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This paper presents a new protocol for statistical multiplexing of bursty data traffic in the forward (base-to-mobile) link of a wireless wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) system using orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) codes. At the heart of the protocol is an efficient scheduling algorithm that dynamically assigns an OVSF code to a mobile user on a timeslot-by-timeslot basis and allows many users with bursty traffic to share a limited set of OVSF codes. An important feature of our protocol is that it can provide a heterogeneous data rate guarantee to each mobile user and fully utilize the system capacity. Moreover, the unreserved bandwidth of the network can be shared fairly among competing mobile users 相似文献
Considers an N×N nonblocking, space division, input queuing ATM cell switch, and a class of Markovian models for cell arrivals on each of its inputs. The traffic at each input comprises geometrically distributed bursts of cells, each burst destined for a particular output. The inputs differ in the burstiness of the offered traffic, with burstiness being characterized in terms of the average burst length. We analyze burst delays where some inputs receive traffic with low burstiness and others receive traffic with higher burstiness. Three policies for head-of-the-line contention resolution are studied: two static priority policies [shorter-expected-burst-length-first (SEBF), longer-expected-burst-length-first (LEBF)] and random selection (RS). Direct queuing analysis is used to obtain approximations for asymptotic high and low priority mean burst delays with the priority policies. Simulation is used for obtaining mean burst delays for finite N and for the random selection policy. As the traffic burstiness increases, the asymptotic analysis can serve as a good approximation only for large switch sizes. Qualitative performance comparisons based on the asymptotic analysis are, however, found to continue to hold for finite switch sizes. It is found that the SEBF policy yields the best delay performance over a wide range of loads, while RS lies in between. SEBF drastically reduces the delay of the less bursty traffic while only slightly increasing the delay of the more bursty traffic. LEBF causes severe degradation in the delay of less bursty traffic, while only marginally improving the delays of the more bursty traffic. RS can be an adequate compromise if there is no prior knowledge of input traffic burstiness 相似文献
A statistical multiplexer supporting a number of bursty sources is modeled as a discrete time, single server queueing system with an infinite buffer. The probability generating function (PGF) method is used to analyze the queueing behavior. The PGF method requires the determination of a large number of boundary values and, hence, the roots of the characteristic equation. An iterative algorithm to evaluate the characteristic roots is proposed. When the arrival process is a superposition of independent processes, a decomposition approach is used to reduce the state space involved in the computational algorithm. Additionally, the computational algorithm is made efficient through the establishment of conditions under which all the roots are either real or nonnegative real numbers. A set of equations to recursively compute the moments of the queue length are established. Sample applications of the computational methods to evaluate the performance of a multiplexer supporting voice and video sources, modeled by two-state Markov and L-state MMPP processes, respectively, demonstrate the viability of the proposed methods 相似文献
Performance evaluation of multiple input-queued ATM switches withPIM scheduling under bursty traffic
In this letter, we analyze the performance of multiple input-queued asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches that use parallel iterative matching (PIM) for scheduling the transmission of head-of-line cells in the input queues. A queueing model of the switch is developed under independently, identically distributed, two-state Markov modulated Bernoulli processes bursty traffic. The underlying Markov chain of the queueing model is a quasi-birth-death (QBD) chain. The QBD chain is solved using an iterative computing method. Interesting performance metrics of the ATM switch such as the throughput, the mean cell delay, and the cell loss probability can be derived from the model. Numerical results from both the analytical model and simulation are presented, and the accuracy of the analysis is briefly discussed 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the analysis of an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) multiplexer serving bursty applications such as voice, image, and high-speed data. The model used is a GI
/D/1 discrete-time single-server queueing system: the arrival process is a superposition of several random processes, and the departure process is a deterministic with a FCFS discipline. The difficulty in solving such a queueing system depends on the model chosen for the individual traffic sources. For the case in which the cell arrival stream from the individual sources is modeled as a Bernouli process, an exact solution is possible. The problem with such a model is that it does not incorporate the effect of burst length, which has been shown through simulation experiments to have a significant effect on the performance. A more realistic model that takes into consideration the impact of the burst length is considered in this study. In particular, an alternating-state Markov process is chosen to model the individual arrival stream.The solution of a GI
