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正20世纪80年代初至90年代初,市场上销售的木地板主要是不涂漆的实木地板,俗称素板;随后,涂漆的企口地板开始流行,三层实木复合地板、多层实木复合地板和竹材地板开始出现。1994年,强化木地板被从国外引进,并逐步转为国内自主生产。2000年以后,实木地板、实木复合地板与强化木地板共同构成木地板市场的3大主要品类,市场格局的雏形基本形成。然而,由生产商主导的市场进化格局,是否真的符合国际市场的木地  相似文献   

油漆饰面木地板主要包括实木地板、三层结构实木复合地板、多层结构实木复合地板、集成材地板、竹材地板等品种,这些地板突出的特点是:表层都是天然的木材或竹材,保持了美丽、丰富、大方的天然花纹。同时具有保温、脚感舒适、冬暖  相似文献   

正作为一名设计师,为用户设计既实用又美观的家居是首要任务。而一个家,除了构成它的石灰、水泥和房梁,更重要的是它呈现出的样子——从地板到家具,再到装饰的挂画甚至闹钟,每一个要素都要互相协调统一。也正因为如此,设计师们经常为选择哪一种地板而焦虑不安。不过,自从有了圣象三层三拼实木复合地板,简约大气的拼接,自然富有韵律的木纹美感,再加上圣象康逸三层实木复合地板最时尚前沿的设计,让设计师再也不犯愁啦。  相似文献   

思南 《中国人造板》2007,14(11):38-40
为保障室内装饰装修材料的产品质量,维护广大消费者的合法权益,促进行业健康发展,国家质检总局自2006年第4季度至2007年第1季度组织安排了对实木复合地板、竹地板、浸渍纸层压木质地板、实木地板、溶剂型木器涂料、白乳胶等6种产品的国家监督抽查,  相似文献   

木地板凭借触感自然、色泽柔和、保温性好、坐卧随意等诸多优点,越来越被我们所接受。纯实木地板、实木复合地板、强化复合地板、竹材地板和软木地板等系列更呈现给我们充分的选择。  相似文献   

2004年上海国际地材住宅博览会:木质地板企业唱主角 2004年3月24日举办的新一届上海国际地材住宅博览会上,各地木质地板企业的积极参与,成为展会的主力,同时也反映了我国木地板行业的蓬勃发展。国内实木地板、强化木地板、实木复合地板均排出了强大的阵容。 总体来说,实木复合类地板产品的企业参展居多。它们有挪威、瑞典、德国、比利时、荷兰、瑞士、韩国、印尼、马来西亚等国的企业,参展的产品多为实木复合地板。从国外实木复合地板参展商处得知,国外销售的实木地板仅柚木、槭木、橡木、樱桃木、印茄木等几个品种,产品多为9cm…  相似文献   

随着新冠疫情的好转,2021年美国房地产市场有望迎来反弹,进而带动对木地板的需求。2021年美国木地板的销售额达44亿美元,同比增长1.2%,实木类地板和强化木地板的销售额预计都会增长,其中,实木类地板销售额的增长得益于价位相对实惠的实木复合地板需求的增加(译者注:在美国,木地板主要按照表面材质进行分类:一类是实木类地板,即表面为实木材质的木地板;另一类是强化木地板)。  相似文献   

<正>1缘起:瑞典康树三层实木复合地板源自瑞典具有150多年历史的木制品制造商康树家族,将胶合板技术应用于木地板,于1941年发明了三层镶木地板(3-layer qarquet),我国称之为三层实木复合地板。三层实木复合地板由三层不同的树种所构成,纵横交错,极大地增强了地板的稳定性和抗膨胀性。同时,由于只有表板采用了珍贵树种,  相似文献   

一、木地板的分类1.实木地板2.实木复合地板:1)三层实术复合地板; 2)多层实术复合地板;3)集成材(指 接)地板。3.浸渍纸饰面层压地板:1)以中密度纤维 板,高密度纤维板为基材的浸渍纸饰面 层压地板,2)以刨花板为基材的浸渍纸 饰面层压地板。  相似文献   

