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The aim of this paper is to present the experimental results of the isothermal, power and temperature coefficients of reactivity of the IPR-R1 TRIGA reactor at the Nuclear Technology Development Center - CDTN in Brazil. The measured isothermal reactivity coefficient, in the temperature range measured, was −0.5 ¢/°C, and the reactivity measurements were performed at 10 W to eliminate nuclear heating. The reactor forced cooling system was turned off during the measurements. When the reactor is at zero power there is no sensible heat being released in the fuel, and the entire reactor core can be characterized by a single temperature. The power coefficient of reactivity obtained was approximately −0.63 ¢/kW, and the temperature reactivity coefficient of the reactor was −0.8 ¢/°C. It was noted that the rise in the coolant temperature has contributed only with a small fraction to the observed negative effect of the reactivity. The power defect, which is the change in reactivity taking place between zero power and full power (250 kW), was 1.6 $. Because of the prompt negative temperature coefficient, a significant amount of reactivity is needed to overcome temperature and allow the reactor to operate at the higher power levels in steady state.  相似文献   

Considering that the power of the IPR-R1 TRIGA reactor, located at the Nuclear Technology Development Center, Brazil, will be increased from 100 kW to 250 kW, some experiments were done in order to evaluate the magnitude of the reactivity effects associated with the reactor operation. The core excess of reactivity obtained was 1.99 $, and the shutdown margin was 1.33 $. The reactivity needed to operate the IPR-R1 reactor at 100 kW was 0.72 $, mainly due to the prompt negative temperature coefficient. A significant amount of reactivity is needed to overcome temperature and allow the reactor to operate at the higher power levels. The loss of reactivity due to xenon poisoning after 8 h of operation at 100 kW was around 0.20 $, and the highest reactivity loss value caused by a void inserted in the central thimble was 0.22 $. From the results obtained, it was possible to balance all the determined reactivity losses with the reactivity excess available in the reactor, considering the present and the future reactor power operation.  相似文献   

The IPR-R1 TRIGA is a research nuclear reactor managed and located at the Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN) a research institute of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). It is mainly used to radioisotopes production, scientific experiments, training of nuclear engineers for research and nuclear power plant reactor operation, experiments with materials and minerals and neutron activation analysis. In this work, criticality calculation and reactivity changes are presented and discussed using two modelings of the IPR-R1 TRIGA in the MCNP5 code. The first model (Model 1) analyzes the criticality over the reactor. On the other hand, the second model (Model 2) includes the possibility of radial and axial neutron flux evaluation with different operation conditions. The calculated results are compared with experimental data in different situations. For the two models, the standard deviation and relative error presented values of around 4.9 × 10?4. Both models present good agreement with respect to the experimental data. The goal is to validate the models that could be used to determine the neutron flux profiles to optimize the irradiation conditions, as well as to study reactivity insertion experiments and also to evaluate the fuel composition.  相似文献   

《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2012,54(8):1197-1203
Since the first nuclear reactor was built, a number of methodological variations have been evolved for the calibration of the reactor thermal power. Power monitoring of reactors is done by means of neutronic instruments, but its calibration is always done by thermal procedures. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the thermal power calibration carried out on March 5th, 2009 in the IPR-R TRIGA reactor. It was used two procedures: the calorimetric and heat balance methods. The calorimetric procedure was done with the reactor operating at a constant power, with primary cooling system switched off. The rate of temperature rise of the water was recorded. The reactor power is calculated as a function of the temperature-rise rate and the system heat capacity constant. The heat balance procedure consists in the steady-state energy balance of the primary cooling loop of the reactor. For this balance, the inlet and outlet temperatures and the water flow in the primary cooling loop were measured. The heat transferred through the primary loop was added to the heat leakage from the reactor pool. The calorimetric method calibration presented a large uncertainty. The main source of error was the determination of the heat content of the system, due to a large uncertainty in the volume of the water in the system and a lack of homogenization of the water temperature. The heat balance calibration in the primary loop is the standard procedure for calibrating the power of the IPR-R1 TRIGA nuclear reactor.  相似文献   

