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羊乳具有营养价值高、蛋白质组成更接近人乳、脂肪球直径小及致敏性低等优点, 更利于人体消化吸收, 受到消费者和乳品企业的青睐。近年来我国羊乳产业发展迅速且潜力巨大, 但由于受羊乳产量和养殖规模的限制, 羊乳价格昂贵, 市场中存在羊乳及其制品掺假牛乳的现象, 且掺假手段多样, 难以辨别。为了保证消费者的健康和权益, 保障羊乳市场良性发展, 羊乳及其制品的纯正性、真实性检测已经成为热点研究方向。本文通过分析基于乳中蛋白质、脂肪和核酸差异的羊乳中牛乳掺假检测技术的研究现状, 介绍和探讨了各检测技术的基本原理及其在应用中的优缺点, 同时展望羊乳掺假检测技术的发展方向, 旨在为牛羊乳混合掺假检测技术的进一步发展提供资料参考和思路。  相似文献   

张进 《食品研究与开发》2007,28(11):136-138
乳与乳制品出现的质量问题,对乳品的生产和消费产生很大的负面影响,非常不利于乳品业的发展。乳制品质量安全状况在很大程度上取决于生鲜牛乳(原料乳)质量安全状况,针对这一问题,研究了一种利用乳品快速分析仪可以快速检测掺假生鲜牛乳的方法。该方法是利用红外光谱技术鉴别掺假乳,具有快速、准确的特点。  相似文献   

乳品即乳类食品,它是畜乳及其加工制品的统称,其中包括鲜乳、消毒乳、乳粉、炼乳、奶油、酸乳和干酷等食品。所谓畜乳,现在一般侈指被誉为“最接近完善的食品”的牛乳,而在我国历史上畜乳还包括羊乳和马乳。  相似文献   

原料乳中药物残留或掺假物质的存在造成的安全事件屡屡发生,这使我国乳品行业面临着巨大的挑战。本文主要综述了常规检测法、免疫分析法、仪器检测分析法、生物传感器和蛋白质芯片技术等对原料乳中常见聚醚类抗生素、类固醇激素、苯二氮卓类药物、苯基脲类除草剂、四环素类抗生素和青霉素类抗生素等药物残留、物理性质与原料乳相近的物质、常见电解质、非电解质、防腐剂等掺假物质的检测方法,以及对单一成分掺假物和多种成分掺假物的检测方法,并比较了不同检测方法的准确度、灵敏度、成本等优缺点,以期为相关检测部门进行质量监测或生产厂家牛乳收购提供技术参考。  相似文献   

兰会会  胡志和 《食品科学》2010,31(17):467-471
电子鼻能够分析识别和检测复杂风味及成分,检测具有快速、客观、准确等特点。本文介绍电子鼻的基本构成和工作原理,综述其在乳品货架期测定、不同工艺乳品分类、原料乳掺假检验、乳制品中特定成分的测定、乳中微生物分析、不同产地牛乳的区分等乳品生产过程与质量控制中的应用。  相似文献   

感官鉴别牛奶及乳粉质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛奶及乳份的感官鉴别如下掺假的手段很多,如牛奶掺水、糖、盐、石灰水、尿素、水杨酸、碱等。乳粉掺糖、面粉、豆粉、糊精等,这样不但降低了乳品的营养成分,而且改变了乳品的理化特性,使乳品受到污染,不易保存。饮用后对人体健康有害,可产生腹泻等症状。消费者购买时应注意鉴别,而购买正规厂家生产的消毒牛乳、乳粉是食用安全的保证,慎重购买个人经营的散奶。感官鉴别牛奶及乳粉质量@张勇燕$辽宁省食品卫生监督检验所  相似文献   

牛乳掺伪现状的调查综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛乳中含有人体所必需的各种营养元素,是人类不可多得的理想天然食品,它被营养学家誉为“接近完善的食品”。近年来,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,牛乳的营养价值已经被广大消费者所共识,但是值得人们关注的是:生产原料乳的个别企业为了降低产品成本,牟取暴利,往往对原料乳进行掺假,甚至制假!这不仅损害了广大消费者的利益,扰乱了正常的市场经济秩序,而且更违反了国家相关的法律法规。  相似文献   

