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A distributional semiempirical model for the simulation of spatial distribution of water application under center pivot sprinklers has been developed by the writers. This method describes the probability of water application for a sprinkler using a combination of beta functions. The calibration of this model has been undertaken using laboratory tests conducted in controlled conditions and then in windy conditions. The parameters calibrated are listed. The minimum number of tests needed for calibration has been estimated. The model used can be calibrated from one test in controlled conditions and three or four tests in windy conditions covering the range of usual wind speeds. Validation should be performed using at least two more infield tests. This simulation model of spatial water distribution under sprinklers of center pivot will thereafter be used to simulate the distribution of water under a typical pivot machine.  相似文献   

Coupled Crop and Solid Set Sprinkler Simulation Model. I: Model Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of a coupled crop model (Ador-Crop) and solid set sprinkler irrigation model (Ador-Sprinkler) is reported in this work. The crop model incorporates many of the features developed in the well-known CropWat model. Improvements include the use of thermal time and the input of daily ET0. The solid set sprinkler model applies ballistic theory to determine water distribution resulting from water droplets subjected to a wind vector. Regarding the validation of the coupled model (AdorSim), the plot of soil available water versus measured and simulated yield reduction resulted in similar features. AdorSim explained 25% of the variability in measured yield reduction. Most of the unexplained variability is due to the effect of nonwater-related factors affecting crop yield. In a companion paper, AdorSim is used to investigate optimum water management options in the middle Ebro basin in the NE of Spain.  相似文献   

In this work, applications of the coupled solid set sprinkler irrigation and crop model AdorSim introduced in the companion paper are presented. The sprinkler irrigation model is based on ballistic theory, while the crop model is based on CropWat. AdorSim was used to evaluate the effect of sprinkler spacing on seasonal irrigation water use (WU) and crop yield. The most relevant results were related to the characterization of advanced irrigation scheduling strategies. The differences in crop yield and WU derived from irrigating at different times of the day were estimated for two locations strongly differing in wind speed. Irrigation guidelines were established in these locations to relate gross water use and water stress induced yield reductions. Simulations were also applied to estimate adequate wind speed thresholds for irrigation operation. In the experimental conditions, thresholds of 2.0–2.5?m?s?1 proved effective to control yield reductions and to minimize WU.  相似文献   

In this paper a theoretical study of the behavior of structured soils, including both clays and sands, is presented. A new model, which is referred to as the “Sydney soil model,” is formulated within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. In the proposed model, the mechanical behavior of soil is divided into two parts, that at a reference state and that attributed to the influence of soil structure. The reference state behavior is formulated according to the soil properties at the critical state of deformation, based on the concept of plastic volumetric hardening. The effects of structure are captured in the model by incorporation of the additional voids ratio that arises owing to the presence of soil structure. The formulation is generalized to include both isotropic compression and general shearing. In part?I of this paper, a new theoretical framework for modeling structured soil behavior and the formulation of the proposed Sydney soil model are introduced. In part?II of this paper, the Sydney soil model is employed to simulate the behavior of clays and sands, including calcareous clays and sands subjected to both drained and undrained shearing, and the performance of the model is evaluated.  相似文献   

Sprinkler Head Maintenance Effects on Water Application Uniformity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of wear on the ability of hand-move and side-roll sprinkler irrigation systems to maintain the designed water application rate and uniformity are of concern with regards to crop performance, water use efficiency, and environmental impact. Six hand-move and six side-roll sprinkler irrigation systems used under commercial crop production in Lane County, Oreg., were evaluated for equipment wear and performance. Individual sprinkler nozzle size and discharge rates were measured for each system and used in a computer model to estimate field application rate and uniformity. New nozzles were installed on six systems to compare potential application rate and uniformity with existing performance. Despite reducing the coefficient of variation in discharge between sprinklers from 10 to 2%, little increase in water application uniformity was attained. A 13% decrease in mean water application rate was documented after nozzle replacement. Ignored overapplication due to worn or mismatched nozzles results in overirrigation in both rate and total amount, which gives rise to the potential for increased surface redistribution and deep percolation, resulting in water and nutrient losses.  相似文献   