Since the first nuclear reactor was built, a number of methodological variations have been evolved for the calibration of the reactor thermal power. Power monitoring of reactors is done by means of neutronic instruments, but its calibration is always done by thermal procedures. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the thermal power calibration carried out on March 5th, 2009 in the IPR-R TRIGA reactor. It was used two procedures: the calorimetric and heat balance methods. The calorimetric procedure was done with the reactor operating at a constant power, with primary cooling system switched off. The rate of temperature rise of the water was recorded. The reactor power is calculated as a function of the temperature-rise rate and the system heat capacity constant. The heat balance procedure consists in the steady-state energy balance of the primary cooling loop of the reactor. For this balance, the inlet and outlet temperatures and the water flow in the primary cooling loop were measured. The heat transferred through the primary loop was added to the heat leakage from the reactor pool. The calorimetric method calibration presented a large uncertainty. The main source of error was the determination of the heat content of the system, due to a large uncertainty in the volume of the water in the system and a lack of homogenization of the water temperature. The heat balance calibration in the primary loop is the standard procedure for calibrating the power of the IPR-R1 TRIGA nuclear reactor.  相似文献   

RELAP5 code was developed at the Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory and it is widely used for thermal hydraulic studies of commercial nuclear power plants and, currently, it has been also applied for thermal hydraulic analysis of nuclear research systems with good predictions. This work is a contribution to the assessment of RELAP5/3.3 code for research reactors analysis. It presents steady-state and transient calculation results performed using a RELAP5 model to simulate the IPR-R1 TRIGA research reactor conditions operating at 50 and 100 kW. The reactor is located at the Nuclear Technology Development Centre (CDTN), Brazil. The development and the assessment of a RELAP5 model for the IPR-R1 TRIGA are presented. Experimental data were considered in the process of code-to-data validation. The RELAP5 results were also compared with calculation performed using the STHIRP-1 (Research Reactors Thermal Hydraulic Simulation) code. The use of a cross flow model has been essential to improve results in the transient condition respect to preceding investigations.  相似文献   

The RELAP5 code is widely used for thermal hydraulic studies of commercial nuclear power plants. Current investigations and code adaptations have demonstrated that the RELAP5 code can be also applied for thermal hydraulic analysis of nuclear research reactors with good predictions. Therefore, as a contribution to the assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 for research reactors analysis, this work presents steady-state and transient calculation results performed using a RELAP5 model to simulate the IPR-R1 TRIGA research reactor at 50 kilowatts (kW) of power operation. The reactor is located in the Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN), Brazil. It is a 250 kW, light water moderated and cooled, graphite-reflected, open pool type research reactor. The development and the assessment of a RELAP5 model for the IPR-R1 TRIGA are presented. Experimental data were considered in the process of the RELAP5 model validation. The RELAP5 results were also compared with calculated data from the STHIRP-1 (Research Reactors Thermal Hydraulic Simulation) code. The results obtained have shown that the RELAP5 model for the IPR-R1 TRIGA reproduces the actual steady-state reactor behavior in good agreement with the available data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the modeling of RBMK-1500 specific transients taking place at Ignalina NPP: measurements of void and fast power reactivity coefficients, as well as change of graphite cooling conditions transient. The simulation of these transients was performed using RELAP5-3D code model of RBMK-1500 reactor. At the Ignalina NPP void and fast power reactivity coefficients are measured on a regular basis and based on the obtained experimental results the actual values of these reactivity coefficients are determined. Graphite temperature reactivity coefficient at the plant is determined by changing graphite cooling conditions in the reactor cavity. This type of transient is unique and important from the point of view of model validation for the gap between fuel channel and the graphite bricks. The measurement results, obtained during this transient, enabled to determine the thermal conductivity coefficient for this gap and to validate the graphite temperature reactivity feedback model. The performed validation of RELAP5-3D model of Ignalina NPP RBMK-1500 reactor allowed to improve the model, which in the future would be used for the safety substantiation calculations of RBMK-1500 reactors.  相似文献   

