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The role of district heating in future renewable energy systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the case of Denmark, this paper analyses the role of district heating in future Renewable Energy Systems. At present, the share of renewable energy is coming close to 20 per cent. From such point of departure, the paper defines a scenario framework in which the Danish system is converted to 100 per cent Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the year 2060 including reductions in space heating demands by 75 per cent. By use of a detailed energy system analysis of the complete national energy system, the consequences in relation to fuel demand, CO2 emissions and cost are calculated for various heating options, including district heating as well as individual heat pumps and micro CHPs (Combined Heat and Power). The study includes almost 25 per cent of the Danish building stock, namely those buildings which have individual gas or oil boilers today and could be substituted by district heating or a more efficient individual heat source. In such overall perspective, the best solution will be to combine a gradual expansion of district heating with individual heat pumps in the remaining houses. Such conclusion is valid in the present systems, which are mainly based on fossil fuels, as well as in a potential future system based 100 per cent on renewable energy.  相似文献   

Six different strategies have recently been proposed for the European Union (EU) energy system in the European Commission's report, Energy Roadmap 2050. The objective for these strategies is to identify how the EU can reach its target of an 80% reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 compared to 1990 levels. None of these scenarios involve the large-scale implementation of district heating, but instead they focus on the electrification of the heating sector (primarily using heat pumps) and/or the large-scale implementation of electricity and heat savings. In this paper, the potential for district heating in the EU between now and 2050 is identified, based on extensive and detailed mapping of the EU heat demand and various supply options. Subsequently, a new ‘district heating plus heat savings’ scenario is technically and economically assessed from an energy systems perspective. The results indicate that with district heating, the EU energy system will be able to achieve the same reductions in primary energy supply and carbon dioxide emissions as the existing alternatives proposed. However, with district heating these goals can be achieved at a lower cost, with heating and cooling costs reduced by approximately 15%.  相似文献   

The Danish city Frederikshavn is aiming at becoming a 100% renewable energy city. The city has a number of energy resources including a potential for off-shore wind power, waste and low-temperature geothermal energy usable as heat source for heat pumps producing district heating.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possible effects of introducing TPA in district heating networks by identifying and scrutinizing a number of possible scenarios for increased competition. The analysis builds on a theoretical discussion of economic efficiency in district heating operations, and the possible impacts on consumer prices of a market opening. An important conclusion is that regulated TPA may have small positive effects on competition, and at the same time it can have a negative impact on the possibility to run the integrated district heating operations in a cost-effective manner. This conclusion stems in part from the observation that most district heating networks are local in scope. Moreover, district heating operations are highly interdependent in, for instance, that the level of the return temperature of the water will affect the efficiency of combined heat and power plants. For these reasons, the introduction of the so-called single-buyer model or, perhaps even more preferable, an extended and more transparent producer market could represent more efficient market designs. Moreover, in networks with clear natural monopoly characteristics an ex ante price regulation must be considered.  相似文献   

Many states in Eastern and Central Europe (ECE) possess extensive district heating (DH) networks that were constructed during the days of communist rule in order to provide a universally accessible energy service that supported Soviet development policies. But the post-communist transition was marked by the exacerbation of the sector’s numerous technical, economic, regulatory and environmental problems, accompanied by its abandonment in favour of alternative methods of domestic heating. Recent efforts to increase the use of DH in ECE as a result of environmental and energy security concerns have taken place in an absence of critical, context-sensitive research.  相似文献   

District energy systems, in which renewable energy sources may be utilized, are centralized systems to provide energy to residential and commercial buildings. The aim of this paper is to evaluate and rank energy sources available for a case of district heating system in Vancouver, Canada, based on multiple criteria and the view points of different stakeholders, and to show how communication would affect the ranking of alternatives. The available energy sources are natural gas, biomass (wood pellets), sewer heat, and geothermal heat. The evaluation criteria include GHG emissions, particulate matter emissions, maturity of technology, traffic load, and local source. In order to rank the energy options the PROMETHEE method is used. In this paper, two different scenarios were developed to indicate how the communication between the stakeholders would affect their preferences about criteria weights and would change the ranking of alternatives. The result of this study shows that without communication the best energy source for the considered district energy system is different for different stakeholders. While, addressing concerns through efficient communication would result in a general consensus. In this case, wood pellet is the best energy alternative for all the stakeholders.  相似文献   