牛乳含有几乎人体所需的全部营养素及具有保健功能的生物活性物质,营养价值非常丰富,随着国家的政策导向和广大消费者的认可,乳制品的种类日益增多。液态乳和乳粉由于保持或强化了原料乳的主要成分,仍然处于绝对优势;益生茵的应用赋予传统的发酵乳品生物学意义;有营养和休闲双重功能的干酪、冰淇淋等备受消费者的青昧。食品高新技术的发展促进了免疫乳等功能性乳品及营养、健康和安全新乳品的研发,新型乳品深蕴涵着巨大的发展潜力,成为乳业新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

目前,我国鲜牛(羊)乳及乳制品掺假是一个较为普遍的现象。鲜乳掺假会增加乳品加工企业的原料收购费及贮存、运输和加工成本,还严重威胁着产品质量,甚至决定着企业的生存和发展。俗话说“千里之堤,溃于蚁穴”,事实上,确有不少企业因无力控制乳原料掺假等等质量问题,在群雄逐鹿的乳品及冷饮市场竞争中不堪一击,不得不偃旗息鼓,被迫抱怨退出!而有的企业,则以低价倾销假冒伪劣乳制品的手段来打击竞争对手、占领市场,极大的破坏了乳品行业的利益,消弱了乳制品市场发展的后劲。然而,鲜乳及乳制品掺假不单是产品质量问题、企业声誉…  相似文献   

生鲜乳是乳制品行业发展的主要原料,是决定乳制品质量的关键因素。然而近年来国内外在乳制品方面的食品安全事件频发,不法分子通过在生鲜乳中掺入虚假物质以获取经济利益的行为已经成为严重的安全问题,对人们健康以及整个乳制品行业造成不良影响。指纹图谱技术是对通过一定的分析工具产生的图像进行判别的一种检测技术,可以对生鲜乳的掺假进行更灵敏、准确和快速的检测。本文通过对生鲜乳的安全现状进行剖析,总结了电泳法、光谱法、色谱法和电子感官技术法4种指纹图谱技术在牛乳掺假检测中的应用,比较了4种技术的优点和局限性,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,为提高生鲜乳的品质与安全以及保证消费者健康提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,人民生活水平不断提高,乳制品成为日常饮食的重要组成部分。乳制品含有促进人体生长发育及维持健康必需的营养成分,驴乳、驼乳、牦牛乳等特种乳因其良好的营养价值而越来越受到人们欢迎。由于特种乳具有良好市场前景且其产量较低,目前市场中特种乳价格普遍高于牛乳,受经济利益驱动的影响,乳源掺假问题日益凸显,掺假鉴别成为近年来研究的热点。针对乳制品中乳源掺假问题,国内外研究学者已经建立了多种鉴别的方法,本文从基于核酸、蛋白、化合物的方法和智能无损检测四个方面对乳及乳制品乳源鉴别方法现状进行了概述,并对4种方法做出总结和比较,对未来需要解决的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The Brazilian market for dairy products made from goat milk is increasing despite the seasonality of production and naturally small milk production per animal, factors that result in high-priced products and encourage fraud. In Brazil, no official analytical method exists for detecting adulteration of goat dairy products with cow milk. The aim of this study was to design a strategy to investigate the adulteration of frescal (fresh) goat cheeses available in the Rio de Janeiro retail market, combining analysis of cheese composition and the perception of adulteration by consumers. Commercial goat cheeses were tested by using a duplex PCR assay previously designed to authenticate cheeses, by targeting the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA genes of both species simultaneously. The PCR test was able to detect 0.5% (vol/vol) cow milk added during goat cheese formulation. The analysis of 20 locally produced goat cheeses (20 lots of 4 brands) showed that all were adulterated with cow milk, even though the labels did not indicate the addition of cow milk. To estimate the ability of consumers to perceive the fraudulent addition of cow milk, a triangle test was performed, in which cheeses formulated with several different proportions of goat and cow milk were offered to 102 regular consumers of cheese. Detection threshold analysis indicated that almost half of the consumers were able to perceive adulteration at 10% (vol/vol) cow milk. Effective actions must be implemented to regulate the market for goat dairy products in Brazil, considering the rights and choices of consumers with respect to their particular requirements for diet and health, preference, and cost.  相似文献   

