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王艳  杨文妍 《包装工程》2018,39(16):233-235
目的探讨设计从"有我之境"到"无我之境"的过程中,物境、情境、意境理论在现代设计中的价值认知与应用策略。方法通过对设计中"三层境界"的研究,明确其与设计本质的关系;通过追寻"物境"、"情境"和"意境"的层阶关系,及其在设计中的运用和体现,从物境下的"有我之境"至情境下的"物我观照"、再到意境下的"无我之境"。结论当今时代设计的消费浪潮背景下,寻求设计的意境,主张从设计的"有我之境"到"无我之境"升华,具有设计伦理意义。这种设计思想与实践对于今后设计发展具有超前性和先验性。从"境界说"概念、以及物境"用思"、情境"驰思"、意境"而思之于心,则得其真矣"的研究,寻求设计中"有我之境"到"无我之境"的启示。  相似文献   

<正>南昌高新区紧紧依靠"战略性新兴产业"和"城市化"的"双轮驱动",实现了从"产业孤岛"向"科技新城"的嬗变,奏响一首动人的"产业"与"城市"协奏曲。行走在高新区街头,宽阔整洁的主干道两旁耸立着雄伟的总部大厦,风格  相似文献   

叶芳 《标准生活》2014,(12):53-54
<正>制锁与开锁的关系被比喻成"盾"和"矛","盾"想成为最结实的防守队员,"矛"拥有刺穿一切的野心。但现在,"矛"因为勤奋而技高一筹,它对于对手的动作有着更为积极的反应、更加藐视的态度,更具"进取"色彩的价值观,如果没人喊停,它便准备一直战斗下去。但"盾"似乎早早便偃旗息鼓,它躲在先辈们打造的坚固"城墙"下,怀抱着美好的理想,停止了追逐梦想,不再探索自己的思想,对"矛"的虎视眈眈视而不见。"盾"和"矛"的较量早已陷入僵局,是什么让现在的"战场"得以保全?它们将会有怎样的结局?  相似文献   

"城中村"整治方案的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪春林 《硅谷》2008,(11):183-183
通过我国"城中村"与西方的"贫民窟"相比较及我国各地针对"城中树"改造的方法与对策,总结"城中村"改造的经验,研究新时代"城中村"的整治方案.  相似文献   

唐伟群 《工业计量》2006,16(Z1):231-233
文章分别诠释了测量设备的"计量确认"与"检定"的定义和解释,分析了"计量确认"与"检定"之区别,并明确说明"计量确认"不等于"检定".对企业应如何确定测量设备的计量要求,做好测量设备的"计量验证",完成"计量确认"记录工作做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

书籍封面设计中的“象”与“意”   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
潜铁宇  王文 《包装工程》2014,35(10):95-98,116
目的研究书籍封面设计的"象"与"意"之间的表现形式和相互关系。方法书籍封面所具有的文化特性出发,阐述封面设计"意"的来源与作用,分析封面设计"象"的构思、编排及"意"的表达。结论书籍封面设计是"象"和"意"的艺术,"象"是躯体并依附于"意","意"是灵魂,表现为"象",又决定"象"。  相似文献   

通过对"互联网+产品设计"的核心内容及设计流程的全面研究,发现"互联网+"背景下产品设计的新模式与新思路。重点分析了"互联网+"背景下,商业模式、用户、产品等属性发生变化的情况,发现传统产品设计理论正在不断受到"羊毛出在猪身上"、"网红经济"、"快速迭代"等互联网理论的冲击。深入研究了当下比较热门的"贴身定制"、"众筹模式"、"设计服务众包"等产品设计新模式,为"大众创业,万众创新"实现之路进行探索。  相似文献   

任冰  任琼  任重 《包装工程》2005,26(3):225-227
从"信息"、"情报"概念及其基本属性入手,揭示包装情报的涵义,认为包装情报是科技情报的一个分支,包装情报工作是科研工作.从情报工作"三论"--"资源论"、"经济论"、"决定论",论述包装情报工作的意义.  相似文献   

论似与不似与标志的形和意   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张军 《包装工程》2011,32(8):89-92
从"天人合一"、"中庸之道"哲学思想入手,论述了中国传统绘画"似与不似"造型原则的本质内涵,阐明了中国文化对艺术的影响,结合标志设计中的"形"和"意",提出图形设计中"具象"与"抽象"、"象征"与"隐喻"是对"似与不似之妙"的追求和表达。认为研究本土审美哲学,从传统艺术形式的内容和表现手段中汲取精髓,是传承中国传统文化创新设计理念,实现真正意义上的设计"本土语言"的必由之路。  相似文献   