为克服太阳能间断性和不稳定性的缺点进而实现太阳能集热与采暖的能量供需调节和全天候连续供热,提出了基于相变储热的太阳能多模式采暖方法(太阳能集热直接采暖、太阳能集热采暖+相变储热、太阳能相变储热采暖),并在西藏林芝市某建筑搭建了太阳能与相变储热相结合的采暖系统,该系统可根据太阳能集热温度和外界供热需求实现太阳能多模式采暖的自动控制和自动运行。实验研究表明:在西藏地区采用真空管太阳能集热器可以和中低温相变储热器很好地结合,白天储热器在储热过程中平均储热功率为10.63 kW,储热量达到92.67 kW·h,相变平台明显;晚上储热器在放热过程中供热量达85.23 kW·h,放热功率和放热温度平稳,储放热效率达92%,其储热密度是传统水箱的3.6倍,可连续供热时间长达10 h,从而实现了基于相变储热的太阳能全天候连续供热,相关研究结果对我国西藏地区实施太阳能采暖具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Replacing individual natural gas heating with district heating based to increasing shares of renewable energy sources may further reduce CO2-emissions in the Danish Building mass, while increasing flexibility of the energy system to accommodate significantly larger amounts of variable renewable energy production. The present paper describes a geographical study of the potential to expand district heating into areas supplied with natural gas. The study uses a highly detailed spatial database of the built environment, its current and potential future energy demand, its supply technologies and its location relative to energy infrastructure. First, using a spatially explicit economic model, the study calculates the potentials and costs of connection to expanded district heating networks by supply technology. Then a comprehensive energy systems analysis is carried out to model how the new district heat can be supplied from an energy system with higher shares of renewable energy. It can be concluded on the basis of these analyses that the methods used proved highly useful to address issues of geographically dependent energy supply; however the spatio-economic model still is rather crude. The analyses suggest to expand district heating from present 46% to somewhere in between 50% and 70%. The most attractive potential is located around towns and cities. The study also suggests that CO2-emissions, fuel consumption and socio-economic costs can be reduced by expanding district heating, while at the same time investing in energy savings in the building mass as well as increased district heating network efficiency.  相似文献   

The demand for residential heat (RH) through a district heating system (DHS) has been and will be expanded in Korea due to its better performance in energy efficiency and the abatement of greenhouse gas emissions than decentralized boilers. The purposes of this paper are two-fold. The first is to obtain the demand function for DHS-based RH in Korea and investigate the price and income elasticities of the demand employing the quarterly data covering the period 1988–2013. The short-run price and income elasticities are estimated as −0.700 and 0.918, respectively. Moreover, the long-run elasticities are −1.253 and 1.642, respectively. The second purpose is to measure the consumption benefits of DHS-based-RH employing the economic theory that they are the sum of the actual payment and consumer surplus for the consumption. Considering that the average price and estimated consumer surplus of the DHS-based RH use in 2013 are computed to be KRW 87,870 (USD 84.1) and KRW 62,764 (USD 60.1) per Gcal, the consumption benefits of the DHS-based RH are calculated to be KRW 150,634 (USD 144.2) per Gcal. This information can be beneficially utilized to conduct an economic feasibility study for a new DHS project related to RH supply.  相似文献   

A new method for the calculation of a stratification efficiency of thermal energy storages based on the second law of thermodynamics is presented. The biasing influence of heat losses is studied theoretically and experimentally. Theoretically, it does not make a difference if the stratification efficiency is calculated based on entropy balances or based on exergy balances. In practice, however, exergy balances are less affected by measurement uncertainties, whereas entropy balances can not be recommended if measurement uncertainties are not corrected in a way that the energy balance of the storage process is in agreement with the first law of thermodynamics. A comparison of the stratification efficiencies obtained from experimental results of charging, standby, and discharging processes gives meaningful insights into the different mixing behaviors of a storage tank that is charged and discharged directly, and a tank-in-tank system whose outer tank is charged and the inner tank is discharged thereafter. The new method has a great potential for the comparison of the stratification efficiencies of thermal energy storages and storage components such as stratifying devices.  相似文献   

This paper presents the comparison of a three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis with empirical performance data of a 0.6 m Impulse Turbine with Fixed Guide Vanes used for wave energy power conversion. Pro-Engineer, Gambit and Fluent 6 were used to create a 3-D model of the turbine. A hybrid meshing scheme was used with hexahedral cells in the near blade region and tetrahedral and pyramid cells in the rest of the domain. The turbine has a hub-to-tip ratio of 0.6 and results were obtained over a wide range of flow coefficients. Satisfactory agreement was obtained with experimental results. The model yielded a maximum efficiency of approximately 54% as compared to a maximum efficiency of around 49% from experiment. A degree of insight into flow behaviour, not possible with experiment, was obtained. Sizeable areas of separation on the pressure side of the rotor blade were identified toward the tip. The aim of the work is to benchmark the CFD results with experimental data and to investigate the performance of the turbine using CFD and to with a view to integrating CFD into the design process.  相似文献   