Many neutronics as well as thermal-hydraulics calculations have been made to find the performance of the proposed annular fuels (internally and externally cooled fuel pins) for both next generation PWRs and BWRs. Specifically, there has not been a significant study on the Russian type VVER-1000 reactors with annular fuels. Our aim herein is to study two important safety coefficients of the Iranian VVER-1000 core including hexagonal annular fuel assemblies at its BOC. The safety coefficients are “prompt reactivity coefficient” and “power reactivity coefficient”, where all simulations are made using MCNP-5 code. We found less (absolutely) Doppler coefficient for the next generation VVER-1000 and therefore Doppler coefficient decreasing is a good feature to avoid more resonance neutrons absorbing in the U-238; causes more fission density and also less soluble boron for core controlling (at the BOC) with comparing to the current VVER-1000 solid pins.  相似文献   

The point-reactor model with power reactivity feedback becomes a nonlinear system. Its dynamic characteristic shows great complexity. According to the mathematic definition of stability in differential equa-tion qualitative theory, the model of a reactor with power reactivity feedback is judged unstable. The equilib-rium point is a saddle-node point. A portion of the trajectory in the neighborhood of the equilibrium point is parabolic fan curve, and the other is hyperbolic fan curve. Based on phase locus near the equilibrium point, it is pointed out that the model is still stable within physical limits. The difference between stabilities in the mathematical sense and in the physical sense is indicated.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2002,29(8):901-912
The WIMSD4 and CITATION codes are used to calculate neutronic parameters of a TRIGA reactor. The results are compared with experimental values. Five configurations are analysed and the excess reactivity worth, the fuel temperature reactivity coefficient, the control reactivity worth, safety and regulation rod of the TRIGA IPR–R1 reactor are calculated. The idea is to obtain the systematic error for k for this methodology comparing the calculated and the experimental results.  相似文献   

The conceptual design of the advanced high-temperature reactor (AHTR) has recently been proposed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, with the intention to provide and alternative energy source for very high temperature applications. In the present study, we focused on the analyses of the reactivity coefficients of the AHTR core fueled with two types of fuel: enriched uranium and plutonium from the reprocessing of light water reactors irradiated fuel. More precisely, we investigated the influence of the outer graphite reflectors on the multiplication factor of the core, the fuel and moderator temperature reactivity coefficients and the void reactivity coefficient for five different molten salts: NaF, BeF2, LiF, ZrF4 and Li2BeF4 eutectic. In order to better illustrate the behavior of the previous parameters for different core configurations, we evaluated the moderating ratio of the molten salts and the absorption rate of the key fuel nuclides, which, of course, are driven by the neutron spectrum. The results show that the fuel and moderator temperature reactivity coefficients are always negative, whereas the void reactivity coefficient can be set negative provided that the fuel to moderator ratio is optimized (the core is undermoderated) and the moderating ratio of the coolant is large.  相似文献   

The safety report of the TRIGA Mark II reactor in Vienna includes three accident scenarios and their deterministic dose consequences to the environment. The destruction of the cladding of the most activated fuel element, the destruction of all fuel elements and a plane crash were considered scenarios in that report. The calculations were made in 1978 with the software program named STRISK. In this paper, the program package PC Cosyma was applied on the TRIGA Mark II reactor in Vienna and the deterministic consequences of the scenarios to the environment were updated. The fission product inventories of all fuel elements were calculated with ORIGEN2. To get meteorological data of the atmospheric condition around the release area, a weather station was installed. The release parameters were taken from the safety report or were replaced by worst case parameters. This paper focuses on two accident scenarios: the destruction of the cladding of the fuel element with the highest activity content and the case of a large plane crash. The current accident scenarios show good agreement with the calculations from 1978, hence no technical modifications in the safety report of the TRIGA reactor Vienna were necessary. Even in the very worst case scenario – complete destruction of all fuel elements in a large plane crash – the expected doses in the Atominstitut's neighborhood remain moderate.  相似文献   

