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Manganese peroxidase (MnP), an extracellular heme enzyme from the lignin-degrading basidiomycetous fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, catalyzes the oxidation of MnII to MnIII. The latter, acting as a diffusible redox mediator, is capable of oxidizing a variety of lignin model compounds. The proposed MnII binding site of MnP consists of a heme propionate, three acidic ligands (Glu-35, Glu-39, and Asp-179), and two water molecules. Using crystallographic methods, this binding site was probed by altering the amount of MnII bound to the protein. Crystals grown in the absence of MnII, or in the presence of EDTA, exhibited diminished electron density at this site. Crystals grown in excess MnII exhibited increased electron density at the proposed binding site but nowhere else in the protein. This suggests that there is only one major MnII binding site in MnP. Crystal structures of a single mutant (D179N) and a double mutant (E35Q,D179N) at this site were determined. The mutant structures lack a cation at the MnII binding site. The structure of the MnII binding site is altered significantly in both mutants, resulting in increased access to the solvent and substrate.  相似文献   

Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) utilizes a ferric ion to catalyze the aromatic ring cleavage of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (PCA) by incorporation of both atoms of dioxygen to yield beta-carboxy-cis, cis-muconate. The crystal structures of the anaerobic 3,4-PCD.PCA complex, aerobic complexes with two heterocyclic PCA analogs, 2-hydroxyisonicotinic acid N-oxide (INO) and 6-hydroxynicotinic acid N-oxide (NNO), and ternary complexes of 3,4-PCD.INO.CN and 3,4-PCD. NNO.CN have been determined at 2.1-2.2 A resolution and refined to R-factors between 0.165 and 0.184. PCA, INO, and NNO form very similar, asymmetrically chelated complexes with the active site Fe3+ that result in dissociation of the endogenous axial tyrosinate Fe3+ ligand, Tyr447 (147beta). After its release from the iron, Tyr447 is stabilized by hydrogen bonding to Tyr16 (16alpha) and Asp413 (113beta) and forms the top of a small cavity adjacent to the C3-C4 bond of PCA. The equatorial Fe3+ coordination site within this cavity is unoccupied in the anaerobic 3,4-PCD.PCA complex but coordinates a solvent molecule in the 3,4-PCD.INO and 3,4-PCD.NNO complexes and CN- in the 3,4-PCD.INO.CN and 3,4-PCD.NNO.CN complexes. This shows that an O2 analog can occupy the cavity and suggests that electrophilic O2 attack on PCA is initiated from this site. Both the dissociation of the endogenous Tyr447 and the expansion of the iron coordination sphere are novel features of the 3,4-PCD. substrate complex which appear to play essential roles in the activation of substrate for O2 attack. Together, the structures presented here and in the preceding paper [Orville, A. M., Elango, N. , Lipscomb, J. D., & Ohlendorf, D. H. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 10039-10051] provide atomic models for several steps in the reaction cycle of 3,4-PCD and related Fe3+-containing dioxygenases.  相似文献   

Three ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys with the chemical compositions of Ni53Mn25Ga22, Ni48Mn30Ga22, and Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 were prepared by the induction-melting and hot-forging process. The crystal structures were investigated by the neutron powder diffraction technique, showing that Ni53Mn25Ga22 and Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 have a tetragonal, 14/mmm martensitic structure at room temperature, while Ni48Mn30Ga22 has a cubic, L21 austenitic structure at room temperature. The development of textures in the hot-forged samples shows the in-plane plastic flow anisotropy from the measured pole figures by means of the neutron diffraction technique. Significant texture changes were observed for the Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 alloy after room temperature deformation, which is due to the deformation-induced rearrangements of martensitic variants. An excellent shape-memory effect (SME) with a recovery ratio of 74 pct was reported in this Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 polycrystalline alloy after annealing above the martensitic transformation temperature, and the “shape-memory” influence also occurs in the distributions of grain orientations.  相似文献   

