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Half of humanity now lives in cities and the net inflow of population into cities will continue. Among all challenges faced by cities, the provisioning for water and sanitation is probably the most pressing one. From 2017 to 2018, the city of Cape Town in South Africa frequently made itself media headlines around the world, in many languages, for its severe water shortage due to consecutive years of drought that later resulted in a water crisis. Fortunately, the potential “Day Zero” when the city would run out of water, did not arrive. However, the crisis exposed a lack of resilience in the city’s water supply system in the face of ongoing climate change and a governance gap for climate adaptation. Many cities, especially those in the Global South, can learn from Cape Town’s experience and lessons on how to enhance governance to become more climate-resilient. Mark New and Gina Ziervogel, the interviewees, have been devoting themselves to studying about the Cape Town drought, and working on establishing the Cape Town Drought Response Learning Initiative. In this article, they analyzed the influence of climate change on Cape Town drought and the water supply system, and suggested effective methods to address and prevent the drought and water shortage. Ziervogel briefly described her adaptive and water-sensitive city framework while both of them revealed the role of Cape Town Drought Response Learning Initiative in making Cape Town more resilient.  相似文献   

Kem Okecha 《Urban Forum》2011,22(1):95-110
The study accounts for the local state conflicts between several political parties governing the city of Cape Town in South Africa’s Western Cape Province, and the resulting effect on service delivery. These conflicts take the form of shifting political alliances and differing agendas about governing the city. The emerging conflicts between these political parties, particularly the African National Congress, the Democratic Alliance and the Independent Democrats and the recent local regime changes in the city, have impacted negatively on service delivery. Using urban regime theory, it explores service delivery in the community of Parkwood Estate. In South Africa, while the politics of opposition between political parties has received much attention, especially at the national level, the role of these parties in service delivery at the local level has not received such consideration. With this in mind, this study contributes to an understanding of the association between local state politics and service delivery in Cape Town.  相似文献   

Much of the current planning discourse has come to reject master planned ‘new cities’ as both unrealistic and undesirable. However, with growing urbanisation challenges in the Global South, master planned cities, suburbs and communities have come back on the agenda driven by both public and private interests. This paper explores the WesCape Development (WD), a proposed satellite suburb to be located north-west of Cape Town, South Africa. Situating the WD in a longer lineage of utopian and new city planning approaches, I argue that the proposal is deeply flawed. Rather than being the solution to the urban ills facing Cape Town, it is an ‘anti-urban’ strategy which supports suburbanisation and assumes a particular and problematic urban growth scenario. It relies on ‘environmentally deterministic’ assumptions and depoliticised and deinstitutionalised designs. Ultimately, it tries to escape, rather than confront, the operational, political and social challenges of the city leading to the devaluation of planning instruments and citizenship engagement. The WD highlights the importance and power of radical and utopian thinking as well as the necessity of grounding and situating these impulses in the specificities and complexities of the city.  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief overview of the relevant post-2000 South African policy for regional (provincial) spatial development within the context of the quantitative findings of a study conducted on the growth potential of non-metropolitan settlements in the Western Cape. The findings are presented at municipal level. Five indices (social needs, economic, physical environment, infrastructure and institutional) and 69 indicators were used to determine development potential and social needs for the 24 local municipalities and three district management areas in the province. The potential indicators for each index were subjected to a factor analysis to select appropriate core indicators for inclusion in the composite indices. Based on their overall performance in the various indices, the municipalities were classified into three categories??high, medium and low. The study results prioritise areas according to their developmental potential and social needs at municipal level.  相似文献   

Urban growth boundaries (UGBs) or “urban edges” as they are known in South Africa have been widely implemented by cities internationally with the intention of curbing urban sprawl. However, technical complexities and high levels of contestation frequently present challenges for their implementation. In particular, it is important to ensure that their demarcation includes appropriate land reserves to accommodate urban growth. Drawing the boundary too tightly can stifle economic growth and lead to land price increases, while including too much land within the UGB may result in unchecked urban sprawl and its associated environmental, social and financial costs. The aims of this paper are firstly to review international and local literature with reference to the merits and appropriateness of UGB policies and secondly to consider methods used by cities internationally to determine UGBs and describe the method used by the City of Cape Town to review its UGB in 2010. The Cape Town method evaluates land reserves against urban growth forecasts and is consistent with methods generally used by US cities. However, a number of adaptations for local and rapidly urbanising third world environments are outlined. The Cape Town method is evaluated with reference to the literature and lessons learnt are discussed. Key findings include the value of rigorous, defensible methods and clear policy guidelines in a contested environment, the value of integrating UGB reviews within broader land-use planning processes, the usefulness of information generated for broader urban planning processes and the utility of accurate information on past trends in moderating growth expectations.  相似文献   

