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In previous reports, we described that DPC4/Smad4 and Smad2 are mutated in a fraction of human lung cancers and suggested possible roles of the downstream mediators of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)-elicited signals in the pathogenesis of this most common cancer. In the present study, we investigated whether another downstream mediator, human TGF-beta-activated kinase 1 (hTAK1), also is altered in lung cancer. For this purpose, the hTAK1 gene was cloned with the aid of an expression sequence tag database search and cDNA library screening, and hTAK1 was found to be expressed ubiquitously in 2 distinct isoforms regulated in a tissue-specific manner in fetal and adult normal tissues. Interestingly, hTAK1 was assigned to the chromosome region 6q14-21, which is deleted frequently in various human malignancies, including lung cancer. Despite our extensive search for alterations in 39 lung cancer specimens as well as in 16 lung cancer cell lines, somatic mutations of hTAK1 were not identified, indicating that hTAK1 itself is not a frequent target for genetic alterations in lung cancer.  相似文献   

We examined the vascular structure and endothelium-dependent relaxation in two genetic models of hypercholesterolemia: apolipoprotein E (apoE)-knockout mice and combined apoE/LDL receptor-double-knockout mice. Intimal area was increased markedly in proximal segments of thoracic aortas from apoE/LDL receptor-knockout mice [0.13 +/- 0.03 (mean +/- SE) mm2] compared with normal (C57BL/6J) mice (0.002 +/- 0.002 mm2, P < .05). Despite intimal thickening, the vascular lumen was not smaller in the aortas of apoE/LDL receptor-knockout mice (0.52 +/- 0.03 mm2) than in normal mice (0.50 +/- 0.03 mm2). In apoE-deficient mice, intimal thickening was minimal or absent, even though the concentration of plasma cholesterol was only modestly less than that in the double-knockout mouse (14.9 +/- 1.1 vs 18.0 +/- 1.2 mmol/L, respectively, P < .05). Relaxation of the aorta was examined in vitro in vascular rings precontracted with U46619. In normal mice, acetylcholine produced relaxation, which was markedly attenuated by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine (100 microM). Relaxation to acetylcholine and the calcium ionophore A23187 was normal in apoE-deficient mice (in which lesions were minimal) but greatly impaired in the proximal segments of thoracic aortas of apoE/LDL receptor-deficient mice, which contained atherosclerotic lesions. Vasorelaxation to nitroprusside was similar in normal and apoE-knockout mice, with modest but statistically significant impairment in atherosclerotic segments of apoE/LDL receptor-knockout mice. In distal segments of the thoracic aorta of apoE/LDL receptor-deficient mice, atherosclerotic lesions were minimal or absent, and the endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine and calcium ionophore was normal. Thus, in apoE/LDL receptor-knockout mice (a genetic model of hyperlipidemia), there is vascular remodeling with preservation of the aortic lumen despite marked intimal thickening, with impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation to receptor- and nonreceptor-mediated agonists. Atherosclerosis may be accelerated in the apoE/LDL receptor-double-knockout mouse compared with the apoE-knockout strain alone. We speculate that other factors, such as the absence of LDL receptors, may contribute to the differences in the extent of atherosclerosis in these two models of hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   

