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陈恺成  田于杰  李飞  吴昊  王维 《化工学报》2020,71(7):3018-3030
流化床的设计、放大和优化需要对流域有基础的认识,然而气固系统的流域划分至今仍存在诸多争议。总结了气固流化系统流域划分的研究现状,并分析了流域划分的主要争议,发现文献中对快速床的界定存在分歧。通过耦合基于稳态EMMS的曳力模型开展双流体模拟,对不同气速和颗粒浓度下的循环流化床进行了数值研究。模拟结果捕捉到了颗粒回流、节涌等现象,据此确定了快速床的操作边界并绘制了流域图,该流域图能够展示循环床中的各流域形态。  相似文献   

双分散气固鼓泡流化床中颗粒通常具有不同粒径或密度,导致产生颗粒偏析等现象,影响传递和反应行为。颗粒分离和混合与气泡运动密不可分,其中相间曳力起关键作用。最近Ahmad等提出了一种基于气泡结构的双分散介尺度曳力模型,能成功预测双分散鼓泡流化床的床层膨胀系数。本研究耦合该曳力模型与连续介质方法,模拟了两种不同的双分散鼓泡流化床,通过分析不同流化状态下的气泡运动、颗粒浓度比的轴向分布等参数,进一步检验模型的适用性。研究表明,当双分散颗粒处于完全流化状态时,耦合双分散介尺度曳力模型可合理预测不同颗粒的分离现象;而其处于过渡流化状态时,新曳力模型和传统模型均无法获得合理结果,此时调节固固曳力可改进模拟结果。  相似文献   

胡善伟  刘新华 《化工学报》2022,73(6):2514-2528
气固流化床反应器是典型的具有多尺度非均匀动态结构的复杂系统。实现对该类反应器定量描述和定向调控的关键是深入了解系统内介尺度结构的形成和演化特征。能量最小多尺度(EMMS)方法为气固非均匀系统的量化表征提供了一种通用的建模思路。首先回顾了EMMS理论在构建曳力本构关系方面的应用,重点介绍了本课题组在EMMS曳力模型普适化方面所做的部分工作;随后对介尺度结构时空动态演化行为的群平衡建模方法进行了论述,并给出了群平衡和结构曳力模型相耦合的连续介质模拟框架;最后讨论了EMMS原理在预测反应器宏尺度动力学方面的应用,包括模型在不同流域的拓展、操作相图的绘制以及循环流化床的全回路稳态建模方法等。  相似文献   

管小平  杨宁 《化工学报》2022,73(6):2427-2437
介尺度结构和介尺度机制是化工、冶金、能源等过程工程中的重要科学问题。尽管多相流数理模型在过去的几十年中已取得长足进展,但仍存在准确性依赖可调参数、模型适用性有限、计算量大等问题,难以适应当前快速发展的新工艺和新过程开发的需求。实际上,基于平均化方法的多流体方程组需要若干子模型封闭,如相间作用力、聚并/破碎核函数以及湍流模型等;这些子模型决定了多流体模型的模拟准确性。从介科学角度发展介尺度物理模型为解决这些问题提供了新的思路。模型可以解析多相流非均匀结构演化的控制机制,进而改进或重构子模型。总结了基于介尺度稳定条件的两类介尺度封闭模型:一类用于封闭相间动量传递,如介尺度曳力;另一类用于封闭离散相特征参数的演化,如介尺度群体平衡模型,计算气泡或液滴尺寸。进而综述了这些模型在流化床、鼓泡塔、气升式环流反应器、搅拌槽、转定子乳化器等多相流设备中的应用,并展望了未来发展方向和关键科学问题。  相似文献   

刘岑凡  张楠  王维 《化工学报》2018,69(5):2057-2062
气固鼓泡床是一个流动、传热/传质和反应多尺度时空耦合的复杂系统。其中介尺度流动结构(如气泡)对于气固相间传递起着关键性的作用。为了准确描述气固流态化系统中的“三传一反”行为,需要在合理物理简化的基础上建立介尺度模型。提出了基于气泡结构的多流体反应模型,考虑了介尺度非均匀结构对于鼓泡床内气固相间反应的影响;定义了基于气泡的反应非均匀因子修正双流体(TFM)传质反应模型,从而使模型更加易用。通过鼓泡床内的臭氧催化分解反应模拟,对模型进行了初步验证,模拟结果与文献结果相符。  相似文献   