The importance of improving the local business environment is an issue of central concern for municipal authorities in South Africa. This article explores debates around territorial competition through the application of local investment incentives. The paper analyses unfolding South African debates concerning the possible introduction of local investment incentives through the policy experience of two South African cities, namely Durban and Cape Town. It is concluded that South African cities must be aware of the key lessons from international experience and formulate carefully crafted or ‘smart’ investment incentive policies. In particular, the introduction of investment incentives should not be a substitute for dealing with other fundamental aspects of the local business environment which impact upon investment decision-making.  相似文献   

The Western Cape Province of South Africa has a Mediterranean climate of winter rainfall and hot, dry summers. The rivers have all been dammed to manage the available water resources. Every year at the end of summer, water restrictions are enforced by fines by the municipality in Cape Town, to ensure economies to eke out the dwindling reserves until the winter rains set in. The paper describes the situation in the 2017 dry season and examines possible solutions to the chronic water shortage such as use of ground water, desalination of sea water and recycling of waste water.  相似文献   

2010年世界杯将在南非开普敦召开,为迎接这一足球盛典,开普敦当地政府开展一系列的竞赛活动,以集思广益,改善当地环境,2010年Mouille Point散步道和海滩区改造学生竞赛便是其一。Mouille Point大道和海滩区是开普敦最大的城市空间——绿点城市公园的组成部分。城市公园将成为新世界杯体育场的背景。为此Mouille Point大道和海滩区改造意义重大。来自开普敦大学(UCT)的硕士生斯科特·马森和开普半岛科技大学(CPUT)设计系学生马里可·菲克在本次竞赛中脱颖而出,荣获嘉奖。本刊邀请斯科特·马森撰文,与广大读者分享他的设计心得。  相似文献   

The intention of tourists to visit urban destinations is influenced by their perceptions or their knowledge of that destination. Risk perceptions, although situation specific, have an impact on travel behaviour. Mega events are once-off occasions in which a negative perception of destination, in this case related to crime, can be turned into a positive image. Can the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Football Association World Cup (WC) help South Africa undo the current perceptions and opinions, especially among foreign visitors, that our cities are dangerous places to visit? Can South Africa manage the 2010 WC in such a way that the destination image can be changed to a more positive one? It is within the context of speculating about the potential impacts the event may have in 2010 on reshaping internationally (and nationally) the safety and security image that visitors have of South African cities as crime ridden that this paper aims mainly to investigate international visitors’ perceptions and opinions on safety and security. Nine hundred and seven international visitors were interviewed when exiting the country at the OR Tambo and Cape Town International airports. The findings revealed that more than a third of the respondents indicated that they were worried about their safety before travelling to South Africa, that the central business districts of Cape Town and Johannesburg are the most feared places they visited and 6% of the respondents were victims of crime. Perceptions, however, changed for the better after their visit to the country, and it is against this background that the 2010 WC can potentially show the world that the country is a safe destination to visit and in the process re-create the destination’s image as a safe tourist experience.  相似文献   

The relationship between migration and food security in urban areas is an emerging area of research internationally. To date, with the exception of studies in India, Kenya, and Namibia, little attention has focused on food insecurity experienced by migrants in cities of the Global South. Building on earlier work in Namibia, this paper interrogates the relationship between migration and food security in the city of Windhoek. Windhoek has experienced significant rural–urban migration in recent years, especially since Namibia’s independence in 1990. Many migrants have settled in the northern and north-western areas of the city, primarily in the informal settlements. Most of the migrant households are poor and food insecure. In an effort to mitigate their insecure food situation, they make use of various strategies including receiving food transfers, obtaining food from informal markets, and other informal methods. This paper documents the dimensions and variations in food security amongst migrant households and examines the linkages between migration and food insecurity in a rapidly-growing African city.  相似文献   

