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In this work, an unsteady state analysis of the compression cycle of a small hermetic reciprocating compressor for domestic refrigeration was carried out. A specific one-dimensional model of the valves was developed and the mass and energy balances were applied to the refrigerant inside the cylinder to determine the mass, pressure and temperature behaviour and the heat and work transfer through the compression process. This analysis was inserted into a traditional steady state model of the compressor to evaluate the efficiency of the compression cycle and the performance of the compressor unit. The whole simulation code was validated against the experimental measurements carried out on a R134a commercial unit in a wide range of operative conditions: a fair agreement was found between predicted and measured performances. The simulation code can be a useful tool for the analysis, the design and the development of small hermetic reciprocating compressors for domestic refrigeration.  相似文献   

For a rolling piston rotary compressor, oil supply into various lubrication elements has been analytically studied. The lubrication system, consisting of centrifugal shaft pump, radial oil feeding holes, bearings with grooves and some other sliding surfaces has been modeled by employing equivalent electric circuit network. A computer simulation program has been developed to solve the network model of the lubrication system. Its numerical solutions include total oil flow rate into the shaft inlet, oil flow rates in the main and sub journal bearings and in the eccentric bearing, and oil leakages through roller end clearances into suction and compression chambers. Validation of the numerical simulation has been made by the measurement of the total oil flow rate into the shaft. With the aid of computer simulation, parametric studies have also been carried to investigate the effects of the bearing groove shape and groove inclination angle on the bearing oil flow rates.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the detailed analysis of different well-known thermodynamic efficiencies usually used to characterize hermetic compressors. Attention is focussed on the volumetric efficiency, the isentropic efficiency, and the combined mechanical–electrical efficiency. A procedure is presented to detach these efficiencies into their main components (physical sub-processes) to get deeper insight on the overall behavior.The volumetric efficiency is split into partial efficiencies related to pressure drop and heat transfer effects, supercharging effects, superdischarging effects, leakages, etc. The isentropic efficiency is detached using two different points of view: the work associated to the individual sub-processes (compression, discharge, expansion, suction), and the work associated to the underpressures, overpressures, and between the inlet and outlet mean compressor pressures. Finally, the combined mechanical–electrical efficiency is related to the heat transfer losses/gains, and to the exergy transfers and exergy destroyed.Even though some of the concepts introduced in the paper can be applied to different kinds of compressors, the discussion is specially focussed on hermetic reciprocating compressors. An advanced simulation model developed by the authors has been used to generate data to illustrate the possibilities of the detailed thermodynamic characterization proposed. The criteria developed are useful tools for comparison purposes, to characterize compressors, and to assist designers during the optimization process.  相似文献   

A new model for hermetic reciprocating compressors is presented. This model is able to predict compressor efficiency and volumetric efficiency in terms of a certain number of parameters (10) representing the main sources of losses inside the compressor. The model provides users with helpful information about the way in which the compressor is designed and working.A statistical fitting procedure based on the Monte Carlo method was developed for its adjustment. The model can predict compressor performance at most points with a maximum deviation of 3%.A possible gas condensation on cold spots inside the cylinder during the last part of the compression stroke was also evaluated.  相似文献   

The modelling of heat transfer within materials with high porosity is complicated by evaporation-condensation phenomena. The aim of this work is to develop a model for apparent thermal conductivity in these products. The effective thermal conductivity of a porous food model (sponge) having 0–60% moisture contents and 0.59–0.94 porosity was measured by a line-source heat probe system in the range −35 to 25 °C. Two predictive models of the effective thermal conductivity of porous food were developed (Krischer and Maxwell models). The effective thermal conductivity predicted by Krischer model were in good agreement with the experimental data. Also, it was shown that the model including the effect of evaporation-condensation phenomena in addition to heat conduction was useful to predict the effective thermal conductivity of sponges.  相似文献   

The operation of a scroll compressor at high compression ratios can cause excessively high discharge temperatures, which can be detrimental to the reliability and efficiency of the compressor. In the present study, the performance of an inverter-driven scroll compressor with liquid refrigerant injection was measured with a variation of compressor frequency, injection pressure, and injection location. The influence of the liquid injection on the performance is presented as a function of operating parameters and injection location by comparing the results with those for the non-injection case. It was found that liquid injection under high frequency was very effective at attaining higher performance and reliability of the compressor, but injection under low frequency showed some disadvantages. For high frequency at a given injection ratio, the injection at α=180°, for an injection angle at an injection port, yielded slightly better performance of the compressor as compared to that at α=90°.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a comprehensive simulation model of a horizontal scroll compressor, which combines a detailed compression process model (Chen Y., Halm N., Groll E., Braun J. Mathematical modelling of scroll compressors — part I: compression process modeling, International Journal of Refrigeration 2002;25(6):731–750) and an overall compressor model. In the overall model, compressor components are analyzed in terms of nine different elements. Steady state energy balance equations are established applying the lumped capacitance method. In combination with the detailed compression process model, these equations were implemented into computer code and solved recursively. In this way, the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant in different compressor chambers, the temperature distributions in the scroll wraps, and the temperatures of the other compressor elements can be obtained. Thereafter, power consumption and efficiency of the compressor can be calculated. Tests were used to verify the overall model on a macroscopic basis. Using the simulation program based on the overall compressor model, a parametric study of the scroll compressor was performed, and the effects of internal leakage and heat transfer losses were investigated and some preliminary results were obtained. These results indicate that the comprehensive scroll compressor model is capable of predicting real compressor behavior and useful to the design and optimization of scroll compressors.  相似文献   

