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本文针对以灌溉为主综合利用水库,多部门用水随机性的探讨,将入库经流过程和灌溉用水过程作为二维随机过程,提出了二元随机变量三维空间的优化调度模型。对于石门水库,通过长系列时历操作验算,由该模型所得调度规则的调度成果较常规法调度其灌溉保证率由0.800提高到0.865,多年平均年发电量增加了1.89%;与确定性优化调度的灌溉保证率基本相同,该模型具有一定的实用价值。对于确定性优化调度,本文采用多项式逐步回归法对其调度规则进行模拟,得出了石门水库的非线性优化调度规则。经长系列操作检验,所得调度规则可靠。  相似文献   

横溪河流域东北近东海,南临象山港,属海洋性气候,多年平均降水量1639mm,多年平均径流深994mm,是本省暴雨中心之一。5—6月华南雨带越过南岭,在长江中、下游摆动,本流域进入梅季。因梅季降水强度不大,是水库的主要蓄水时机。流域内产生洪水的主要是台风雨,尤其是8月中、下旬至9月上、中旬的台风雨,范围广、频次高、洪量大,常形成本流域的致灾洪水,是水库主要防汛抗洪时间。  相似文献   

承德市是资源性缺水兼工程性缺水的城市.自20世纪80年代以来,多次面临供水危机.双峰寺水库是承德市正在筹建的大型水库,在需水预测的基础上,通过对水库运行后的水资源进行优化调度研究,制定分期供水方案,在保护生态环境的前提下,提出水资源调度管理建议.  相似文献   

近年来南湾水库水资源短缺问题日益突显,水库综合效益受到影响,通过分析水库调度运用情况及影响水库兴利运用的因素,提出了加强水库水资源优化调度的几点建议及对策。  相似文献   

根据作物产量与作物耗水量的关系,考虑了某一次灌水时间提前或推后对产量的影响,不同灌水次数以及相同灌水次数因不同灌溉地块灌水时间有先有后使得产量不同等几个因素,以灌区全部灌溉地块综合平均产量最大为目标函数,建立了灌区灌溉配水优化模型。通过对庞庄水库灌区冬小麦生长期灌溉具体条件进行优化计算,获得了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

幸福水库位于绥化市北林区双河镇西南村,距绥化市区35 km,呼兰河中游右岸。是一座以灌溉为主,兼顾水力发电、水产养殖、旅游等综合利用的引水式、渠道型、平原性中型水库,不能采用常规的方法进行设计和调度运用。结合工程基本资料、工程任务、设计标准及灌溉保证率和工程规模,首次提出了幸福水库优化调度运用方案。  相似文献   

1 哈尔滨市水库调度水平建国以来,哈尔滨市共建大中型水库19座,总库容13 23×108m3,装机1 47×104kW。小型水库117座,总库容3 87×108m3。这些水库成功调解多次大洪水和枯水期的兴利,使全市的水库调度水平有了很大提高。但是哈尔滨市多数水库都采用常规调度理论与方法,与其它省、市相比,从理论上、方法上还处于较为落后的水平。2 优化调度问题的提出优化调度法,是从系统工程学的角度出发,把水库作为一个系统,可利用水流状态方程式表示Vt=F(Vt-1,Qt-1,qt-1,Ct-1,ηt-1)式中V1、Vt-1分别为时段末、始水库状态;Qt-1、qt-1分别为入库流量…  相似文献   

在灌溉水库的运行调度中存在防洪与兴利的矛盾,而汛限水位是协调两者矛盾的关键.探讨了汛限水位确定的原则,分析了目前控制汛限水位的主要问题. 指出灌溉水库汛限水位的确定涉及众多的风险因素和目标,且各风险变量之间存在着较复杂的影响机制,不易确切估计和确定其分布线型与参数,也不易集中考虑各种变量的相关影响.因此,可采用极限风险率方法确定灌溉水库汛限水位.  相似文献   

漳泽水库最优兴利调度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
漳泽水库供水能力下降。优化调度方式是提高水库效益的最有效途径。通过采用随机动态规划方法与模拟模型交互运算得到现行控制水位的水库优化调度图。采用同样方法对不同控制水位的水库运行方式进行优化调度,选出的规划水库最优控制水位为汛限水位904 .5 m ,正常高水位905 .5 m 。优化的控制水位方案在保障水库防洪安全的前提下可供给城市生活和工业用水6 300 万m3 ,较现行控制水位下的供水量提高1 255 万m3 。但农业用水仍然不足,应采取一定措施给予解决,如对灌区工程进行改造,因地制宜采取不同节水措施和污水回用等。  相似文献   