提出了同时描述鼓泡塔宏观流动及气泡尾涡小尺度湍动的双尺度流体力学模型,其中大尺度剪切流通过经典k-ε模型描述,而小尺度尾涡湍动则由"尾涡温度"传输方程确定。通过在运动方程添加"尾涡压力"源项,构建大小双尺度流体运动的相互作用,解释鼓泡塔内含率非均匀分布的机制。模型将鼓泡塔内的能量耗散分解3种作用机制:大尺度剪切流引起湍动耗散;小尺度尾涡湍动耗散;尾涡与壁面作用的能量耗散,较好地解决了现有鼓泡塔模型能量不守恒问题。模型计算稳定性高,模拟结果与实验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

S-zorb吸附脱硫工艺技术是生产超低硫含量汽油的关键技术。目前,S-zorb湍动床反应器内的细粉夹带严重,容易堵塞其顶部过滤器,是影响反应器使用寿命和工艺流程运行周期的主要原因。因此,深入研究其反应器内的吸附剂颗粒和细粉颗粒的运动行为对优化反应器和提升工艺运行效率非常重要。本研究采用多尺度计算流体力学方法对双分散颗粒S-zorb湍动床反应器进行了模拟研究,考察了减少细粉夹带的优化方案。首先,比较了不同非均匀EMMS-bubbling曳力模型和EMMS-ANN模型对双分散颗粒运动行为的影响,发现采用上述两个模型都能合理预测吸附剂颗粒的流动行为和浓度分布,但EMMS-ANN模型对细粉颗粒的夹带量预测与工厂实验值的偏差大于前者。考察了一系列设计改造方案对减少细粉夹带的影响,结果表明,适当增大沉降段圆柱高度和半径以及增设固相出口横管都有助于减少细粉夹带,其中在反应区和沉降段之间的过渡区增设固相出口横管以及增大沉降段半径的方案对减少细粉夹带最有效。研究结果将有助于S-zorb工艺的进一步优化和升级。  相似文献   

耦合EMMS曳力与简化双流体模型的气固流动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
邱小平  王利民  杨宁 《化工学报》2018,69(5):1867-1872
提出了一种耦合EMMS曳力的简化双流体模型,该模型忽略固相黏度,用简单的经验关联式来计算固相压力,并且耦合考虑了介尺度结构的EMMS曳力模型来计算气固相间作用力。采用简化双流体模型成功模拟一个三维实验室尺度鼓泡流化床,数值模拟结果与完整双流体模型以及实验测量结果进行了比较,结果表明耦合EMMS曳力的简化双流体模型模拟结果与完整双流体模型耦合EMMS曳力的模拟结果基本相当,并且都与实验结果吻合良好,然而简化双流体模型的计算速度是完整双流体模型的两倍以上。这表明曳力模型在气固模拟中起着主导作用,而固相应力的作用是其次的,耦合EMMS曳力的简化双流体模型在实现工业规模气固反应器快速模拟中具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

提出了同时描述鼓泡塔宏观流动及气泡尾涡小尺度湍动的双尺度流体力学模型,其中大尺度剪切流通过经典k-ε模型描述,而小尺度尾涡湍动则由“尾涡温度”传输方程确定。通过在运动方程添加“尾涡压力”源项,构建大小双尺度流体运动的相互作用,解释鼓泡塔内含率非均匀分布的机制。模型将鼓泡塔内的能量耗散分解3种作用机制:大尺度剪切流引起湍动耗散;小尺度尾涡湍动耗散;尾涡与壁面作用的能量耗散,较好地解决了现有鼓泡塔模型能量不守恒问题。模型计算稳定性高,模拟结果与实验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

