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Carbon dioxide is again becoming an important refrigerant. While the thermophysical properties are well known there is a lack of data on its heat transfer characteristics.

In this study, heat transfer coefficients for nucleate boiling of carbon dioxide are determined using a standard apparatus for the investigation of pool boiling based on a set-up from Karlsruhe [D. Gorenflo, J. Goetz, K. Bier. Vorschlag für eine Standard-Apparatur zur Messung des Wärmeübergangs beim Blasensieden. Wärme-und Stoffübertragung 16 (1982), 69–78; J. Goetz, Entwicklung und Erprobung einer Normapparatur zur Messung des Wärmeübergangs beim Blasensieden. Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe (1980).] and built at our institute. Electrically heated horizontal cylinders with an outer diameter of 16 mm and a length of 100 mm are used as heating elements. Measurements with constant heat flux are performed for different wall materials and surface roughnesses. The heat transfer is investigated within the pressure range of 0.53≤ p ≤1.43 MPa (0.072≤ p/pc ≤0.190) and a temperature range of −56≤ t ≤−30 °C, respectively. Heat fluxes of up to 80,000 W m−2 are applied.

The influences of wall material and roughness on the heat transfer coefficient are evaluated separately. The obtained coefficients are compared to generally accepted correlations and to experimental results of other authors, who used similar configurations with copper tubes and carbon dioxide. These are the only previous experimental data, which could be found. Results for copper, stainless steel and aluminium as wall materials are presented.  相似文献   

In this study, external condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures of HFC32/HFC134a and HFC134a/HCFC123 at various compositions were measured on a horizontal smooth tube of a 19 mm outside diameter. All data were taken at the vapor temperature of 39 °C with a wall subcooling of 3–8 °C. Test results showed that HTCs of the tested mixtures were 19.4–85.1% lower than the ideal values calculated by the mole fraction weighting of the HTCs of the pure components. A thermal resistance due to the diffusion vapor film seemed to be partly responsible for the significant reduction of HTCs with these nonazeotropic mixtures.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the evaporation of HFC-134a inside smooth, horizontal tubes. Tests were performed with the pure refrigerant and with oil-refrigerant mixtures. The heat flux was varied from 2 to 10 kW m−2. The inner diameter of the tubes was 12 mm. Two evaporators were used, 4 and 10 m long, and the oil content was varied from 0 to 2.5 mass percentage (synthetic oil, EXP-0275). Oil-free HFC-134a had a higher heat transfer coefficient than HCFC-22 at the same heat and mass fluxes. The effect of oil in the refrigerant is dependent on the heat flux. At 2 and 4 kW m−2 the heat transfer coefficient had a maximum value for an oil content of around 0.5 mass percentage; no increase is registered for a heat flux of 6 kW m−2. The heat transfer coefficients for the pure refrigerant were also compared with two existing correlations. The measured heat transfer coefficients averaged over the evaporator deviate less than 40% from the correlation according to Pierre. The heat transfer coefficients at the short evaporator lie within 20%. The correlation given by Jung overestimates the heat transfer coefficient by approximately 50%.  相似文献   

Influence of the heat flux in mixture boiling: experiments and correlations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Heat transfer at nucleate pool boiling of the binary and ternary refrigerant mixtures R404A, R407C and R507 at the outside of a horizontal tube with emery ground surface has been investigated in a wide range of pressures and heat fluxes. Together with experimental data of Bednar and Bier for wide boiling ethane/n-butane mixtures, the results of these comparatively narrow boiling mixtures are used to investigate the influence of heat flux q on the heat transfer coefficient as predicted by various correlations for nucleate boiling of mixtures. At comparatively high saturation pressures with experimental -values markedly smaller than the molar average of the pure components, the ,q-relationships predicted differ significantly from the experimental, particularly for wide boiling mixtures.  相似文献   

A study of two-phase flow and heat transfer in a small tube of 1 mm internal diameter has been conducted experimentally as part of a wider study of boiling in small channels. R141b has been used as the working fluid. The boiling heat transfer in the small tube has been measured over a mass flux range of 300–2000 kg/m2 s and heat flux range of 10–1150 kW/m2. In this paper the boiling map for a mass velocity of 510 kg/m2 s and heat flux of 18–72 kW/m2 is discussed and the problems of determining heat transfer coefficients in small channels are highlighted.  相似文献   