In this study cytoskeletal antigens common to brushtail possum and tammar wallaby spermatozoa were characterised using a monoclonal antibody (PSA-10). Using indirect immunofluorescence, the PSA-10 antibody detected antigens predominantly associated with the midpiece and principal piece of mature, permeabilised marsupial spermatozoa. The principal piece determinant, shared by a variety of other species, was found to arise in the marsupial testis. Midpiece localisation of the PSA-10 epitope was detected only in marsupial spermatozoa and shown to arise in the epididymis. Immunogold labelling demonstrated that the PSA-10 antigens were predominantly associated with the fibrous sheath and midpiece fibre network of both possum and wallaby spermatozoa. Western blotting suggested that two major possum and wallaby sperm polypeptides of 158 and 182 kDa were associated with the midpiece fibre network, a cytoskeletal structure unique to marsupial spermatozoa. A 32 kDa polypeptide was associated with the principal piece fibre network and/or fibrous sheath. The finding that these marsupial sperm cytoskeletal proteins share a common linear epitope suggests that they share some sequence similarity. The midpiece fibre network of marsupial sperm, like the fibrous sheath, has been proposed to have a structural role in providing passive stiffening for the flagellum (Harding et al., 1975, 1979; Olsen, 1975). The PSA-10 monoclonal antibody may provide a tool for comparative studies of mammalian sperm cytoskeletal proteins, particularly the marsupial midpiece fibre network. It may also allow the formation of this unique marsupial cytoskeletal structure, and its fate during the fertilisation process, to be followed by immunological means.  相似文献   

The NTP is evaluating several lines of genetically altered mice for possible use in identifying and assessing carcinogens. The NIEHS/NTP programs and progress in this area were recently reviewed by the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC). A number of comments and concerns were raised. This commentary summarizes and responds to the BSC review and offers some thoughts on future directions for this line of research as well as possible ways genetically altered mice might be integrated into a comprehensive testing strategy.  相似文献   

Because primary breast tumors are diagnosed earlier in the clinic, procurement of sufficient amounts of tumor tissue for in-depth biological characterization is becoming increasingly difficult. We demonstrate here that relatively small numbers of tumor cells within samples of fine-needle aspirates (FNA) can be propagated in culture. Of 25 cases attempted, 12 were passageable, resulting in up to 10(7) viable cells. FNA-derived cultures were evaluated for anchorage-independence, c-erb-B2 overexpression, aneusomy, and pattern of allelic loss. In every case examined, the cultured cells closely resembled the original tumor tissue and displayed one or more tumor phenotypes. The incidence of erb-B2 overexpressing tumors was similar in passageable and nonpassageable cases (33% versus 31%, respectively). FNAs that are expanded from a wide range of clinical breast material could be useful for functional studies presently limited to rare established cell lines, such as aberrant signal transduction and gene regulation, and for testing potential anticancer vaccines and drugs.  相似文献   

The role of genetic factors has been hypothesized in the pathogenesis of a number of chronic inflammatory lung diseases. The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus on human chromosome 6 have been identified as important determinants in diseases caused both by inorganic and organic compounds such as beryllium, gold, acid anhydrides, isocyanates and grass pollens. Since many environmental factors are the determinants of the immunopathogenesis of asthma, pulmonary granulomatous disorders, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and fibrotic lung disorders, an understanding of the interaction between environmental factors is crucial to epidemiology, prevention and treatment of these disorders. Berylliosis is an environmental chronic inflammatory disorder of the lung caused by inhalation of beryllium dusts. A human leukocyte antigen class II marker (HLA-DP Glu69) has been found to be strongly associated with the disease. In in vitro studies, the gene has been shown to play a direct role in the immunopathogenesis of the disease. In human studies, the gene has been shown to confer increased susceptibility to beryllium in exposed workers, thus suggesting that HLA gene markers may be used as epidemiological probes to identify population groups at higher risk of environmental lung diseases, to identify environmental levels of lung immunotoxicants that would be safe for the entire population and to prevent disease risk associated with occupation, manufactured products and the environment. Studies on the associations between human leukocyte antigens and chronic inflammatory lung disorders are reviewed in the context of the berylliosis model.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular impairment by ethanol likely involves complex effects on balance, gait, muscle strength, and other features of motor coordination. The present experiments showed that relative sensitivity to ethanol-induced motor impairment in serotonin 1B (5-HT1B) null mutant and control mice was task dependent. We found that ethanol-treated null mutant mice made fewer missteps on a balance beam than did ethanol-treated wild-type mice, and confirmed a previous finding of their lesser ethanol sensitivity in the grid test. The genotypes did not differ in ethanol sensitivity as measured by the screen test, static dowel, fixed-speed rotarod, accelerating rotarod, grip strength, or loss of righting reflex tests. These experiments suggest that within a behavioral domain, alternative tests of function are not equivalent, so multiple assessment tools should be used to avoid misinterpretation of gene function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the fourth part of our PACE series, based on the King's Fund Promoting Action on Clinical Effectiveness programme, the first article reviews the experiences of 16 PACE projects that offer tips for involving patients in programmes to implement evidence-based practice, quality initiatives and clinical governance arrangements. The second article provides a more detailed example of one project.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody-mediated cancer therapy has evolved through a challenging chain of problems and solutions. The very limited therapeutic success obtained with unarmed monoclonal antibodies has increased the interest in different antibody-based targeting strategies, and numerous preclinical and even clinical studies with immunoconjugates have now been conducted. We comment here on the messages implicit in a recent report on a doxorubicin-anti-carcinoma antibody conjugate and from several other studies.  相似文献   