Closed-type shield tunneling methods were developed together with computer-aided automatic control systems. However, automatic control systems are based on empirical relationships and do not have a precise theoretical background. In this paper, a model of the theoretical dynamic load acting on the shield during excavation is developed, taking into account shield tunnel engineering practices; i.e., the excavated area, the tail clearance, the rotation direction of the cutter face, sliding of the shield, ground loosening at the shield crown, and the dynamic equilibrium condition. To evaluate the validity of the model qualitatively, the simulation of shield behavior and the sensitivity analysis of the model parameters on the shield behavior are carried out in both straight and curve alignments for both sandy and clayey ground. The results for the shield behavior are examined, comparing them with the empirical and the theoretical one, and it is confirmed that the proposed model represents the shield behavior reasonably well.  相似文献   

Water application characteristics of a very low pressure spray sprinkler (40 kPa), a low pressure spray sprinkler (100 kPa), a medium pressure impact sprinkler (170 kPa), and a high pressure impact sprinkler (345 kPa) were evaluated under field conditions. Average field application rates varied from 42 to 156 mm∕h and maximum 5-min application rates varied from 54 to 226 mm∕h. Both were inversely related to sprinkler nozzle pressure in a manner that can be described by a logarithmic relationship. Maximum 5-min and 10-min application rates were, respectively, about 20 and 10% higher than average rates for the irrigation events. The 100, 170, and 345 kPa sprinklers produced application uniformity coefficients of 95% for single events and up to 99% for sequential events. About 70% of applied irrigation water reached the soil surface within a 200-mm diameter area at the base of corn plants. Maximum water application rates at the base of corn plants were amplified from three to four times when compared with above-canopy rates.  相似文献   

Simulation of the shield behavior is carried out by applying the model of the loads acting on the shield to the shield tunneling work. The shield tunneling was carried out using an earth pressure balanced shield in sandy gravel layer entirely and the observed data were obtained by the real time measuring data system. To escape the errors of data, the filtering process is applied to the measured data prior to processing the simulation. The input ground properties are carefully determined from the two-dimensional finite element analysis, reverse analysis, and empirical values. The simulation results are compared with the observed data to verify the model performance. The results indicate that; (1) the ground loosening due to local collapse of the ground at the shield face and at the shield crown are necessary to take into consideration in order to simulate the actual shield behavior; (2) the force due to the deformation of wire brush affects the shield postures; and (3) the simulation results are in good agreement with the observed data.  相似文献   

Significant improvements in the profitability and sustainability of irrigated areas can be obtained by the application of new technologies. In this work, a model for the simulation of water flows in irrigation districts is presented. The model is based on the combination of a number of modules specialized on surface irrigation, open channel distribution networks, crop growth modeling, irrigation decision making, and hydrosaline balances. These modules are executed in parallel, and are connected by a series of variables. The surface irrigation module is based on a numerical hydrodynamic routine solving the Saint Venant equations, including the heterogeneity of soil physical properties. The simulation of water conveyance is performed on the basis of the capacity of the elements of the conveyance network. Crop growth is simulated using a scheme derived from the well-known model CropWat. The irrigation decision making module satisfies water orders considering water stress, yield sensitivity to stress, multiple water sources, and the network capacity. Finally, the hydrosaline module is based on a steady state approach, and provides estimations of the volume and salinity of the irrigation return flows for the whole irrigation season. The application of the model to district irrigation management and modernization studies may be limited by the volume of data required. In a companion paper, the model is calibrated, validated, and applied to a real irrigation district.  相似文献   

