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随着知识处理量的增大,分布式知识库成了一个很重要的发展方向。本文提出了一个基于分布推理的知识库模型,这个模型允许用户充分利用分布在各处的知识求解问题作查询,并提出了一个优化的问题求解的推理机制。 相似文献
快速推理的知识库技术研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对基于规则的专家系统推理速度慢的问题,提出了一种对规则形式的知识库进行转化的方法。该方法利用故障树技术,将规则库转化为一个索引库和若干个限定范围的规则库。前者用于快速推理,实现由征兆直接到结论的推理,而后者是与结论相关的规则集,需要解释时可以使用。该方法有效地缩小了专家系统的搜索空间,其计算简单,可以离线进行,适用于复杂系统的在线故障诊断。 相似文献
基于范例推理的交通事故智能处理系统 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
介绍了一个基于范例推理的交通事故智能处理系统。首先给出了基于CBR的交通事故智能处理系统的总体框架。之后,对该系统中的核心部分:范例搜索、基于范例推理的综合推理模型、人机智能系统分别进行了讨论。 相似文献
本论文主要提出了一种提高推理效率的方法——知识库重组,这种方法通过缩小推理范围来提高推理效率。文中对知识库结构和基于这种结构的知识库重组思想及其过程进行了详细讨论。 相似文献
知识求精是知识获取的一个重要方面,本文主要介绍了知识库求精的一些概念、理论与方法,给出了在MIKRS系统中所实现的知识库调试和求精的思想及描述算法,并在文章的最后给出了系统运行的一个实例。 相似文献
本论文主要提出了一种提高推理效率的方法--知识库重组,这种方法通过缩小推理范围来提高推理效率.文中对知识库结构和基于这种结构的知识库重组思想及其过程进行了详细讨论. 相似文献
通用中学化学反应引擎研究与开发 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从已有虚拟化学实验室的共同点出发,提出了开发通用中学化学反应引擎的必要性,并描述了该化学反应引擎的具体实现,包括化学知识库的构建和化学反应的计算流程两部分内容,同时也给出了它和虚拟化学实验室之间的调用关系,方便了后续虚拟化学实验室的开发。 相似文献
A new type of intelligent CAI system for chemistry is developed in this paper based on automated reasoning with chemistry knowledge.The system has shown its ability to solve chemistry problems,to assist students and teachers in studies and instruction with the automated reasoning functions.Its open mode of the knowledge base and its unique style of the interface between the system and human provide more opportunities for the users to acquire living knowledge through active participation.The automated reasoning based on basic chemistry knowledge also opened a new approach to the information storage and management of the ICAI system for sciences. 相似文献
数学辅助学习平台一直是数学教育和计算机领域的研究热点。传统设计方法在教学互动、智能教育和界面友好性等环节存在若干制约因素。集成领先的AJAX思想和成熟的自动推理算法,提出新的数学Web服务系统设计方法,辅以MathML数学表示语言等多项先进技术,构建一个交互式数学Web服务学习平台。实际运行结果表明,平台具有良好的表现形式和运行性能,为使用者提供一个良好的交互式学习环境。 相似文献
当模糊规则库是稀疏型时,利用Kóczy线性插值推理方法不能保证推理结论的正规性和凸性,为了解决这一问题,石岩曾提出了插值推理方法的推理条件,当满足这些条件时利用Kóczy线性插值推理方法得到的推理结论也满足正规性和凸性;但是这些条件却限制了模糊推理系统的应用,而且如果多次推理中在同一输入点遇到稀疏情况,必须进行相同的计算才能得到正确的推理结果,这样增加了系统的计算量,降低了系统的速度和效率.因此提出了一种新的稀疏模糊推理方法,不仅能够简单的给出正确的推理结果,还能在相应的位置增加规则,提高规则库的紧密程度. 相似文献
This paper presents an efficient algorithm for dealing with inexact reasoning where fuzzy production rules are used for knowledge representation. The finiteness of the algorithm is also analyzed by means of reachability trees. 相似文献
A virtual prototyping approach to product disassembly reasoning 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
An important aspect of Design for the Life Cycle is assessing the disassemblability of products. After an artifact has completed its useful life, it must be disassembled then recycled, remanufactured or scrapped. Disassemblability of a product can be evaluated by performing disassembly activities on prototypes. Virtual prototyping (VP) is an alternative to hardware prototyping in which analysis of designs can be done without manufacturing physical samples. In recent years, disassembly processes have been generated either by using interactive or automated approaches, but these approaches have limitations. Interactive approaches require extensive user input usually in the form of answering questions, whereas automated approaches can only be used to generate disassembly processes for products with simple component configuration and geometry. In this paper automated and interactive techniques are combined, using VP, to generate complete disassembly processes of a product design. To support generation of disassembly processes of a product, a virtual environment and VP method were developed that will support disassembly activities performed by a designer. The product model of the virtual prototype is generated from the CAD model. The disassembly process model for the prototype is generated using automated reasoning techniques and is completed by interactively disassembling the product in the virtual environment. Extensions to automatic reasoning techniques to compute ranges of feasible directions of component removal were developed to facilitate the generation of the disassembly process. A scheme to represent the disassembly process for disassemblability evaluation was developed and implemented. In this paper a Chrysler LHS center console has been used to illustrate our approach of generating disassembly processes via VP. 相似文献
Larry Wos 《Journal of Automated Reasoning》1990,6(1):77-78
This article is the thirteenth of a series of articles discussing various open research problems in automated reasoning. Here we focus on finding criteria for correctly choosing between using logic programming and a more general automated reasoning approach to attack a given assignment. The problem proposed for research asks one to find criteria that classify problems as solvable with a well-focused algorithm or as requiring a more general search for new information. We include suggestions for evaluating a proposed solution to this research problem.This work was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38. 相似文献
The job-shop scheduling problem is known to be NP-complete. The version of interest in this paper concerns an assembly line designed to produce various cars, each of which requires a (possibly different) set of options. The combinatorics of the problem preclude seeking a maximal solution. Nevertheless, because of the underlying economic considerations, an approach that yields a good sequence of cars, given the specific required options for each, would be most valuable. In this paper, we focus on an environment for seeking, studying, and evaluating approaches for yielding good sequences. The environment we discuss relies on the automated reasoning program ITP. Automated reasoning programs of this type offer a wide variety of ways to reason, strategies for controlling the reasoning, and auxiliary procedures that contribute to the effective study of problems of this kind. We view the study presented in this paper as a prototype of what can be accomplished with the assistance of an automated reasoning program. 相似文献
基于消点法的几何自动推理系统实现 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
为了实现几何自动推理的可读性证明,并提高推理效率,介绍了一个基于消点法的可构造性几何命题自动推理系统的设计与实现。该系统提供作图的方式接受用户的几何命题前提条件的输入,可以对初等几何中的大部分可构造性几何问题进行自动证明和求解,并生成可读的证明步骤,大大方便了初高等几何教育和相关研究者的需要。 相似文献