The rat kallikrein rK9 is one of the six members of the rat tissue kallikrein family isolated to date. It is 84% identical to rK2 (tonin), and both proteinases are thought to have vasoconstrictive properties. Recently we have shown that rK9 and rK2 have distinct substrate specificities and sensitivities to inhibitors, despite their similar sequences. Unlike all other mammalian kallikrein-related proteinases, rK9 is resistant to inhibition by aprotinin. We have developed a 3-D model of rK9, based on the known X-ray structures of rK2, porcine kallikrein and bovine trypsin, to identify the structural features underlying this functional diversity. The final rK9 model is structurally similar to rK2, but variable regions surrounding the active site differ quite markedly from the reference proteins. The kallikrein loop, which differs from that in porcine kallikrein by a seven-residue insertion, has been generated de novo and subjected to simulated annealing to assess its influence on the restricted substrate specificity of these proteinases. The proposed conformation of the specificity pocket in rK9 differs from that of other serine proteinases, but it can still accommodate both aromatic and basic amino acid side chains at the substrate P1 position, thus explaining the dual chymotrypsin and trypsin-like activity of rK9. The electrostatic potentials of rK9 and aprotinin were calculated using the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method. They indicated a large positive region near the active site of rK9 not found in related proteinases because of positively charged residues at positions 61 and 65 in rK9. They generate a positive region, which overlaps a positive region in aprotinin, and may prevent aprotinin binding. A single mutation in aprotinin is suggested that might allow kallikrein rK9 inhibition by aprotinin. This model contributes significantly to our understanding of the structure-function relationships among proteinases of the tissue kallikrein family.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of complexes of a D30N mutant of feline immunodeficiency virus protease (FIV PR) complexed with a statine-based inhibitor (LP-149), as well as with a substrate based on a modification of this inhibitor (LP-149S), have been solved and refined at resolutions of 2.0 and 1.85 A, respectively. Both the inhibitor and the substrate are bound in the active site of the mutant protease in a similar mode, which also resembles the mode of binding of LP-149 to the native protease. The carbonyl oxygen of the scissile bond in the substrate is not hydrated and is located within the distance of a hydrogen bond to an amido nitrogen atom from one of the two asparagines in the active site of the enzyme. The nitrogen atom of the scissile bond is 3.25 A from the conserved water molecule (Wat301). A model of a tetrahedral intermediate bound to the active site of the native enzyme was built by considering the interactions observed in all three crystal structures of FIV PR. Molecular dynamics simulations of this model bound to native wild-type FIV PR were carried out, to investigate the final stages of the catalytic mechanism of aspartic proteases.  相似文献   

Attempts to modify the guanine specificity of ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) by rationally designed amino acid substitutions failed so far. Therefore, we applied a semirational approach by randomizing the guanine binding site. A combinatorial library of approximately 1.6 million RNase T1 variants containing permutations of 6 amino acid positions within the recognition loop was screened on RNase indicator plates. The specificity profiles of 180 individual clones showing RNase activity revealed that variant K41S/N43W/N44H/Y45A/E46D (RNaseT1-8/3) exhibits an altered preference toward purine nucleotides. The ApC/GpC preference in the cleavage reaction of this variant was increased 4000-fold compared to wild-type. Synthesis experiments of dinucleoside monophosphates from cytidine and the corresponding 2'3'-cyclic diesters using the reverse reaction of the transesterification step showed a 7-fold higher ApC synthesis rate of RNase 8/3 than wild-type, whereas the GpC synthesis rates for both enzymes were comparable. This study shows that site-directed random mutagenesis is a powerful additional tool in protein design in order to achieve new enzymatic specificities.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae nitroreductase (NR) is a flavoprotein which catalyzes the pyridine nucleotide-dependent reduction of nitroaromatics. Initial velocity and inhibition studies have been performed which establish unambiguously a ping-pong kinetic mechanism. NADH oxidation proceeds stereospecifically with the transfer of the pro-R hydrogen to the enzyme and the amide moiety of the nicotinamide appears to be the principal mediator of the interaction between NR and NADH. 2,4-Dinitrotoluene is the most efficient oxidizing substrate examined, with a kcat/KM an order of magnitude higher than those of p-nitrobenzoate, FMN, FAD or riboflavin. Dicoumarol is a potent inhibitor competitive vs. NADH with a Ki of 62 nM. Several compounds containing a carboxyl group are also competitive inhibitors vs. NADH. Yonetani-Theorell analysis of dicoumarol and acetate inhibition indicates that their binding is mutually exclusive, which suggests that the two inhibitors bind to the same site on the enzyme. NAD+ does not exhibit product inhibition and in the absence of an electron acceptor, no isotope exchange between NADH and 32P-NAD+ could be detected. NR catalyzes the 4-electron reduction of nitrobenzene to hydroxylaminobenzene with no optically detectable net formation of the putative two-electron intermediate nitrosobenzene.  相似文献   