In a companion paper a model for the simulation of water flows in irrigation districts was formulated. The model combines a series of modules specialized in surface irrigation, open channel distribution networks, crop growth modeling, irrigation decision making, and hydrosaline balance. The objective of this paper is to calibrate, validate, and apply the model, using the Irrigation District Five of Bardenas (Spain) as a study area. Two years of study were used for the analysis, which could be classified as normal (2000) and dry (2001) from the point of view of crop water requirements. Model calibration was performed in one of the 11 hydrological sectors in which the district is divided. The control variable was the monthly water demand, while the calibration variables were related to irrigation operation and scheduling. The seasonal differences in observed and simulated water demand amounted to 0.9 and 1.9% for 2000 and 2001, respectively. Model validation was performed in the rest of the sectors, and the regression line of observed versus simulated monthly water demand could not be distinguished from a 1:1 line in both years. Model application explored scenarios based on management improvement (controlling the irrigation time) and structural improvement (increasing drainage water reuse for irrigation). These scenarios permitted one to sharply reduce water demand, halve the irrigation return flows, and reduce the daily irrigation period from 24?to?16?h.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for water migration in concrete that changes from a homogeneous to a nonhomogeneous material due to its loading history is developed in detail. In the proposed model, concrete is assumed to be composed of aggregate, cement paste, water, a crack band, and an interfacial crack between the aggregate and cement paste. The discontinuities for displacement and hydraulic gradient on cracks are considered on the microlevel. Then the governing equation for water migration in concrete as a homogeneous and a nonhomogeneous material is developed by coupling the mass conservation law and the force equilibrium. Therefore, it is possible to apply the developed model not only to cement-based material but also to porous permeable material like soil material and rock. However, the applicability of the developed model must be confirmed by comparing the experimental results.  相似文献   

A procedure called water wiping is developed to measure the amount of water intercepted by the canopy of winter wheat under sprinkler irrigation. Macromolecule bibulous materials with high water absorption is used to collect sprinkler water intercepted by winter wheat canopy by wiping water from leaves, sheathes, heads, and stems. A procedure is developed for application and verified using field experiments. The results show that this method is rational and applicable. This method could be used to measure canopy interception of other crops with small leaves and short heights.  相似文献   

The study investigates the effects of polymer additives on sprinkler performance. Experiments were carried out on a medium-pressure sprinkler to determine the effect of polymer additives. Two kinds of polymer additives with several concentrations were used: a low molecular weight polymer, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and a high molecular weight polymer, polyacrylamide. The results show that with polymer additives the radius of throw and the sprinkler flow rate increase. The jet is slightly affected. Generally, polyacrylamide shows better results than sodium carboxymethylcellulose.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that can predict the load-deformation response of a reinforced concrete (RC) member subjected to torsion combined with bending and shear to spalling or ultimate capacity. The model can also be used to create interaction surfaces to predict the failure of a member subjected to different ratios of applied torsion, bending, and shear. The model idealizes the sides of an reinforced concrete member as shear “wall panels.” The applied loads are distributed to the wall panels as uniform normal stresses and uniform shear stresses. The shear stress due to an applied torsional moment and shear force are summed over the thickness of the shear flow zone. Stress-strain relationships are adopted for tension stiffening and softened concrete in compression. The crack alignment rotates to remain normal to the principal tensile stress and the contribution of concrete in shear is neglected. The model has been validated by comparing the predicted and experimental behavior of members loaded under torsion combined with different ratios of bending and shear. The torque-twist behavior, reinforcement stress, and concrete surface strain predicted by the model were in agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

莲麓一级水电站工程区位于甘肃省西南部渭源、康乐两县交界处的洮河干流上,为无调节河床式水电站,电站总装机容量66 MW。施工导流设计结合工程总体布置采用两期导流,一期利用先期完建后的左侧明渠泄流;二期利用一期建成的三孔泄冲闸泄流的导流方式。坝址两岸岸坡陡峻,相对河床内分期导流而言,河谷狭窄,可以利用的施工场地不足,加之基础砂卵石覆盖厚达8~16 m。导流设计是施工组织设计的重点和难点。采用复合型围堰和多种防渗措施,有效控制渗流,大大节约投资。  相似文献   

