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针对现有的图像配准方法的低鲁棒性问题,提出一种对噪声不敏感的多畸变图像配准方法,通过Radon变换估计旋转角度,利用快速傅里叶变换求解平移与伸缩。实验结果表明该方法有效提高各类图像配准的精度,并且具有较高的鲁棒性,可以有效抵抗噪声信号的干扰,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

一种三维快速傅里叶变换并行算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维快速傅里叶变换在物理计算领域中被广泛地使用.传统并行算法所使用的面划分和块划分方法并不适合稀疏三维向量的傅里叶变换.提出了一种新三维快速傅里叶变换的并行算法,针对稀疏三维向量的傅里叶变换,新算法通过重新调整x,Y,z三个方向的计算顺序,能最大限度地减少计算量以及进程间的通信量,从而减少计算时间,提高并行加速比.详尽的理论分析以及多个高性能计算平台上的实验结果证明:在对稀疏三维向量作傅里叶变换时,新算法优于传统算法.  相似文献   

介绍一种利用连续信号的傅里叶变换计算离散序列离散傅里叶变换的算法,给出了这种算法的应用实例,并对此算法的有效性进行了验证.  相似文献   

本文研究六边形区域上快速傅里叶变换(FFTH)的CUDA-MPI算法及其实现.首先,我们通过充分利用CUDA的层次化并行机制及其库函数,设计了FFTH的高效率的CUDA算法.对于规模为3×2048~2的双精度复数类型数据,我们设计的CUDA程序与CPU串行程序相比可以达到12倍加速比,如果不计内存和显存之间的数据传输,则加速比可达40倍;其计算效率与CUFFT所提供的二维方形区域FFT程序的效率基本一致.在此基础上,我们通过研究GPU上分布式并行数据的转置与排序算法,优化设计了FFTH的CUDA-MPI算法.在3×8192~2的数据规模、10节点×6GPU的计算环境下,我们的CUDA-MPI程序与CPU串行程序相比达到了55倍的加速;其效率比MPI并行版FFTW以及基于CUFFT本地计算和FFTW并行转置的方形区域并行FFT的效率都要高出很多.FFTH的CUDA-MPI算法研究和测试为大规模CPU+GPU异构计算机系统的可扩展新型算法的探索提供了参考.  相似文献   

语音识别和合成技术分别实现了计算机理解人类语言和模仿人类阅读文本的功能,提出了一种实现计算机学习并演唱歌曲的系统。系统运用敲击定位法定位发音时刻,然后利用Daubechies小波变换和快速傅里叶变换计算出对应的基频,采用语音合成技术输出声音。  相似文献   

随着数据采集能力和采样频率的不断提高,采用传统的奈奎斯特采样定理会获得海量的数据,这给信号的存储和传递带来了极大挑战。提出基于稀疏快速傅里叶变换的信号压缩方法,利用信号在频域的稀疏性,压缩信号所需的存储空间,在保证拥有足够小的误码率的前提下,以高概率重构原始信号。  相似文献   

多核计算机上的快速傅里叶变换并行算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王刚强  钟诚  柯琦 《计算机工程》2011,37(16):57-59
针对现有多核结构上快速傅里叶变换(FFT)并行算法没有利用多级缓存和线程级并行等多核特性问题,通过运用多核多级存储特性合理划分数据,采取子序列FFT计算和多线程并行逐对计算FFT相结合的方法,给出一个N点、一维、有序和基数为2的多核多线程并行计算FFT非递归算法。理论分析和实验结果表明,该算法实用、高效,能获得较好的加速比和可扩展性。  相似文献   

袁琳  邱轩 《软件》2014,(3):86-90
对地学数据处理时,把原始数据中的干扰去掉,保留数据中的真实信息,是迫切需要解决的问题。文章引入快速傅里叶变换对地学数据进行处理,以地球化学数据为例,通过谱密度图分析对数据进行降噪,以达到优化数据,提高信息提取准确度的目的。  相似文献   