In the process of investigating basic questions about the function of the enzyme phosphatidyl-ethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT), we have made several unexpected findings. PEMT catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine in hepatocytes. A novel isoform, PEMT2, has been cloned, expressed and localized to a mitochondria-associated membrane in rat liver. Expression of PEMT2 in cultured rat hepatoma cells decreased the rate of cell division. Mechanistic studies suggest that the slower growth of transfected hepatoma cells is due to down regulation of CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase and the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. A role for PEMT2 in the regulation of hepatocyte cell division is also indicated by PEMT2 down-regulation in regenerating rat liver. Another unexpected finding was the discovery that PEMT2 is a liver specific tumor suppressor. Also surprising was the finding that expression of PEMT2 does not rescue mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells that have a temperature sensitive defect in the CDP-choline pathway even though the levels of phosphatidylcholine are returned to normal. Thus, curiosity-driven research has resulted in unexpected findings about PEMT and its function in liver.  相似文献   

Young mice challenged with the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), which selectively destroys the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, exhibit spontaneous recovery of dopaminergic nerve terminals. However, such recovery becomes attenuated with age. Here we report that newly sprouted fibers originate from spared dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area. We found that interleukin-1 (IL-1), an immune response-generated cytokine that can enhance dopaminergic sprouting when exogenously applied, increased dramatically in the denervated striatum of young mice (2 months) compared with middle-aged mice (8 months) after MPTP treatment. Young mice displayed a maximal 500% induction of IL-1alpha synthesis that remained elevated for several weeks in the dorsal and ventral striatum, whereas middle-aged mice exhibited a modest 135% induction exclusively in the dorsal striatum for a week. IL-1alpha immunoreactivity was localized in GFAP-immunoreactive hypertrophied astrocytes and neurons within the denervated striatum of young mice. However, no induction of IL-1alpha mRNA was seen in the midbrain in either age group despite glial activation. Because we have reported that IL-1 can regulate astroglia-derived dopaminergic neurotrophic factors, it was surprising that no changes were observed in acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor or glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA levels associated with MPTP-induced plasticity of dopaminergic neurons in the striatum of young mice. Interestingly, we found that dopaminergic neurons express IL-1 receptors, thus suggesting that IL-1alpha could directly act as a target-derived dopaminergic neurotrophic factor to initiate or enhance the sprouting of dopaminergic axonal terminals. These findings strongly suggest that IL-1alpha could play an important role in MPTP-induced plasticity of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Human colostrum, the first product of lactation, has antioxidant properties and inhibits selected enzyme and bactericidal activities of human neutrophils. We examined the subsequent product of lactation, mature human milk, with respect to its antioxidant activities, its effects on neutrophil enzyme activities (myeloperoxidase, beta-glucuronidase, and lysozyme), and its effects on neutrophil bactericidal and phagocytic activities. Mature human milk displayed antioxidant characteristics similar to those of human colostrum, reducing cytochrome c and consuming H2O2. Mature milk also displayed colostrum-like characteristics in depressing neutrophil myeloperoxidase and beta-glucuronidase activities, but not in altering lysozyme activity. Neutrophil bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus was depressed by both mature milk and colostrum, without dramatic effects on phagocytic activity. These data show that mature milk shares characteristics with human colostrum that may result in anti-inflammatory effects, but the magnitude of these effects is generally smaller.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our goal was to characterize the radiologic features of liver metastases from colon cancer with intrahepatic bile duct (IHBD) dilatation. METHOD: Radiologic findings of liver metastases from colon cancer with IHBD dilatation of four patients were compared with pathologic findings. RESULTS: The cause of bile duct dilatation in all cases was due to papillary tumor growth in the bile duct. In two patients, intra-bile duct tumor growth (IBDTG) was observed on imaging. In the other two patients, IBDTG was not observed, but a nontapered abrupt obstruction of a dilated bile duct was seen, corresponding to the microscopically proven papillary tumor growth in the ductal lumen. In three patients who underwent an extensive hepatic resection, there has been no recurrence. In one patient who had a nonanatomic limited resection, a recurrence was seen 1 year after surgery. CONCLUSION: When liver tumor with IBDTG is suspected on imaging, liver metastases should be considered in the differential diagnosis besides hepatocellular carcinoma or cholangiocellular carcinoma. Careful preoperative assessment for IBDTG by imaging is essential to determine the extent of surgical resection.  相似文献   