Koumiss is a popular dairy product in many lands, traditionally prepared from mare milk with spontaneous fermentation. Mare milk and its fermented derivates are more expensive than cow milk and its fermented derivates, and the possibility exists for producers and dealers to adulterate equine products with bovine items. In this work, we described the development of a triplex real-time PCR based on species-specific TaqMan probes for identification of bovine and equine DNA in milks and dairy products. In addition, a novel designed endogenous control was simultaneously amplified to eliminate possible false negatives. With this methodology, bovine and equine DNA were specifically identified by employing developed primers and probes. The limits of detection of this method were 0.001 ng for cow milk, yogurt, and mare milk, and 0.005 ng for sour soup and koumiss, respectively. In addition, the triplex real-time PCR assay for authentication of animal-derived products was effectively validated using binary DNA and milk mixtures, exhibiting well in terms of specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility. In short, the triplex PCR assay was verified to be a time-saving and money-saving technique for the identification of bovine and equine DNA in milks and dairy products.  相似文献   

The authenticity of milk and milk products is important and has extended health, cultural, and financial implications. Current analytical methods for the detection of milk adulteration are slow, laborious, and therefore impractical for use in routine milk screening by the dairy industry. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is a rapid biochemical fingerprinting technique that could be used to reduce this sample analysis period significantly. To test this hypothesis we investigated 3 types of milk: cow, goat, and sheep milk. From these, 4 mixtures were prepared. The first 3 were binary mixtures of sheep and cow milk, goat and cow milk, or sheep and goat milk; in all mixtures the mixtures contained between 0 and 100% of each milk in increments of 5%. The fourth combination was a tertiary mixture containing sheep, cow, and goat milk also in increments of 5%. Analysis by FT-IR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate statistical methods, including partial least squares (PLS) regression and nonlinear kernel partial least squares (KPLS) regression, were used for multivariate calibration to quantify the different levels of adulterated milk. The FT-IR spectra showed a reasonably good predictive value for the binary mixtures, with an error level of 6.5 to 8% when analyzed using PLS. The results improved and excellent predictions were achieved (only 4-6% error) when KPLS was employed. Excellent predictions were achieved by both PLS and KPLS with errors of 3.4 to 4.9% and 3.9 to 6.4%, respectively, when the tertiary mixtures were analyzed. We believe that these results show that FT-IR spectroscopy has excellent potential for use in the dairy industry as a rapid method of detection and quantification in milk adulteration.  相似文献   

乳及乳制品蛋白质掺假检测研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述两类方法、一个原则:乳及乳制品蛋白质掺假特异性检测方法和乳及乳制品蛋白质掺假非特异性检测方法;任何一种乳品蛋白质掺假检测方法的建立都要以某一特定蛋白质差异性为依据的原则。  相似文献   

Milk is a wholesome nutritious dairy product and is consumed by a majority of the population worldwide for drinking as such, as well as via dairy products. However, the practice of adulteration of milk invariably reduces its quality and may introduce hazardous substances into the dairy supply chain jeopardising consumers’ health. Various instances of adulteration of milk have been reported globally, wherein substances such as extraneous water, foreign proteins, whey proteins, melamine and urea, vegetable or animal fats, plus many minor constituents of milk fat have been added as potential adulterants in milk and milk products. This review focusses on the different methods of detection of these adulterants in milk using techniques such as DSC, RP‐HPLC, LC‐GC, HPTLC, immunoassays: CE, ELISA, FAMPST, FTIR, NIR spectroscopy, PAGE, IEF, DNA‐based methods and MALDI‐MS that have been developed and employed for the last 25 years. The combination of advanced IR spectroscopy and chemometrics provides a powerful tool for quality and authenticity analysis of milk. An electronic tongue is an easy and economic tool for the detection of caprine milk adulterations with bovine milk. Biosensors having the ability to furnish real‐time signals have been developed for the detection of urea in milk. An attempt has been made to give a clear understanding of the most suitable methods for the determination of various sources of adulteration.  相似文献   

