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This article analyzes a possible path for the evolution of telecommunication networks toward open distributed architectures like the TINA-C architecture. The results of a research project called IBIS carried out within the CoRiTeL Laboratory are presented. The IBIS project starts from the activities of the ACTS project INSIGNIA, which has proposed and demonstrated an architecture for the integration of the intelligent network concept over B-ISDN platforms (the so-called intelligent broadband network, IBN). In the IBIS approach, TINA service components replace the traditional IN service logic, providing the intelligence needed to control broadband services in a very flexible and open environment. The handling of the transport connections is performed in a more traditional way, exploiting the capability offered by the IBN. This article focuses on how the TINA and IBN paradigms can profitably interact, providing the intelligence to support advanced multimedia services  相似文献   

本文简要分析了IN与TINA发展状况及其核心概念 ,分别指出了IN与TINA发展中和技术上存在的问题 ,提出了TINA与IN的综合方式以及TINA综合IN的方案  相似文献   

Now, when the first commercial 3G services based on Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) specifications have been launched around the world, is the right time to start considering the evolution potential of 3G systems. It is assumed that the majority of the traffic in future mobile networks will be generated by content consumption related services, which are realized with IP technologies. Thus, it is necessary to optimize the cellular networks for carrying IP traffic as efficiently as possible. We describe an evolution scenario for the 3G network architecture specified by 3GPP. The IP delivery part of the network architecture is first optimized within each subsystem, while maintaining interoperability with the legacy network. Later, the network is streamlined as a whole to provide the most efficient solution. We show how graceful evolution of the 3GPP system can benefit from possibilities of the new technologies, especially IP-based transport, while maintaining compatibility with existing user equipment and capitalizing on existing infrastructure investments.  相似文献   

TINA, the Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture, is a software architecture for services provided on public and private networks. TINA NRIM adds on the existing concepts and supports a host of new multimedia services that can not be supported by the existing information models. It is expected that network information models will be aligned with those defined by ATM Forum and ITU-T SG15. The authors show a generic information model of network resources, which can be applied to different network technologies. The model contains a number of abstraction levels of network resources. The highest level of abstraction, which is offered at the interface between the network resources and services levels, is defined in terms of a connection graph. The connection graph is an abstract representation of resources describing the connectivity between stream interfaces (media flows). This graph can be used to specify end-to-end connectivity that spans through several layer networks. Thus, a line in the connection graph can be supported by a sequence of trails. The trail, in its turn, consists of subnetwork connections and/or tandem connections. The generic information model with appertained abstraction levels is very well suited to the TINA connection management architecture  相似文献   

CORBA for network and service management in the TINA framework   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) specification defines interfaces and services to support interoperability and distribution transparencies for building distributed applications. The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA) defines a framework for development of service and network management applications which relies on the use of a distributed processing platform such as CORBA. This approach is presented in the article, which discusses also the interoperation with the current TMN infrastructure  相似文献   

毛艳 《电子设计工程》2012,20(15):59-60,64
商业企业每天产生大量的网格数据,作为网页信息交换的实际标准,最重要的挑战之一是如何有效地进行数据搜索,数据搜索可以以链接的方式进行。一些研究人员已经研究出了演算法,以减少搜索过程中产生的无效信息。另一些研究人员引入了记录法,可以进行相关元素的定位,无需搜索原始网格文档,通过记录的方式完成搜索过程。文中介绍的方法是基于正在被搜索的数据的概念,以及对网格数据库的内容搜索及关键字搜索,使用概念搜索可以提高搜索效率。  相似文献   

The telecommunications information networking architecture (TINA), which builds on the current advances in broadband communication and distributed computing technologies, specifying a software-based architecture for future information networks that are required to transport multimedia information and manage multimedia communication, is described. An important aspect of the architecture is that service segment functions are separated from delivery segment functions. Another key aspect is the elimination of the rigid division between network applications and operations applications that exists in current-day networks. In the TINA architecture, both kinds of applications execute on a common distributed processing platform that hides from applications the effects and complexities introduced by distribution. The architecture supports application interoperability enabling flexible construction of services, composed of service components distributed across network domains, allowing network operators and service providers to cooperatively meet the needs of the user  相似文献   

电信信息联网体系结构是一种异构环境下面向业务的开放体系结构,其网络资源信息模型是一种面向业务的,独立于网络传输和交换技术的信息模型,是各种专门技术网络资源信息建模的通用模型。介绍了TINA的管理分层与现有标准的关系及网络资源信息模型。  相似文献   

This article describes solutions that use the Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture and its advanced service architecture and call model, for the definition of services and advanced signaling and control in next-generation networks. It presents both the solutions for extending traditional signaling and/or interacting and interworking with it, and the way the TINA service architecture can constitute an intelligent service platform providing multiple value-added services to the PSTN and the Internet. In each case, the article provides details and examples to demonstrate the case and illustrate the solutions for trendy technologies such as mobile and the Internet  相似文献   