Modeling of Early-Age Creep of Shotcrete. I: Model and Model Parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, creep and viscous flow are revisited from the standpoint of constitutive modeling of thermo-chemo-mechanical couplings in early-age concrete. Within the framework of closed reactive porous media, creep is modeled by means of two mechanisms: a stress-induced water movement within the macropores and a relaxation mechanism in the micropores of cement gel, both of which lead to aging effects on creep and viscous flow of concrete. Regarding the first creep mechanism, aging results from chemomechanical couplings. Concerning the second mechanism, long-term aging is attributed to the relaxation of microprestresses in the micropores. Following the formulation of the model, it is shown how the material parameters can be identified from creep tests performed at different ages of loading. Finally, the model is applied to shotcrete, for which proper experimental data are missing.  相似文献   

Multisurface Chemoplasticity. I: Material Model for Shotcrete   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Employing a thermodynamic framework, chemomechanical couplings for shotcrete are treated in this paper. A new material model based on multisurface chemoplasticity is presented. It accounts for hydration kinetics and chemomechanical couplings related to the strength growth and the evolution of stiffness properties as well as for autogeneous shrinkage in early-age shotcrete. The underlying intrinsic material functions, which are independent of field and boundary conditions, are determined from standard material tests. As for the numerical treatment of the constitutive equations of the material model, an extended form of the return mapping algorithm is proposed. The constitutive equations are applied to a two-surface chemoplastic model, consisting of a Drucker-Prager loading surface and a tension cut-off. In a companion paper, the proposed material model is employed for 2D structural analyses of tunnels driven according to the New Austrian Tunneling Method.  相似文献   

A model was recently proposed for predicting the load-deformation response of a reinforced concrete member under torsion combined with bending and shear to spalling or ultimate. This paper shows the application of the model to create interaction surfaces to predict the failure of a member subjected to different ratios of applied torsion, bending, and shear. The model was validated by comparing the predicted and experimental behavior of 28 members from three experimental studies available in the literature. The members were loaded under torsion combined with different ratios of bending, and shear. The torque-twist behavior, reinforcement stress, and concrete surface strain predicted by the model were in close agreement with the experiments. This paper also describes how the model can be applied to create interaction surfaces. The interaction curves predicted by the model were validated by comparing the predicted and experimental capacities of 17 specimens available in the literature.  相似文献   

The success of irrigation system operation and planning depends on the quantification of supply and demand and equitable distribution of supply to meet the demand if possible, or to minimize the gap between the supply and demand. Most of the irrigation literature mainly focuses on the demand and distribution aspects only. In addition, irrigation projects that receive water from a reservoir can be challenging to manage as annual fluctuations in runoff from the reservoir’s catchment can have considerable impact on the irrigation management strategy. This study focuses on the development of an integrated reservoir-based canal irrigation model (IRCIM) that includes catchment hydrologic modeling, reservoir water balance, command hydrologic modeling, and a rotational canal irrigation management system. The front end of the IRCIM is developed in Visual Basic 6.0, whereas the back-end coding is done in C language. The graphical user interface is the most important feature of the model, as it provides a better interaction between the model and its user. The IRCIM has a modular structure that consists of three modules, viz., catchment module, reservoir module, and crop water demand module. The catchment module predicts daily runoff from the catchment that inflows to the reservoir. Depending on the data availability, this module is provided with the flexibility of choosing between the Soil Conservation Service’s curve number method combined with the Muskingum routing technique, and an artificial neural network technique using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. The reservoir module is based on conservation of mass approach, and results in daily reservoir storage. The crop water demand module is comprised of water-balance models for both paddy and field crops. The irrigation management system serves as the program flow controller for the model and runs the required module when needed. For postseason evaluation of the irrigation system, performance indicators such as adequacy, efficiency, equity, and dependability are used. In a companion paper, the model is applied for Kangsabati Irrigation Project, West Bengal, India.  相似文献   

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