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The importance of suitable, affordable housing in promoting the well-being of children is widely acknowledged. However, despite growing interest in geographic differences in child well-being, little is known about the spatial distribution of characteristics associated with housing disadvantage for Australian children. This paper seeks to develop knowledge in this area by creating a headline indicator of child housing disadvantage. It uses spatially disaggregated Census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing 2006 capturing overcrowding, public housing tenure and dwelling type, and creates synthetic estimates of housing stress using spatial microsimulation techniques. These variables are then combined into a single index of housing disadvantage. Next, the spatial microsimulation techniques and index creation methodology are described, and the results of the validation process, including sensitivity analysis of alternative index creation approaches, are presented.  相似文献   

This article analyses housing provision for Indigenous populations in remote communities, focusing particularly on the Indigenous Australian population. It uses a 'best practice' framework to do this. It then develops a model of best practice which is used to evaluate remote area Indigenous housing in terms of four stages and six components of housing provision. After summarising the results of the application of the model to some 26 examples, with more detailed analysis of two of them, it reaches conclusions about elements of best practice in remote area Indigenous housing, about best practice methodology and about the wider applicability of the model.  相似文献   

1960年以来,法国机动性发生了巨大变化。每人出行里程的增加值数倍于1950年之前所观测的增长数。这些变化聚焦于人们的出行行为,并通过调查可以观察得到,同时,这些变化也致力阐明演变机制中的个人意愿和责任。另一方面,聚焦于个人行为并不意味着人们是这一变化的主要决定者。政治立场、社会代表性、与城市化节奏相关的需求、投资政策等等,对形成今天的机动性都起到了关键作用。本文将所谓的"需求方"和"供给方"整合于同一视角,我们将首先描述1960年和2000年机动性系统的统计特征,然后将其划分为三个时期。针对每一个时期,集中讨论三个问题:居民的观念和需求、决策者对形势的理解、机动性领域向研究者提出的问题。然后我们聚焦于法兰西岛地区,一个拥有1200万人口的大都市区域。  相似文献   

1960年以来,法国机动性发生了巨大变化.每人出行里程的增加值数倍干1950年之前所观测的增长数.这些变化聚焦于人们的出行行为,并通过调查可以观察得到,同时,这些变化也致力阐明演变机制中的个人意愿和责任.另一方面,聚焦于个人行为并不意味着人们是这一变化的主要决定者.政治立场、社会代表性,与城市化节奏相关的需求、投资政策等等,对形成今天的机动性都起到了关键作用.本文将所谓的"需求方"和"供给方"整合于同一视角,我们将首先描述1960年和2000年机动性系统的统计特征,然后将其划分为三个时期.针对每一个时期,集中讨论三个问题:居民的观念和需求、决策者对形势的理解、机动性领域向研究者提出的问题.然后我们聚焦于法兰西岛地区,一个拥有1 200万人口的大都市区域.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(4):635-648
In this paper, a new constitutive model is proposed to describe the mechanical behaviors of soils under different loading conditions. New evolution equations for the development of stress-induced anisotropy and the change of overconsolidation of soils are proposed. By combining systematically the above two evolution equations with the evolution equation for the structure of soil proposed by Asaoka et al. (2002), the newly proposed model is able to describe not only the mechanical behavior of soils under monotonic loading, but also the behavior of soils under cyclic loading with different drained condition. Special attention is paid to the behavior of sand subjected to cyclic loading under undrained condition. That is, for given sand with different densities, very loose sand may liquefy without cyclic mobility, medium dense sand will liquefy with cyclic mobility while dense sand will not liquefy, which is just controlled by the density, the structure and the anisotropy of the sand. A suitable model should uniquely describe this behavior without changing its parameters. Present research will show the possibility of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Kath Hulse 《Housing Studies》2014,29(8):1028-1044
This article proposes that single housing tenure categories do not enable an understanding of the ways in which households use, occupy and own residential properties in the context of broad demographic, economic and social changes. Adapting work on sub-tenure housing choice, housing tenure is overlaid with ownership of residential property to develop four tenure types: Owner, Owner-Owner, Renter and Renter-Owner. Applying this typology in the Australian case provides valuable new insights, with 1.5 million households having dual housing tenure status, including almost one in eight private renters. More broadly, reconceptualising housing tenure to include ownership of other residential property can contribute to theoretical debates about household income and wealth; social status and identity; and social practices and life planning, potentially generating new research questions such as the extent to which Renter-Owners reflect new patterns of living or a response to affordability constraints, and the social identity and political affiliations of those with a dual tenure status.  相似文献   