/D/1 queueing system with the arrival process being a superposition of several renewal processes is in general intractable. This paper obtained a new approximation we refer to as the three-parameters approximation (TPA). This approximation was based on the asymptotic properties of the aggregate traffic and the congestion estimates from the simulation experiments. The TPA solution was found to be dependent on three parameters: number of sources, overall traffic intensity at the queue, and multiplexing factor. The TPA is an improvement of a previous approximation developed in analyzing packet voice system.In addition, the study determined an optimal operating point for the ATM multiplexer and the ATM switch that takes into account the tradeoff between delay and throughput. In particular, an optimal operating point is specified by the traffic loading that maximizes the queueing power. This optimal operating point is used to contrast the performance of ATM with synchronous transfer mode (STM). 相似文献
Multiclass CDMA systems, which support multiple services with various quality of service (QoS) requirements, are studied. The focus is on the reverse link capacity and application of macrodiversity with maximal ratio combining (MMRC), where the signals from each mobile station (MS) are received by multiple base stations (BSs) and coherently combined. A simple analytical solution is first derived for the multiclass reverse link carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR). Using this CIR solution, a simple capacity analysis is developed in terms of the QoS requirements. Finally, the analysis is fully supported by simulation results 相似文献
Three approaches to the bandwidth management problem that have been proposed and studied by various groups are reviewed to illustrate three distinctly different approaches and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Based on these approaches, a bandwidth management and congestion control scheme for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks that supports both point-to-point and one-to-many multicast virtual circuits is proposed. It is shown that the method can handle fully heterogeneous traffic and can be effectively implemented. The algorithm for making virtual circuit acceptance decisions is straightforward and fast, and the hardware mechanisms needed to implement buffer allocation and traffic monitoring at the user-network interface have acceptable complexities. It is also shown, through numerical examples, that the approach can achieve reasonable link efficiencies even in the presence of very bursty traffic. No advance reservation required, simplifying the interface between the network and the user and avoiding an initial network round trip delay before data can be transmitted 相似文献
Lu Guanghong 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》1998,15(4):339-346
This paper introduces two source models: MAP(Markovian arrival process) model for the traffic with correlation and burst, e.g., voice, video, etc. and PAP(Poisson arrival process) model for the traffic with non-correlation, such as data, etc. Then a movable boundary bandwidth access policy is chosen.Basing on above model, the performance measures, e.g., mean waiting time and loss probability,especially the queue length time distribution are obtained. Finally, a number of numerical results are provided and shown through simulation. 相似文献
We model the shared buffer ATM switch as a discrete-time queueing system. The arrival process to each port of the ATM switch is assumed to be bursty and it is modelled by an interrupted Bernoulli process. The discrete-time queueing system is analyzed approximately. It is first decomposed into subsystems, and then each subsystem is analyzed separately. The results from the subsystems are combined together through an iterative scheme. The analysis of each subsystem involves the construction of the superposition of all the arrival processes to the switch. Comparisons with simulation data showed that the approximate results have a good accuracy.Supported in part by DARPA under Grant No. DAEA18-90-C-0039.Work done while on a sabbatical leave of absence at the Computer Science Department of North Carolina State University. 相似文献
In this paper, a simplified practical method for dimensioning asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) systems is proposed. Packet switching services are classified into two categories: connection-oriented packet switching (COPS) with quality of service (QoS) guaranteed and connection-less packet switching (CLPS) on a best effort basis. A new control scheme is proposed for maintaining the cell-level QoS requirement for the COPS even in overload conditions. A dimensioning method is also proposed for the system where the COPS is served with nonpreemptive priority over the CLPS. The methods proposed are expected to contribute to the realization of robust and economical ATM systems 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1962,9(1):32-34
Designers of multicavity klystrons, faced with decisions in connection with the drift length/gain/efficiency compromise, can find theoretical treatment in an alarming variety of literature based both on the space-charge wave and the ballistic-electron-bunching theory. The only papers which effectively combine both theories are those of Webber [1], [2], in which a large number of curves representing considerable diversity of conditions have been computed. It has been found that, at the cost of a small error, a rearrangement of these results leads to useful universal curves (Fig. 1) enabling rapid decision making with regard to the effficiency/gain/ drift length compromise, in most situations. Gain calculations using Fig. 2 have given good agreement with practical results. 相似文献