Solution two-dimensional 1H NMR studies have been carried out on cyanide-inhibited horseradish peroxidase isozyme C (HRPC-CN) to explore the scope and limitations of identifying residues in the heme pocket and substrate binding site, including those of the "second sphere" of the heme, i.e. residues which do not necessarily have dipolar contact with the heme. The experimental methods use a range of experimental conditions to obtain data on residue protons with a wide range of paramagnetic relaxivity. The signal assignment strategy is guided by the recently reported crystal structure of recombinant HRPC and the use of calculated magnetic axes. The goal of the assignment strategy is to identify signals from all residues in the heme, as well as proximal and distal, environment and the benzhydroxamic acid (BHA) substrate binding pocket. The detection and sequence specific assignment of aromatic and aliphatic residues in the vicinity of the heme pocket confirm the validity of the NMR methodologies described herein. Nearly all residues in the heme periphery are now assigned, and the first assignments of several "second sphere" residues in the heme periphery are reported. The results show that nearly all catalytically relevant amino acids in the active site can be identified by the NMR strategy. The residue assignment strategy is then extended to the BHA:HRPC-CN complex. Two Phe rings (Phe 68 and Phe 179) and an Ala (Ala 140) are shown to be in primary dipolar contact to BHA. The shift changes induced by substrate binding are shown to reflect primarily changes in the FeCN tilt from the heme normal. The present results demonstrate the practicality of detailed solution 1H NMR investigation of the manner in which substrate binding is perturbed by either variable substrates or point mutations of HRP.  相似文献   