Discussions of housing policy generally either ignore housing law or treat it as a passive instrument for policy implementation. More attention needs to be paid to a theoretical analysis of housing law, especially in the light of growing legal regulation. Critical instrumentalism and discourse analysis offer possible alternatives to the usual pragmatic instrumental approach. Critical instrumentalism provides a historical understanding of legal rights and enables a reflection on the role of the law in promoting democratic accountability. Discourse analysis enables a reflection on the use of power and the conditions for the enforcement of the law. Critical instrumentalism and discourse analysis possess internal theoretical debates and also involve contrasting views of society. They may, however, be related to one another in a pragmatic search for a workable analytical framework.  相似文献   

Recent governments in Britain have sought to attract financial institutions into private rental housing in order to increase the scale, professionalism and reputation of the sector and thereby to 'modernise' private landlordism. In 1996, in order to provide an attractive vehicle for the financial institutions to invest in the sector, the government introduced legislation permitting the establishment of housing investment trusts. These residential property companies have a reduced tax liability compared with normal property companies. However, no housing investment trusts have so far been established and none seem likely to be set up. This paper reports on qualitative interviews with financial institutions to examine why housing investment trusts have proved to be a policy failure. It is argued that the rules governing such trusts did not reflect the normal operations of a property company and that the existing structure of housing provision in the private rented sector was itself an obstacle to the modernisation of private landlordism.  相似文献   

Employing a long-term perspective, we explore whether ideologically rooted quality outcomes of housing provision under communism have persisted during the post-communist construction of housing markets. Drawing on theories of path-dependent change, we hypothesize that patterns of housing quality still reflect past lines of division, namely the Soviet housing model, and the classical and reformist models of the Eastern Bloc. Using a critical-realist approach to housing quality, we relate households’ experiences to key underlying structures; this ontological depth is then operationalized by means of micro- and macro-indicators used as input for hierarchical cluster analyses. Findings support our main hypothesis, yet there is more diversity in households’ experiences than initially assumed. Our study advances a valuable middle-range epistemological frame for understanding the complex social reality of housing and helps shatter the growing view that communist housing systems were all too similar.  相似文献   

The 'undivided city' has become a major policy aim of today's local urban politicians. Therefore, adequate insight in the relevant dimensions affecting the urban social divide seems to be required, if only to be able to formulate proper policy strategies. However, whereas the literature reveals that various factors are responsible for the rise of divided cities, with perhaps global economic restructuring processes and welfare state differences as the most central elements to the understanding of divisions in cities, local politicians tend to focus on local (area-based) policies. These relevant dimensions, their relative position and the potential of local-based urban policies are the subjects of this special issue. Special attention will be given to the local economic revitalisation and local housing redifferentiation strategies. A simultaneous consideration of relevant dimensions at local, national and global level seems to be required to attain a better understanding of (un)divided cities.  相似文献   

住宅建筑工业化与新型住宅结构体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展对建筑技术提出了新的要求,提高工业化水平,促进住宅产业化和现代化的发展是我国住宅业发展的必由之路.针对可持续发展对建筑创新的要求,从住宅建筑工业化发展趋势和水平出发,分析了当前适合工业化发展的新型住宅结构体系,提出在我国工业化不等于全装配化,发展适合工业化的建筑结构体系,需要注意立足现有条件、吸取国内外经验教训、立足本国与引进国外先进技术相结合,标准化和多样性相结合,顺应可持续发展的要求进行技术集成.最后指出新型钢混凝土组合结构应当是符合当前我国住宅工业化发展的重要方向.  相似文献   

容积率与面积标准的双重制约下,深圳公共租赁住房套型设计较为单一。深圳作为移民城市,公共租赁住房申请人更为年轻,家庭结构多元。探析公共租赁住房在使用中普遍存在的问题及居民需求,可为其设计提供有益参考。通过调查问卷、入户调研及访谈的方式,对典型公共租赁住房套型进行调查,并对同一面积标准下不同家庭结构使用情况进行对比分析。深圳公共租赁住房居住者家庭结构多样,户均使用人数超过设计配租人数的现象普遍存在。当前套型设计存在不同功能空间面积配比及尺寸设计不合理现象,套型灵活性较差。深圳公共租赁住房配租面积应与实际居住人数、家庭结构进行适配。套型布局、面积分配及空间尺寸需要仔细推敲,同时增加灵活性,以应对多样化需求。  相似文献   