The development towards more energy efficient buildings, as well as the expansion of district heating (DH) networks, is generally considered to reduce environmental impact. But the combined effect of these two progressions is more controversial. A reduced heat demand (HD) due to higher energy efficiency in buildings might hamper co-production of electricity and DH. In Sweden, co-produced electricity is normally considered to displace electricity from less efficient European condensing power plants. In this study, a potential HD reduction due to energy efficiency measures in the existing building stock in the Swedish city Linköping is calculated. The impact of HD reduction on heat and electricity production in the Linköping DH system is investigated by using the energy system optimisation model MODEST. Energy efficiency measures in buildings reduce seasonal HD variations. Model results show that HD reductions primarily decrease heat-only production. The electricity-to-heat output ratio for the system is increased for HD reductions up to 30%. Local and global CO2 emissions are reduced. If co-produced electricity replaces electricity from coal-fired condensing power plants, a 20% HD reduction is optimal for decreasing global CO2 emissions in the analysed DH system.  相似文献   

This paper reviews different methods that have been proposed to characterize thermal stratification in energy storages from a theoretical point of view. Specifically, this paper focuses on the methods that can be used to determine the ability of a storage to promote and maintain stratification during charging, storing and discharging, and represent this ability with a single numerical value in terms of a stratification efficiency for a given experiment or under given boundary conditions. Existing methods for calculating stratification efficiencies have been applied to hypothetical storage processes of charging, discharging and storing, and compared with the rate of entropy production caused by mixing calculated for the same experiments. The results depict that only one of the applied methods is in qualitative agreement with the rate of entropy production, however, none of the applied methods is in agreement with the rate of entropy production and also able to distinguish between the entropy production caused by mixing and the entropy changes due to heat losses.  相似文献   

With the increased interest in exploiting renewable energy sources for district heating applications, the economic comparison of viable options has been considered as an important step in making a sound decision. In this paper, the economic performance of several energy options for a district heating system in Vancouver, British Columbia, is studied. The considered district heating system includes a 10 MW peaking/backup natural gas boiler to provide about 40% of the annual energy requirement and a 2.5 MW base‐load system. The energy options for the base‐load system include: wood pellet, sewer heat, and geothermal heat. Present values of initial and operating costs of each system were calculated over 25‐year service life of the systems, considering tax savings due to depreciation and operating costs, and salvage value of equipment and building and resale price of land in the cash flow analysis. It was shown that the natural gas boiler option provided less expensive energy followed by the wood pellet heat producing technologies, sewer heat recovery, and geothermal heat pump. Among wood pellet technologies, the grate burner was a less expensive option than powder and gasifier technologies. It was found that using natural gas as a fuel source for the peaking/backup system accounted for 37% of the heat production cost for the considered district‐heating center. The results show that the cost of produced heat from wood pellet grate burner is well comparable to that of the natural gas boiler. Emissions of the systems are also calculated in this study. It is shown that the natural gas boiler for the base‐load heat production would produce more than 4300 tonnes of GHG emission per year, while wood pellet burning systems are GHG neutral. Sensitivity analysis on various inputs to the economic model has been carried out. It was shown that 20% increase in capital cost of the natural gas base‐load system or 1% decrease in wood pellet price inflation would make the wood pellet grate burner economically preferable to the natural gas boiler. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

District heating systems using cogeneration technology and renewable resources are considered as an effective approach to resources conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, widespread aging and depopulation problems, as well as the popularization of energy-saving technologies in buildings, are estimated to greatly decrease energy consumption, leading to inefficiency in district heating and barriers to technology proliferation. From a long-term perspective, land use changes, especially the progression of compact city plans, have the potential to offset the decrement in energy consumption that maintains the efficiency of district heating systems. An integrated model is developed in this paper based on building cohort analysis to evaluate the economic feasibility and environmental impact of introducing district heating systems to a long-term compact city plan. As applied to a case in the Soma Region of Fukushima, Japan, potential migration from the suburbs to the central station districts is simulated, where district heating based on gas-fired cogeneration is expected to be introduced. The results indicate that guided migration to produce concentrated centers of population can substantially increase the heat demand density, which supports a wider application of district heating systems and better low-carbon performance. These results are further discussed in relation to technology innovation and related policies. It is concluded that policies related to urban land use planning and energy management should be integrated and quantitatively evaluated over the long-term with the aim of supporting urban low-carbon sustainable development.  相似文献   

