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微博转发行为是实现信息传播的重要方式,微博转发预测对微博影响力分析、微博话题分析具有重要价值。现有微博转发预测研究大多围绕消息属性、用户属性等微博自身特征,该文提出融合热点话题的微博转发预测方法,对背景热点话题内容和传播趋势对用户转发行为的影响进行量化分析,提出融合背景热点信息的转发兴趣、转发活跃度、行为模式等特征,并基于分类算法建立了面向热点话题相关微博的转发预测模型,在真实数据上的实验结果表明,该方法的预测准确性达到96.6%,提升幅度最高达到12.14%。  相似文献   

文中以新浪微博为研究对象,以分析新浪微博的信息转发与传播特征为研究目的,并对传播行为进行预测.在获取大量新浪微博在线数据的基础上,对各种可能影响用户转发行为的因素进行统计、分析,挖掘各种影响因素特征并进行建模.提出基于用户属性、社交关系和微博内容三类综合特征,使用机器学习的分类方法,对给定微博的用户转发行为进行预测.基于微博网关注关系拓扑,利用概率级联模型对给定微博的转发路径进行预测,为预测微博的影响范围提供依据.文中通过实验分析了新浪微博符合复杂网络特征、社交类特征对转发行为有重要影响,并验证了传播预测的有效性.  相似文献   

为预测某条微博的具体转发者,在微博是否会被转发的研究基础上,提出了基于社交网络拓扑结构、用户行为及用户间关联三个层面的逻辑回归分类算法,并针对该算法进行真实数据集检测。实验结果表明该预测算法与未考虑网络拓扑结构的算法相比性能显著提升,为实现社交媒体信息传播轨迹精准预测打下重要基础。  相似文献   

微博用户影响力分析作为社交网络分析的重要组成部分,一直受到研究人员的关注。针对现有研究工作分析用户行为时间性的不足和忽略用户与参与话题之间关联性等问题,提出了一种面向微博话题的用户影响力分析算法——基于话题和传播能力的用户排序(TSRank)算法。首先,基于微博话题分析用户转发行为时间性,进一步构建用户转发和用户博文转发两种话题转发关系网络,预测用户话题信息传播能力;然后,分析用户个人历史微博和背景话题微博文本内容,挖掘用户与背景话题之间的关联性;最后,综合考虑用户话题信息传播能力以及用户与背景话题间关联性计算微博用户影响力。爬取新浪微博真实话题数据进行实验,实验结果表明,话题关联度更高用户的话题转发量明显大于关联度很低的用户,引入用户转发行为时间性相比无转发时间性,TSRank算法的捕获率(CR)提高了18.7%,进一步与典型影响力分析算法WBRank、TwitterRank和PageRank相比,TSRank算法在准确率和召回率上分别提高了5.9%、8.7%、13.1%和6.7%、9.1%、14.2%,验证了TSRank算法的有效性。该研究成果对社交网络的社会属性、话题传播等理论研究以及好友推荐、舆情监控等应用研究具有支撑作用。  相似文献   

微博的传播效果研究对于提高市场营销效率、加强舆情监控和准确发现热点具有重要作用。针对以前传播效果研究中未考虑用户个体差异的问题,提出一种基于行为分析的微博转发规模和传播深度预测方法。从微博用户自身、用户关系和微博内容3个方面提取9个相关特征,结合逻辑回归(LR)方法提出一种转发行为预测模型,并基于此模型结合信息沿用户传播特点,通过逐级对相邻用户迭代统计分析得到转发规模和传播深度预测方法。在新浪微博数据集上的实验结果表明,所提方法对转发规模和传播深度预测的正确率分别约为87.1%和81.6%,能较好地预测出信息传播效果。  相似文献   

微博转发预测是研究信息传播的关键问题之一,对于舆情监控、广告投放、商业决策具有重要意义。用户兴趣、微博作者影响力及微博内容等信息均影响信息传播过程。转发行为预测的挑战性问题在于如何捕获更多有意义的影响因素以提高预测性能。提出基于混合特征学习的转发预测方法,该方法首先引入并分析了局部社会影响力特征、用户特征、微博内容特征的计算方法;接着,基于分类器建立预测模型;最后,比较了不同类型微博的转发预测效果。在新浪微博平台数据的实验结果表明,局部社会影响力特征、用户特征、微博内容特征都对转发预测有较大影响,其中微博内容特征的影响最大。随机森林预测效果最好,准确率达到83.1%;与朴素贝叶斯、逻辑回归、支持向量机模型相比,准确率平均提高约7.4%,最高提高约10.8%。另外,该方法对自然灾害、环境、审判、维权等类型的微博进行转发预测时,效果更加明显,说明这类事件转发的规律性更强。  相似文献   

