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选取一个典型的圆筒形地下立体停车库作为研究对象,运用star-ccm+软件,采用数值模拟的方法对车库内自然通风条件下的火灾场景进行模拟计算。分别选择负一层、负六层以及负十层作为起火点,计算得出:火源位置越深入地下,着火车位顶棚中心温度越高,最高可达942℃,与起火点同层的车位顶棚中心温度均高于200℃。当某车辆发生火灾后,其相邻车辆、上方车辆、相对车辆将分别在起火后的240、312、322 s左右被引燃;火源位置越往下,引燃附近车辆的时间越短。同时,通过计算值与理论值的对比,讨论了计算火源附近车辆被引燃时间理论公式的适用性。  相似文献   

描述了高层建筑火灾危险性的特点和现实情况,分别介绍了目前国内外在建筑火灾烟气扩散领域的研究和成果,指出了需进一步改进的问题,并提出了采用分区模拟的手段来实现高层建筑火灾烟气扩散的计算机模拟。  相似文献   

采用格子Boltzmann方法建立了巷道突水蔓延二维仿真模型.将物理巷道划分为网格模型,确定每个网格节点的基本物理量,对水粒子在网格模型内碰撞和迁移过程做了定义,巷道边界使用修正反弹格式,针对复杂巷道,使用分块耦合算法,将巷道分块处理,各块只在边界处进行数据交换,实现了不同块之间流场的耦合,简化计算,提高了程序效率.仿...  相似文献   

The three-phase foam consisted of solid, liquid and gas is regarded as a highly effective measure for the underground mine fire prevention. In this study, the three-phase foam technology is introduced and a visualization platform is established to exhibit the foam flow in a physical goaf. The diffusion rule and extinguishing performance for three-phase foam are researched. Test results show that the three-phase foam has a superior heat resistance than expansion foam in the top goaf. The coal heating rate is postponed after the three-phase foam processing and the active functional groups are suppressed effectively. Increasing the foam expansion ratio is adverse to the three-phase foam stability. The field application of three-phase foam was evaluated via the practical extinguishment effect. The marked reduction in the sealed zone temperature and CO concentration proved that the proposed three-phase foam technology was effective on controlling the concealed goaf fire.  相似文献   

A new type of train configuration, known as Open Wide Gangway (OWG) is becoming popular, particularly in underground environments. Previous fire modelling analysis demonstrated that the OWG configuration was considered safe as or safer than conventional configurations as it reduced the likelihood of flashover. However, these studies have ignored the impact on evacuation of the spread of fire effluent to non‐fire cars. Here we explore the fire safety offered by conventional and OWG configurations using coupled fire and evacuation modelling techniques. Two tunnel train situations are considered: one in which the car side doors are available for evacuation (train in a wide tunnel) and the other in which only the end cab doors are available (train in a narrow tunnel). Two population configurations are considered, fully and half loaded. Two ignition sources are also considered, one representing an accidental fire and the other an arson fire. The analysis demonstrates that while the OWG configuration may produce improved fire performance in the car of fire origin compared to the conventional configuration, if the interaction of the fire effluent with the evacuating passengers is considered, the OWG configuration results in a significantly greater number of casualties in virtually all the scenarios considered. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

应用CFD分析软件Fluent,在简化模型的基础上对螺旋半圆管夹套内的三维湍流流动及换热进行了数值模拟. 结果表明,夹套内与螺旋线垂直的横截面上,切线方向的时均速度等值线呈鞍状分布,弯曲外壁侧的速度梯度远大于直内壁侧;二次流为稳定的两涡结构,二次涡的中心位置在半圆形截面的2个尖角附近. 由于二次流的作用,换热壁面上局部努塞尔数Nulocal分布不均,最小值在壁面中心点处,最大值在中心点两侧,研究范围内,最小值为平均值的0.8~0.85倍,最大值为平均值的1.15~1.25倍. 螺距对夹套内充分发展段的流体流动及换热的影响很小;增大曲率,夹套的换热能力增强,同时流动阻力也增大.  相似文献   

射流泵湍流场的数值模拟与实验研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
采用k-ε湍流模型和非等间距加密网格,对射流泵流场进行了数值模拟和分析,并对相应的流场进行了实验研究.结果表明,流场轴向速度剖面在扩散管段具有较好的自相似性,而在喉管段则不然;这种速度剖面变化的转折点与喉管的长度有关;流场的湍动能分别在喷嘴出口与扩散管入口处产生峰值,并且前者远大于后者,可见射流泵流场中,湍流主要发生在喉管入口处,湍动能的不平衡将导致额外的能量损失.本研究结果对工程应用有指导意义.  相似文献   

Concentration changes which occur in cyclical hydraulic hoisting operations can be modelled with a form of the convection-diffusion equation. In order to solve this equation it is necessary to specify the axial dispersion coefficient and the effective slip of the particles relative to the mean velocity. The effective slip depends upon drag and particle migration effects. Experimental observations of these concentration changes are interpreted with numerical solutions of the appropriate equation. Fine particles develop a near-Gaussian concentration distribution while coarse particles produce a saw-tooth pulse. Axial dispersion coefficients are similar to those observed with solutes in turbulent slurry flows and slip velocities are shown to be concentration dependent.  相似文献   

化工搅拌装置内的流体流动伴随着显著的传热过程,由于搅拌流动的复杂性以及温度的分布难以测量,采用试验法具有一定的局限性。利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件,采用标准k-ξ紊流模型,分析了非稳态非等温情况下,涡轮搅拌桨混合过程中搅拌槽中流体的三维紊流流场和温度场的分布。结果表明,大型搅拌反应装置采用搅拌桨通蒸汽加热方式,能够使搅拌槽温度分布更加均匀,热量扩散更加迅速。  相似文献   

文章对冷却水在换热器管程流动并与壳程的热油逆流换热条件下,对螺旋隔板三维翅片管换热器的传热与压降性能进行了实验研究,并与光滑管进行了对比。在相同壳程Reynolds数下,三维翅片管的壳程Nusselt数是光滑管的2.2—2.9倍,而压降是光滑管的2.3倍左右。采用计算流体力学软件F luent 6.0对螺旋隔板三维翅片管和光滑管换热器进行了数值模拟。结果表明,螺旋流条件下光滑管表面速度矢量均匀、稳定,而三维翅片表面的速度矢量因翅片激发流体而产生湍动和不规则的二次流,从而强化了流体的对流传热。对于螺旋隔板三维翅片管换热器,壳程Nusselt数和压降的数值模拟结果与实验计算值吻合良好,最大偏差分别为6.3%和9.8%。  相似文献   

周鑫  邓乐东  王宏  朱恂  陈蓉  廖强  丁玉栋 《化工学报》2019,70(3):883-891
采用CLSVOF耦合焓-多孔介质方法对单液滴撞击低温光滑圆柱壁面的现象进行数值模拟研究,揭示了壁面温度、壁面浸润性和液滴撞击速度等因素对液滴撞击低温光滑圆形壁面后动力学行为及相变特性的影响,研究中主要关注两个重要参数的变化规律:液膜高度变化和液滴对壁面的润湿特性。研究表明:提高壁面疏水性能可有效减小液滴碰撞圆柱的铺展润湿面积,从而减小冻结面积,降低结冰的危害程度;由于圆柱壁面的曲率作用,液滴撞击疏水圆柱壁面会出现液膜断裂,但在极低温度下,可抑制液膜在圆形壁面上的分裂,导致液膜在壁面上的铺展面积有所增加,防结冰性能下降。  相似文献   

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