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Granular Matter - While there are plenty of experimental studies pertaining to the dust generation from and dustiness of powders, few of them aim at reaching a theoretical understanding of the... 相似文献
为了研究加载路径对不锈钢球形件内高压成形过程的影响,采用实验方法分析了加载路径对成形过程中缺陷形式的影响,获得了80%膨胀率成形管件的壁厚分布规律.结果表明:当初始内压与屈服强度比值小于0.21时,管坯形成两个皱纹,在整形阶段发生开裂;当初始内压与屈服强度比值大于0.25时,管坯在轴向进给阶段即发生开裂.在初始内压与屈服强度比值为0.21~0.25时,可以成形出合格管件,合格管件最大减薄点位于球形件的最大截面处,最大减薄率为24.5%.本文所成形不锈钢球形件内高压成形区间,合理初始内压与屈服强度比值范围为0.21~0.25. 相似文献
Menisci form between two solid surfaces with the presence of an ultra-thin liquid film. Meniscus and viscous forces contribute to an adhesive force when two surfaces are separated. The adhesive force can be very large and can result in high friction, stiction and possibly high wear. The situation may become more pronounced when the contacting surfaces are ultra-smooth and the normal load is small, as is common for micro-/nanodevices. In this study, equations for meniscus and viscous forces during separation of two flat surfaces, and a sphere and a flat surface, are developed, and the corresponding adhesive forces contributed by these two types of forces are examined. The geometric meniscus curvatures and break point are theoretically determined, and the role of meniscus and viscous forces is evaluated during separation. The influence of separation distance, liquid thickness, meniscus area, separation time, liquid properties and contact angles are analyzed. Critical meniscus areas at which transition in the dominance of meniscus to viscous forces occurs for different given conditions, i.e.?various initial liquid thicknesses, contact angles and designated separation time, are identified. The analysis provides a fundamental understanding of the physics of separation process, and insights into the relationships between meniscus and viscous forces. It is also valuable for the design of the interface for various devices. 相似文献
Minor AM Asif SA Shan Z Stach EA Cyrankowski E Wyrobek TJ Warren OL 《Nature materials》2006,5(9):697-702
In nanoscale contact experiments, it is generally believed that the shear stress at the onset of plasticity can approach the theoretical shear strength of an ideal, defect-free lattice, a trend also observed in idealized molecular dynamics simulations. Here we report direct evidence that plasticity in a dislocation-free volume of polycrystalline aluminium can begin at very small forces, remarkably, even before the first sustained rise in repulsive force. However, the shear stresses associated with these very small forces do approach the theoretical shear strength of aluminium (approximately 2.2 GPa). Our observations entail correlating quantitative load-displacement measurements with individual video frames acquired during in situ nanoindentation experiments in a transmission electron microscope. We also report direct evidence that a submicrometre grain of aluminium plastically deformed by nanoindentation to a dislocation density of approximately 10(14) m(-2) is also capable of supporting shear stresses close to the theoretical shear strength. This result is contrary to earlier assumptions that a dislocation-free volume is necessary to achieve shear stresses near the theoretical shear strength of the material. Moreover, our results in entirety are at odds with the prevalent notion that the first obvious displacement excursion in a nanoindentation test is indicative of the onset of plastic deformation. 相似文献
D. V. Louzguine-Luzgin L. V. Louzguina-Luzgina S. V. Ketov V. Yu. Zadorozhnyy A. L. Greer 《Journal of Materials Science》2014,49(19):6716-6721
Samples of Zr62.5Cu22.5Fe5Al10 bulk metallic glass are subjected to uniaxial compression. Comparison of tests in monotonic loading and cyclic loading (repeated loading to the onset of plasticity, then unloading) shows that the compressive plasticity of the glass is drastically reduced under cyclic loading. It is argued that this effect arises from stress reversal accelerating the concentration of shear on a dominant shear band. The link with compression–compression fatigue results, and the consequences for low-cycle fatigue of metallic glasses are considered. 相似文献
G. Y. Deng C. Lu A. K. Tieu L. H. Su N. N. Huynh X. H. Liu 《Journal of Materials Science》2010,45(17):4711-4717
A crystal plasticity finite element model has been developed to study the effect of friction between the die wall and the billet on texture evolution during equal channel angular pressing of an aluminum single crystal. Four cases with different coefficients of friction μ = 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.15 have been simulated. It has been found that the friction of μ = 0.05 and 0.1 can capture the major texture features shown in the experimental results, and μ = 0.05 predicts a slightly better texture than μ = 0.1. The frictional condition significantly affects texture evolution in the region between 1/2 and 3/4 of the billet thickness from the top surface. It can be attributed to the effect of friction on the corner gap and the distribution of stresses in the die corner. 相似文献
The effects of dry friction on a spherical pendulum are considered. Equations are derived for the angular velocity of the
rotation for the plane of oscillation. The behavior of a pendulum in the initial stage is examined in the linear approximation.
Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 6, pp. 3–5, June, 1998. 相似文献
The adhesion and friction behavior of soft materials, including compliant brushes and hairs, depends on the temporal and spatial evolution of the interfaces in contact. For compliant nanofibrous materials, the actual contact area individual fibers make with surfaces depends on the preload applied upon contact. Using in situ microscopy observations of preloaded nanotube hairs, we show how nanotubes make cooperative contact with a surface by buckling and conforming to the surface topography. The overall adhesion of compliant nanohairs increases with increasing preload as nanotubes deform and continuously add new side-wall contacts with the surface. Electrical resistance measurements indicate significant hysteresis in the relative contact area. Contact area increases with preload (or stress) and decreases suddenly during unloading, consistent with strong adhesion observed for these complaint nanohairs. 相似文献
为了研究循环加载过程中织构对多晶材料Baushinger效应的影响,利用经典晶体塑性模型及含随动硬化的晶体塑性模型模拟AA6104铝合金循环加载力学行为.研究了多晶体中晶粒取向差异对材料宏观塑性行为的影响.详细分析了经典晶体塑性模型可描述多晶体循环加载Bauschinger效应机理,定量分析了多晶有限元模型中晶体取向差异对模拟结果的影响.结果表明多晶体中由于晶粒取向差异而造成的晶粒间相互作用力使得多晶体模型宏观卸载时晶粒内的残余应力是产生Bauschinger效应的主要原因,采用含随动硬化的晶体塑性模型能够较好地模拟具有织构的AA6014铝合金的循环加载过程. 相似文献
A.C.Bouali N.M.André M.R.Silva Campos M.Serdechnova J.F.dos Santos S.T.Amancio-Filho M.L.Zheludkevich 《材料科学技术学报》2021,67(8):197-210
Layered double hydroxide(LDH)conversion coatings loaded with corrosion inhibitors were suggested for the surface treatment of the aluminum alloy 2024-T3,prior to friction spot joining with carbon-fiber reinforced polyphenylene sulfide(AA2024-T3/CF-PPS).Vanadate was used as a model corrosion inhibitor.Lap shear testing method revealed an increase of approx.20%of the joint’s adhesion performance when treated with LDH and before exposure to salt spray.The evaluation of the joints after exposure to salt spray demonstrated a significant difference in the corrosion behavior of the joints when the AA2024-T3 is treated with LDH loaded with nitrate and vanadate species.The LDH intercalated with nitrate revealed a clear improvement in the mechanical and corrosion resistance performance of the joints,even after 6 weeks of salt spray.However,the LDH intercalated with vanadate failed in providing protection against corrosion as well as preserving the mechanical properties of the joints.The effect of the galvanic corrosion was further investigated by zero resistance ammeter(ZRA)measurements as well as localized scanning vibrating electrode technique(SVET). 相似文献
Highly ordered metallic nanopore membranes are fabricated by direct deposition of nickel on typical porous anodic alumina (PAA) templates. The large-area uniform nanopore arrays of the PAA templates are accurately transferred to the metallic nanopore replicas, depending on the thickness of the deposited metal and the pore size of the base template. We demonstrate the ready tunability of the pore size and reproducibility of the metallic nanopore structure in a wide range of pore sizes. The adhesion and friction characteristics of the metallic replicas are studied according to the pore size using atomic force microscopy (AFM). As the pore diameter increases, the friction coefficients increase nonlinearly, and the adhesive forces scarcely change. These characteristics are understood in terms of the structural properties of the replicas, specifically the surface morphology and the real contact area. Initial pore formation from a flat thin film reduces the adhesive force by up to four times. 相似文献
M. Yu. Shvaiko 《Materials Science》1997,33(6):803-812
The well-known theories of plastic yield with smooth surfaces of loading are developed and generalized on the basis of a model
of a nonlinear anisotropically hardened medium based on the concept of slip. Unlike the commonly used procedure of application
ofa priori known laws of hardening (variation of the surface of loading in the process of plastic deformation), we suggest a method
for the experimental evaluation of a universal function of the material appearing in the constitutive equations
for arbitrary complex loading processes including elastic unloading and plastic deformation in the direction opposite to
the initial one. The constitutive equations
are relatively simple and, hence, can easily be used for the statement and solution of boundary-value problems in the theory
of plastic yield.
Dnepropetrovsk State University, Dnepropetrovsk. Translated from Fizyko-Khimichna Mekhanika Materialiv, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp.
63–70, November–December, 1997. 相似文献
Fatigue crack growth tests were performed under various mixed-mode loading paths, on maraging steel. The effective loading paths were computed by finite element simulations, in which asperity-induced crack closure and friction were modelled. Application of fatigue criteria for tension or shear-dominated failure after elastic–plastic computations of stresses and strains, ahead of the crack tip, yielded predictions of the crack paths, assuming that the crack would propagate in the direction which maximises its growth rate. This approach appears successful in most cases considered herein. 相似文献
We develop an approach to the solution of heat problems of friction simulating the operation of brake systems. The thermal
and stressed state of an element of the friction pair is estimated by using the criterion of octahedral tangential stresses.
Franko L'viv State University, L'viv State Agricultural University, State University “L'vivs'ka Politekhnika,” L'viv. Translated
from Fizyko-Khimichna Mekhanika Materialiv, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 72–80, November–December, 1996. 相似文献
The dynamics of a quantum particle tunneling through the barrier of an almost symmetric double-well potential is studied. The coherent quantum oscillations characteristic for isolated tunneling systems are shown to be strongly affected by the interaction with a heat bath environment. Attention is focused on the situation where the heat bath causes an Ohmic damping. This case is of potential relevance to the problem of macroscopic quantum coherence in SQUID rings. The range of parameters in which quantum coherence survives is determined and the time evolution of the occupation probabilities in the two wells is calculated. 相似文献