In this study, fundamental and practical influence of liquid refrigerant injection on the performance of a refrigerant scroll compressor has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. In the theoretical analysis, a compression model of vapor/liquid mixture is developed by taking account of heat transfer from the cylinder wall to suction, compression and injection refrigerant. An experiment has been done under the condition of keeping the oil temperature constant in order to investigate the fundamental influence of the liquid refrigerant injection on the compressor performance, and the results were compared with the theoretical ones. It was found that the injection basically increases the compression power and decreases the compressor efficiency, though the situation depends on the condition of the heat transfer to the injection refrigerant. And furthermore, the performance of the liquid refrigerant injection compressor under practical operating condition without controlling the oil temperature has been investigated. Under this condition, the compressor showed recovery and slight improvement of performance due to the decrease of the oil and cylinder temperatures by the injection. In addition, influence of the refrigerant injection on the oil viscosity and refrigerant solubility in the oil, which relate mechanical loss and reliability of the compressor, have been discussed.  相似文献   

Parametric studies on hermetic reciprocating compressors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An advanced numerical simulation model for the thermal and fluid dynamic optimization of hermetic reciprocating compressors has been developed. The quality of the numerical solution has been verified by means of a critical analysis of the different sources of errors, and validated through an extensive experimental comparison. This work is focused on presenting different parametric studies of hermetic reciprocating compressors, based on the numerical simulation model developed. Results presented show the influence of different aspects (geometry, motor, valves, working conditions, etc.) on the basis of the meaningful non-dimensional parameters, which describe the compressor behaviour (volumetric and isentropic efficiency, coefficient of performance, etc.). The idea of this paper is to show the possibilities offered by the simulation model and its final objective, a better understanding of the thermal and fluid dynamic compressor behaviour to improve the design of these equipments.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model for a variable speed scroll compressor with refrigerant injection was developed using continuity, energy conservation and real gas equation. The model included energy balance in the low-pressure shell compressor, suction gas heating, motor efficiency, and volumetric efficiency considering gas leakages as a function of compressor frequency. The developed model was verified by comparing the predicted results for the no injection condition with the experimental data. The deviations of the predicted from the measured values were within 10% for approximately 90% of the experimental data. Based on the model, mass flow rate, suction gas heating, cooling capacity and power consumption of the compressor were estimated and analyzed as a function of frequency. The effects of refrigerant injection on the performance of the compressor were also discussed as a function of frequency, injection conditions, and injection geometry.


A thermodynamic model for a variable speed scroll compressor with refrigerant injection was developed using continuity, energy conservation and real gas equation. The model included energy balance in the low-pressure shell compressor, suction gas heating, motor efficiency, and volumetric efficiency considering gas leakages as a function of compressor frequency. The developed model was verified by comparing the predicted results for the no injection condition with the experimental data. The deviations of the predicted from the measured values were within 10% for approximately 90% of the experimental data. Based on the model, mass flow rate, suction gas heating, cooling capacity and power consumption of the compressor were estimated and analyzed as a function of frequency. The effects of refrigerant injection on the performance of the compressor were also discussed as a function of frequency, injection conditions, and injection geometry.  相似文献   

In this experimental investigation five R407C positive displacement hermetic reciprocating compressors, covering different capacities, displacement, stroke-to-bore ratios and number of cylinders, have been characterized using propane as refrigerant by means of a specifically designed characterization test rig. Test results have been systematically compared with their R407C reference performance data to obtain a complete picture on changes on the volumetric efficiency and compressor efficiency amongst others. The compressors used POE oil as lubricant and additional oil circulation rate (OCR) tests at steady state conditions were done to evaluate possible effects and differences to the traditionally used mineral oils.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the framework of a semi-theoretical model for predicting the pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerant/lubricant mixtures on a roughened, horizontal, flat pool-boiling surface. The predictive model is based on the mechanisms involved in the formation of the lubricant excess layer that exists on the heat transfer surface. The lubricant accumulates on the surface in excess of the bulk concentration via preferential evaporation of the refrigerant from the bulk refrigerant/lubricant mixture. As a result, excess lubricant resides in a thin layer on the surface and influences the boiling performance, giving either an enhancement or degradation in heat transfer. A dimensionless excess layer parameter and a thermal boundary layer constant were derived and fitted to data in an attempt to generalize the model to other refrigerant/lubricant mixtures. The model inputs include transport and thermodynamic refrigerant properties and the lubricant composition, viscosity, and critical solution temperature with the refrigerant. The model predicts the boiling heat transfer coefficient of three different mixtures of R123 and lubricant to within ±10%. Comparisons of heat transfer predictions to measurements for 13 different refrigerant/lubricant mixtures were made, including two different refrigerants and three different lubricants.  相似文献   