Binding of ligands to isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS; E) from Staphylococcus aureus was investigated through effects on proteolytic digestion. Approximately 50-fold higher concentrations of protease (trypsin or chymotrypsin) were required to inactivate IleRS after incubation with substrates and formation of the E. Ile-AMP intermediate compared with free E. Binding of pseudomonic acid A (PS-A) or isoleucynol adenylate (Ile-ol-AMP) also induced resistance to proteolysis and altered the patterns of IleRS cleavage fragments in an inhibitor-class specific manner. The determinants for PS-A binding were investigated via proteolysis of E.[3H]PS-A. Limited proteolysis of E.[3H]PS-A (excising residues 186-407) could be achieved without significant loss of bound inhibitor, eliminating this region as contributing to inhibitor binding. Assays were developed which allowed IleRS proteolysis to be readily followed using fluorescence polarization. Inhibitor-protected IleRS was labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate with only a small effect upon catalytic activity (Fl-IleRS). The (pseudo) kinetics of proteolytic cleavage of Fl-IleRS could be measured at low nanomolar Fl-IleRS concentrations in 96/384-well microtiter plates, allowing real-time monitoring of dose-dependent protection from proteolysis. Thus, inhibitor (and substrate) binding could be reproducibly assessed in the absence of measurements of catalytic acitvity. This could potentially form the basis of novel screening assays for ligands to other proteins.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding vanillyl-alcohol oxidase (EC was selected from a cDNA library constructed from mRNA isolated from Penicillium simplicissimum CBS 170.90 grown on veratryl alcohol by immunochemical screening. The vaoA-cDNA nucleotide sequence revealed an open reading frame of 1680 base pairs encoding a 560-amino acid protein with a deduced mass of 62,915 Da excluding the covalently bound FAD. The deduced primary structure shares 31% sequence identity with the 8alpha-(O-tyrosyl)-FAD containing subunit of the bacterial flavocytochrome p-cresol methyl hydroxylase. The vaoA gene was isolated from a P. simplicissimum genomic library constructed in lambdaEMBL3 using the vaoA-cDNA as a probe. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of the vaoA gene with the cDNA nucleotide sequence demonstrated that the gene is interrupted by five short introns. Aspergillus niger NW156 prtF pyrA leuA cspA transformed with the pyrA containing plasmid and a plasmid harboring the complete vaoA gene including the promoter and terminator was able to produce vaoA mRNA and active vanillyl-alcohol oxidase when grown on veratryl alcohol and anisyl alcohol. A similar induction of the vaoA gene was found for P. simplicissimum, indicating that similar regulatory systems are involved in the induction of the vaoA gene in these fungi. Introduction of a consensus ribosome binding site, AGAAGGAG, in the vaoA-cDNA resulted in elevated expression levels of active vanillyl-alcohol oxidase from the lac promoter in Escherichia coli TG2. The catalytic and spectral properties of the purified recombinant enzyme were indistinguishable from the native enzyme.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the acute effects of two different treatments on changes in the American Urological Association symptom score, we divided 23 men with benign prostatic hyperplasia into 2 groups. Group 1 (n = 16) and group 2 (n = 7) were treated with transurethral resection of the prostate and visual laser ablation of the prostate, respectively. Twice before and about 1 week after surgery, patients completed the AUA symptom questionnaire and underwent urodynamic evaluation. The symptom indexes were subcategorized as obstructive and irritative symptoms. All symptom scores were identical in groups 1 and 2 preoperatively. Postoperatively, significant improvement was found in obstructive scores, the total score, maximum and average flow rates only in group 1. This outcome is probably the reflection of an essential dissmilarity in both therapies. Clinically, the obstructive subscore appears reactive to changes in obstruction and seems meaningful in follow-up even in the early postoperative days.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:. beta-Mannanases hydrolyse the O-glycosidic bonds in mannan, a hemicellulose constituent of plants. These enzymes have potential use in pulp and paper production and are of significant biotechnological interest. Thermostable beta-mannanases would be particularly useful due to their high temperature optimum and broad pH tolerance. The thermophilic actinomycete Thermomonospora fusca secretes at least one beta-mannanase (molecular mass 38 kDa) with a temperature optimum of 80 degreesC. No three-dimensional structure of a mannan-degrading enzyme has been reported until now. RESULTS:. The crystal structure of the thermostable beta-mannanase from T. fusca has been determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined to 1.5 A resolution. In addition to the native enzyme, the structures of the mannotriose- and mannohexaose-bound forms of the enzyme have been determined to resolutions of 1.9 A and 1.6 A, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:. Analysis of the -1 subsite of T. fusca mannanase reveals neither a favourable interaction towards the axial HO-C(2) nor a discrimination against the equatorial hydroxyl group of gluco-configurated substrates. We propose that selectivity arises from two possible mechanisms: a hydrophobic interaction of the substrate with Val263, conserved in family 5 bacterial mannanases, which discriminates between the different conformations of the hydroxymethyl group in native mannan and cellulose; and/or a specific interaction between Asp259 and the axial hydroxyl group at the C(2) of the substrate in the -2 subsite. Compared with the catalytic clefts of family 5 cellulases, the groove of T. fusca mannanase has a strongly reduced number of aromatic residues providing platforms for stacking with the substrate. This deletion of every second platform is in good agreement with the orientation of the axial hydroxyl groups in mannan.  相似文献   

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRTase) catalyzes the transfer of a ribosyl phosphate group from alpha-D-5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate to the N1 nitrogen of uracil. The UPRTase from the opportunistic pathogen Toxoplasma gondii is a rational target for antiparasitic drug design. To aid in structure-based drug design studies against toxoplasmosis, the crystal structures of the T.gondii apo UPRTase (1.93 A resolution), the UPRTase bound to its substrate, uracil (2.2 A resolution), its product, UMP (2.5 A resolution), and the prodrug, 5-fluorouracil (2.3 A resolution), have been determined. These structures reveal that UPRTase recognizes uracil through polypeptide backbone hydrogen bonds to the uracil exocyclic O2 and endocyclic N3 atoms and a backbone-water-exocyclic O4 oxygen hydrogen bond. This stereochemical arrangement and the architecture of the uracil-binding pocket reveal why cytosine and pyrimidines with exocyclic substituents at ring position 5 larger than fluorine, including thymine, cannot bind to the enzyme. Strikingly, the T. gondii UPRTase contains a 22 residue insertion within the conserved PRTase fold that forms an extended antiparallel beta-arm. Leu92, at the tip of this arm, functions to cap the active site of its dimer mate, thereby inhibiting the escape of the substrate-binding water molecule.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the protease of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and two mutant proteases, V82D and V82N, have been determined. In all three cases the enzyme forms a complex with the peptidic inhibitor U-89360E. All structures have been determined to 2.3 A resolution and have satisfactory agreement factors: 0.173 for wild type, 0.175 for V82D, and 0.182 for V82N. Comparison of the three crystal structures provides explanations which are consistent with the known kinetic properties of these mutant enzymes with the U-89360E inhibitor [Lin, Y., Lin, X., Hong, L., Foundling, S., Heinrikson, R. L., Thaisrivongs, S., Leelamanit, W., Raterman, D., Shah, M., Dunn, B.M., & Tang, J. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 1143-1152]. Unfavorable van der Waals interactions between the inhibitor and the mutated side chains at position 82 are consistent with diminished affinity for the inhibitor by the mutant enzymes. If a mutation is potentially resistant to an inhibitor, the mutant enzyme should not only have an increased Ki for the inhibitor but should also preserve considerable catalytic capability. The V82D mutant possesses these qualities. In the V82D crystal structure, a water molecule, which connects the protease flap to the inhibitor, is missing or of low occupancy. Absence of this bridge may be important in determining catalytic capability. Moreover, mutation at position 82 induces change in two polypeptide backbone regions, 35-41 and 67-68, which may be related to protease flap mobility.  相似文献   