近年来,永丰县以实施"食品放心工程"为主线,以推进"标准化建设"为重点,按照"政府统一领导,部门指导协调,各方联合行动"的工作格局和"标本兼治,着力治本"的工作方针,前移监管关口,实施"种植—上市—加工—销售"全过程管理,食品安全保障水平得到全面提升。  相似文献   

Lea Velho 《Scientometrics》1987,11(1-2):59-70
This article is a reply to Moravcsik's interpretation of my results on Brazilian agricultural research. The argument here is that publication and citation data obtained within a specific country can hardly be compared to those offered by international databases such as that of ISI. Furthermore, publication and citation data must be interpreted in the light of qualitative information if they, are to be of any use for science policy. Finally, the conclusions drawn in my previous paper are reinforced here by the supplying of additional information.  相似文献   

Within the 1800 to 1900 my old Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt, Amisk Group volcanics are overlain by Missi Group fluvial sediments. Several localities along the Missi-Amisk contact, the volcanics show evidence of subaerial weathering. Field relationships, mineralogical evidence, and chemical analyses confirm that this alteration zone is a paleosol. Pedogenic fabrics and mineralogy were somewhat obscured by greenschist-grade metamorphism associated with the Hudsonian orogeny (1750 my). This is especially true in the upper meter of the paleosol, where metamorphic paragonite and sericitic micas developed in a crenulated fabric. This metamorphism did not, however, obliterate the imprint of weathering on the Amisk volcanics. Features characteristic of well-drained modern soils are evident in the paleosol. Corestones of spheroidally weathered pillow lavas occur at depth within the paleosol (Cr horizon). The corestones decrease in size upward and eventually disappear into a hematite-rich horizon at the top of the paleosol. These macroscopic changes are accompanied by a decrease in CaO and MgO and by an increase in Al2O3, TiO2, and total iron toward the paleosol-Missi contact. Ferrous iron decreases upward toward the contact; FeO was apparently oxidized to ferric iron and retained within the paleosol during weathering. The oxidation and retention of iron within the Flin Flon paleosol indicates that PO2 was probably > or = 10(-2) P.A.L. at the time of weathering. The behavior of iron in the Flin Flon paleosol contrasts sharply with its behavior in the 2200 my Hekpoort paleosol, which is strongly depleted in iron. This difference suggests that a significant increase in the ratio of PO2/PCO2 in the atmosphere took place between 2200 and 1800 mybp.  相似文献   

It is my purpose in this editorial to offer some highly personal and likely controversial views on the state of statistics and the quality profession. These views are based on my personal experiences and prejudices-especially those of my 10 years as an independent statistical consultant. I wish to particularly absolve my current employer, Merck and Company, and my colleagues there of any guilt by association. The opinions rendered here are entirely my own and in no way represent Merck's practices or policies, Mea culpa.  相似文献   


For more than ten years there has been an ever increasing demand for photos that I took showing scenes of Jewish refugees during their years of exile in Shanghai (figure 1). But it had never been my intention, or within my resources, to create a photographic record of the Jewish refugee community which had lived in Shanghai during the Second World War. All this came about rather incidentally. Like most young children, I was fascinated by photography, but the purchase of what I would call a ‘real’ camera was always beyond my financial resources. When I arrived in Shanghai in 1938 I did not even own a camera, but my brother had an Agfa box camera. Such a camera had a fixed-focus lens, and only a single shutter speed, but in good light, on any sunny day, it produced perfectly acceptable pictures. This most basic camera became available to me because my brother had different interests.  相似文献   


This is a difficult conference to review. It is particularly difficult as your reviewer comes from the margins of the discipline of his tory of photography; but then, all reviews are from a single, personal viewpoint (as are most photographs) and may not necessarily reflect an audience consensus. So, I shall begin by saying that this was not what I had expected. Had I been a mainstream art historian, still flushed with youthful enthusiasm, I might have loved it; but age, experience and a profound uneasiness about my own lack of wisdom left me with the distinct impression of the curate's egg. This conference was ‘good in parts’.  相似文献   

