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本文提出了一种在后端附加自适应的线性去相关多用户检测算法,详细分析了该算法的性能并进行了仿真。分析与仿真结果均表明,这种算法既具有优良的抗远近效应能力又具有较低的误码率  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the application of macrodiversity in Code DivisionMultiple Access (CDMA) asynchronous systems with decorrelatingdetection in the reverse link. It is shown that decorrelatingdetectors allow predetection combining and, utilizing this property,several combining strategies are studied. We obtain the set ofcombining factors which minimize the bit error probability, andbased on these results, we propose the Simplified Minimum ErrorCriterion (SMEC), which has little impact on the overallcomplexity of the system and outperforms theMaximal Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio Combiner(MSINRC). Using this technique, it is possible to perform a distributeddetection in the area influenced by the mobile, allowing thecoexistence of heterogeneous cells and the effective useof microcells.  相似文献   

借用有界算子的理论,提出了一种新的解相关的多用户检测的方法,该方法避免了矩阵求逆的复杂运算,有效地减少了计算复杂度。  相似文献   

This paper presents a decorrelating detector for DS-CDMAasynchronous systems over multipath fading channels. The decorrelatingreceiver applies the inverse correlation matrix of signature waveformsto detect the received signal. A procedure for finding such an inversematrix is developed. This procedure employs the reciprocal basis,derived from the basis of normalized user signatures, to cancelsimultaneously both the multiuser and the intersymbolinterference. The proposed multiuser detector operates over a finitedetection window, and the only restriction imposed on the set of signaturesis that the signatures must be independent at the receiver end. If the channelis slowly variant, the detectorcan be very efficient for high bit rate transmissions. Theoreticalbounds for the multiuser interference are obtained. Simulationresults, in which both binary and non-binary sequences are used,reveal that the behaviour of the detector approaches the single userbound when an adequate set of signatures is employed. The reducedcomplexity of this detector indicates that it could be a good candidatefor practical implementation.  相似文献   

Analysis of an Approximate Decorrelating Detector   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper an approximate decorrelating detector is analyzed on the basis of a first order approximation to the inverse crosscorrelation matrix of signature waveforms. The approximation is fairly accurate for systems with low crosscorrelations and is exact in the two-user synchronous case. We present an exact as well as approximate analysis of the bit-error-rate performance of this detector on a channel that is subject to flat fading, and also specifically for the case of random signature waveforms. The detector outperforms the conventional matched filter receiver in terms of BER. The approximate decorrelator (while not being near-far resistant like the decorrelating detector) is fairly robust to imperfections in power control. Power trade-off regions are identified which characterize the significant advantage that the approximate decorrelator provides over the matched filter receiver. The reduced complexity of the approximate decorrelator and performance gains over the conventional matched filter makes it a viable alternative for implementation in practical CDMA systems, in particular in those where the signature waveforms span many symbol intervals.  相似文献   

一种简化的解相关检测器及其性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仲文  程时昕 《通信学报》1999,20(8):13-18
基于矩阵求逆的一阶近似提出了一种简化的解相关检测器,当用户间的相关系数较小时,这种检测器可以相当准确地逼近解相关检测器,文中分析了这种检测器的误码率性能。数值结果表明该检测器的性能远优于传统的多用户检测器,具有较好的抗远近性能,与解相关检测器相比,它的复杂度大大降低,使其有可能用于实际的 C D M A 通信系统中。  相似文献   

An improved first-order approximate decorrelating detector for direct-sequencecode divisionmultiple access (DS-CDMA) communication systems is proposed. This detector isbased on theminimization of the multiple access interference (MAI) for each user. Throughanalysis andnumerical results, the detector is shown to perform better than the originalfirst-order approximatedetector in various conditions at the expense of an additional complexity onthe order of O(K2), whereK is the number of active users in the system.  相似文献   

基于NLMS的CDMA盲自适应多用户检测算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多用户检测是抑制DS-CDMA系统多址干扰最有效的技术之一。由于所需的先验知识仪有期望用户的地址码,盲多用户检测技术的研究尤受重视。最小输出能量(MOE)准则被广泛用于盲线性多用户检测。目前已提出的该类检测器多采用LMS或RLS算法。本文则研究基于NLMS算法的盲自适应检测技术,并进一步提出盲自适应变步长NLMS检测器和参数可变的盲自适应变步长NLMS检测器。它们具备很好的收敛速度和跟踪能力,以及较高的输出信干比,同时计算复杂度仅为O(3N)或O(4N),非常适合硬件实现。  相似文献   

Cholesky分解更新算法及其在多用户检测算法中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢光跃  邵朝  刘强 《信号处理》2003,19(2):170-173
对用户归—化的互相关矩阵进行Cholesky分解是解相关判决反馈多用户检测算法(DDFB)的基础。本文针对实际信道的动态性,如用户的随机接入或离开信道,研究Cholesky分解的更新算法以避免对相关矩阵的实时Cholesky分解,对算法的复杂度进行分析,结果表明,在动态信道中,更新算法可以有效地降低算法的复杂度。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a non‐matrix inversion based algorithm to implement decorrelating detection (DD), namely quasi‐decorrelating detector (QDD), which uses truncated matrix series expansion to overcome the problems associated with the matrix inversion in DD, such as noise enhancement, computational complexity and matrix singularity, etc. Two alternative QDD implementation schemes are presented in this paper; one is to use multi‐stage feedforward filters and the other is to use an nth order single matrix filter (neither of which involves matrix inversion). In addition to significantly reduced computational complexity if compared with DD, the QDD algorithm offers a unique flexibility to trade among MAI suppression, near‐far resistance and noise enhancement depending on varying system set‐ups. The obtained results show that the QDD outperforms DD in either AWGN or multipath channel if a proper number of feed‐forward stages can be used. We will also study the impact of correlation statistics of spreading codes on the QDD's performance with the help of a performance‐determining factor derived in the paper, which offers a code‐selection guideline for the optimal performance of QDD algorithm. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在采用传统信号检测方式的CDMA系统中,多址干扰限制了系统的容量和性能.本文分析了在精确估计信道的情况下平坦瑞利衰落信道中的判决反馈和线性解相关两种多用户检测器的性能,主要分析了二者的误码率性能和抗远近效应的能力,并首次分析了衰落信道中的渐近多用户效率(AME).结果表明,判决反馈多用户检测器的渐近多用户效率优于线性解相关检测器.  相似文献   