In this paper, we present an approximation for the probability of cell loss of heterogeneous bursty traffic in broadband integrated packet networks based on the asynchronous transfer mode. The sources considered here alternate between active and silent periods and are characterized by their peak and average transmission rates. The cell loss probability is obtained by considering only the number of active sources at a given time and computing the amount of traffic that exceeds the link capacity. Since the amount of buffered excess traffic is not considered in this computation, this approximation is actually an upper bound of the cell loss probability. The numerical efficiency of this bound enables it to be used as a measure based on which robust and simple resource allocation strategies can be developed for bursty sources. Comparison of this bound with the simulation results has shown that the bound is close to the actual loss probabilities especially for large burst lengths and high utilizations. 相似文献
Liao Jianxin Li Lemin Sun Hairong 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》1997,14(2):133-139
Traditional packet switching networks have typically employed window-based congestion control schemes in order to regulate traffic flow. In ATM networks, the high speed of the communication links and the varied nature of the carried traffic make such schemes inappropriate. Therefore, simpler and more efficient schemes have to be proposed to improve the congestion control for ATM switching. This paper presents an exact performance analysis of ATM switching whose inputs consist of Continuous-Bit-Rate(CBR) and bursty traffic. The CBR traffic and bursty traffic are described by Bernoulli process and the Interrupted Bernoulli Process(IBP), respectively. Bursty traffic smoothing mechanism is analyzed. With the use of a recursive algorithm, the cell loss probability and the average delay for ATM switching of mixed CBR and bursty traffic are exactly calculated. Traffic smoothing could be implemented at a slower peak rate keeping the average rate constant or decreasing the average bursty length. Both numerical a 相似文献
Zhensheng Zhang 《International Journal of Communication Systems》1991,4(3):191-203
In this paper, we carry out an exact analysis of a discrete-time queue system with a number of independent Markov modulated inputs in ATM networks, using a generating function approach. We assume that the queueing system has an infinite buffer with M servers. The cell arrival process is characterized by a number of independent Markov modulated geometrical batch arrival processes. We first obtain the generating function of the queue-size distribution at steady-state in vector form, then derive an expression for the average queue-size in terms of the unknown boundary probabilities. To obtain those unknown probabilities, we use the technique proposed in Reference 1. This involves decomposing the system characteristic function to evaluate the roots and solving a set of linear equations. One of the contributions of this paper is presented in Lemma 1, which characterizes the property of the underlying eigenvalues. For one special case of at least M-1 cell arrivals during one slot at one Markov state and of at least M arrivals at all other states, the determination of the unknowns is straightforward. If every Markov modulated arrival process can be further decomposed into a number of i.i.d. two-state, or three-state, or even four-state Markov modulated arrival processes, then each root can be obtained separately using an iterative algorithm. Numerical results are presented to validate the proposed traffic models against actual traffic measurements. 相似文献
A simplified fixed-complexity sphere decoder (SFSD) with much lower computational cost than that of the original fixed-complexity sphere decoder (FSD) has been developed for signal detection in vertical Bell Laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST) systems. Simulation results on a 16-QAM system with 8 transmit and 8 receive antennas show that the SFSD can attain the near-optimal performance with a cost that is about 37% of the counterpart of the original FSD. 相似文献
The performance of ARQ systems can be improved by combining current and prior transmissions at the receiver. Two techniques
for combining outputs in a packet-based communication system are presented. In both techniques the fundamental unit of retransmission
is a packet, and the fundamental unit of combining is a codeword. The techniques are analyzed for a bursty channel and a system
that employs Reed–Solomon coding and bounded-distance errors-and-erasures decoding. Performance results show that the packet-combining
schemes provide significant gains in throughput and reductions in error probability when compared with a system that does
not employ combining.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Eight specific architectures for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching systems are compared: the Knockout, Sunshine, Lee's, Tandem Banyan, Shuffleout, and three variations on buffered Benes networks. The differences between switching systems, based on architectural choices rather than details of implementation are discussed. Several broad categories of systems based on high-level architecture choices are considered. Within each category one or more alternatives are reviewed, and an equation for the chip count for each alternative is developed. The equations are used to make plots of chip count for each network over a range of parametric values 相似文献
A bursty traffic model is introduced in this paper to describe the statistical characteristics of packet video. The performance of leady bucket algorithm with bursty traffic input is analyzed. The influences of various parameters on QOS (Quality of Service) are investigated. The analysis shows that although the loss probability decreases through expanding the buffer capacity, the delay and delay jitter increase, whose effect on QOS will not be negligible. 相似文献