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景观词义的演变与辨析(2)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林广思 《中国园林》2006,22(7):21-25
作为一个外来语,景观在中国当前的LA学术界中被普遍地使用,导致了人们对学科核心概念的误解。在明确景观存在德、英、中3个语境的前提下,通过对中文语境景观词义的演变过程以及Landscape在LA学科中含义拓展的回顾,进行了英语Landscape(景观)与中文风景的比较,指出了中国LA学科中景观并不等同于地理学和生态学的景观概念,比较了中国LA学科的大地景物规划与国际上景观规划的异同。  相似文献   

林广思 《中国园林》2006,22(6):42-45
作为一个外来语,景观在中国当前的LA学术界中被普遍地使用,导致了人们对学科核心概念的误解。在明确景观存在德、英、中3个语境的前提下,通过对中文语境景观词义的演变过程以及Landscape在LA学科中含义拓展的回顾,进行了英语Landscape(景观)与中文风景的比较,指出了中国LA学科中景观并不等同于地理学和生态学的景观概念,比较了中国LA学科的大地景物规划与国际上景观规划的异同。  相似文献   

陈航  张晋石 《风景园林》2016,(10):120-127
日本景观社区营造开始于20世纪60年代,随后逐渐得到发展和完善。现行的景观社区营造,以《景观法》等法案作为其法律基础,并由景观行政团体依法实施。景观社区营造的内容主要由3个部分组成:景观规划、景观建设规范和设计导则、景观条例。在整理了以上内容的基础上,本文选取了日本兵库县篠山市的景观社区营造作为典型案例进行研究,并提出了日本景观社区营造工作对于我国景观规划建设工作的启示。  相似文献   

当下农村建设如火如荼,乡村景观的发展遇到了一些瓶颈与问题:设计语汇的匮乏、乡村景观的规划设计难于落地、改造趋于形式化。从乡村问题出发,适时地反思乡村景观是有必要的。而风景园林学科视野下,乡村景观的反思更突出的反映在"时代"与"地域"两个方面。前者决定了乡村景观应结合"营造"重新联系乡村"人地"的角色定位,后者则要求从具体村庄入手深化已有的地域景观研究层次与差异分析。  相似文献   

Landscape scale planning: exploring alternative land use scenarios   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concerns regarding loss of species diversity in the wider countryside have focused attention on the inadequacies of conservation programmes based on site protection alone. Consequently, spatial land use strategies increasingly recognise the need to reinforce landscape features which support biodiversity and visual distinctiveness. Landscape ecology offers a basis for plan production for the wider countryside, though its gradual emergence as a scientific body of knowledge in different places to respond to different pressures has resulted in variations of interpretation and reservations about scientific coherence. This study takes three approaches to landscape ecological planning and applies them to a case study area in Nottinghamshire, UK, to assess their transferability to local conditions. The experimental plans are then subjected to scrutiny by panels of ecologists and planners. Whilst the landscape ecological approach to land use planning raises some problems of implementation, theoretical defensibility and biocentricity, it is generally welcomed as an inter-disciplinary means of responding to issues of rural dynamics.  相似文献   

The rural landscapes of Europe are in both a homogenisation and a fragmentations process. Regional differences are disappearing due to the dominating equalising impact of the worldwide market. If regional differences are not maintained and protected then the cultural landscapes of Europe and their biological diversity will decline and only remnants will remain. Models on agricultural management and data on landscape changes from all Europe confirm this. Regional differences have to be maintained through conscious environmental and ecological planning. Concepts for this have been developed in all countries in Europe, such as the ecostabilisation concept and the concept of ecological networks. Nature management by farmers is more and more accepted. Landscape planners should be aware of their changing role from designer towards negotiator with the actors in the landscape with different landscape functions and planning tasks in mind.  相似文献   

赵晶  刘通 《风景园林》2013,(5):99-103
英国自然风景园的出现是欧洲造园发展史上一次深刻的革命,伴随着风景园的产生、发展和传播,景观规划以一种全新的手法和理念作用于城市和区域中,并对此后景观规划、城市规划和区域规划的发展产生了巨大而深远的影响。以德绍·沃尔利茨园林王国的景观规划思想与实践为例,分析了德绍·沃尔利茨园林王国的构成及其所实现的区域全面发展,论证了园林历史中的景观规划理念与实践,认为这一时期的景观规划以风景园为载体,进行了经济和社会的全面改良,带动了区域的全面发展,并提出了对中国景观规划实践的启示。  相似文献   

张晋  赵晶 《风景园林》2014,(2):132-136
地域性是风景园林设计的主要价值观之一,其中场地特征与历史风格的融合是地域性在空间与时间层面相结合的体现。以法国巴黎地区4个不同尺度的现代园林为主要研究对象,通过实地调研与类比论证相结合的方法,分析不同场地的特征与历史风格相融合的设计途径,旨在对景观的地域性表达引发一定的思考与启示。  相似文献   