Iam a 16-year home hemodialysis patient using the buttonhole method of needle insertion into my arteriovenous fistula. From the beginning of my home training I was taught to stick myself. Like most patients, I was taught to rotate needle sites up and down my arm. I used this method for 10 years. In 1990, I learned about the buttonhole technique; I started using it and am still using it today with great success. In this method needles are inserted in the exact same holes. There is no pain with this technique, and there is a great sense of confidence in having fixed, well-known sites; I am certain to have a successful stick almost every time. The buttonhole technique practically eliminated infiltrations. Since I see no reason why the buttonhole sites cannot be used on a daily basis, I am looking forward to using the technique when daily hemodialysis becomes available.  相似文献   

This paper is a rebuttal of the criticism by Hagel and Pless of my 2005 article in which I dispute the conclusion of a Cochrane Collaboration review that all types of standard bicycle helmet protect against injury to the brain. The main ground of rebuttal is that my critics take the relevant efficacy of helmets as given and argue from there.  相似文献   


It is a pleasure for me to be a speaker at this conference, to share the podium with a friend and former colleague, Merve Schumate, of the FDA and also to have the opportunity to appear for the first time with Dr. Parariello of Wyeth Laboratories. The title for this morning's session, “Optimizing the Interaction Between the Food and Drug Administration and the Industry”, is an interesting one. As I was preparing my remarks, I wondered if they would be different if I was giving this talk to an FDA seminar at the agency or at the Public Citizen Litigation Group, Nader's organization. If I was talking to Dr. Sidney Wolf of the Litigation Group, I m sure that his optimization plan between FDA and the Industry would be tied to the concept of having open files, everything in writing and memoranda for all meetings. I feel fairly certain that Dr. Wolf would wish to have the opportunity to have either himself or one of his colleagues attend any of the meetings that they thought worthy of their time and effort. Now if I was an FDA reviewer and was talking about optimizing the interaction, I would see Industry representatives submitting well researched NDA files and supplements. These Industry representives would quickly understand and appreciate the wisdom of my request for additional studies, more data for the NDA, and the use of certain terms and concepts in relationship to labeling and promotional activities. They would find my suggestion of a patient package insert to be extremely helpful. On the other hand, if I were to become one of Dr. Papariello's researchers, I'm sure that I would see optimization of the system occur when my explanation to the FDA reviewer was quickly understood, all my views on the relationship of the data to the study submitted were accepted without question, and the agency looked most favorably on everything that was submitted to support the application.  相似文献   

It is a pleasure for me to be a speaker at this conference, to share the podium with a friend and former colleague, Merve Schumate, of the FDA and also to have the opportunity to appear for the first time with Dr. Parariello of Wyeth Laboratories. The title for this morning's session, “Optimizing the Interaction Between the Food and Drug Administration and the Industry”, is an interesting one. As I was preparing my remarks, I wondered if they would be different if I was giving this talk to an FDA seminar at the agency or at the Public Citizen Litigation Group, Nader's organization. If I was talking to Dr. Sidney Wolf of the Litigation Group, I m sure that his optimization plan between FDA and the Industry would be tied to the concept of having open files, everything in writing and memoranda for all meetings. I feel fairly certain that Dr. Wolf would wish to have the opportunity to have either himself or one of his colleagues attend any of the meetings that they thought worthy of their time and effort. Now if I was an FDA reviewer and was talking about optimizing the interaction, I would see Industry representatives submitting well researched NDA files and supplements. These Industry representives would quickly understand and appreciate the wisdom of my request for additional studies, more data for the NDA, and the use of certain terms and concepts in relationship to labeling and promotional activities. They would find my suggestion of a patient package insert to be extremely helpful. On the other hand, if I were to become one of Dr. Papariello's researchers, I'm sure that I would see optimization of the system occur when my explanation to the FDA reviewer was quickly understood, all my views on the relationship of the data to the study submitted were accepted without question, and the agency looked most favorably on everything that was submitted to support the application.  相似文献   

A great number of engineering students work alone most of the time. This is in sharp contrast with industry where most of the work is performed in teams. The ability to work in a team effectively is not acquired automatically. It takes interpersonal and social skills which need to be developed and practiced. In addition, research shows that the student-student interaction, often neglected in traditional ways of teaching, is a most effective way of learning. Thus, it is imperative that we encourage our students to work with each other in their efforts to achieve their educational goals. In this paper I discuss my experience with Cooperative Learning (CL) in a variety of engineering courses during the last four years. The discussion includes benefits and problems along with possible solutions. Lastly, I have made an effort to evaluate the impact of CL on student performance and attitude.  相似文献   

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