为了评价微博的传播效果, 在分析影响用户转发行为因素的基础上, 提出了采用用户影响力、用户活跃度、兴趣相似度、微博内容重要性和用户亲密程度五项特征进行转发行为预测的SVM算法, 以及基于该算法的转发规模预测算法。最后给出了传播规模预测的评价方法。针对新浪微博用户数据的实验表明, 预测精度达到了86. 63%。  相似文献   

随着网络的飞速发展,微博逐渐成为社交网络中信息传播及信息收集的重要平台,微博转发是微博信息传播的重要途径,研究微博转发问题对微博信息传播、微博营销、舆情监控有着极其重要的意义.影响微博转发的主要因素有:粉丝兴趣与微博文本的相似度,微博营销策略及用户粉丝数量的变化.以往的预测模型没有综合考虑这两方面因素,基于此,提出了一种基于循环神经网络的方法来对微博转发量级进行预测,首先利用SIM-LSTM模型构建微博转发趋势度,然后再利用TF-IDF构建粉丝兴趣和微博文本的相似度,最后通过神经网络模型来预测粉丝是否会转发该微博.实验结果表明本文提出的算法相对于其他预测算法F1评估值提高了近5%.  相似文献   

针对微博平台上的垃圾用户甄别问题,本文提出了基于微博重复发送行为的垃圾用户行为建模和甄别算法。在真实微博垃圾用户数据分析的基础上,本建模方法综合考虑了微博垃圾用户的行为信息、社交网络信息和文本信息,从不同的角度对垃圾用户进行了分析和建模。在真实数据集上的实验证明了方法的有效性,并且对模型中若干参数进行了优化,同时也分析了垃圾用户行为信息、社交网络信息和文本信息对模型的影响程度。  相似文献   

在线社会网络中信息的传播路径包含着用户对内容、来源等的偏好信息,研究运用信息的传播路径来预测用户信息分享行为的方法。基于传播路径的信息过滤能力研究了信息在网络中的传播过程和信息传播路径的转换方法。运用基于关联规则的分类算法对在线社会网络中的信息分享行为进行预测。以新浪微博为例对微博用户的转发行为进行了预测,结果表明该方法对在线社会网络中的活跃用户的信息分享行为的预测具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

潘文雯  赵洲  俞俊  吴飞 《自动化学报》2021,47(11):2547-2556
转发预测在社交媒体网站(Social media sites, SMS)中是一个很有挑战性的问题. 本文研究了SMS中的图像转发预测问题, 预测用户再次转发图像推特的图像共享行为. 与现有的研究不同, 本文首先提出异构图像转发建模网络(Image retweet modeling, IRM), 所利用的是用户之前转发图像推特中的相关内容、之后在SMS中的联系和被转发者的偏好三方面的内容. 在此基础上, 提出文本引导的多模态神经网络, 构建新型多方面注意力排序网络学习框架, 从而学习预测任务中的联合图像推特表征和用户偏好表征. 在Twitter的大规模数据集上进行的大量实验表明, 我们的方法较之现有的解决方案而言取得了更好的效果.  相似文献   

周先亭  黄文明  邓珍荣 《计算机科学》2017,44(7):191-196, 220
针对目前微博转发行为预测具有的特征选择任意性、准确率不高的问题,提出了融合异常检测与随机森林的微博转发行为预测方法。首先,提取用户基本特征、博文基本特征、博文内容主题特征,并基于相对熵计算用户活跃度、博文影响力;其次,通过结合过滤式与封装式特征选择方法筛选出关键特征组;最后,融合异常检测与随机森林算法,依据筛选后的关键特征组进行微博转发行为预测,并利用袋外数据误差估计设置随机森林中的决策树和特征数。在真实新浪微博数据集上与基于逻辑回归、决策树、朴素贝叶斯、随机森林等算法的微博转发行为预测方法进行实验对比,结果表明所提方法的预测准确率(90.5%) 高于基准方法中最优的随机森林方法的预测准确率,同时验证了特征筛选方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The problem of assessing the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of virality of social network posts is of great value for many activities, such as advertising and viral marketing, influencing and promoting, early monitoring and emergency response. Among the several social networks, Twitter.com is one of the most effective in propagating information in real time, and the propagation effectiveness of a post (i.e., tweet) is related to the number of times the tweet has been retweeted. Different models have been proposed in the literature to understand the retweet proneness of a tweet (tendency or inclination of a tweet to be retweeted). In this paper, a further step is presented, thus several features extracted from Twitter data have been analyzed to create predictive models, with the aim of predicting the degree of retweeting of tweets (i.e., the number of retweets a given tweet may get). The main goal is to obtain indications about the probable number of retweets a tweet may obtain from the social network. In the paper, the usage of the classification trees with recursive partitioning procedure for prediction has been proposed and the obtained results have been compared, in terms of accuracy and processing time, with respect to other methods. The Twitter data employed for the proposed study have been collected by using the Twitter Vigilance study and research platform of DISIT Lab in the last 18 months. The work has been developed in the context of smart city projects of the European Commission RESOLUTE H2020, in which the capacity of communicating information is fundamental for advertising, promoting alerts of civil protection, etc.  相似文献   