生态、文化和艺术是风景园林学科的3个重要平台,生态特征是风景园林空间的基本特征之一,生物多样性是将生态特征与风景园林规划设计连接起来的重要桥梁。生物多样性保护与生物多样性规划设计成为风景园林适应新时期发展的重要方向和领域。在风景园林的发展历程中,风景园林师已经为生物多样性规划设计业的理论与实践做出了重要贡献。立足风景园林空间的尺度及其嵌套特点,结合风景园林空间具有的景观构成、景观格局、景观过程和景观感知的动态体系,从城市——区域、城市公园、城市花园、微小绿地与群落4个空间尺度,建立风景园林生物多样性的“C-3P”(构成——格局、过程与感知)体系和框架,旨在构建全面和系统的风景园林生物多样性认知和评价体系。  相似文献   

从感知到认知 北京乡村景观风貌特征探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,北京的乡村景观建设存在乡村景观风貌逐渐丧失、并日趋城镇化,乡村景观风貌特征、乡村地域美学不够突出和乡村规划项目缺乏统筹、建设紊乱三大凸显问题。以北京乡村景观风貌特征为研究对象,沿用从感知到认知——景观特征研究方法,基于阅读文献资料法和问卷法、访谈法、抽象归纳法,通过古代田园类诗词、《园冶》及风水学反映出中国传统乡村景观风貌特征,包括13个"呈现型"特征和14个"营造型"特征;通过文学作品、民居建筑、传统植物、非物质文化遗产总结归纳出3类北京传统乡村景观;此外,通过针对北京乡村居住者与旅游观光者研究对北京当代乡村景观风貌特征进行补充,从而构建北京乡村景观风貌特征研究框架。未来可深入研究并系统化北京乡村景观风貌特征,建立《北京乡村景观建设导则》与《北京乡村建设项目景观风貌评价体系》,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面把握其发展,促进"美丽乡村"的建设。  相似文献   

波士顿大都市区城市长期生态研究区(BMA-ULTRA-EX)项目是一个跨学科的项目,正在研究对城市生态系统有影响的社会经济和生物物理领域。波士顿地区正在经历着的城乡结合部的低密度城市扩张(郊区化)对自然资源和环境产生了一定的影响。与此同时,像波士顿这样的中心城市,伴随着商业中心和交通枢纽附近的有限的加密开发(致密),一些低收入社区正在面临着经济的衰落。这些社会经济力量竞争过程中的郊区化、致密化和撤资也对城市生态环境系统产生影响。通过景观规划措施来解决这些问题,需要一个积极主动的做法,将目前建成的土地集中发展,而在边缘郊区保护自然资源,同时在当前高密度的城市核心区增加绿化并提高生态系统服务功能。通过这种景观规划方法,研究小组利用一个利益相关者驱动的过程,制定出一套4个情景规划方案来探索区域的未来。描述了这个利益相关者参与的规划过程,并进行初步分析,最后,为其他从事情景规划的景观规划师们总结了项目的经验。  相似文献   

雷芸  任莅棣 《风景园林》2012,(4):106-109
北京林业大学园林学院"城市绿地系统规划"课程是风景园林专业的主干课程,历经了六十年的岁月洗礼。本文通过相关文献资料的整理和分析,回顾"绿规"课程六十年的历史演变,梳理不同时期的发展特征,思考和展望园林规划课程的未来,在此基础上,提出构建风景园林专业园林规划系列课程的设想。  相似文献   

通过日照市北部海岸线景观规划实践,从规划内容、方法及实施途径,着重论述滨海景观规划中的管控策略对景观开发建设管理的重要作用与意义,并探讨景观管控策略框架的内容及可操作性。景观受政治经济文化的影响,带着社会发展的烙印,好的管控政策及有效执行必然会使景观朝着优化的方向发展。  相似文献   

响应绿色增长法案(于2015年在法国投票通过)的能源转型,预示着后石油时代计划的来临和向法国新能源模型的迈进。由环境、能源和海洋部推出的创建"绿色增长积极能源区域"(涉及212个微区)是已经采取的诸多行动之一。另一方面,该部门正在开展"景观计划"(与50个小区域有关),鼓励地区通过景观规划和工程从事可持续发展。这两种政策工具之间尚不存在关联。然而,凡尔赛国立高等风景园林学院风景园林和能源主席则反对这种(认为二者不存在关联的)看法。事实上,它们至少有相同目标:为更好的生活而协调文化、生态、经济和社会领域。学校研究这一问题的工作室全力以赴反映能源专业利益相关者、地区代表和风景园林师的情况。以不同地区(阿基坦地区,勃艮第地区,北部))的工作室为研究基础,年轻的风景园林师证明能源转型的成功不仅仅依赖于技术计划,还依赖于连接社会转型和空间规划的集成观念。  相似文献   