樊磊  齐国清 《计算机应用》2015,35(11):3280-3283
为了进一步提高加性高斯白噪声背景中正弦信号的频率估计精度,提出了一种新的基于插值快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的正弦信号频率估计算法.首先,对N点正弦采样序列进行等长度时域补零延长,再进行 2N 点FFT; 然后, 搜索幅度最大离散谱线位置得到频率粗估计值; 最后, 采用幅度最大谱线以及原信号的离散时间傅里叶变换(DTFT)在幅度最大谱线左右两侧的两点抽样值进行精估计.仿真结果表明,当信号实际频率位于FFT两条离散谱线之间任意位置时,所提算法的频率估计均方根误差均接近克拉美罗下限,具有较好的一致性,估计精度高于Candan算法、Fang算法、三谱线合理结合(RCTSL)算法和Aboutanios算法, 且信噪比阈值较低,估计性能优于现有频率估计算法.  相似文献   

本文直接采用快速傅里叶变换对由多方向干涉系统获取的三折射率场的多方向干涉数据进行了再现,并给出了该反演法的几个结论。  相似文献   

近优可扩展性:一种实用的可扩展性度量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈军  李晓梅 《计算机学报》2001,24(2):179-182
良好的可扩展性是并行算法和并行机设计人员追求的一项重要性能指标,以往的可扩展模型都只是孤立地考虑了问题的某个侧面,比如某种性能或最大可利用资源,而没有从整体上进行权衡。这些可扩展模型可以满足计算机研究人员的需要,因为他们关注于更高的效率和利用率。但应用科学家更强调短小的执行时间。文中提出的近优可扩展模型,它同时考虑了并行系统的效率和执行两个因素。在一个典型MPP上的两个算法实例分析表明,该可扩展模型不仅可以描述并行算法的可扩展能力,而且,当按照适当的可扩展曲线扩展时,可以使得执行时间接近量短,而效率不低,这对算法和并行机的最优匹配有指导作用,同时有益于并行算法设计和改进。  相似文献   

BaLinda Lisp is a parallel Lisp dialect employing a shared memory model of parallel processing together with a subset of the Linda tuple space operators. Also included in the design is speculative processing. The aim is to have shared memory multiprocessing with the tuple space acting as the main data structure through which synchronization is done. The result is a flexible programming language. In this paper, we shall describe the design philosophy of BaLinda Lisp, discuss its implementation on three multiprocessing platforms, give examples of programs written in BaLinda Lisp and discuss future work on the language.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new parallel controller is developed for continuous-time linear systems. The main contribution of the method is to establish a new parallel control law, where both state and control are considered as the input. The structure of the parallel control is provided, and the relationship between the parallel control and traditional feedback controls is presented. Considering the situations that the systems are controllable and incompletely controllable, the properties of the parallel control law are analyzed. The parallel controller design algorithms are given under the conditions that the systems are controllable and incompletely controllable. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the present method.   相似文献   

NEPTUNE:并行三维全电磁粒子模拟软件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为求解具有复杂几何的高功率微波电磁场问题,本文研制了一个三维全电磁粒子并行软件NEPTUNE。本文介绍了该并行软件的基本结构和采用的一些并行算法。目前,该软件已经成功模拟了多种高功率源器件,并可扩展到数千台处理器核上运行。  相似文献   

The emerging development of connected and automated vehicles imposes a significant challenge on current vehicle control and transportation systems. This paper proposes a novel unified approach, Parallel Driving, a cloud-based cyberphysical-social systems (CPSS) framework aiming at synergizing connected automated driving. This study first introduces the CPSS and ACP-based intelligent machine systems. Then the parallel driving is proposed in the cyber-physical-social space, considering interactions among vehicles, human drivers, and information. Within the framework, parallel testing, parallel learning and parallel reinforcement learning are developed and concisely reviewed. Development on intelligent horizon (iHorizon) and its applications are also presented towards parallel horizon. The proposed parallel driving offers an ample solution for achieving a smooth, safe and efficient cooperation among connected automated vehicles with different levels of automation in future road transportation systems.   相似文献   

数据并行计算:概念,模型与系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
一、引言并行计算,或者并行处理,指的是这样一种努力和相关的研究:利用多个具有计算能力的部件来共同完成一个计算工作,以获得比用一个部件来完成要快的效果。这显然是一个很自然的想法。历史地看,几乎是自从有了计算机,就有了并行处理的想法和实践。在80年代后期到90年代初期,以寻求对人类面临的若干重  相似文献   