Nuclate pool boiling heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of HCFC123, CFC11, HCFC142b, HFC134a, CFC12, HCFC22, HFC125 and HFC32 on a horizontal smooth tube of 19.0 mm outside diameter have been measured. The experimental apparatus was specially designed to accomodate high vapor pressure refrigerants such as HFC32 and HFC125 with a sight glass. A cartridge heater was used to generate uniform heat flux on the tube. Data were taken in the order of decreasing heat flux from 80 to 10 kW m−2 with an interval of 10 kW m−2 in the pool of 7 °C. Test results showed that HTCs of HFC125 and HFC32 were 50–70% higher than those of HCFC22 while HTCs of HCFC123 and HFC134a were similar to those of CFC11 and CFC12 respectively. It was also found that nucleate boiling heat transfer correlations available in the literature were not good for certain alternative refrigerants such as HFC32 and HCFC142b. Hence, a new correlation was developed by a regression analysis taking into account the variation of the exponent to the heat flux term as a function of reduced pressure and some other properties. The new correlation showed a good agreement with all measured data including those of new refrigerants of significantly varying vapor pressures with a mean deviation of less than 7%.  相似文献   

Experimental data of the local heat transfer coeffcient of flow boiling ammonia in dependence of vapor fraction, mass flux and local heat flux is presented. Two horizontal test sections of 450 mm length and an inner diameter of 10 mm have been used, one being a plain tube, one being a spirally low finned tube. A constant wall temperature boundary has been aimed for the test section by heating with a fluid condensing on the tube outside. Local heat transfer coeffcients and pressure drops have been measured in the range −40 < Tsat < 4°C, 0 < x< 0.9, 50 < < 150 kg/m2 s and 2 < ΔTw < 15 K with resulting heat fluxes of 17 < < 75 kW/m2. The vapor quality is denoted as x, is the mass flux and ΔTw the wall superheat. The measured data is carefully evaluated using a finite element model of the tube with regard to the circumferential heat flow distribution. The smooth tube results are compared with recently published data and the correlation from Zürcher (Zürcher, O., Thome, J.R., Favrat, D. Evaporation of ammonia in a smooth horizontal tube: heat transfer measurements and predictions. Journal of Heat Transfer, 1999;121:89–101), and with the correlations of Steiner (Steiner D. Strömungssieden gesättigter Flüssigkeiten. VDI-Wärmeatlas, vol. 8. VDI-Verlag, 1997) and Kattan (Kattan N, Thome JR, Favrat D. Flow boiling in horizontal tubes: part 3 — development of a new heat transfer model based on flow pattern. Transactions of the ASME, 1998;120). The results of the low finned tube are not matched by any known correlation.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the framework of a semi-theoretical model for predicting the pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerant/lubricant mixtures on a roughened, horizontal, flat pool-boiling surface. The predictive model is based on the mechanisms involved in the formation of the lubricant excess layer that exists on the heat transfer surface. The lubricant accumulates on the surface in excess of the bulk concentration via preferential evaporation of the refrigerant from the bulk refrigerant/lubricant mixture. As a result, excess lubricant resides in a thin layer on the surface and influences the boiling performance, giving either an enhancement or degradation in heat transfer. A dimensionless excess layer parameter and a thermal boundary layer constant were derived and fitted to data in an attempt to generalize the model to other refrigerant/lubricant mixtures. The model inputs include transport and thermodynamic refrigerant properties and the lubricant composition, viscosity, and critical solution temperature with the refrigerant. The model predicts the boiling heat transfer coefficient of three different mixtures of R123 and lubricant to within ±10%. Comparisons of heat transfer predictions to measurements for 13 different refrigerant/lubricant mixtures were made, including two different refrigerants and three different lubricants.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was conducted to measure the local heat transfer coefficient for each row in a trapezoidal finned horizontal tube bundle during condensation of both pure fluid (HFC 134a) and several compositions of the non-azeotropic binary mixture HFC 23/HFC 134a. The test section is a 13×3 (rows × columns) tube bundle and the heat transfer coefficient is measured using the modified Wilson plot method. The inlet vapour temperature is fixed at 40 °C and the water flow rate in each active row ranges from 170 to 600 l/h. The test series cover five different finned tubes all commercially available, K11 (11 fins/inch), K19 (19 fins/inch), K26 (26 fins/inch), K32 (32 fins/inch), K40 (40 fins/inch) and their performances were compared. The experimental results were checked against available models predicting the heat transfer coefficient during condensation of pure fluids on banks of finned tubes. Modelling of heat exchange during condensation of binary mixtures on bundles of finned tubes based on the curve condensation model is presented.  相似文献   