吴迎亚  彭丽  高金森  蓝兴英 《化工学报》2016,67(8):3259-3267
基于EMMS曳力模型,采用双流体的方法对气固鼓泡床内的气固流动特性进行模拟,建立基于图像处理气泡特性的分析方法,重点研究了不同表观气速下气泡在床层内分布特性,包括气泡平均当量直径、气泡速度和气泡球形度的轴向分布,以及气泡的生命周期。研究结果表明,小气泡多集中在床层底部和壁面区域,而大气泡多集中在床层中间区域。随着表观气速的增加,床层高度不断增加,气泡的球形度降低,气泡的大小、出现频率、上升速度以及生命周期均增加;然而,当表观气速增大到一定程度,继续增加气速对气泡的上升速度影响不大。  相似文献   

Mesoscale bubbles exist inherently in bubbling fluidized beds and hence should be considered in the constitutive modeling of the drag force. The energy minimization multiscale bubbling(EMMS/bubbling) drag model takes the effects of mesoscale structures(i.e., bubbles) into the modeling of drag coefficient and thus improves the coarse-grid simulation of bubbling and turbulent fluidized beds. However, its dependence on the bubble diameter correlation has not been thoroughly investigated. The hydrod...  相似文献   

The EMMS/bubbling model originally proposed for fluidization of monodisperse particles is extended to fluidization of binary particle mixture in this study. The dense and dilute phases are considered to comprise of two types of particles differing in size and/or density. Governing equations and the stability condition are then formulated and solved by using an optimization numerical scheme. The effects of bubble diameter are first investigated and a suitable bubble diameter correlation is chosen. Preliminary validation for steady state behavior shows the extended model can fairly capture the overall hydrodynamic behaviors in terms of volume fraction of bubbles and average bed voidage for both monodisperse and binary particle systems. This encourages us to integrate this model with CFD for more validations in the future.  相似文献   

Nonspherical particles are commonly found when processing biomass or municipal solid waste. In this study, cylindrical particles are used as generic nonspherical particles and are co-fluidized with small spherical particles. X-ray particle tracking velocimetry is used to track the three-dimensional particle position and velocity of a single tagged cylindrical particle over a long time period in the binary fluidized bed. The effects of superficial gas velocity (u f), cylindrical particle mass fraction (α), particle sphericity (Φ), and bed material size on the cylindrical tracer particle location and velocity are investigated. Overall, the cylindrical particles are found in the near-wall region more often than in the bed center region. Increasing the superficial gas velocity u f provide a slight improvement in the uniformity of the vertical and horizontal distributions. Increasing the cylindrical particle mass fraction α causes the bed mixing conditions to transition from complete mixing into partial mixing. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 65: 520–535, 2019  相似文献   

A particle-to-particle collisional heat transfer model in the frame of Eulerian-Eulerian approach was proposed in this paper. By incorporating it into the multi-fluid model to close the enthalpy equations, the heat transfer between different particle classes in a gas bubbling fluidized bed of binary mixture was investigated, based on the CFD simulations of particle mixing in literature (Cooper and Coronella, 2005). The results showed that the particle-to-particle heat exchange coefficient between different particle classes increases with increasing the size of large particle class and the superficial gas velocity. The ratios of the particle-to-particle heat transfer to the gas-to-particle heat transfer range from 8.04% to 15.0% for various calculating conditions. In order to better understand the heat transfer behavior in a dense gas-solid fluidized of binary mixture, it is important to take the particle-to-particle heat transfer into account.  相似文献   

A multi-fluid Eularian CFD model with closure relationships according to the kinetic theory of granular flow has been applied to study the motions of particles in the gas bubbling fluidized bed with the binary mixtures. The mutual interactions between the gas and particles and the collisions among particles were taken into account. Simulated results shown that the hydrodynamics of gas bubbling fluidized bed related with the distribution of particle sizes and the amount of energy dissipated in particle-particle interaction. In order to obtain realistic bed dynamics from fundamental hydrodynamic models, it is important to correctly take the effect of particle size distribution and energy dissipation due to non-ideal particle-particle interactions into account.  相似文献   

