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The three-dimensional display tube is a novel type of cathode-ray tube that directly displays volumetric analog information. In contrast to other presentations in which the third dimension is simulated stereoscopically or with color, this device displays the information in actual space. The three-dimensional display tube utilizes a phosphor coated disc spinning at 900 rpm within an evacuated sphere. Upon excitation by a cathode-ray beam at selected times, any point in the volume "swept out" by the rotating disc may be illuminated at 30 cps. The result is true volumetric analog display, which is visible without any special viewing position or glasses. Thus, minimum observer fatigue and equal display resolution in depth are possible as compared with existing stereoscopic three-dimensional displays. Different color phosphors on either side of the disc and appropriate cathode-ray beam gating provide a simple means of two color display. Also, special deflection scans that are compatible with particular display requirements can result in a display equal in brightness and quality to commercial television display. Some typical applications as well as the technical aspects of this type of display such as brightness, data storage requirements, and feed circuit bandwidths are discussed. Compatibility with normal observer vision and ease of determining target intersections within the display volume are important properties of this type of display.  相似文献   

A true three-dimensional display   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new three-dimensional (3D) display concept is described that employs a random accessed flying spot in a transparent volume of material viewable from any position outside the volume. Arbitrary, true 3D figures may be presented ranging from line to full surface drawings and including alphanumerics. The display has a multicolor capability, continuously variable intensity, and can exhibit fixed or moving objects with good resolution. Display volumes of several cubic feet with high information capacity seem feasible.  相似文献   

嵌入式控制应用的快速增长,对当今的微控制器提出了极为苛刻的要求.由于大量的数字/模拟输入信号的复杂控制算法都必须在一个界定的较短响应时间内进行处理,而且生成适当的输出信号.  相似文献   

This article presents a taxonomy of resource scheduling techniques that enable a multidisk hardware platform to support coordinated displays. It describes three techniques that use the available disk bandwidth to minimize latency and memory requirements. A simulation study quantifies the tradeoffs associated with these techniques  相似文献   

描述了一种针对三维体扫描显示系统设计、基于Flash型FPGA的LED显示屏控制器,该控制器充分考虑三维体扫描成像原理及其应用场景,在硬件架构以及数据、信号处理上做出独特的设计。着重介绍了控制器硬件设计、LED显示屏驱动方式、LED屏色彩校正等一系列问题,最后明确了下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

全息真三维显示系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜杭  王惠南 《激光杂志》2009,30(5):9-11
电脑屏显实际上是平面显示,尽管其有“立体”的视感,然而那只是一种具有心理景深的“伪三维”平面显示。真三维显示技术是在三维立体空间对物体成像,具有真正的物理景深。本文研究的是真三维的全息显示系统,分别介绍了五种真三维显示系统,对真三维全息显示中关键技术问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

We propose several very fast algorithms to dejitter digital video images in one iteration. They are based on an essential disproportion of the magnitude of the second-order differences along the columns of a real-world image and all its jittered versions. The optimal row positions are found using non-smooth and possibly non-convex local criteria, applied on the second-order differences between consecutive rows. The dejittering iteration involves a number of steps equal to the number of the rows of the image. These algorithms are designed for gray-value and color natural images, as well as to noisy images. A reasonable version of these algorithms can be considered as parameter-free. We propose specific error measures to assess the success of dejittering. We provide experiments with random and structured jitter. The obtained results outperform by far the existing methods both in quality and in speed (the ours need around 1 second for a 512 × 512 image on Matlab). Our algorithms are a crucial step towards real-time dejittering of digital video sequences.  相似文献   

The authors present a new technique for coding gray-scale images for facsimile transmission and printing on a laser printer. They use a gray-scale image encoder so that it is only at the receiver that the image is converted to a binary pattern and printed. The conventional approach is to transmit the image in halftoned form, using entropy coding (e.g., CCITT Group 3 or JBIG). The main advantages of the new approach are that one can get higher compression rates and that the receiver can tune the halftoning process to the particular printer. They use a perceptually based subband coding approach. It uses a perceptual masking model that was empirically derived for printed images using a specific printer and halftoning technique. In particular, they used a 300 dots/inch write-black laser printer and a standard halftoning scheme ("classical") for that resolution. For nearly transparent coding of gray-scale images, the proposed technique requires lower rates than the standard facsimile techniques.  相似文献   

We present a new technique for coding gray-scale images for facsimile transmission and printing on a laser printer. We use a gray-scale image encoder so that it is only at the receiver that the image is converted to a binary pattern and printed. The conventional approach is to transmit the image in halftoned form, using entropy coding (e.g. CCITT Group 3 or JBIG). The main advantages of the new approach are that we can get higher compression rates and that the receiver can tune the halftoning process to the particular printer. We use a perceptually based subband coding approach. It uses a perceptual masking model that was empirically derived for printed images using a specific printer and halftoning technique. In particular, we used a 300 dots/inch write-black laser printer and a standard halftoning scheme ("classical") for that resolution. For nearly transparent coding of gray-scale images, the proposed technique requires lower rates than the standard facsimile techniques.  相似文献   

对视频序列的棱镜阵列裸眼可视立体显示系统的关键技术进行了探索和研究,并分析了其影响视觉的效果重要因素。用LCD显示器结合棱镜阵列作效果测试,以两路MPEG立视频序列作为视频数据源,用VC 6.0作为开发工具,进行实时解码并矫自立体显示,实验结果显示,立本动画流畅,图像有明显的层次感。  相似文献   