本文结合实例,论证了水库调度运行方案的风险性,并给出了水库调度运行方案风险性分析的具体过程。  相似文献   

白云山水库是以灌溉、发电为主的综合利用水库,编制其优化方案是一个多目标随机优化问题.文中介绍了方案编制的基本过程和方法,并对优化调度的效益进行了分析.  相似文献   

模糊集分析理论与我省水库汛期调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对北方干旱或半干旱地区的水库在汛期由于汛限水位的限制有水不能蓄、汛后又蓄不上水的矛盾,初步讨论了应用模糊集分析理论合理进行水库汛期调度的问题。  相似文献   

高州水库灌区是广东省三个大型灌区之一,是广东三高农业发展最快之区域,但该灌区由于工程运行40多年,工程投入不足造成险工隐患多,加之管理体制、运营机制跟不上时代步伐,为此,根据灌区的实际情况,提出了适合该灌区良性循环、自我发展而进行管理体制和运营机制改革的设想。  相似文献   


Finding optimal policies for real-life reservoir systems operation (RSO) is a challenging task as the available analytical methods cannot handle the arbitrary functions of the problem. Most of the methods employed are numerical or iterative type and are computer dependent. Since the computer resources in terms of memory and CPU time are limited efficient algorithms are necessary to deal with the RSO problems. In this paper we present a Genetic Algorithms (GA) optimized rule curve (RC) model for monthly operation of a multipurpose reservoir which maximizes hydropower produced while meeting the irrigation demands with a given reliability. Instead of the usual single target storage for each period the proposed model considers three sets of target storages, namely dry, normal, and wet storages, based on the beginning of the period storage level. The reservoir considered is Bhadra Multipurpose Reservoir, in the state of Karnataka, India, which supplies water to irrigation fields through two canals while generating hydropower with turbines installed at each of the canal heads and at the river bed. Optimization ability and robustness of GA-RC approach are ascertained through simulation with a different inflow sequence for which global optimum is computed using Dynamic Programming. Further, a 15 year real-time simulation of the reservoir using historical inflows and demands showed significant improvement in the benefit, i.e. power produced, without compromising on the irrigation demands throughout the operation period.


A two-phase stochastic dynamic programming model is developed for optimal operation of irrigation reservoirs under a multicrop environment. Under a multicrop environment, the crops compete for the available water whenever the water available is less than the irrigation demands. The performance of the reservoir depends on how the deficit is allocated among the competing crops. The proposed model integrates reservoir release decisions with water allocation decisions. The water requirements of crops vary from period to period and are determined from the soil moisture balance equation taking into consideration the contribution of soil moisture and rainfall for the water requirements of the crops. The model is demonstrated over an existing reservoir and the performance of the reservoir under the operating policy derived using the model is evaluated through simulation.  相似文献   

孙翠新  孙书新 《山东水利》2007,(12):46-47,52
灌区测水量水自动化是灌区管理数字化的基础。太河水库灌区测水量水工作以灌区续建配套和节水技术改造为出发点,因地制宜,科学规划,自上而下,逐步实施。太河水库灌区测水量水系统由水库中心站和水位遥测站组成,测定渠道水位后,根据水位~流量关系曲线推算出过水流量,数据传输网络采用有线通讯和局部站点无线超短波相结合的组网方式。介绍了淄博市太河水库灌区测水量水项目建设的必要性、建设内容、原则、过程、效益分析和运行管理等情况,并提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

One of typical problems in water resources system modeling is derivation of optimal operating policy for reservoir to ensure water is used more efficiently. This paper introduces optimization analysis to determine monthly reservoir operating policies for five scenarios of predetermined cropping patterns for Koga irrigation scheme, Ethiopia. The objective function of the model was set to minimize the sum of squared deviation (SSD) from the desired targeted supply. Reservoir operation under different water availability and thresholds of irrigation demands has been analyzed by running a chance constraint nonlinear programming model based on uncertain inflow data. The model was optimized using Microsoft Excel Solver. The lowest SSD and vulnerability, and the highest volumetric reliability were gained at irrigation deficit thresholds of 20 % under scenario I, 30 % under scenario II, III and V, and at 40 % under scenario IV when compensation release is permitted for downstream environment. These thresholds of deficits could be reduced by 10 % for all scenarios if compensation release is not permitted. In conclusion the reservoir water is not sufficient enough to meet 100 % irrigation demand for design command areas of 7,000 ha. The developed model could be used for real time reservoir operation decision making for similar reservoir irrigation systems. In this specific case study system, attempt should be made to evaluate the technical performance of the scheme and introduce a regulated deficit irrigation application.  相似文献   

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