A flow boiling heat transfer model for horizontal tubes is proposed for CO2 with entrained polyalkylene glycol (PAG) type lubricating oil in the pre-dryout region. A general power law-type model with a power number of 3 is used together with the average thermodynamic properties of the CO2–oil mixture. A convective enhancement factor (F) is recommended according to the relationship between the Lockhart–Martinelli parameter and the ratio αtp/αl, which was obtained based on previous experimental results for CO2 and oil. A new suppression factor (S) is introduced that comprises a suppression term for forced convection and oil concentration term for bubble generation. A comparison of six correlations showed that the proposed correlation can depict the influence of the mass and heat fluxes on both nucleate and convection boiling reasonably well.  相似文献   

Pool boiling heat transfer from finned tubes with different shapes of fins (trapezoid-shaped, T-shaped, or Y-shaped) to various hydrocarbons and partly fluorinated hydrocarbons has been investigated at the Laboratorium für Wärme- und Kältetechnik, Universität-GH Paderborn during the recent past. Compared to corresponding measurements on plain tubes, heat transfer on traditionally finned tubes with trapezoid-shaped fins is considerably improved, and even better results are achieved with T-shaped or Y-shaped fins. The influences of the macrostructure (i.e. fin geometry) or microstructure (i.e. surface roughness) on the heat transfer coefficient have been studied separately, in order to evaluate the improvement of heat transfer by either influence.  相似文献   

In this study, nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of five flammable refrigerants of propylene (R1270), propane (R290), isobutane (R600a), butane (R600), and dimethylether (RE170) were measured at the liquid temperature of 7 °C on a low fin tube of 1023 fins per meter, Turbo-B, and Thermoexcel-E tubes. All data were taken from 80 to 10 kW m−2 with an interval of 10 kW m−2 in the decreasing order of heat flux. Flammable refrigerants' data showed a typical trend that nucleate boiling HTCs obtained on enhanced tubes also increase with the vapor pressure. Fluids with lower reduced pressure such as DME, isobutene, and butane took more advantage of the heat transfer enhancement mechanism of enhanced tubes than those with higher reduced pressure such as propylene and propane. Finally, Thermoexcel-E showed the highest heat transfer enhancement ratios of 2.3–9.4 among the tubes tested due to its sub-channels and re-entrant cavities.  相似文献   

Convective boiling heat transfer coefficients of pure refrigerants (R22, R32, R134A, R290, and R600a) and refrigerant mixtures (R32/R134a, R290/R600a, and R32/R125) are measured experimentally and compared with Gungor and Winterton correlation. The test section is made of a seamless stainless steel tube with an inner diameter of 7.7 mm and is uniformly heated by applying electric current directly to the tube. The exit temperature of the test section was kept at 12°C ± 0.5°C for all refrigerants in this study. Heat fluxes are varied from 10 to 30 kW m−2 and mass fluxes are set to the discrete values in the range of 424–742 kg m−2 s−1 for R22, R32, R134a, R32/R134a, and R32/R125; 265–583 kg m−2 s−1 for R290, R600a, and R290/R600a. Heat transfer coefficients depend strongly on heat flux at a low quality region and become independent as quality increases. The Gungor and Winterton correlation for pure substances and the Thome-Shakil modification of this correlation for refrigerant mixtures overpredicts the heat transfer coefficients measured in this study.  相似文献   

We propose in this study a simplified model of enthalpy calculation for a refrigerant–oil mixture, as well as a new presentation of the pressure–enthalpy–vapour quality diagram which is applied to refrigerant–oil mixtures with different oil circulating mass fractions. This presentation allows the calculation of the enthalpy change through an evaporator, with and without taking into account the effect of oil, and the prediction of the non evaporated quantity of refrigerant at the compressor suction. The results of the model for two pairs of R407C/POE oil of different solubilities show that under the same working conditions, the solubility of the refrigerant in oil can have a considerable effect on the evaporator performances. Indeed, for two oils presenting the same viscosity grade, the evaporator performances decrease when the refrigerant–oil solubility increases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a few salient features of an investigation carried out to study the heat transfer augmentation during condensation of water and R-134a vapor on horizontal integral-fin tubes. The experimental investigation was performed on two different experimental set-ups for water and R-134a. The test-sections were manufactured by machining fins over plain copper tubes of 24.4 ± 0.6 mm outside diameter. The performance of two types of finned tubes viz. circular integral-fin tubes (CIFTs) and spine integral-fin tubes (SIFTs) was studied for the condensation of water and R-134a. These tubes were positioned one by one inside the test-condenser to perform the experiments. All together the experiments were conducted for the condensation on 10 different test-section tubes. With the help of the experimental results, authors have developed an empirical equation. This equation predicts the condensing heat transfer coefficient from their own experimental data for the condensation over CIFTs and SIFTs within a range of ± 15% and experimental data of other thirteen investigators in a range of ± 35% for condensation of water and different refrigerants.  相似文献   