The article argues that while certain recent planning theories have attempted to take account of social difference and multiculturalism, there is not yet sufficient recognition of just how deep difference can be, and how planners can frequently find themselves in situations characterized by conflicting rationalities. The article draws on a case of an attempted informal settlement upgrade in Cape Town, South Africa, to illustrate the gap between the notion of ‘proper citizens’ and ‘proper living environments’ espoused by the municipality, and the nature of the rationality guiding the actions of certain of the other parties involved. This understanding, it is suggested, has important implications for both planning theory and ethics.  相似文献   

The paper provides an overview of urbanization patterns and trends in the current era in South Africa, focusing in particular on the key dynamics and driving forces underlying migration and urbanization. It considers overall demographic trends with regard to migration and urbanization, and points to some of the difficulties with data, and with the analysis of trends and patterns. The paper explores the changing rural context and dynamics, and some of the significant processes in this context: large-scale displacement of black people off farms, the impact of land reform, and conditions in the former homeland areas. Circular migration continues to be an important way in which households in rural areas survive, but some are unable to move, and are falling out of these networks. International migration—the consequence of both conditions in the home country and the draw of the South African economy—is another significant process fuelling mainly urban growth. The paper demonstrates the importance of cities in terms of economic growth and employment, and thus their attractiveness to migrants. Continuing migration to cities is of course a challenge for city management, but important trends towards declining household size and the splitting up of households are also driving the physical growth of cities and demands for housing, services, and infrastructure.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):248-261
In the face of declining public subsidies, municipalities will have to find additional revenue to meet the expectations of growing populations that cannot afford to pay. Conventional approaches to setting user fees do not evaluate the benefits to members of society who do not directly use the service. This paper presents a study that measured the willingness of the ‘non-poor’ residents of Cape Town, to pay for the benefits of improving services in informal settlements. The respondents expressed highest preference for shared facilities followed by yard facilities, and were willing to pay USD 11.21; and USD 7.73 per month respectively. Willingness-to-pay was influenced by proximity to the informal settlement and on method of payment. The potential revenue from non-user value exceeded the installation costs for shared and yard facilities, suggesting that municipalities could finance upgrades by harnessing the non-user value among the non-poor residents. The method applied in this study could be used to improve policy planning and subsidy targeting.  相似文献   

Vacant land in cities is an important resource as it presents opportunities for urban renewal and revitalisation and can contribute to municipal revenue. In a context of growing informality and homelessness in cities of the South, the presence of large tracts of vacant land is a sign of inefficient urban planning and a dysfunctional land market. It is therefore critical for local governments to have reliable data of the extent of vacant land parcels in cities and their potential for housing development, particularly affordable housing for the poor. This paper will detail and discuss the “Potential Housing Land Model” developed by the Cape Urban Observatory, part of the African Centre for Cities, based at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. South African cities, and in this case the city of Cape Town in particular, face huge constraints in terms of suitable, well-located and affordable land for low-cost housing development. A tool like the “Potential Housing Land Tool” is one tool which could assist decision-makers in identifying such land parcels. Besides identifying land that can potentially be used for housing; the model can also allow officials to pin-point areas that are not well-serviced. The deployment of the model on the World Wide Web makes the tool available to a range of users including municipal officials, academic researchers and organised sectors of civil society who might benefit from this kind of information. The responsible and strategic use of this model and the information it provides, can facilitate a broad-based discussion about vacant land and its potential use in the city, allowing for more transparent and participatory planning. The application of tools like the “Potential Housing Land Tool” can therefore greatly assist in improving urban governance and can contribute towards more efficient and sustainable urban planning and management systems.  相似文献   

The number of migrants working on the streets of cities throughout South Africa has increased tremendously over the past few years. This study draws on qualitative data to understand the experiences of migrant street traders in Durban, South Africa. The qualitative data for the study come from in-depth interviews with local and migrant street traders. Migrant street traders are attracted to Durban because of the economic opportunities that the city offers as well as the lower crime rate than other cities. The findings suggest that migrant street traders make an economic contribution towards the development of the city. Migrants create employment by hiring locals to assist them in their businesses. Some tension exists between local and migrant street traders because of fear of competition. Crime is a concern because it impacts negatively on their businesses. Other challenges experienced by the migrant traders include the harsh treatment by the police and lack of support for informal traders by the municipality. More emphasis should be placed on providing a supportive environment for street trading in Durban.  相似文献   