随着移动通信的发展,多速率数据通信业务越来越多。第三代移动通信系统能够支持可变服务质量的不同数据速率业务。因此,多速率接收机的研究也越来越引起重视。多速率系统中,当干扰信号具有不同速率参数时,不同用户的周期平稳性不同,单速率自适应FIR接收机的性能会严重下降。提出了一种适合于多速率多址干扰下的自适应滤波器组接收机,仿真结果表明,自适应滤波器组接收机能够更有效地消除多种模式的多址干扰,比单速率接收机具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

低复杂度的QR解相关多用户检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对常规解相关多用户检测算法因对相关矩阵求逆的运算量随用户数增加呈指数增加而失去了实用价值,提出了不需对相关阵求逆的计算复杂度低的快速QR解相关多用户检测算法。该快速算法运算量与常规解相关算法相比,运算量减少了70%,而检测性能丝毫没有降低。显然,该算法优于常规算法,具有实用意义。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of decorrelating detectors for a dual rate DS/CDMA system that serves both low bit rate and high bit rate users. We assume that in an interval of duration T 0, a low rate user transmits one bit while a high rate user transmits M bits. Applying a standard decorrelator to the interval of duration T 0 yields an M bit processing delay for high rate users and a computational complexity that grows with M. In this paper, we propose a decorrelator that generates bit decisions for each high rate user in every subinterval of duration T0/M. To decode a low rate user, a soft decoding rule applies maximal ratio combining on M separate decorrelated outputs of each low rate user. The soft decoding dual rate decorrelator eliminates the bit processing delay for high rate users and also reduces the computational complexity of a standard decorrelator. Further, it is shown that the asymptotic efficiency of the standard decorrelator is greater than or equal to the proposed decorrelator. By evaluation, it is observed that when the signature sequences have good correlation properties, the proposed soft decoding decorrelator is found to perform nearly as well as the standard decorrelator. However, when the signature sequences have high cross-correlation, then the proposed decorrelator suffers in terms of bit error rate while retaining the near-far resistance property.  相似文献   

CDMA通信系统是一个自干扰受限系统,如何克服CDMA系统中的多址干扰问题已成为提高CDMA系统容量的关键。多用户检测是克服CDMA多址干扰最有潜力的关键技术之一。本文研究了CDMA移动通信系统中几种常见的多用户检测技术,分析了他们的原理,并对各种多用户检测的优缺点进行了比较。  相似文献   

In this work, we present a new multiuser detection (MUD) structure which results from incorporating the tabu search (TS) heuristic algorithm with the local search (LS) heuristic algorithm. The new proposed structure brings much improvement when compared to both the conventional (matched filter) detector and the decorrelating detector. Moreover, the new TS‐LS‐detector proposed here approximates well the performance of the optimal MUD detector but with a very low computational complexity. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文提出一种用于频率选择性瑞利衰落同步CDMA信道的空-时多用户检测方法.该方法将多用户检测和阵列信号处理相结合,较好地克服了影响DS/CDMA通信质量和用户容量的多址干扰(MAI)、多径传播及信道衷减.仿真结果表明该方法具有较好的用户检测性能.  相似文献   

李泽宪  张平 《电子学报》1999,27(10):55-57
根据宽带码分多址( WCDMA) 系统的特点,提出并分析了一种导频符号辅助干扰删除多用户检测器(PSAIC),分析结果表明,该方法充分利用了WCDMA系统中的帧结构,在不增加物理信道的情况下,实现接收信号的相干解调,并与多址干扰删除器相连,可以大大提高系统的性能,增加系统的容量,当干扰删除器的级数为2 时,其性能有较大的改善,复杂度也不高  相似文献   

Since the conventional detector performs poorly in bandwidth-efficient Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems, several multiuser detectors were proposed recently. In this paper, we compare performance of the decorrelator, the two-stage detector (2S), and the decision-feedback detector (DF) for the Rayleigh flat fading synchronous CDMA channel. First, assuming perfect channel estimation, we show that the 2S and the DF have much lower bit error rate (BER) than the decorrelator, and prove that the ideal DF has unity Asymptotic Multiuser Efficiency (AME). Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of these detectors in the presence of channel mismatch. We model the Rayleigh flat fading channel as the second order Auto Regressive (AR) process, and use the Kalman filter as the channel estimator. The lower bounds on the BER of the 2S and the DF are derived. The analytical results and the simulations show that the estimation error accumulated due to cancellation of other users limits the performance of the 2S and the DF. Therefore, in the presence of channel mismatch, the decorrelator offers comparable or even better performance than more complex decision-feedback and two-stage detectors.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionMultiple AccessInterference (MAI)owingtomanysimultaneoususersconstitutesthemainlimita tionofDS CDMAsystems .MultiuserdetectiontechniquescanefficientlysuppressMAIandsub stantiallyincreasethecapacityofCDMAsystems.Variousmultiuserdetectionschem…  相似文献   

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