In this article, a general definition of the process average temperature has been developed, and the impact of the various dissipative mechanisms on 1/COP of the chiller evaluated. The present component-by-component black box analysis removes the assumptions regarding the generator outlet temperature(s) and the component effective thermal conductances. Mass transfer resistance is also incorporated into the absorber analysis to arrive at a more realistic upper limit to the cooling capacity. Finally, the theoretical foundation for the absorption chiller T–s diagram is derived. This diagrammatic approach only requires the inlet and outlet conditions of the chiller components and can be employed as a practical tool for system analysis and comparison.  相似文献   

A simulation program, CYCLE11, which is useful for the preliminary evaluation of the performance of refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures in the vapour compression cycle is described. The program simulates a theoretical vapour-compression cycle and departures from the theoretical cycle that occur in a heat pump and in a refrigerator. The cycles are prescribed in terms of the temperatures of the external heat-transfer fluids with the heat exchangers generalized by an average effective temperature difference. The isethalpic expansion process is assumed. The program includes a rudimentary model of a compressor and a representation of the suction line and liquid line heat exchange. Refrigerant thermodynamic properties are calculated by using the Carnahan-Starling-DeSantis equation of state. Refrigerant transport properties are not included in the simulations. The program can generate merit ratings of refrigerants for which limited measured data are available. An example of simulation results stresses the need for careful application of simplified models and consideration for the assumptions involved.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of control mechanism used in the variable displacement swash plate compressor (VDSC) is developed firstly based on the force balance equation, mass and energy conservation equation. The model of moving components dynamics is developed then by analyzing the forces and force moments acting on the pistons and the swash plate. The compression process model is obtained by fitting the data from our experiments. And finally, the steady-state mathematical model of VDSC is developed by combining the three sub-models above. In order to verify the mathematical model, a test bench for control mechanism and the test system for VDSC have been established, and the simulated results agree well with the experimental data. The simulation results show that, like the variable displacement wobble plate compressor, there are four operation modes for the VDSC, i.e. constant rotary speed and constant piston stroke length (PSL), variable rotary speed and constant PSL, constant rotary speed and variable PSL, variable rotary speed and variable PSL, which have included almost all operation modes of the refrigeration compressor in common use. And there is a hysteresis zone and multiple-valued relationship between the compressor parameters when PSL changes.  相似文献   

Gas absorption behavior in liquid with time has been studied by applying a simple mathematical model. The model is based on a one-dimensional mass diffusion process due to the concentration difference in dissolving gas. In order to examine the model validity, selected experimental data in the literature have been analyzed with the present model. The model has faithfully reproduced the experimental transient behavior of dissolving gases, and physically meaningful model parameters, diffusion constant and solubility limit, have been obtained for dissolving gas (water and refrigerant) in various lubricant oils. The validity and the significance of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

A generalized mathematical model was developed to simulate food refrigeration in air. The model takes into account surface water evaporation. It allows food physical properties to be considered as functions of temperature and/or composition, while providing means for including internal heat generation, composite materials (for instance, flesh and skin) and time-varying external temperature and humidity. Wetted surfaces and packaging can also be accounted for by the model, which can be used for spheres, infinite or finite cylinders, slabs. The numerical method was developed using the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and compared with exact analytical solutions as well as with experimental data on the refrigeration of various foods.  相似文献   

Results concerning a model of vapour compression refrigeration system using R410A, a binary HFC blend, and designed to take into account the effects of the oil rejected by the compressor, are presented. These effects are negligible when the lubricant does not exceed 0.5% of the total refrigerant weight; above this value, the performances of the system decrease significantly.  相似文献   

“Grey-box” modelling combines the use of first-principle based “white-box” models and empirical “black-box” models, offering particular benefits when: (a) there is a lack of fundamental theory to describe the system or process modelled; (b) there is a scarcity of suitable experimental data for validation or (c) there is a need to decrease the complexity of the model. The grey-box approach has been used, for example, to create mathematical models to predict the shelf life of chilled products or the thermal behaviour of imperfectly mixed fluids, or to create models that combine artificial neural networks and dynamic differential equations for control-related applications. This paper discusses the main characteristics of white-box, black-box and their integration into grey-box models, the requirements and sourcing of accurate data for model development and important validation concepts and measures.  相似文献   

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