strategy that considers both location updating and paging by evaluating realistic mobility patterns. It proposes the design of an adaptive macro-location area based on multi-registration adapted to the terminals’ trajectory to reduce location updates. The solution includes an estimation of residence probabilities in the areas of the multi-registered list. This facilitates the design of a sequential paging scheme that reduces the average paging cost. Results show the capability of the solution to adapt to mobility patterns and traffic conditions in the network to minimize the overall location cost. Furthermore, the multi-registration approach and the reduced complexity in both network infrastructure and mobile terminals make the solution suitable for new packet-based broadband cellular systems.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of managing the information required to locate users in a wireless communication system, with a focus on designing and evaluating location management techniques that are efficient, scalable, and flexible. The three key contributions of this paper are: (1) a family of location management techniques, HiPER (for Hierarchical ProfilE Replication), that efficiently provide life‐long (non‐geographic) numbering with fast location lookup; (2) Pleiades, a scalable event‐driven wireless system simulator with realistic calling and mobility patterns derived from several months of real traffic traces; and (3) multi‐day simulations comparing our proposed location management techniques with current and previously proposed techniques on a realistic geographical and network topology. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Efficient mobility management for portable stations (PS's)-handoff, channel assignment and locating-will play an important role in future personal communication systems (PCS's). Among these tasks, location management plays a critical role for wide-area roaming. The key elements of locating are location registration/updating and paging. Due to the smaller cell size in PCS, the high boundary crossing rate of PS will result in more frequent location area (LA) updating. This, in turn, will result in more interrogations with location registers, which will generate a higher volume of access and signaling traffic (SS7 traffic). One solution to this problem is to increase the size of LA, which, unfortunately, also increases paging traffic. Efficient paging algorithms may generate relatively less paging traffic such that larger LA's may become plausible. Depending on the call-arrival rate to the cell, boundary crossing rate, optimum size of LA, and paging technique used, the overall cost could vary substantially. The paging techniques considered in this paper are simultaneous paging and sequential paging. The two schemes are studied in detail in order to understand the problems associated with location management in the PCS environment. In the authors' opinion, this paper provides, for the first time, a simple yet powerful analytical framework which can be used to analyze “intelligent” paging schemes as well as simultaneous and sequential paging  相似文献   

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