Social media platforms such as Twitter are becoming increasingly mainstream which provides valuable user-generated information by publishing and sharing contents. Identifying interesting and useful contents from large text-streams is a crucial issue in social media because many users struggle with information overload. Retweeting as a forwarding function plays an important role in information propagation where the retweet counts simply reflect a tweet’s popularity. However, the main reason for retweets may be limited to personal interests and satisfactions. In this paper, we use a topic identification as a proxy to understand a large number of tweets and to score the interestingness of an individual tweet based on its latent topics. Our assumption is that fascinating topics generate contents that may be of potential interest to a wide audience. We propose a novel topic model called Trend Sensitive-Latent Dirichlet Allocation (TS-LDA) that can efficiently extract latent topics from contents by modeling temporal trends on Twitter over time. The experimental results on real world data from Twitter demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms several other baseline methods.  相似文献   

With the popular of online social network, the studies of information diffusion on social media also become very attractive direction. Knowing the influence of users and being able to predict it can be very helpful in enhancing or controlling the information diffusion process, where the identification of influential spreaders in online social network is very critical. In this paper, a novel method called SIRank is proposed to measure the spread influence of users in microblog, considering the user interaction features, retweet intervals, location of users in information cascades and other relevant features. By quantifying cascade structure influence and user interaction influence on information diffusion, the proposed methods uses random walk on microblog network, successfully ranked the users’ spread influence. Experiments were conducted on an anonymous real microblog dataset, the results shown that our method can efficiently measure the users’ spread influence, and perform better in both coverage and prediction comparison than other ranking methods.  相似文献   

转发是微博提供的一个信息传播的机制,用户能够将关注者发布的有趣微博转发到自身平台,然后分享给追随者,是微博网络中信息传播最重要的功能。对于微博网络存在的不同类型连接关系,首先提取出相关特征,如同质性、微网络结构、地理距离以及用户性别等,用于识别连接关系的不同类型,然后采用Log-linear模型来拟合各个特征间系数,基于这些系数对微博用户转发行为形成的内在原因进行了分析。  相似文献   


Twitter has become a popular microblogging service that allows millions of active users share news, emergent social events, personal opinions, etc. That leads to a large amount of data producing every day and the problem of managing tweets becomes extremely difficult. To categorize the tweets and make easily in searching, the users can use the hashtags embedding in their tweets. However, valid hashtags are not restricted which lead to a very heterogeneous set of hashtags created on Twitter, increasing the difficulty of tweet categorization. In this paper, we propose a hashtag recommendation method based on analyzing the content of tweets, user characteristics, and currently popular hashtags on Twitter. The proposed method uses personal profiles of the users to discover the relevant hashtags. First, a combination of tweet contents and user characteristics is used to find the top-k similar tweets. We exploit the content of historical tweets, used hashtags, and the social interaction to build the user profiles. The user characteristics can help to find the close users and enhance the accuracy of finding the similar tweets to extract the hashtag candidates. Then a set of hashtag candidates is ranked based on their popularity in long and short periods. The experiments on tweet data showed that the proposed method significantly improves the performance of hashtag recommendation systems.  相似文献   

By revealing potential relationships between users, link prediction has long been considered as a fundamental research issue in singed social networks. The key of link prediction is to measure the similarity between users. Existing works use connections between target users or their common neighbors to measure user similarity. Rich information available for link prediction is missing since use similarity is widely influenced by many users via social connections. We therefore propose a novel graph kernel based link prediction method, which predicts links by comparing user similarity via signed social network’s structural information: we first generate a set of subgraphs with different strength of social relations for each user, then calculate the graph kernel similarities between subgraphs, in which Bhattacharyya kernel is used to measure the similarity of the k-dimensional Gaussian distributions related to each k-order Krylov subspace generated for each subgraph, and finally train SVM classifier with user similarity information to predict links. Experiments held on real application datasets show that our proposed method has good link prediction performances on both positive and negative link prediction. Our method has significantly higher link prediction accuracy and F1-score than existing works.  相似文献   

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