电信信息组网结构(TINA)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章介绍了电信信息组网结构(TINA)的起源、目标及其概要。从TINA的总体结构、计算结构、业务结构、网络结构、管理结构等方面作了阐述。并总结了TINA的发展现状。  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA) Consortium is a multinational worldwide consortium, which aims at defining and validating an “open” architecture for telecommunications services in the emerging broadband, multimedia and “information super-highway“ era. The architecture is based on distributed computing, object orientation, and other concepts and standards from the telecommunications as well as the computer industry, e.g., ODP, IN, TMN, and CORBA. It is applicable to various networks, broadband (e.g., ATM) or narrowband. A large part of the TINA consortium's activity is devoted to validating the TINA architecture's current specifications through auxiliary projects, collaborative worldwide demonstrations, and implementations carried out by the consortium's core team  相似文献   

随着面向目标软件建模技术和ODP标准应用的不断增加,出现了一种能代表当今电信发展方向的体系结构─—TINA。TINA被认为是在公共分布处理环境内,可为未来电信业务和管理业务提供统一的结构框架。文章将从开放分布式管理、计算目标管理、会话管理。域管理和资源模型管理几个方面描述TINA的基本概貌。  相似文献   

An equalization concept for the novel radio access scheme Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) is proposed by which high performance can be obtained at moderate computational complexity. Because high-level modulation is employed in EDGE, optimum equalization as usually performed in Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) receivers is too complex and suboptimum schemes have to be considered. It is shown that delayed decision-feedback sequence estimation (DDFSE) and reduced-state sequence estimation (RSSE) are promising candidates. For various channel profiles, approximations for the bit error rate of these suboptimum equalization techniques are given and compared with simulation results for DDFSE. It turns out that a discrete-time prefilter creating a minimum-phase overall impulse response is indispensable for a favorable tradeoff between performance and complexity. Additionally, the influence of channel estimation and of the receiver input filter is investigated and the reasons for performance degradation compared to the additive white Gaussian noise channel are indicated. Finally, the overall system performance attainable with the proposed equalization concept is determined for transmission with channel coding  相似文献   

Enterprise-level QoS issues are discussed, from which QoS evolution paths are derived. Service-level QoS issues are identified, and they have been studied as a part of service quality issues in TINA service architecture. TINA stream binding and its role in the TINA QoS framework are presented. Soft guarantee of stream quality is proposed, which does not require strict resource reservation. The soft guarantee concept combined with TINA stream binding architecture supports progressive evolution of service quality  相似文献   

Novel concepts for reliability technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We begin by examining the diverse connotations of the term quality. The desirable shape traced by the failure rate of the entire life of a good product, which might be called a hockey-stick line rather than a bathtub curve, is introduced. From the hockey-stick line and the definition of reliability, we extract two measurements. The terms r-reliability (failure rate) and durability (product life) are then explained. The conceptual analysis of failure mechanics explains that reliability technology pertains to the design area.The desirable shape of the failure-rate curve of electronic items, the hockey-stick line, clarifies that mean time to failure (MTTF) as the inverse of failure rate can be regarded as nominal life. We then discuss the BX life which is different from the MTTF, and reliability relationships between components and the set product. We recommend reshaped definitions of r-reliability and durability.We clarify the procedure to improve reliability and to identify the failure mode in order to find for right solutions and recommend a generalized life-stress failure model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a work on the retrieval of artworks for color artistry concepts. First we affirm the view that the Query-by-Example paradigm fundamental to the current content-based retrieval systems is able to extend only limited usefulness. We then propose a concept-based retrieval engine based on the generative grammar of elemental concepts methodology. In the latter, the language by which color artistry concepts are communicated in artworks is used to operate semantic searches. The color artistry language is explicated into elemental concepts and the associated generative grammar. The elemental concepts are used to index the artworks, while the generative grammar is used to facilitate post-coordinate expression of color artistry concept queries by using the elemental concepts.  相似文献   

The vision for future telecommunications is often described by the slogan “information at any time, at any place, in any form”, driven by both society's increasing demand for “universal connectivity” and the technological progress in the area of mobile computing and personal communications. In order to realize this vision, the emerging concept of personal communications support (PCS), which includes support for personal mobility, service personalization, and advanced service interoperability, is becoming increasingly important since it allows users to configure their communications environment in accordance with their individual needs, thereby providing them with controlled access to telecommunication services, regardless of their current location, terminal and network capabilities. This paper provides an overview of a personal communications support system (PCSS). The PCSS represents a platform providing advanced PCS capabilities in a uniform way to numerous communication applications in distributed multimedia environments. From a functional perspective, the PCSS provides enhanced intelligent network (IN) and universal personal telecommunication (UPT) capabilities with respect to user addressing (based on logical names instead of numbers) and advanced user control capabilities. From a design perspective, the centralistic IN/UPT approach to the realization of service logic has been replaced by a highly distributable, object-oriented approach based on X.500/X.700/telecommunications management network (TMN) concepts. This paper addresses the basic aspects of the PCSS, including design criteria, system architecture, supported applications, and evolution issues  相似文献   

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