We examine two schemes for parametric parallel simulation on SIMD supercomputers. In SIMD machines, the parallel processors execute a common instruction stream using local data-under the control of a front-end processor. In contrast to most parallel simulation approaches-which simulate a single system using multiple processors-we simulate distinct parametric variants at each processor. We extract some of the common computation embedded in these simulations and perform it on the front-end, leaving the rest to the parallel processors.The first simulation approach, which we call time synchronous, is essentially Vakili's standard clock. This approach generates a uniformized event process on the front-end processor which is thinned at each back-end processor based on local state information. The second scheme, which we call event synchronous, generates a standard Poisson process on the front-end, which is time-scaled and marked on the back-end processors.We develop a framawork for comparing these methods based on their simulated event rate (number of simulated events per real time unit). We show that the time synchronous method can be tuned to optimize the event rate for a given family of systems and we solve this optimal standard clock problem for several test cases. Finally we describe implementation issues peculiar to the SIMD architecture. Our focus is primarily on the M/M/1/K queue, but the methods extend to more general Jackson networks.  相似文献   

Multigrid methods are powerful techniques to accelerate the solution of computationally-intensive problems arising in a broad range of applications. Used in conjunction with iterative processes for solving partial differential equations, multigrid methods speed up iterative methods by moving the computation from the original mesh covering the problem domain through a series of coarser meshes. But this hierarchical structure leaves domain-parallel versions of the standard multigrid algorithms with a deficiency of parallelism on coarser grids. To compensate, several parallel multigrid strategies with more parallelism, but also more work, have been designed. We examine these parallel strategies and compare them to simpler standard algorithms to try to determine which techniques are more efficient and practical. We consider three parallel multigrid strategies: (1) domain-parallel versions of the standard V-cycle and F-cycle algorithms; (2) a multiple coarse grid algorithm, proposed by Fredrickson and McBryan, which generates several coarse grids for each fine grid; and (3) two Rosendale algorithm, which allow computation on all grids simultaneously. We study an elliptic model problem on simple domains, discretized with finite difference techniques on block-structured meshes in two or three dimensions with up to 106 or 109 points, respectively. We analyze performance using three models of parallel computation: the PRAM and two bridging models. The bridging models reflect the salient characteristics of two kinds of parallel computers: SIMD fine-grain computers, which contain a large number of small (bitserial) processors, and SPMD medium-grain computers, which have a more modest number of powerful (single chip) processors. Our analysis suggests that the standard algorithms are substantially more efficient than algorithms utilizing either parallel strategy. Both parallel strategies need too much extra work to compensate for their extra parallelism. They require a highly impractical number of processors to be competitive with simpler, standard algorithms. The analysis also suggests that the F-cycle, with the appropriate optimization techniques, is more efficient than the V-cycle under a broad range of problem, implementation, and machine characteristics, despite the fact that it exhibits even less parallelism than the V-cycle. Research at Princeton University partially supported by the National Science Foundation, Grant No. CCR-8920505, and the Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N0014-91-J-1463.  相似文献   

The computational difficulty of econometric problems has increased dramatically in recent years as econometricians examine more complicated models and utilize more sophisticated estimation techniques. Many problems in econometrics are `embarrassingly parallel' and can take advantage of parallel computing to reduce the wall clock time it takes to solve a problem. In this paper I demonstrate a method that can be used to solve a maximum likelihood problem using the MPI message passing library. The econometric problem is a simple multinomial logit model that does not require parallel computing but illustrates many of the problems one would confront when estimating more complicated models.  相似文献   

WAPM:适合广域分布式计算的并行编程模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早期的MPI与OpenMP等编程模型由于扩展性限制或并行粒度的差异而不适合于大规模的广域动态Internet环境.提出了一个用于广域网络范围内的并行编程模型(WAPM),为应用的分布式计算的编程提供了一个新的可行解决方案.WAPM由通信库、通信协议和应用编程接口组成,并且具有通用编程、自适应并行、容错性等特点,通过选择合适的编程语言,就可形成一个广域范围内的并行程序设计环境.以分布式计算平台P2HP为工作平台,描述了WAPM分布式计算的实施过程.实验结果表明,WAPM是一个通用的、可行的、性能较好的编程模型.  相似文献   

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