The South African National Department of Housing’s ‘Breaking New Ground: A Comprehensive Plan for the Creation of Sustainable Human Settlements’ was released in 2004. This policy directive acknowledged that informal settlements had grown significantly since 1994. It resulted in the development and implementation of the informal settlement upgrading programme across the country. The principle objective of the study discussed in this paper was to investigate the City of Cape Town’s (the City) rationale in the technique of upgrading the informal settlements of Makhaza and New Rest in Cape Town and explore the implications of this rationale for women’s social networks in these two settlements. The research has found that the rationale used by the City to plan and implement the upgrading of informal settlements is contradictory to the needs of the residents within these settlements. The settlements therefore do not meet the needs of the residents (particularly women) and do not enable or ensure the maintenance of strong social relationships which are crucial for the survival of livelihoods in these areas.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, scholarship on call centres has grown with contributions from a range of disciplines including management science, urban studies, organisation studies and sociology. One aspect of call centres that has received only limited attention is their location or economic geography. This article contributes to the growing body of scholarship on call centres by investigating locational issues in the case of the developing economy of South Africa. The study highlights the critical importance for call centre location of access to labour, labour costs, public transport and availability of suitable premises. Current government incentives have little significance on location, a factor which underlies the strong concentration of call centres in South Africa’s major cities, in particular Johannesburg and Cape Town.  相似文献   

The last 20 years has witnessed an explosion not only in the growth of private residential territories throughout the world, but also in the literature addressing them. The majority of research is centred on experiences in the United States and Latin America (although studies elsewhere are increasing) and suffers from a tendency to homogenise the processes and consequences of gating as synonymous whether experienced in Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City or São Paulo. Whilst axiomatic to state the unlikelihood of identical trends in such differing contexts, the absence of such a statement in the literature is significant. This paper addresses the social and spatial phenomenon of residential gated communities in three of South Africa’s major cities: Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Detailed background and discussion regarding the development and experience of ‘gating’ in each city is analysed, emphasising the uniqueness of each city’s gating experience. These indications, that gating is not a universal experience despite some common themes, serve to counter the homogenous discourse in both popular and academic parlance throughout the world and within South Africa. In addition, particular concerns related to the growth of residential forms based on exclusion and privatisation within the South African context, are considered. In essence, we conclude that while ‘gating’ may be an individually rational decision in the context of South Africa’s growing crime, its collective consequences produce a divided city, at odds with post-apartheid ideals of unity and equality.  相似文献   

In South Africa, households which earn too much to qualify for South Africa’s impressive capital subsidy programme and too little to access mortgage finance are referred to as the gap market. As the gap continues to grow, address is of increasing policy priority, a focus of local and national efforts. However, this paper argues that the gap market has been misunderstood and inappropriately framed in South African housing policy discourse. The case study of the City of Cape Town’s ‘Sale of Serviced Erven for GAP Market Purposes’ demonstrates the assumption that the gap market is a functional housing submarket which can be targeted uniformly. This paper argues that the gap market is instead a derivative of South Africa’s housing policy history and premised on the problematic ‘ownership imperative’. While the gap market is a useful conceptual tool to be understood within its historic trajectory, it should be discarded from policy design processes and replaced with more useful categories driven by analysis of the households and dynamics which comprise the market. This argument is relevant for all countries which seek to address gaps in their housing markets.  相似文献   

Given the history of South Africa, which has resulted in a significantly skewed pattern of access to scarce resources in favor of a wealthy racial minority, the issue of access to land and shelter is a central and emotive one. It is also a potential arena of conflict and social and political divisions. It is therefore important to understand, monitor, and resolve these conflicts. This paper is the first in a series of case studies, drawn from within greater Cape Town, which examine conflicts over land and housing and how these conflicts are being managed. This case is that of Wallacedene, a primarily informal settlement in the north of the city, which has been the subject of an informal settlement upgrading process. Different forms of conflict occur over the life cycle of an informal settlement. Community-based institutions form an essential component of conflict management strategies. However, there have to be checks and balances on how these institutions operate. Moreover, accurate, local level records of transactions in land rights, which are often informal transactions, are an essential part of land and housing delivery.  相似文献   

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