KDH247企业名称:杭州森佳木业制造厂电话:0571-85385760传真:0571-85385767网址:h ttp://w w w.sing ularw ood.com产品介绍:地板料、复合地板、实木地板、竹地板、其他地板KDH248企业名称:湖州诺威兰木业有限公司电话:0572-3786078传真:0572-3786069网址:h ttp://w w w.neverland w ood.com产品介绍:实木地板、三层实木复合地板、多层实木复合地板、地板辅件KDH249企业名称:新生活家木业制品(中山)有限公司电话:0760-8482388传真:0760-8482389网址:h ttp://w w w.eleg antliving.cn产品介绍:实木复合地板、实木地板、仿古地板KDH250企…  相似文献   

奥丽特地板——出口北美,澳大利亚的中国品牌  相似文献   

介绍三层结构镶嵌地板的复杂图案拼花表层拼板的机械化制造方法。  相似文献   

根据欧洲强化木地板和实木镶拼地板厂商协会2006年以来的相关数据,分析了欧洲主要木地板品类近年的产销情况及其消费特点,并对未来市场情况进行了预测。  相似文献   

分析了实木复合地板国内外市场和产业集聚区生产现状,指出了实木复合地板发展中存在的主要问题并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

从强化木地板铣槽精度、尺寸稳定性、安装3个方面,对其产生响声的原因进行深入分析,有针对性地提出了预防地板响声的措施,并总结出了简易有效的检测强化木地板响声的方法.  相似文献   

竹木复合地热地板表板开裂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭晓磊  曹平祥  那斌 《木工机床》2009,(2):19-22,18
竹木复合地热地板作为一种地面装饰材料,使用中长期受到较高温度的加热。会发生一定的变形。进而造成表板发生开裂。本文对四种结构竹表板的竹木复合地热地板进行促进试验研究。研究结果表明。经碳化处理的竹单板较本色竹单板易发生面层开裂;平压竹单板较侧压竹单板易发生面层开裂。最后形成竹木复合地热地板表板开裂的评价方法。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of roughness and degree of compressibility of flooring on the locomotion of dairy cows. We observed 16 cows walking down specially constructed walkways with materials that differed in surface roughness and degree of compressibility. Use of a commercially available soft rubber flooring material decreased slipping, number of strides, and time to traverse the corridor. These effects were most apparent at difficult sections of the corridor, such as at the start, at a right-angle turn, and across a gutter. Covering the walkway with a thin layer of slurry increased frequency of slipping, number of strides, and time taken to traverse the walkway. Effects of adding slurry were not overcome by increasing surface roughness or compressibility. Placing more compressible materials under a slip-resistant material reduced the time and number of steps needed to traverse the corridor but did not reduce slips, and the effects on cow locomotion varied nonlinearly with the degree of compressibility of the floor. Use of commercially available rubber floors improved cow locomotion compared with concrete floors. However, standard engineering measures of the floor properties may not predict effects of the floor on cow behavior well. Increasing compressibility of the flooring on which cows walk, independently of the roughness of the surface, can improve cow locomotion.  相似文献   