张善峰 《建筑与文化》2016,(12):163-164
在城乡规划学与风景园林学均独立成为一级学科的背景下,城乡规划与风景园林专业人才培养体系、培养目标与就业范围间的交叉将会进一步弱化。浙江工业大学城市规划系针对《风景园林规划设计》课,以"做好配角、服务主角"为课程定位,以"不求全、但求通"为课程教学目标,探索与实践在城乡规划专业培养计划下实现具有一定"风景园林/景观"方面的知识与技能的城乡规划设计、开发管理或后续城市研究人才的培养。  相似文献   

By reviewing the structure of the book Illustrated Principles of Landscape Ecological Planning and Design, this article reexamines the relationship between theoretical study, teaching, and practice in landscape ecological planning and design. It first explores how to apply the principles of ecological sciences (and other relevant disciplines) into related research, teaching, and practice of landscape ecological planning and design. The authors put forward a multi-level research system that integrates fundamental theories, application bases, and practice, in order to bridge ecological principles with planning and design practice. In addition, based on this landscape ecological planning and design system, the authors developed a T-P-C Approach, a universal operating procedure that links up Theories, Patterns or Principles, and Practice Cases and centers in spatial principles. Through a reader sampling survey, the research system of landscape ecological planning and design is refined and improved based on audience’s comments.  相似文献   

The range of environmental activity in the North West of England is as diverse as its landscapes. These embrace some of the finest, but also some of the most degraded, landscapes in the UK; to date however, there has been no overall co‐ordination of initiatives aimed at their protection and rehabilitation. The emergence of regional planning guidance, a regional economic strategy and the agenda of sustainable development demands a more integrative, strategic approach to environmental action. This paper details the development of a regional landscape strategy which seeks to provide the connection between action at the regional and the neighbourhood levels through the co‐ordination, reinforcement and innovation of environmental activity. The regional landscape strategy provides a focus around which the interests of public, private and voluntary bodies can coalesce and a medium for the articulation of policy aspirations relating to the sustainable planning and management of landscapes.  相似文献   

The range of environmental activity in the North West of England is as diverse as its landscapes. These embrace some of the finest, but also some of the most degraded, landscapes in the UK; to date however, there has been no overall co-ordination of initiatives aimed at their protection and rehabilitation. The emergence of regional planning guidance, a regional economic strategy and the agenda of sustainable development demands a more integrative, strategic approach to environmental action. This paper details the development of a regional landscape strategy which seeks to provide the connection between action at the regional and the neighbourhood levels through the co-ordination, reinforcement and innovation of environmental activity. The regional landscape strategy provides a focus around which the interests of public, private and voluntary bodies can coalesce and a medium for the articulation of policy aspirations relating to the sustainable planning and management of landscapes.  相似文献   

文斌  周曦 《建筑与文化》2016,(9):182-184
在研究地域性景观的概念及特点的基础上,以岳阳尚书坊规划设计为例,着重介绍了地域性景观特色塑造的过程和方法。在规划设计中,通过研究岳阳自身的地域环境如区位特点、尚书文化、自然资源等,基于中国古代山水骨架的塑造传统以及规划定位和自然资源基础上的地域特色景观挖掘与提炼,将场地独特的地形地貌、地理位置、文化精神、历史传说、功能定位等融八设计方案中,营造了自然景观与历史文脉融合的地域性景观。  相似文献   

Landscape planning adjusts spatial structures and functions by altering the types of land use / land cover and the patterns of landscapes, and thus further impacts ecosystem services. This paper examines the impacts of landscape planning on ecosystem services and draws the conclusion that the control over the types of land use / land cover, the altering of landscape patterns, and the adjustment of landscape functional characteristics could change the type, quality, and performance of ecosystem services, respectively. Through an overall review on the application of ecosystem service evaluation, spatial mapping, and scenario simulation, this paper further concludes their roles in landscape planning: ecosystem service evaluation provides means to ensure scientific landscape planning; spatial mapping serves as a basis to the decision making; and scenario simulation visualizes all kinds of possibilities for an optimal choice. At the same time, such applications in landscape planning practices, ranging from green space planning, ecological conservation redline planning, land use planning to biodiversity protection planning, are exemplified. Finally, this paper summarizes existing research findings and limitations and proposes that future research is expected to study the relationship between landscape planning and ecosystem services, to build a dynamic composite planning framework that can improve ecosystem services, and to propel the research on the tradeoff-and-synergy among ecosystem services in landscape planning.  相似文献   

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