This paper presents the heat transfer characteristics obtained from an experimental investigation on flow boiling of n-pentane across a horizontal tube bundle. The tubes are plain with an outside diameter of 19.05 mm and the bundle arrangement is inverse staggered with a pitch to diameter ratio of 1.33. The test conditions consist of reduced pressure between 0.006 and 0.015, mass velocity from 14 to 44 kg/m2s, heat flux up to 60 kW/m2 and vapor quality up to 60%. The convective evaporation is found to have a significant effect on the heat transfer coefficient, coexisting with nucleate boiling. An asymptotic model allows the prediction of the heat transfer data with a fitted value of n=1.5. A strong mass velocity effect is observed for the enhancement factor, implying that the correlations available from the literature for the convective evaporation will fail in predicting the present data. This effect decreases as the mass velocity increases.  相似文献   

The effect of ultrasound on pool boiling heat transfer to mixtures of the refrigerants R23 and R134a has been investigated in a wide range of heat flux and saturation pressure. The enhancement of the heat transfer coefficient, which can be achieved by ultrasound, is much more pronounced for mixtures than for pure substances. It is, however, limited to rather small heat fluxes ( ). Especially remarkable is the fact, that the maximum influence of ultrasound on the heat transfer coefficient of the mixtures occurs at medium saturation pressures (p/pc ≈ 0.2); the effect is markedly less for higher and for lower saturation pressures. Obviously, the improvement of the heat transfer to mixtures is mainly caused by a decrease of the local saturation temperature near the heating wall, due to a better mixing in the liquid boundary. This explanation is supported by evaluating important parameters of bubble formation from high-speed photographs of the heating surface. It is further noticeable, that the well known hysteresis effect at the beginning of pool boiling is reduced to a great extent by exposure to ultrasound.  相似文献   

This study presents a prediction model for the condensation heat transfer characteristics of binary zeotropic refrigerant mixtures inside horizontal smooth tubes. In this model, both the vapor-side and liquid-side mass transfers are considered, and the high flux mass transfer correction factor is used to evaluate mass transfer coefficients. The model was applied to the binary zeotropic refrigerant mixture R134a/R123, which has a large temperature glide. Calculation results showed that the heat transfer degradation of R134a/R123 due to gradients in the mass fraction and temperature is considerable, and depends on the mass fraction of the more volatile component and the vapor mass quality of the refrigerant mixture. By comparison with experimental data, incorporating the present finite mass transfer model for the liquid film side into the calculation algorithm was shown to reasonably well predict the condensation heat transfer coefficients of binary refrigerant mixtures with the mean deviation of about 10.3%. In the present calculations, however, it was also found that the high flux mass transfer correction factor had only a slight effect on the condensation heat transfer.  相似文献   

Thermal characteristics of ammonia flow boiling in a microfin plate evaporator are experimentally investigated. Titanium microfin heat transfer surface is manufactured to enhance boiling heat transfer. Longitudinally- and laterally-microfined surfaces are used and those performances are compared. Heat transfer coefficient of microfin plate evaporator is also compared with that of plain-surface plate evaporator. The effects of mass flux, heat flux, channel height, and saturation pressure on heat transfer coefficient are presented and discussed. The experiments are conducted for the range of mass flux (5 and 7.5 kg m−2 s−1), heat flux (10, 15, and 20 kW m−2), channel height (1, 2, and 5 mm), and saturation pressure (0.7 and 0.9 MPa). Heat transfer coefficient is compared with that predicted by available empirical correlations proposed by other researchers. Modified correlations using Lockhart-Martinelli parameter to predict heat transfer coefficient are developed and they cover more than 87% of the experimental data.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the condensation of pure and mixed refrigerants of R22 and R114 inside a spirally grooved horizontal copper tube has been carried out. A double-tube counterflow condenser in the pressure range 3–21 bar and at a mass flow-rate 26–70 kg h−1 was used. The axial distributions of refrigerant, tube wall and cooling water temperatures, wall heat flux density and vapour quality are shown graphically. The variation of tube wall temperature around the circumference of the tube is also shown. The local Nusselt number depends on the molar fraction, whereas the average Nusselt number can be correlated by an equation which is modified from a previously established equation for pure refrigerants inside a horizontal smooth tube. The frictional pressure drop evaluated is correlated well by the Lockhart-Martinelli parameters and is independent of the concentration of the mixture.  相似文献   

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