Latent heat thermal energy storage tanks, where carbon fiber brushes are inserted to improve the heat transfer rates in the phase change materials, are installed in an air conditioning system of a building as a space heating resource. The measured outlet fluid temperatures are compared with the numerical ones predicted by a previously developed three dimensional heat transfer model. The preliminary numerical results had unallowable prediction errors, which probably resulted from poor contact between the brushes and the heat transfer tubes due to an installation problem of the brushes. However, the numerical results predicted by a corrected model agree well with the experimental ones under various operating conditions. The effect of the brushes on the thermal outputs of the tanks is then investigated using the corrected model. The result shows that the brushes contribute to saving space and reducing the cost of the tanks.  相似文献   

One goal of the Swedish energy policy is to reduce the amount of electricity used for heating in the building sector. This means to reduce the primary energy used for heating which in this paper is analyzed in the context of various heating technologies and CO2 emissions. The analysis is applied to a region in Sweden (southern Sweden) for which detailed information on the energy infrastructure (the capital stock of the buildings and heating systems together with geographical variations in heat intensity) is available from a previous work [Johansson, P., Nylander, A., Johnsson, F., 2005. Electricity dependency and CO2 emissions from heating in the Swedish building sector—current trends in conflict with governmental policy? Energy policy] and which is large enough to be assumed representative for Sweden as a whole. The detailed mapping of the energy infrastructure allows a good estimate on the rate at which the energy system can be expected to be replaced with respect to economical lifetime of the capital stock (the year 2025 in this case). Two scenarios are investigated; a target scenario for which energy savings are employed (e.g. improving climate shell in buildings) and oil and most of the electricity used for heating purposes are phased out and a second for which the current trend in the heating market continues.  相似文献   

District heating (DH) systems, together with combined heat and power (CHP) plants, have been increasing both in number and interest over the last decade, but the environmental improvements are still controversial, because although there is usually a reduction in CO2 emissions, a positive effect concerning other pollutants is not always certain. A limited number of works that pay particular attention to the local environmental effect due to DH plants have been found in a brief overview of DH papers. The energetic and environmental impact of a new DH+CHP plant has been investigated in the present paper, where this plant has been proposed to substitute the existing heating systems. The environmental aspects concerning the local variations due to some pollutants, such as sulfur oxides (SOx), particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), are in particular taken into account. The main data necessary for the analysis and the hypotheses that are useful to simulate the behavior of the local heating plant and DH plants (e.g. efficiency, the heating demand, etc.) are discussed. A dispersion model (Gaussian model) has been used to evaluate the effect at a local scale. Finally, a case study concerning a new DH+CHP plant in Northern Italy is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Albeit numerous studies discussing manifold issues of combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems, there is still lack of theoretical studies indicating to what extent the energy mismatch and the deviating working conditions affect the CCHP performance, absence of reports systematically summarizing the multiple effects of energy saving units (ESUs), and deficiency of research quantifying the benefits from ESUs to energy savings. The shortage of such studies will confuse some CCHP designers when a CCHP system is designed. Therefore, in this research, theoretical discussions have been undertaken about the energy mismatch issue between CCHP systems and their users as well as the multiple effects of ESUs on CCHP systems. An improved calculational method of energy storage rate (ESR) has been adopted to evaluate the energy savings performance of CCHP systems. Two general heat‐to‐electricity ratios (Ruser for CCHP users and RCCHP for CCHP systems) have been used to quantify the energy mismatch between CCHP systems and their users. In the regime of ‘priority of providing cooling’, the ESR reaches its maximum when Ruser is equal to RCCHP. Otherwise, the ESR tends to decrease rapidly, especially when the electrical demand must be supplemented from the grid. Furthermore, when the CCHP system produces more electricity than required, the payment mode of extra electricity from the CCHP system will significantly affect the ESR. Therefore, it is imperative to reach an international consensus regarding the dispose of extra CCHP products. The theoretical analyses also corroborate the advantages of incorporating an ESU into a CCHP system. The ESU enables the CCHP system components to operate at their optimal working conditions. Meanwhile, the power generation unit and the absorption refrigerator capacities can then be reduced. Moreover, the ESU also promotes the productivity of electricity and ensures an undiminished ESR regardless of what extra electricity payment mode is adopted. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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