Epithelial lining of upper portion of alimentary tract differs sharply from other digestive system portions. This is associated primarily with the peculiarities of local processes of morphogenesis. Intertissular interactions, as well as changes in architectonics and differentiation of the structures, surrounding the epithelium, in particular mesenchymal cells, are of primary importance in morphogenesis of this portion. The organ specificity of the development of the oral and esophageal epithelium is due to their local peculiarities.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450cam catalyzes the 5-exo-hydroxylation of camphor. Camphor analogues were designed to fill an empty region of the substrate binding pocket with the expectation that they would bind more tightly than camphor itself due to increased van der Waals interactions with the protein and the displacement of any solvent occupying this site. A series of compounds (endo-borneol methyl ether, endo-borneol propyl ether, endo-borneol allyl ether and endo-borneol dimethyl allyl ether) were synthesized with substituents at the camphor carbonyl oxygen. The spin conversion and thermodynamic properties of this series of compounds were measured for wild type and Y96F mutant cytochrome P450cam and were interpreted in the context of molecular dynamics simulations of the camphor analogues in the P450 binding site and in solution. Compounds with a 3-carbon chain substituent were predicted to match the size of the unoccupied region most optimally and thus bind best. Consistent with this prediction, the borneol allyl ether binds to cytochrome P450cam with highest affinity with a Kd = 0.6 +/- 0.1 microM (compared to a Kd = 1.7 +/- 0.2 microM for camphor under the same experimental conditions). Binding of the camphor analogues to the Y96F mutant is much enhanced over the binding of camphor, indicating that hydrogen bonding plays a less important role in binding of these analogues. Binding enthalpies calculated from the simulations, taking all solvent contributions into account, agree very well with experimental binding enthalpies. Binding affinity is not however correlated with the calculated binding enthalpy because the binding of the substrate analogues is characterized by enthalpy-entropy compensation. The new compounds are useful probes for further studies of the mechanism of cytochrome P450cam due to their high binding affinities and high spin properties.  相似文献   

A series of fungal laccases (Polyporus pinsitus, Rhizoctonia solani, Myceliophthora thermophila, Scytalidium thermophilum) and one bilirubin oxidase (Myrothecium verrucaria) have been studied to determine their redox potential, specificity, and stability. Polyporus and Rhizoctonia laccases possess potentials near 0.7-0.8 V (vs. NHE), while other oxidases have potentials near 0.5 V. It is observed that higher redox potential correlates with higher activity. By EPR, no significant change in the geometry of type 1 copper (II) site is observed over this series. At the optimal pH, the two substrates studied, 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and syringaldazine, show Km values ranging form 10 to 120 and from 1 to 45 microM; and kcat values ranging from 50 to 16 000 and 200 to 3000 per min, respectively. The enzymes are more stable in the neutral-alkaline pH range. The thermal stability is in the order of bilirubin oxidase equivalent to Myceliophthora laccase equivalent to Scytalidium laccase > Polyporus laccase > Rhizoctonia laccase. Based on these results and the sequence alignments made against Zucchini ascorbate oxidase it is speculated that structural differences in the substrate-activation site (a 'blue', type 1 copper center) control the redox potential range as well as substrate specificity, and the cystine content contributes to stability.  相似文献   

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