利用超高效液相色谱(ultra-high performance liquid chromatography,UPLC)技术,建立一种以牛β-乳球蛋白为掺假标识物的检测方法,用于定性定量检测骆驼乳中掺假的牛乳,并且探讨不同热处理方式对掺假标识物的影响,以期满足不同商品化驼乳制品的检测需求。结果表明:该方法能有效地检测鲜驼乳、巴氏杀菌驼乳以及驼乳粉中掺假的牛乳,3 种类型掺假乳样本的定量检测回归方程线性良好,线性相关系数(R2)分别为0.997 9、0.996 9和0.997 8;鲜驼乳、巴氏杀菌驼乳和驼乳粉中掺假牛乳的检出限分别为2%、3%和5%,可满足检测需求;利用该方法在10 种不同品牌市售纯驼乳粉中检测出4 种掺假驼乳粉产品。UPLC法可以有效地检测骆驼乳及其制品中掺假的牛乳,为骆驼乳行业的掺假检测提供一定的技术方法支持。  相似文献   

Increased levels of estrogen metabolites are believed to be associated with cancers of the reproductive system. One potential dietary source of these metabolites that is commonly consumed worldwide is milk. In North America, dairy cows are the most common source of milk; however, goats are the primary source of milk worldwide. In this study, the absolute concentrations of unconjugated and total (unconjugated plus conjugated) estrone (E(1)) and 17β-estradiol (E(2)) were compared in a variety of commercial cow milks (regular and organic) and goat milk. A lower combined concentration of E(1) and E(2) was found in goat milk than in any of the cow milk products tested. The differences in E(1) and E(2) levels between regular and organic cow milks were not as significant as the differences between goat milk and any of the cow milk products. Goat milk represents a better dietary choice for individuals concerned with limiting their estrogen intake.  相似文献   

为了预防与治疗乳牛疾病,抗生素类兽药被广泛应用于乳牛的饲养过程中。而滥用抗生素导致牛奶中抗生素残留超出最大允许残留量,不仅会对牛奶品质造成影响,而且可能会危害到牛奶饮用者的身体健康。因此,如何快速、准确地检测乳与乳制品中抗生素类兽药残留是乳品检测行业和企业亟需解决的问题。本文主要介绍了牛乳中兽药残留的来源、危害及其现状,阐述了酶联免疫分析技术、胶体金免疫层析技术的检测原理及其在应用过程中所具有的不同特点,最后对2种方法的优势与不足进行简要总结,并对免疫分析法在乳与乳制品抗生素类兽药残留检测中的应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

Although buffalo milk is the second most produced milk in the world, and of primary nutritional importance in various parts of the world, few studies have focused on the physicochemical properties of buffalo milk fat globules. This study is a comparative analysis of buffalo and cow milk fat globules. The larger size of buffalo fat globules, 5 vs. 3.5 μm, was related to the higher amount of fat in the buffalo milks: 73.4 ± 9.9 vs. 41.3 ± 3.7 g/kg for cow milk. Buffalo milks contained significantly lower amount of polar lipids expressed per gram of lipids (0.26% vs. 0.36%), but significantly higher amount of polar lipids per litre of milk (+26%). Buffalo and cow milk fat globule membranes contain the same classes of polar lipids; phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) being the main constituents. A significant higher percentage of PC and lower percentage of SM were found for buffalo milks. The fatty acid analysis revealed that saturated fatty acids, mainly palmitic acid, trans fatty acids, linolenic acid (ω3) and conjugated linolenic acid were higher in buffalo milk than in cow milk. Such results will contribute to the improvement of the quality of buffalo milk-based dairy products.  相似文献   

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