The government has explicitly identified housing as a key dimension of its strategy for refugee integration, the goal being to assist new migrants to access decent, safe, secure and affordable accommodation. Yet the evidence suggests that many asylum seekers and refugees experience housing deprivation and insecurity. The precise meaning of housing ‘integration’, what it can and should achieve, and how progress towards integration can be measured is uncertain and sometimes contested terrain. Drawing on qualitative research across five English localities, the paper explores what local housing providers and community development workers feel are the prerequisites for successful housing integration. The discussion focuses on the induction process, on-going support, ‘move-on’ support for new refugees, and the need to combat racist harassment. The paper concludes that despite good intentions and some localised successes, there are still many obstacles to refugee housing integration, which arise from multiple gaps in provision, choice and support.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between household events and housing events so far has largely ignored the role of timing. This study aims to uncover in what way the postponement of marriage and childbirth that took place in the second half of the 20th century in the Netherlands affected the timing of moving into 'long-stay housing' (single-family dwellings and owner occupied dwellings). This is done by analysing time lags between household events and housing events. Survival analysis shows that over cohorts, moving into long-stay housing happens consistently earlier, and increasingly frequently before first childbirth. This finding is most likely attributable to the increased economic prosperity and increased availability of long-stay housing. This allows young people to adjust their housing to the household situation they anticipate, rather than to wait until they actually experience the household event. However, this does not hold for single home leavers: they move into long-stay housing neither earlier, nor much more often over time. It is concluded that the level of commitment in the household situation is the fundamental explanation for housing choice, and that economic prosperity mainly facilitates advancement in the timing of adapting the housing situation to the (anticipated) household situation.  相似文献   

Recently housing affordability has reached the agenda in Flanders and the Netherlands, giving a good reason to present a review of the concept of affordability and different definitions. The concept of short-term affordability, which is concerned with financial access to a dwelling and is based on cash flows, is combined with the concept of long-term affordability, which is about the costs of housing consumption. The use of these concepts is illustrated for Flanders and the Netherlands. They show that each concept has its own uses and that they are not interchangeable. However, both concepts indicate that in 2005 higher-income households, and especially homeowners (with a mortgage), were relatively better off than lower-income households, particularly renters. Homeowners' higher income levels on average more than compensate for their higher expenses in comparison with tenants; they also receive higher explicit subsidization and in times of rising prices they also receive expected returns on housing.  相似文献   

孙云飞  姜峰  李筠 《建筑施工》2007,29(9):671-673
上海地铁M8线嫩江路车站附属结构与已经完成的主体结构平行相接,且局部底板埋深大于主体结构,为了保证车站主体结构的安全,通过对附属结构基坑设计方案的优化,采取一系列的施工技术措施,在保证基坑施工安全的基础上,使已经完工的主体结构避免产生位移变形。  相似文献   

根据住宅工程分户验收制度的实施情况及存在的问题,提出"住户见证验收"制度的可行性和必要性,讨论该制度下参与住户的选择、实施准备和实施程序,分析该制度应注意的问题和意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates to what extent the mark-up on the lending rate for mortgages depends on expected prepayment. It identifies the effect of the risk of expected prepayment by using a unique dataset of Dutch borrowers insured against default. It is argued that expected prepayment is mainly caused by expected residential mobility of the borrower, which might be due to a change of the value of the collateral or because of a change of income of the borrower. The estimates indicate that lenders require a higher mark-up on the lending rate from households with a lower liquidity constraint, while the collateral constraint has a very limited influence on the mark-up. Thus, it appears that lenders take into account of the possibility that future income shocks may improve the relative position of households in the housing market.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen shifts in both practice and research regarding client–supplier relationships. Cooperative project client–supplier relationships have become increasingly common, and have spurred a stream of vivid research on for example alliances and partnering. Despite increased attention, an insufficient understanding of the relationship dimension is identified, described as a ‘black box’. Here it is suggested that a key to unlock this ‘black box’ is to focus on the everyday practice and the role of the mindset of involved actors throughout the project. We argue that running partnering projects involves more deeply rooted changes than previously recognized. Changes relate to the mindset among involved actors, where service (instead of merely products or production) becomes the core denominator. First we aim to illustrate that a partnering project, if well functioning, can be understood as an engagement platform, and second we aim to discuss the consequences if this is acknowledged in practice. The case, a successful Swedish partnering project, is explored from a service-dominant logic perspective and it is suggested that successful partnering projects are to be defined as engagement platforms. A refined categorization of the components of partnering is provided and the implications of a shift in mindset discussed.  相似文献   

刘利清 《山东建材》2007,28(6):19-22
胶合木结构是一种优良的结构形式。本文介绍了胶合木结构住宅的主要性能及国内外的发展现状,提出了在我国发展胶合木结构需要解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

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