Flow behavior of small and big particles with the same particle density in a bubbling fluidized bed is modeled by a combined approach of discrete particle method and computational fluid dynamics (CFD-DPM). The collision time of a collision pair is computed by a quartic equation in which the effect of acceleration due to the different diameters is considered. A transport energy weighted averaging approach is proposed to determine the local gas velocity at a particle. The fluidization behavior of binary mixture differing in size is experimentally and numerically studied in the gas bubbling fluidized bed. The distributions of mass fraction of small and big particles along the bed height are simulated, and the profiles of the mean particle diameters of binary mixture are determined. The numerical results are in agreement with experimental data. The distributions of granular temperature, stresses, and shear viscosities of small and big particles are compared.  相似文献   

Recently, tapered fluidized bed has become more attractive because of the problems associated with conventional (cylindrical) beds like fluidization of widely distributed particles, entrainment of particles and limitation of fluidization velocity. There have been some investigations on hydrodynamics of uniform single size particles but there have been no detailed studies of homogeneous binary mixture of particles of different sizes and different particles in tapered beds. In the present work, an attempt has been made to study the hydrodynamic characteristics of homogeneous binary mixture of irregular particles in tapered beds having different tapered angles. Correlations have been developed for important characteristics, especially critical fluidization velocities and maximum bed pressure drops of homogeneous binary mixture of irregular particles in gas-solid tapered fluidized beds. Experimental values of critical fluidization velocities and maximum bed pressure drops have been compared with the developed correlations.  相似文献   

The solid circulation pattern, the voidage profile, and the jet penetration height have been investigated experimentally and computationally in a cold-flow model of jetting fluidized beds (JFBs) of a binary mixture in this paper. This rectangular two-dimensional bed is 0.30 m wide and 2.05 m high with a central jet and a conical distributor, which roughly stands for the ash-agglomerating fluidized-bed coal gasifier. A video camera and coloured particle tracer method were employed to explore the fluid dynamics in the bed. In terms of the average physical properties of binary mixtures, a hydrodynamic model describing the gas-solid flow characteristics in a jetting bed is resolved by using a modified Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equation (SIMPLE) algorithm. This paper focuses on three features of the fluid dynamics—solid circulation pattern, voidage profile, and jet penetration height. The solid circulation pattern is composed of three regions: the jetting region, the bubble street, and the annular region. Above the central nozzle the time-averaged isoporosity contours are almost elliptic, while near the walls of the bed, the voidage in high solid concentration region is approximately equal to that at the minimum fluidization state. The jet penetration height increases with increasing jet gas velocity and with decreasing average particle diameter. The increase in weight percentage of the lighter component in the binary system reveals that reduction of average density causes the enlargement of jet penetration height. The simulated results show good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

For the magnetized fluidized bed(MFB)with the binary mixture of Geldart-B magnetizable and nonmagnetizable particles,the magnetically induced segregation between these two kinds of particles occurs at high magnetic field intensities(H),leading to the deterioration of the fluidization quality.The critical intensity(H_(ms))above which such segregation commences varies with the gas velocity(U_g).This work focuses on establishing a segregation model to theoretically derive the H_(ms)–U_g relationship.In a magnetic field,the magnetizable particles form agglomerates.The magnetically induced segregation in essence refers to the size segregation of the binary mixture of agglomerates and nonmagnetizable particles.Consequently,the segregation model was established in two steps:first,the size of agglomerates(d_A)was calculated by the force balance model;then,the H_(ms)–U_g relationship was obtained by substituting the expression of d_Ainto the basic size segregation model for binary mixtures.As per the force balance model,the cohesive and collision forces were 1_2 orders of magnitude greater than the other forces exerted on the agglomerates.Therefore,the balance between these two forces largely determined d_A.The calculated d_A increased with increasing H and decreasing U_g,agreeing qualitatively with the experimental observation.The calculated H_(ms)–U_ g relationship agreed reasonably with the experimental data,indicating that the present segregation model could predict well the segregation behavior in the MFB with the binary mixture.  相似文献   

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