Patch clamp technique was employed to record single Na channel currents in isolated guinea-pig ventricular myocytes. Burst mode could be elicited by step depolarization and terminates immediately after repolarization. The unitary current of burst mode was not only dependent on Na concentration in the pipettes but also on the test voltage. The open time constant increased as testing voltage becomes more positive. The results from stepwise-depolarization and ramp depolarization experiments showed that the more steps or the faster the upstroke velocity of depolarization used, the more the burst mode would occure.  相似文献   

As a result of China's transition to a socialist market economy, its rural health services have undergone many of the changes commonly associated with health sector reform. These have included a decreased reliance on state funding, decentralisation of public health services, increased autonomy of health facilities, increased freedom of movement of health workers, and decreased political control. These changes have been associated with growing inequality in access to health services, increases in the cost of medical care, and the deterioration of preventive programmes in some poor areas. This paper argues that the government's strategy for addressing these problems has overemphasised the identification of new sources of revenue and has paid inadequate attention to factors that influence provider behaviour. The strategy also does not address contextual issues such as public sector employment practices and systems of local government finance. Other countries can learn from China's experience by taking a systematic approach to the formulation and implementation of strategies for health sector reform.  相似文献   

The face of hypertension has been changing rapidly over the last few decades, from a serious disease to a cardiovascular risk factor. Patient education has been instrumental in bringing about tremendous improvements in hypertension-related mortality, morbidity, life expectancy, and life quality. Patient education has evolved from an adjunct to medical therapy to an intervention in its own right. In this process patient education tasks and techniques themselves have undergone remarkable developments, driven by evolving patient needs due to medical progress. The same is true for the roles of patients and health care providers. Dealing with hypertension is a behavior change process which demands serious learning efforts from all parties involved, patients, health practitioners and health care administrators alike. This paper focuses therefore on patient education for preventive behavior change and risk factor management. Special emphasis will be placed on processes and tools for effective patient education.  相似文献   

Drawing on the education, enrollment, and assignment experiences of seven states with mandatory Medicaid managed care programs, this paper finds that the vast majority of enrollees will choose their own health plan if the system is explicitly designed with this in mind (as in Minnesota and Oregon). These experiences provide lessons on ways to 1) align program design with state priorities; (2) increase the level of choice (by coordinating enrollment and eligibility processes, broad-based educational strategies, and personalized attention); (3) improve the quality of choice; and (4) design state contracting processes to support choice and continuity of care.  相似文献   

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