An enhanced productive life cycle and improved animal welfare are aims pursued in dairy husbandry. This study assesses experimental observations on floor-associated behavior during the stepwise replacement of concrete slatted flooring by rubber mats. For this purpose, estrus (mounting) and hygiene behavior (licking while standing on 3 legs and caudal licking) within a herd of 50 loose-housed Brown Swiss dairy cows were analyzed by video observation before and after floor reconstruction. Still photographs and pedometers were used to asses step length and number of steps, representing walking behavior. Compared with the concrete floor surface, rubber coating led to an increase in step length (58 ± 1 vs. 70 ± 1 cm; n = 35) and in steps per day (4,226 ± 450 vs. 5,611 ± 495; mean ± SEM; n = 9). Mounting was higher on the flooring covered with rubber mats (23 vs. 112). Collapsing or slipping during mounting only occurred on concrete slatted flooring (in 19 out of 23 mounting actions). Licking while standing on 3 legs and caudal licking increased up to 4-fold (105 vs. 511 observations). In conclusion, improvements were found in behavior when rubber-coated slatted floor surfaces were used in dairy cattle housing in transition from concrete flooring. Disorders in estrus and hygiene behavior were associated with the flooring of the barn and were relatively easy to investigate within the framework of farm welfare assessments.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments we assessed how preferences, time budgets, and feeding behavior of dairy cows change in response to flooring surfaces in front of the feed bunk. In Experiment 1, 12 nonlactating dairy cattle were individually housed with access to 2 standing platforms filled with either concrete or sawdust. In Experiment 2, 24 nonlactating dairy cattle were given access to either concrete or Animat rubber flooring in front of the feed bunk. In Experiment 1, cows preferred the sawdust to the concrete flooring. In both experiments, cows provided with a softer floor in front of the feed bunk spent more time standing near the feed bunk without eating (Experiment 1: 67 vs. 40 min/d on sawdust vs. concrete, respectively, SEM = 5.6 min/d; Experiment 2: 176 vs. 115 min/d on Animat vs. concrete, respectively, SEM = 20.5 min/d) compared with when they were kept on concrete. The increased time spent at the feed bunk was due to a combination of more frequent eating and standing bouts, indicating that cows were more willing to move on nonconcrete flooring. Total time spent eating was significantly greater on the softer floor in Experiment 2, but not in Experiment 1 (Exp. 1: 289 vs. 275 min/d on sawdust and concrete, respectively, SEM = 7.3 min/d; Exp. 2: 330 vs. 289 min/d on Animat and concrete, respectively, SEM = 15.4), although feed intake was increased on the sawdust treatment in Experiment 1. Cows spent significantly more time lying in the feed alley when the flooring was rubber (219 vs. 53 min/d on Animat and concrete, SEM = 53.6 min/d), perhaps because the lying area in Experiment 2 was inadequate. In conclusion, cows prefer to stand on softer flooring in front of the feed bunk, and are more willing to move on and spend more time standing in front of the feed bunk when provided with softer flooring. These results indicate that cows find softer flooring surfaces more comfortable to stand on than concrete, and highlight the importance of evaluating the comfort of the entire facility.  相似文献   

This study assessed the slip resistance of different types of solid flooring in cattle housing using a range of technical tests and gait analysis. Dynamic and static coefficient of friction, skid resistance, and abrasiveness were tested on concrete flooring with a smooth finish, a grooved pattern, or a tamped pattern, acid-resistant mastic asphalt, soft rubber mats, and a worn slatted concrete floor. Coefficients of friction and skid resistance were tested under clean and slurry-soiled conditions. Linear kinematic variables were assessed in 40 cows with trackway measurements after the cows passed over the floors in a straight walk. All gait variables were assessed as deviations from those obtained on the slatted concrete floor, which was used as a baseline. The coefficient of friction tests divided the floors into 3 categories: concrete flooring, which had a low coefficient of friction (0.29–0.41); mastic asphalt flooring, which had medium values (0.38–0.45); and rubber mats, which had high values (0.49–0.57). The highest abrasion (g/10 m) was on the asphalt flooring (4.48), and the concrete flooring with a tamped pattern had significantly higher abrasiveness (2.77) than the other concrete floors (1.26–1.60). Lowest values on the skid-resistance tests (dry/wet) were for smooth concrete (79/35) and mastic asphalt (65/47), especially with a slurry layer on the surface. Gait analysis mainly differentiated floors with higher friction and abrasion by longer strides and better tracking. Step asymmetry was lower on floors with high skid-resistance values. The most secure cow gait, in almost every aspect, was observed on soft rubber mats. Relationships between gait variables and physical floor characteristics ranged from average to weak (partial correlations 0.54–0.16). Thus, none of the physical characteristics alone was informative enough to characterize slip resistance. With reference to gait analysis, the abrasiveness of the hard surfaces was more informative than the coefficient of friction, but the effect of pattern was better detected by skid-resistance measurements. Consequently, several physical characteristics are needed to objectively describe the slip resistance of cattle floors. Soft rubber mats gave better tracking than hard, solid floors, even with a grooved surface or a tamped pattern.  相似文献   

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