To alleviate the economic problems of the modular pebble bed high temperature reactor, its design was modified in such a way that the power output was increased from 200 to 350 MWth. The core geometry was changed from cylindrical to annular, and the pressure vessel diameter was increased to 6.7 m. Control rods are placed in both the outer reflector and the graphite central column. In a safety analysis, loss of heat sink, loss of coolant and water ingress accident were examined. Reactor shutdown and decay heat removal take place passively, and the maximum fuel temperature stays theoreticallybelow 1600 °C, implying full retention of the fission products in the fuel elements. The central column has a diminishing effect on the positive reactivity effect of water ingress. A cost analysis shows that the specific investment costs of a four-module plant would decrease by 26% and the electricity generating costs would reduce by 19%.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Reactivity Temperature Coefficients of the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) for normal and accidental conditions (above 45 °C) using HEU-UAl4 and the LEU: U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo fuel were carried out in this paper. The Fuel Temperature Coefficient (FTC), Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC), and Moderator Density Coefficient (MDC) were calculated using the GETERA code. The contribution of each isotope presented in the fuel cell was calculated for the temperature range of 20 °C–100 °C at the beginning of the core life. The average values of the FTC for the UAl4, U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo were found to be: −2.23E-03, −1.85E-02, −1.96E-02, −1.85E-02 mk/°C respectively. The average values of the MTC for the UAl4, U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo were observed to be: −8.91E-03, −1.24E-04, −4.70E-03, 2.10E-03 mk/°C respectively. Finally, the average values of the MDC for the UAl4, U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo were observed to be: −2.06E-01, −2.03E-01, −2.04E-01, −2.03E-01 mk/°C respectively. It's found also that the dominant reactivity coefficient for all types of fuel is the MDC.  相似文献   

针对考虑单组缓发中子和反应性功率反馈的反应堆模型,利用中心流形定理对模型降维处理后判断是不稳定的.研究了平衡点附近的相轨迹,指出模型在有实际物理意义的范围内是仍然是稳定的.区分了数学意义上的稳定性和实际物理意义范围内的稳定性之间的差别.  相似文献   

Component and regional temperature coefficients of reactivity for four loading configurations of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) are compared. The coefficients are calculated by summations of microcoefficients obtained by fine axial delineations of every subassembly. A special-sum method for obtaining effective coefficients for use in kinetics code channels representing subassembly groupings is described. Evaluations of rod-bank suspension coefficients and of grid-plate radial-expansion coefficients are also presented.  相似文献   

The Atominstitute (ATI) of Vienna University of Technology (VUT) operates a TRIGA Mark II research reactor since March 1962. Its initial criticality was achieved on 7th March 1962 when 57th Fuel Element (FE) was loaded to the core. This paper describes the development of the MCNP model of the TRIGA reactor and its validation through three different experiments i.e. initial criticality, reactivity distribution and a thermal flux mapping experiment in the reactor core. All these experiments were performed on the initial core configuration. The MCNP model includes all necessary core components i.e. FE, Graphite Element GE, neutron Source Element (SE), Central IRradiation channel (CIR) etc. Outside the core, this model simulates the annular grooved graphite reflector, the thermal and thermalizing column, four beam tubes and the reactor water tank up to 100 cm in radial and +60 and −60 cm in axial direction. Each grid position at its exact location is modeled. This model employs the ENDF/B-VI data library except for the Sm-isotopes which are taken from JEFF 3.1 because ENDF/B-VI lacks samarium (Sm) cross sections.For the first experiment, the model predicts an effective multiplication factor (κeff) of 1.00183 with an estimated standard deviation 0.00031 which is very close to the experimental value 1.00114. The second experiment measures the reactivity values of four FE and one GE. In comparison to the MCNP results, the percent difference ranges from 4 to 22. The third experiment verifies the model at a local level with the radial and axial thermal flux density distribution in the core. Though the trends are similar, the MCNP model overestimates the radial thermal flux density in the core and underestimates these results at the core periphery.  相似文献   

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