张正仓 《电视技术》1999,(10):40-43
由于近几年计算机升级换代周期不断缩短,迫使功能稍差的彩显纷纷被淘汰,再加上二手彩显市场,这类彩显社会拥有量是很大的。实际上这类被淘汰闲置的彩显并没有使用多长时间,其显像管及电路性能还都完好。能不能将这类闲置彩显改做它用呢?实践证明,完全可以将这类彩显改为高品质多制式视频监视器。l彩显改彩监的优越条件彩显与彩电原理基本相同,只是彩显没有高频信号处理通道。尽管彩显与彩电有许多相似之处,但彩显制造工艺、有关电气参数及可靠性等方面要求比彩电都要高得多。因此,具备了将其改为高品质视频彩监所必须的条件:(l)…  相似文献   

Surveys the field of super resolution (SR) processing for compressed video. The introduction of motion vectors, compression noise, and additional redundancies within the image sequence makes this problem fertile ground for novel processing methods. In conducting this survey, though, we develop and present all techniques within the Bayesian framework. This adds consistency to the presentation and facilitates comparison between the different methods. The article is organized as follows. We define the acquisition system utilized by the surveyed procedures. Then we formulate the HR problem within the Bayesian framework and survey models for the acquisition and compression systems. This requires consideration of both the motion vectors and transform coefficients within the compressed bit stream. We survey models for the original HR image intensities and displacement values. We discuss solutions for the SR problem and provide examples of several approaches.  相似文献   

Describes a technique to quantify eye rotations about the visual axis (ocular torsion). Two digitized polar transformed images of the iris are displayed on a video monitor in order to facilitate a visual comparison and manual interaction. Emphasis is placed on error analysis and the method's simplicity when applied to static ocular torsion measurement. The implementation, applying averaging over ocular torsion determined in partitioned iris images, yields a theoretical resolution of 5' of arc. In a control experiment with an artificial eye, the accuracy showed to be better than 14' of arc. In practice, the measuring device was validated with the data from the literature by means of an experiment about ocular torsion in humans during tilt and hypergravity conditions (up to 3 g)  相似文献   

Due to improper use of television broadcast equipment and/or reference whites in colour video cameras, a colour bias is often introduced into a video image. In excessive amounts, this bias is noticeable and can be annoying to the viewer. An attempt to objectively measure the degree and nature of the colour bias is described. By artificially introducing a colour bias into an existing colour image and constructing a third-order histogram where the histogram is a function of the levels (gray levels) in the red, green, and blue components, certain useful features of the degraded image are obtained. An estimate of the histogram rotation in the three-dimensional colour space is made. This estimate of the rotation, expressed as a real-valued number, is a measurement of the colour bias in the image  相似文献   

A technique that improves precision in classification results using information extracted from video features is introduced. It combines fuzzy rule-based classification with the detection of changing regions in outdoor scenes. The approach is invariant to extreme illumination changes.  相似文献   

运动目标检测,是指从视频图像中将运动变化区域提取出来的检测技术,是图像处理技术的基础。在军事公安、交通管理、视频监控、医学检查等领域应用广泛。为了改进单独采用帧差法或背景减法进行运动目标检测时存在的不足,本文提出一种利用边缘信息的三帧差法与基于混合高斯模型的背景减法相结合的运动目标检测算法。该方法对视频图像中连续的三帧图像两两差分,对3个差分图像取均值,二值化,再经过形态学处理,并对中间帧进行Canny边缘提取,将二者进行"与"运算,即得到运动目标的边缘,用背景减法提取中间帧的前景,二值化,将其和目标的边缘进行"或"运算,经过形态学处理便可得到运动目标。实验结果表明,使用该方法目标检出率提高了9.7%~72.1%,误检率降低了0.090%~2.900%。这种二者相结合的方法相对于单一的检测算法能够有效、可靠地提取出运动目标。  相似文献   

Efficient quadtree coding of images and video   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The quadtree data structure is commonly used in image coding to decompose an image into separate spatial regions to adaptively identify the type of quantizer used in various regions of an image. The authors describe the theory needed to construct quadtree data structures that optimally allocate rate, given a set of quantizers. A Lagrange multiplier method finds these optimal rate allocations with no monotonicity restrictions. They use the theory to derive a new quadtree construction method that uses a stepwise search to find the overall optimal quadtree structure. The search can be driven with either actual measured quantizer performance or ensemble average predicted performance. They apply this theory to the design of a motion compensated interframe video coding system using a quadtree with vector quantization.  相似文献   

Poisson or shot noise is a major degrading factor in low-light and infrared imaging. The authors show how images from a standard video camera can be artificially degraded to simulate the effect of Poisson noise. A specific algorithm is given, together with details of the computational cost  相似文献   

The methods for obtaining a controlled magnification of three-dimensional (3-D) integral images are usually based on the increase of the spatial ray-sampling rate of elemental image arrays. This is usually done by use of the moving array-lenslet technique. The major drawback of this technique is the alignment complexity due to the small lenslet movement. In this paper, we are proposing a digital magnification method that uses interpolation principles to increase the spatial ray sampling rate of elemental image arrays without lenslet movement in the pickup procedure. We compare the reconstructed 3-D integral images obtained when using the optical or the digital magnification methods, and show that the quality of both reconstructed 3-D integral images is the same.  相似文献   

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